Papers by Vyacheslav Somsikov

World journal of mechanics, Dec 31, 2022
The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the possibility of constructing the physics of the ev... more The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the possibility of constructing the physics of the evolution of matter based on the fundamental laws of physics. It is shown how this can be done within the framework of an extension of classical mechanics. Its expansion is based on the motion equation of a structured body. The fundamental difference between this equation and Newton's motion equation is that instead of a model of a body in the form of a material point, it uses a structured body in the form of a system of potentially interacting material points. To obtain this equation, the principle of symmetry dualism, new for classical mechanics, was used. According to this principle, the dynamics of a body are determined not only by the symmetries of space, as in the case of a structureless body, but also by its symmetries. Thanks to this derivation of the equation, it takes into account the fact that the work of external forces, in addition to changing the body's motion energy, also changes its internal energy. This change occurs due to the body's motion energy when it moves in a non-uniform field of forces. It is shown why the motion equation of a structured body is irreversible. Its irreversibility made it possible to introduce the concept of D-entropy into extended classical mechanics. It is defined as the value of the relative increase in the body's internal energy due to the motion energy. The relationship between the values of motion energy and D-entropy in the process of matter evolution is considered. It is shown how this connection is realized during the transition from one hierarchical level of matter to the next level. As a result, it was possible to prove that the evolution of the hierarchical structure of matter is characterized by the relationship between D-entropy and the motion energy of elements at each of its hierarchical levels.
Springer proceedings in complexity, 2021
Paper is devoted to explaining the nature of symmetry breaking of dynamical classical and quantum... more Paper is devoted to explaining the nature of symmetry breaking of dynamical classical and quantum systems in the framework of evolutionary physics. A brief explanation of the deterministic mechanism of irreversibility is presented. The nature of the non-potential forces, which leads to symmetry breaking, is analyzed. The concept of evolutionary nonlinearity and the deterministic symmetry breaking based on the motion equation for the structural particle and modified Schrödinger equation is discussed. The nature of the potential, which follows from evolutionary nonlinearity and leads to violation of symmetry in classical and quantum systems, is considered.
Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercia... more Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.

cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the... more cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accordance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intel-lectual property Vyacheslav M. Somsikov. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian. This paper studies the problems of mathemati-cal description of physical processes in open non-equilibrium atmosphere. It is proposed that the mathematical description should be based on the idea that properties of an open system are determined by the properties of its elements and external constraints. It is also explained why atmosphere should be represented by an open non-equilibrium system of gas and radiation. Dif-ference between physical processes in the ab-ove mentioned system and equilibrium atmos-phere is given. The modification of equations of non-equilibrium thermodynamics for a system of gas and radiation is...
13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, 2021
27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, 2021
The large amount of data available for study the ionosphere using the GPS TEC method, as well as ... more The large amount of data available for study the ionosphere using the GPS TEC method, as well as the need to take into account complex atmospheric dynamics, create certain difficulties in automating the process of searching and recognition traveling ionospheric disturbances generated by different sources. To automate the process of detecting wave disturbances, numerical criteria for assessing the level of coherence of the wave disturbance signal are proposed. The signal-to-noise ratio calculated by the proposed method is used as one of such criteria. This work contains description of the developed software system that implements the proposed methodology and allows loading RINEX files, processing, analyzing and visualizing data of full electronic content.
The irreversibility of the dynamics of the conservative systems on example of hard disks and pote... more The irreversibility of the dynamics of the conservative systems on example of hard disks and potentially of interacting elements is investigated in terms of laws of classical mechanics. The equation of the motion of interacting systems and the formula, which expresses the entropy through the generalized forces, are obtained. The explanation of irreversibility mechanism is submitted. The intrinsic link between thermodynamics and classical mechanics was analyzed. Introduction. Irreversibility determines the contents of the second law of thermodynamics in fundamental physics. According to this law there is function S named entropy, which only grows for isolated systems, achieving a maximum in an equilibrium state. But the potentiality of forces for all four known fundamental interactions of elementary particles is a cause of reversibility of the Newton equation [1] and therefore
The limitations of classical mechanics for the systems dynamics arising due to using of the simpl... more The limitations of classical mechanics for the systems dynamics arising due to using of the simplified models of structureless bodies and the hypothesis of holonomic constraints are discussed. It is shown how these simplifications lead to the exclusion of the possibility to description of irreversible processes. Demonstrates how these restrictions can be eliminated if assume that the elements of systems have a structure and if the hypothesis of holonomicity connections will not used. As paradoxes of classical mechanics associated with an explanation of irreversibility basing on the motion equations of structured particles can be resolved is considered. As the concept of entropy appears in classical mechanics is shown. Key-Words: Classical mechanics, Lagrange equation, irreversibility, holonomic constrains, entropy.

Open Journal of Philosophy, 2021
The question of constructing an evolutionary picture of the world based on the results obtained b... more The question of constructing an evolutionary picture of the world based on the results obtained by extending classical mechanics is considered. The expansion of mechanics arose as a result of taking into account the role of the structure of bodies in their dynamics. It is shown that such an extension leads to the possibility of combining branches of physics, in particular, to the substantiation of the laws of thermodynamics, statistical physics, kinetics within the framework of the laws of classical mechanics. It turned out that, according to the laws of classical mechanics, matter is infinitely divisible and can be represented by an infinite hierarchical structure from simple to complex. The expansion showed the existence of universal principles connecting the laws of the upper rung of the hierarchical ladder of matter with the laws of the lower rung. It is considered how they lead to the possibility of constructing a picture of the world based on the fundamental laws of nature.

The approach to a substantiation of thermodynamics is offered. A conservative system of interacti... more The approach to a substantiation of thermodynamics is offered. A conservative system of interacting elements, which is not in equilibrium, is used as a model. This system is then split into small subsystems that are accepted as being in equilibrium. Based on the D’Alambert equation for a subsystem the generalized Liouville equation is obtained. A necessary condition for irreversibility is determined. This condition is dependence the forces of interaction of subsystems on relative velocities. The equation of motion of subsystems of potentially interacting elements is obtained. The non-potentiality of the forces of interaction of the subsystems consisting of potentially interacting elements is proved. The mechanism of occurrence of irreversible dynamics is offered. The formula that expresses the entropy through the forces of interaction of subsystems is obtained. The theoretical link between classical mechanics and thermodynamics is analyzed.
Proceedings of XXII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems — PoS(Baldin ISHEPP XXII)
Open Journal of Philosophy
The role of existence of the deterministic irreversibility mechanism in development of evolution ... more The role of existence of the deterministic irreversibility mechanism in development of evolution physics is studied. The short explanation of physical essence of this mechanism is offered. Based on this mechanism, is proved, that the base element of matter should be an open non-equilibrium dynamic system (ONDS). The principles of the emergence, existence and development of the ONDS hierarchical structure are considered. The questions about hierarchy of the matter and existence of stationary states ONDS are studied. The question, how external constraints determine of the evolution of ONDS, is analyzed. Equations that determine the development of ONDS are submitted.

The analytical review of the papers devoted to the deterministic mechanism of irreversibility (DM... more The analytical review of the papers devoted to the deterministic mechanism of irreversibility (DMI) is presented. The history of solving of the irreversibility problem is briefly described. It is shown, how the DMI was found basing on the motion equation for a structured body. The structured body was given by a set of potentially interacting material points. The taking into account of the body’s structure led to the possibility of describing dissipative processes. This possibility caused by the transformation of the body’s motion energy into internal energy. It is shown, that the condition of holonomic constraints, which used for obtaining of the canonical formalisms of classical mechanics, is excluding the DMI in Hamiltonian systems. The concepts of D-entropy and evolutionary non-linearity are discussed. The connection between thermodynamics and the laws of classical mechanics is shown. Extended forms of the Lagrange, Hamilton, Liouville, and Schrödinger equations, which describe d...
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2006
Journal of Modern Physics, 2014
Papers by Vyacheslav Somsikov