Papers by Wellington Hannibal

Revista de Biologia Neotropical / Journal of Neotropical Biology, Jan 12, 2024
Cytogenetics is an effective tool for identifying species of mammals, especially rodents, and for... more Cytogenetics is an effective tool for identifying species of mammals, especially rodents, and for understanding evolutionary relationships and conserving several taxa of the group. In vivo protocols are useful due to their low cost, but they present methodological divergence and need to be frequently adjusted. In this study, we present a method for the cytogenetic analysis of small mammals from femoral bone marrow, demonstrating the importance of this standardization compared to other approaches. We applied the technique of Ford and Hamerton (1956) with updates: 1) adjustment of the quantities and concentrations of solutions used (colchicine and hypotonic solution); 2) detailed description of the steps; 3) use of centrifugation as a separation method; 4) addition of a slide mounting procedure, which improves visualization of metaphases. Six cytogenetic protocols were compared in important stages of sample preparation. There was a difference in the concentration of the colchicine solutions between all the methods, and between the solution's action time (from 15 minutes to 6 hours), crucial stages for condensing the chromosomes and generating good metaphases. In this way, we highlight that the methodology presented in our study contributes to the standardization of an in vivo cytogenetic protocol suitable for small mammals, which makes it possible to take advantage of the material and reduce the number of animals sacrificed for methodology adjustments, generating viable samples from the very first attempts.

Research Square (Research Square), Jun 14, 2023
Diversity can be partitioned into several components and dimensions that are affected in differen... more Diversity can be partitioned into several components and dimensions that are affected in different ways by habitat loss and fragmentation. However, these partitions and dimensions are rarely investigated in human-modi ed landscapes. In this study, we investigated different partitions (Hill numbers) and dimensions (taxonomic [TβD], functional [FβD] and phylogenetic [PβD]) of small mammal β-diversity in a fragmented landscape of central Brazil using a multi-scale approach. TβD was estimated considering rare, common and abundant species. Tolerance to disturbed habitat, assessed via the traits "habitat use", "tail length" and "use of vertical strata", and trophic guild, de ned by "diet", were used to estimate FβD. PβD was based on phylogenetic relatedness of the sampled species. The association between different partitions and dimensions of β-diversity and habitat and landscape attributes was investigated using Mantel tests. We found a signi cant positive effect of geographical distance on all partitions and dimensions of β-diversity. Canopy cover were positively associated with abundance-based TβD, FβD and PβD. While, forest area and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were associated with PβD and FβD, respectively. Our ndings support the hypothesis that even in a highly modi ed landscape, small mammal's β-diversity is determined by different environmental factors and geographical distance of forest patches. However, the relatively higher importance of distance appears to be related to dispersal limitation of this group.

Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais, Sep 15, 2020
Trends in scientific publication on ethnozoology: Brazil's highlight in international science We ... more Trends in scientific publication on ethnozoology: Brazil's highlight in international science We investigate the trends of the scientific publication on ethno-zoological studies by using the word 'Ethnozoology' in the Web of Science database. We associate the number of published documents with the timescale, publication sources, countries and affiliations, authors, and most frequent words in the publications. We found 177 documents published between 1967 and 2019, with a significant increase over the last 10 years. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge hosted 39% of the publications. Brazil represented by the Universities: Paraíba State, Paraíba Federal and Pernambuco Rural Federal led 44% of the publications. Alves RRN was the most prominent author, maintaining a high index of publications since 2005. Conservation, animals, knowledge, remedies, fishing communities and folk medicine were the most frequent words in the publications. Despite, ethnozoology to be a traditional science, with more than 50 years since its first published study; Scientific knowledge about ethnozoology has been concentrated in the last 10 years, being mainly developed by Brazilians, who have published in international impact journals. The most relevant words demonstrated that knowledge about the use of animals as fishing resources and folk medicine has major implications for the conservation of biodiversity.
Journal of Mammalogy, Nov 15, 2018
Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada [NDVI]) e composição da paisagem (área total do núc... more Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada [NDVI]) e composição da paisagem (área total do núcleo-uma medida da cobertura florestal). Nossas descobertas evidenciam a limitada capacidade de dispersão de pequenos mamíferos e a importância da qualidade do habitat nas escalas de habitat e de mancha, e disponibilidade de habitat em escala de paisagem para a composição de pequenos mamíferos. Este estudo destaca a importância da abordagem em multi-escala para entender a estrutura da comunidade em uma paisagem humana alterada.
Mammalogy notes, Jul 15, 2021
Litter size and reproductive conditions are important in natural history. However, this informati... more Litter size and reproductive conditions are important in natural history. However, this information is scarce in scientific literature. Here, we presented litter size data for eight small mammal species (four marsupials and four rodents) and investigated the reproductive conditions of three small rodent species in the transition between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado in central Brazil. We counted the number of young born, the number of embryos found in the uterus, and recorded the presence of well-developed teats and evident scrotum to evaluate the reproductive condition. The litter sizes ranged from one (Oecomys bicolor) to 11 (Gracilinanus agilis and Marmosa murina). We did not find evidence of reproductive seasonality. The pattern found here is similar to other studies carried out in different locations of South America.
Mammalogy Notes
Litter size and reproductive conditions are important in natural history. However, this informati... more Litter size and reproductive conditions are important in natural history. However, this information is scarce in scientific literature. Here, we presented litter size data for eight small mammal species (four marsupials and four rodents) and investigated the reproductive conditions of three small rodent species in the transition between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado in central Brazil. We counted the number of young born, the number of embryos found in the uterus, and recorded the presence of well-developed teats and evident scrotum to evaluate the reproductive condition. The litter sizes ranged from one (Oecomys bicolor) to 11 (Gracilinanus agilis and Marmosa murina). We did not find evidence of reproductive seasonality. The pattern found here is similar to other studies carried out in different locations of South America.
Mastozoología neotropical, 2016
Population fluctuations of small tropical mammals are often related to temporal and environmental... more Population fluctuations of small tropical mammals are often related to temporal and environmental variations in resource availability. Here, we aim to associ...

Check List
Protected areas are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity, but we know little about local... more Protected areas are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity, but we know little about local biodiversity in these areas. In this study, we describe the composition and structure of the non-volant mammal community in the Serra da Fortaleza Wildlife Refuge in southern Goiás state, central Brazil. We distributed 20 hexagons (~57 ha each), 10 in the protected area and 10 in its surroundings. We collected data on composition, richness, and abundance of non-volant mammals using live and pitfall traps, camera traps, and active searching. We recorded 39 species (five threatened) of non-volant mammals. The use of diverse sampling methods allowed for a com-prehensive depiction of mammal diversity and composition, lead to the discovery of new species records for the region, including Marmosa limae Thomas, 1920, Cerradomys scotti (Langguth & Bonvicino, 2002), Hylaeamys megacephalus (G. Fischer, 1814), and Tayassu pecari (Link, 1795). We emphasize the importance of protected areas for the ...
We describe a bycatch event of an individual of Rhipidomys cf. macrurus in a mist-net during a ch... more We describe a bycatch event of an individual of Rhipidomys cf. macrurus in a mist-net during a chiroptera survey carried out in the Conservation Unit National Forest Silvânia, Silvânia municipality, Goias, Brazil. Catching animals other than birds and bats in mist-nets is exceptional, so our record is one of the few reported in the literature and involving a rodent. Presumable the individual became entangled while foraging in the vegetation surrounding the mis-net.

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais
Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is a communal breeder bird species displaying a diversified diet. In t... more Guira cuckoo (Guira guira) is a communal breeder bird species displaying a diversified diet. In this study, we report the first published predation event of a rodent by Guira cuckoo in Brazil. We searched for vertebrate predation by this bird species in Brazilian domains in the following databases: Google Scholar, SciELO, Scopus and Web of Science. We recorded the rodent predation event in a landscape composed of pasture and gallery forest in Campo Grande municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul, central-west Brazil. The predated rodent is a vesper mouse, Calomys sp. We found 19 vertebrate species predated by the Guira cuckoo, distributed in all Brazilian domains, within the orders: Anura (5 species), Passeriformes (1), Squamata (12), and Rodentia (1 - present study). Our result contributes to the natural history of the Guira cuckoo, and highlights that this cuckoo bird displays a generalist diet, feeding on a diversity of vertebrate species.

Diversity can be partitioned in several components and dimensions that are affected in different ... more Diversity can be partitioned in several components and dimensions that are affected in different ways by habitat loss and fragmentation. However, these partitions and dimensions are rarely investigated on human-modified landscapes. In this study, we investigated different partitions (Hill numbers) and dimensions (taxonomic [TβD], functional [FβD] and phylogenetic [PβD]) of small mammal β-diversity in a fragmented landscape of central Brazil using a multi-scale approach. TβD was estimated considering rare, common and abundant species. Tolerance to disturbed habitat, assessed via the traits “habitat use”, “tail length” and “use of vertical strata”, and trophic guild, defined by the “diet”, were used to estimate FβD. PβD was based on phylogenetic relatedness of the sampled species. The association between different partitions and dimensions of β-diversity with habitat and landscape attributes were investigated using Mantel tests. We found a significant positive effect of geographical d...

Brazilian Journal of Development
Estudos com aves urbanas são escassos em municípios goianos. Assim, analisamos a estrutura avifau... more Estudos com aves urbanas são escassos em municípios goianos. Assim, analisamos a estrutura avifaunística em 11 praças públicas na malha urbana de Iporá. Registramos os dados mensalmente, entre julho de 2019 a junho de 2020, totalizando 11 turnos. O método empregado para obtenção dos dados foi a contagem por pontos, sendo registrados um total de 63 espécies. A riqueza estimada segundo Jackniffe1 e as curvas acumulativas assintóticas, para todos os dados e cada praça separadamente, demonstraram que o número de espécies foi satisfatoriamente obtido. As categorias de ocorrência para o total de dados e cada praça isoladamente evidenciou um predomínio de espécies residentes e prováveis residentes. As categorias tróficas mais representativas foram insetívoros, frugívoros e onívoros, para o total de dados e cada praça separadamente. A análise de Escalonamento Multidimensional Não-Métrico (NMDS) indicou o número de árvores como única variável ambiental com influência positiva e significativa...

Research, Society and Development
O filo Basidiomycota representa um dos grupos de fungos de maior diversidade. Neste filo a ordem ... more O filo Basidiomycota representa um dos grupos de fungos de maior diversidade. Neste filo a ordem Agaricales possui grande valor ecológico e econômico. No entanto, esta ordem é pouco estudada no Brasil. Assim, numa tentativa de contribuir com o conhecimento científico acerca deste táxon, neste estudo avaliamos as tendências e lacunas da produção científica sobre Agaricales. Buscamos por estudos sobre Agaricales no Brasil, publicados no período de 1980 a 2020, por meio das bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus, usando as seguintes combinações de palavras e indexadores booleanos: Agaricales OR Agaric* AND Brazil*. Encontramos um total de 824 documentos sobre Agaricales no Brasil no período avaliado, com aumento do número de estudos associados à escala temporal. Nas regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Sul do país estão os maiores centros de produção científica sobre Agaricales, com destaque para as Universidades Federais de Minas Gerais, de Pernambuco e do Paraná, as quais dispõem de maiores e...
Figure 2. (A) Estimated number of trees (<20 cm diameter breast height) and number of shrubs; ... more Figure 2. (A) Estimated number of trees (<20 cm diameter breast height) and number of shrubs; (B) canopy cover and canopy height in five fragments of woodland savannah in southwestern Brazil. Notes: Black squares, trees; open triangles, shrubs; open squares, canopy cover; black triangles, canopy height; numbers in parentheses are related to smaller and larger remnant units respectively for a given size category.

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi - Ciências Naturais, 2022
A ordem Rodentia representa aproximadamente 39% da diversidade mundial de mamíferos, sendo que pa... more A ordem Rodentia representa aproximadamente 39% da diversidade mundial de mamíferos, sendo que para o Brasil são reconhecidos atualmente 76 gêneros e 263 espécies. Para a Bacia do Alto Paraguai (BAP), foi registrada a ocorrência de 42 espécies, distribuídas em oito famílias: Sciuridae (2 gêneros, 2 espécies), Cricetidae (15, 27), Caviidae (3, 3), Ctenomyidae (1, 1), Cuniculidae (1, 1), Dasyproctidae (1, 1), Erethizontidae (1, 1) e Echimyidae (5, 6). Dentre as espécies registradas na BAP, duas foram recentemente descritas, Akodon kadiweu e Oecomys matogrossensis, uma revalidada em nível de espécie, Coendou boliviensis, e três são alvo de caça, Cuniculus paca, Dasyprocta azarae e Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. A proposta deste artigo foi fazer um levantamento de todas as espécies de roedores registradas na BAP até o presente momento, trazendo, na medida da disponibilidade de dados, a descrição morfológica de cada uma das 42 espécies, bem como a comparação com espécies congêneres ou asseme...
Brazilian Journal of Mammalogy, 2021
O aumento da descrição de novas espécies de mamíferos é notório mundialmente e o Brasil segue ess... more O aumento da descrição de novas espécies de mamíferos é notório mundialmente e o Brasil segue essa tendência. Nessa perspectiva, o comitê de coleções zoológicas instaurado pela SBMz listou 58 coleções, que configuram uma ferramenta base na descrição da diversidade de mamíferos brasileiros. A CMUEG conta com 126 exemplares, 41 espécies, 38 gêneros, 15 famílias e 9 ordens de mamíferos não voadores de pequeno, médio e grande porte. Entre os tipos de registro temos os fotográficos, e os de pele e crânio. Esperamos contribuir local e nacionalmente com a CMUEG, e assim captar recursos para sua manutenção.

Research, Society and Development
Urban remnants have been home to large groups of marmosets. However, ecological information about... more Urban remnants have been home to large groups of marmosets. However, ecological information about black-tufted marmosets, Callithrix penicillata (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812) on urban areas are scant in the scientific literature. Here, we investigated the distribution, interaction with residents, activity pattern and diet of C. penicillata in an urban area in central Brazil. We used direct observation (sightings and scan sampling) and 205 semi-structured interviews to evaluate distribution, interaction and ecological behavior of black-tufted marmosets. Callithrix penicillata occurred throughout the urban area of Quirinópolis municipality, occupying mainly the forest remnants and surrounding gallery forests. Supplementary feeding was the interaction most cited by people. However, C. penicillata spend most of their time in locomotion (35-40%) and resting (30%), and exudates and supplementary foods represented a large part of their diet. We conclude that C. penicillata are well ada...

Mammal Research
Understanding the main patterns that affect biodiversity in local and biogeographic scale is cent... more Understanding the main patterns that affect biodiversity in local and biogeographic scale is central in ecological and conservation studies. Here, we investigated the trappability of small mammals by different methodologies in a fragmented landscape on Atlantic Forest-Cerrado ecotone, and compared the estimated richness and composition of this study community with small mammals surveyed in central Brazil phytogeographic domains. We compared the number of captures between trap type, trap position and the interaction between these variables using a generalized linear mixed model, and compare our findings with those from published data in a radius of 1000 km, using rarefaction and extrapolation methods. Pitfall traps were essential in capturing Monodelphis kunsi, Calomys tener and Oligoryzomys fornesi, whereas wire-cage traps were more efficient on capturing Didelphis albiventris. Calomys expulsus and D. albiventris were significantly more captured in traps on the ground, and Gracilinanus agilis, Marmosa murina, Oecomys bicolor, O. catherinae and Rhipidomys macrurus had more captures in traps on understory. The use of different trap types, mainly pitfall traps, as sampling the vertical strata of habitat, is a good strategy for achieving the completeness sampling of small mammals in the Neotropics. The relative lower small mammal richness in Atlantic Forest-Cerrado ecotone compared to other domains could be explained by the historical higher habitat loss reported for this ecotone zone; thus, we highlight the need of conservation efforts for the preservation of small mammals and else biota that inhabit such type of environment.
Figure 4. Diagram showing non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (Bray-Curtis distance meas... more Figure 4. Diagram showing non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (Bray-Curtis distance measure) results for composition and abundance of small mammals recorded in woodland fragments and gallery forests of south-western Brazil.
Papers by Wellington Hannibal