Papers by Vara prasad saka

The current study deals with effect of aqueous extract of Piper betel leaves for testing of memor... more The current study deals with effect of aqueous extract of Piper betel leaves for testing of memory enhancing activity on scopolamine induced amnesia in rats. Nootropics are the smart drugs that gained importance in treating dementia, a major disorder in aged due to stress and also in Alzheimer disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors like, Rivastigmine and Donepezil Nootropics drugs like, Piracetam are commonly used for improving memory, mood and behaviour but their adverse effects have made their use limited. To treat memory disorders, in recent years, new therapeutic agents, such as the steady impairment of memory in aging or in neurodegenerative pathology and even lifestyle factors. In the treatment of various cognitive disorders, an effective therapy for the resolution of the cognitive deficits is still needed and to discover the utility of traditional medicines is worthwhile. Piper betel leaves appears as glossy and heart shaped, having a tremendous potential as a potent source for n...

With the advancement of development in research and medical technology the number of animals used... more With the advancement of development in research and medical technology the number of animals used in research has increased significantly. Every year millions of experiments are carried out over the world on animals. For a long time the distress, pain and death have been a debating issue. Beside the major concern of ethics there are few more disadvantages of animal experimentation like high costs, time consuming protocols and requirement of skilled manpower. To overcome the drawback associated with animal experiments and unethical procedures various alternatives were proposed. A strategy of 3 Rs i.e. reduction, refinement and replacement is being applied for laboratory use. To implement this strategy different methods and alternative organisms are applied. Up to some levels these methods provide an alternative means for the drug testing. A brief account of these alternative and advantages is discussed in this review. These approaches would give an insight into minimum use of these in scientific related experiments.
Cell phone radiation is a well-known neurotoxic agent and neurodamage induced by cell phone radia... more Cell phone radiation is a well-known neurotoxic agent and neurodamage induced by cell phone radiation (Frequency range of 900 MHz) is one of the model systems for the screening of neuroprotective activity of plant extracts. Damage begins with the changes in behaviour, loss of enzymes. The present study was focused to evaluate the behavioural and neuroprotective activity of Curcuma amada (100, 200, 300 mg/kg) against cell phone radiation. Behavioural study were analysed by using Y maze. Hydro alcoholic extract of Curcuma amada were compared for its neuroprotective activity with control group. Curcuma amada 300mg/kg had shown significant behavioural and neuroprotective activity on par with 100 mg/kg. Curcuminoids and flavonoids responsible for neuroprotective activity of Curcuma amada.

To study the ability of the electromagnetic signals emitted by cellular mobile telephony to affec... more To study the ability of the electromagnetic signals emitted by cellular mobile telephony to affect the biological function of living organisms and mobile radiation exposures are changes in the structure and functional behavior, and disturbances of multiple hormone systems that impact male reproduction. The changes in spermatozoa result from oxidative damage, calcium deficiency and disturbed signal transduction. Since the mobile radiation causes toxicity in several ways and need to be developed with minimal side effects. Herbal drugs were found to be more beneficial than synthetic drugs. The pretreatment of Curcuma amada significantly improved the sperm count, and motility, also declined in cell phone radiation induced infertility in rats. The extract has shown significant influence on the level of Testosterone hormone indicating its protective effect against radiation induced infertility.

A simple, precise, rapid, validated method has been developed for the simultaneous estimation of ... more A simple, precise, rapid, validated method has been developed for the simultaneous estimation of telmisartan and hydrochlorothiazide in bi layered tablet dosage form using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with Waters e2695 system equipped with Empower 2 Software with PDA Detector Hypersil ODS C18 column (4.6x 150*5μm particle size) was operated in isocratic mode using water and methanol (30:70v/v) as mobile phase and pumped at rate of 1.0ml/min and eluent was monitored using UV-Visible detector at 230nm.The linearity was found in the range of 50-150 μg/ml and shows a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The retention times of hydrochlorothiazide and telmisartan were noted to be 1.782 and 2.956 mins, respectively. This study concluded that the proposed method was found to be accurate, reproducible and consistent and could be effecti0vely used for the routine analysis of these drugs in marketed formulations.

The current study deals with effect of aqueous extract of Piper betel leaves for testing of memor... more The current study deals with effect of aqueous extract of Piper betel leaves for testing of memory enhancing activity on scopolamine induced amnesia in rats. Nootropics are the smart drugs that gained importance in treating dementia, a major disorder in aged due to stress and also in Alzheimer disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors like, Rivastigmine and Donepezil Nootropics drugs like, Piracetam are commonly used for improving memory, mood and behaviour but their adverse effects have made their use limited. To treat memory disorders, in recent years, new therapeutic agents, such as the steady impairment of memory in aging or in neurodegenerative pathology and even lifestyle factors. In the treatment of various cognitive disorders, an effective therapy for the resolution of the cognitive deficits is still needed and to discover the utility of traditional medicines is worthwhile. Piper betel leaves appears as glossy and heart shaped, having a tremendous potential as a potent source for novel herbal drugs. It contains active constituents mainly allylpyrocatechol, Chavibetol, Eugenol and Hydroxychavicol; which has many therapeutic uses and supports the folklore. Because of the presence of wide range of flavonoids in the leaves of Piper betel, the aqueous extract of the leaves was tested for the study of memory enhancing effect, against scopolamine induced amnesia in rats.

I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o of f P Ph ha ar rm ma a S Sc ci i... more I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o of f P Ph ha ar rm ma a S Sc ci ie en nc ce es s ((I IS SS SN N: : 2 23 32 20 0-6 68 81 10 0)) National Conference on "NEW TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE AND PHARMACOGENOMICS" | 2013| INDIA 12 gene and D3 receptor gene and specific regions including 6p, 6q, 8p, 13q, enable the further progress searching phenotype for subgroups that may provide more direct route to causative gene. Candidate genes identified on the basis of biochemical & pharmacological evidence are being test for linkage and association studies. Genome scan of all human chromosomes with closely spaced polymorphic markers is being used for linkage studies. Significant technological advances for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and use of microarrays have further strengthened research methodologies for genetic analysis of complex traits. In this review we summaries evolution of schizophrenia genetics from past to present, current trends and further direction of research. Abstract: The project of sequencing the human genome (three billion base pairs per haploid genome) was launched in 1990, under the banner of the Human Genome Project (HGP), and was originally expected to be completed within about 20 years. The major impact of the completion of the human genome sequence will be the understanding of diseases, with deduced therapy and the major challenge now is to decipher the polygenic and multifactorial etiology of common diseases, such as cancer, cardio-vascular, nutritional, allergic, auto-immune and degenerative diseases. In fact, every gene, when mutated, is a potential disease gene, and we end up with the new concept of 'reverse medicine'; i.e., deriving new diseases or pathogenic pathways from the knowledge of the structure and function of every gene. By going from sequence to function (functional genomics and proteomics) we will gain insight into basic mechanisms of major functions such as cell proliferation, differentiation and development, which are perturbed in many pathological processes. Besides those cognitive advances, there are also other issues at stake, such as: progress in diagnostic and prediction (predictive medicine); progress in therapy (pharmacogenomics and gene-based therapy); ethical issues; impact on business. This review focused on the role of genomics and application of genetics in the field of medicine. Abstract: The war between man and microbes has been ongoing ever since antibiotics were first introduced in the 20th century. Despite of initial success of antibiotics in combating infections, microbes have definitely won the war. Antimicrobial resistance in pathogens causing important communicable diseases has become a matter of great public health concern globally including our country. Resistance has emerged even to newer, more potent antimicrobial agents like carbapenems. The factors responsible for this are widespread use and availability of practically all the antimicrobials across the counter (OTC) meant for human, animal and industrial consumption. In view of the recent reports of worldwide spread of multidrug resistant NDM-1 producing enterobacteriae posing serious complications, the Government of India created a committee to frame a new antibiotic policy for the country. One of the recommendations of this committee was to regulate the sale of antibiotics by introducing " Schedule H1 " under the Drugs and Cosmetics rules, to " regulate sale of antibiotics exclusively. " It is time that as a nation we wake up and join hands to combat the problem of antibiotic misuse by drawing guidelines and following them strictly. At the end " prevention is better than cure. " There is no alternative to be healthy without regular physical activity, good lifestyle and nutritious diet. Abstract:
Papers by Vara prasad saka