Papers by Volodymyr Lysechko
Sistemi upravlìnnâ, navìgacìï ta zvʼâzku, Feb 9, 2024
The article analyzes modern architectures of edge and fog computing systems, including OpenFog, F... more The article analyzes modern architectures of edge and fog computing systems, including OpenFog, F2c2C (Cloudlet), MELINDA, and architectures based on SDN and NFV. Particular attention is given to the study of Fog Computing from the conceptual and programmatic points of view. The advantages and limitations of the studied architectures in the context of IoT application are determined. Opportunities for enhancing telecommunication systems and improving the quality of service through the use of appropriate architectures are identified. The necessity of taking into account the specific needs and features of each system when choosing the appropriate fog computing architecture is proved. The need and relevance of further development and improvement of these architectures for optimal use are substantiated.

Radìoelektronìka, ìnformatika, upravlìnnâ/Radìoelektronika, ìnformatika, upravlìnnâ, Apr 2, 2024
Context. The paper provides an overview of current methods for recognizing and classifying visual... more Context. The paper provides an overview of current methods for recognizing and classifying visual images in static images or video stream. The paper will discuss various approaches, including machine learning, current problems of these methods and possible improvements. The biggest challenges of the visual image retrieval and classification task are discussed. The main emphasis is placed on the review of such promising algorithms as SSD, YOLO, R-CNN, an overview of the principles of these methods, network architectures. Objective. The aim of the work is to analyze existing studies and find the best algorithm for recognizing and classifying visual images for further activities. Method. Primary method is to compare different factors of algorithms in order to select the most perspective one. There are different marks to compare, like image processing speed, accuracy. There are a number of studies and publications that propose methods and algorithms for solving the problem of finding and classifying images in an image [3-6]. It should be noted that most promising approaches are based on machine learning methods. It is worth noting that the proposed methods have drawbacks due to the imperfect implementation of the Faster R-CNN, YOLO, SSD algorithms for working with streaming video. The impact of these drawbacks can be significantly reduced by applying the following solutions: development of combined identification methods, processing of edge cases-tracking the position of identified objects, using the difference between video frames, additional preliminary preparation of input data. Another major area for improvement is the optimization of methods to work with real-time video data, as most current methods focus on images. Results. As an outcome of the current research we have found an optimal algorithm for further researches and optimizations. Conclusions. Analysis of existent papers and researches has demonstrated the most promising algorithm for further optimizations and experiments. Also current approaches still have some space for further. The next step is to take the chosen algorithm and investigate possibilities to enhance it.
Mechanics Transport Communications - Academic journal,, 2020

Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць, 2018
Когнітивне радіо (КР) є однією з основних частин телекомунікаційних систем зв`язку (ТСС-IOE) в зв... more Когнітивне радіо (КР) є однією з основних частин телекомунікаційних систем зв`язку (ТСС-IOE) в зв`язку з тим, що були покликані вирішити питання дефіциту спектру та впровадження інтелектуальних функцій. Вибір каналу з множинним доступом первинних користувачів (ПК) та вторинних користувачів (ВК) є однією з найголовніших проблем стандарту. Через конкуренцію каналів відбувається взаємний вплив пакетів первинних та вторинних користувачів. З метою зменшення конкуренції каналів серед вторинних користувачів, було розроблено метод вибору каналів когнітивного радіо при множинному доступі первинних та вторинних користувачів з використанням технології «Energy harvesting» під керуванням нейронної мережі. На основі розробленого методу було реалізовано гібридну модель передачі даних під керуванням нейронної мережі для кожного вторинного користувача. Для цієї моделі характерні властивості, при яких вторинний користувач може випадковим не регламентованим чином працювати в режимах суміщення з зайнят...
Sistemi upravlìnnâ, navìgacìï ta zvʼâzku, Jun 21, 2019
Ìnformacìjno-keruûčì sistemi na zalìzničnomu transportì, Jul 2, 2015
Method of determining coincidence positions subcarrier frequencies by QOFDM The Article has propo... more Method of determining coincidence positions subcarrier frequencies by QOFDM The Article has propose of method for determining coincidence positions subcarrier frequencies by QOFDM what has realize on basis pairwise comparison frequency plans signal ensemble's by quasiorthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (QOFDM) which permits to reduce level intrasystem noise on phase forming frequency plans.
2023 IEEE 4th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek)

Sučasnì ìnformacìjnì sistemi, Jul 8, 2019
In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogona... more In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies. The key element of quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies is the using of the individual distribution of frequency subcarriers in different frequency plans of the ensemble in the general frequency band, which allows increasing the subscriber capacity of the radio system significantly. It was developed an algorithm for the formation of the ensemble, taking into account the different values of the width of the subchannels in the corresponding frequency plans. It was graphically represented the form of frequency plans with different bandwidths and the dependence of the maximum emissions of the mutual correlation function of frequency plans, taking into account the number of subcarriers and the width of subchannels. For realization the statistical analysis, it was constructe an imitation model of the radio channel, it were graphically represented the results of statistical analysis of the interrelationship properties of frequency plans, and investigated the correlation properties of complex signals based on QOFDM. Using the quasiorthogonal access on subcarrier frequencies allows increasing the subscriber capacity of the communication system and the rate of information transmission due to the nonlinear distribution of the subcarrier frequencies. K e ywor d s : quasi-orthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencie; spectral hole; frequency collisions; bandwidth; frequency plan; an ensemble; the subscriber capacity.

Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
Context. The relevance is to study the cross-correlation properties of the developed complex sign... more Context. The relevance is to study the cross-correlation properties of the developed complex signals ensembles of large volume with a low level of multiple access interference, thereby increasing the efficiency of using a limited radio frequency range. The Object of Research is a method of bandpass filtering with permutations, which allows forming complex signals ensembles of large volume. Objective. The Objective is to determine the optimal cross-correlation properties for the formation of complex signals ensembles of large volume with a low level of multiple access interference. Method. The work has the study results of cross-correlation properties of complex signals ensembles obtained by applying the filtered elements permutation method. The formation of complex signals ensembles is based on pseudo-random sequences with improved cross-correlation properties in the time domain. Bandpass filtering is applied to such sequences, and the number of filter bands is determined based on t...

Аbstract. Using known signal ensembles built on the basis of linear and nonlinear recurrent seque... more Аbstract. Using known signal ensembles built on the basis of linear and nonlinear recurrent sequences, it is difficult to obtain signal ensembles with large volumes and satisfactory intercorrelation characteristics. The purpose of the article is the development of a method for the synthesis of complex signals ensembles of large volume by dividing the spectrum of the descending pseudo-random sequences with low interaction in the time domain into bands with subsequent transmission of the received signals in another range and subsequent permutations. The article presents the results of the development of the formation method of complex signals ensembles of increased volume based on the use of frequency bands using the process of transferring frequency elements in the operating frequency domain of LTE technology and subsequent permutations. Applying multiple filtering to descending pseudo-random sequences with low interaction in the time domain with re-filtering of the received signals ...

Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 2020
Context. The problem of forming complex signal ensembles on the basis of frequency band filtering... more Context. The problem of forming complex signal ensembles on the basis of frequency band filtering and research of their properties is considered. The object of research is the process of synthesis of signal ensembles based on frequency filtering of pseudo-random sequences of short video pulses with low interaction in the time domain. Objective. It is to form complex signal ensembles with satisfactory values of intercorrelation properties, which are close to the signals with minimal energy interaction. Method. The results of the application of forming complex signal ensembles method by frequency filtering of pseudo-random sequences with low interaction in the time domain are presented. As a result of the spectral band selection of the studied pseudorandom short video pulse sequences due to the use of bandpass filters based on the Chebyshev filter of the first kind, new samples of sequences with spectrum restriction are obtained. By applying intercorrelation analysis to the obtained sequence samples, the values of the maximum emissions of the side lobes of the cross-correlation functions (CCF) for all possible signal pairs are estimated. If the values of the maximum emissions of the side lobes of the CCF signals exceed the limit values, the sequence of the analyzed pair with a smaller value of the number of pulses is removed from the ensemble. In case of satisfactory value-the received signals are accepted for the signal ensemble formation with the minimum power interaction. Thus, a new set of values of the maximum emissions of the side lobes of the CCF is formed. This approach increases the number of signals in ensembles with satisfactory values of statistical characteristics with limited signal spectrum width, and the correlation properties of such sequences approach the signals with minimal energy interaction, which reduces the level of multiple access interference. As a result, complex signal ensembles obtained by frequency filtering should be used in cognitive radio systems with code division multiplexing. Results. Based on the software implementation of the method of forming complex signal ensembles by frequency filtering of pseudo-random sequences with low interaction in the time domain, signals with satisfactory values of statistical characteristics with limited signal spectrum width with intercorrelation properties close to signals with minimal energy interaction and higher ensemble volume were selected. Conclusions. The application of frequency filtering to pseudo-random sequences of short video pulses with a low level of crosscorrelation allows to obtain complex signal ensembles, which will be similar in correlation properties to sequences with minimal energy interaction. It will reduce the level of multiple access interference. The analysis revealed that the use of frequency filtering of sequences will slightly worsen the mutual correlation properties of signals, possibly due to suboptimal synthesis of values of maximum emission levels of side lobes of CCF signals, but, nevertheless, it is possible to use such signals in modern cognitive systems radio access multiple access with code division multiplexing.

The Article has propose of method for determining coincidence positions subcarrier frequencies by... more The Article has propose of method for determining coincidence positions subcarrier frequencies by QOFDM what has realize on basis pairwise comparison frequency plans signal ensemble's by quasiorthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (QOFDM) which permits to reduce level intrasystem noise on phase forming frequency plans. В статье представлен разработанный метод определения совпадений позиций частотных поднесущих, который заключается в определении совпавших частотных позиций при попарном сравнении частотных планов ансамбля сигналов при квазиортогональном частотном разделении каналов с мультиплексированием - QOFDM. У статті запропоновано метод визначення співпадінь позицій частотних піднесних, який реалізовано на основі попарного порівняння частотних планів ансамблю сигналів при квазіортогональному частотному розділенні каналів з мультиплексуванням (QOFDM), що дозволяє зменшити рівень внутрішньосистемних завад на етапі формування частотних планів

The results of statistical analysis of cross-correlation properties of complex signals’ ensembles... more The results of statistical analysis of cross-correlation properties of complex signals’ ensembles, were obtained due to time interval permutations are presented in this paper. The essence of the method is to apply the division of short videopulse sequences at the level of intervals with low interaction in the time domain with different numbers of pulses. By applying the cross-correlation analysis, the maximum emission values of the side lobes of the cross-correlation functions are calculated and its total average value is determined. Based on the obtained values, a series is formed in which the first position is occupied by a time interval in which the value of the maximum emissions of the side lobes of the cross-correlation function has an average value. The determination of the following time intervals is based on the analysis of the rating series and the arrangement of values is carried out in accordance with the selected total average value. Thus, a new average range of the maxi...

For cognitive telecommunication systems, the problem of reducing the level of multiple access int... more For cognitive telecommunication systems, the problem of reducing the level of multiple access interference (intrasystem interference), which occur during the simultaneous operation of different subscribers of one system in a common frequency band, is relevant. To this end, the formation methods of large ensembles of complex signals obtained by permutation of the frequency segments of the output sequences with a low level of interaction in the time domain, have been developed [1]. The cross-correlation level of the received signals shows the degree of signal interaction in the time domain and, thus, makes it possible to assess the level of multiple access problems in the cognitive telecommunication system. An important task is to determine the maximum emission level of the cross-correlation functions of the resulting complex signal ensembles depending on the filtering bands and, accordingly, their impact on the volume of the ensembles. Also, the dependence of multiple access interfer...

In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogona... more In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies. The key element of quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies is the using of the individual distribution of frequency subcarriers in different frequency plans of the ensemble in the general frequency band, which allows increasing the subscriber capacity of the radio system significantly. It was developed an algorithm for the formation of the ensemble, taking into account the different values of the width of the subchannels in the corresponding frequency plans. It was graphically represented the form of frequency plans with different bandwidths and the dependence of the maximum emissions of the mutual correlation function of frequency plans, taking into account the number of subcarriers and the width of subchannels. For realization the statistical analysis, it was constructe an imitation model of the radio channel, it were gra...

In the course of present research, we examined a method to control the environment of a cognitive... more In the course of present research, we examined a method to control the environment of a cognitive radio using a PNN neural network as a decision-making system. As a result of research into the WRAN environment control architecture using a neural network, a flow chart of the environment control algorithm has been developed. Its special feature is that a neural network is located at each base station and interacts with other WRANs according to the IEEE 802.22 standard. The cognitive radio environment control architecture has been improved using a PNN network. This is achieved by applying a special case of radial basis networks ‒ a probabilistic neural network and a hybrid learning system, as well as a hybrid form of error correction and accumulating the experience of past iterations.To simulate a PNN neural network, the MATLAB software package was selected using standard functions of "Neural" and "Simulink" sections. To determine the two measurable vectors of the i...

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
The results of developing post-quantum algorithms of McEliece and Niederreiter crypto-code constr... more The results of developing post-quantum algorithms of McEliece and Niederreiter crypto-code constructs based on LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) codes are presented. With the rapid growth of computing capabilities of mobile technologies and the creation of wireless mesh and sensor networks, Internet of Things technologies, and smart technologies on their basis, information security is becoming an urgent problem. At the same time, there is a need to consider security in two circuits, internal (directly within the network infrastructure) and external (cloud technologies). In such conditions, it is necessary to integrate threats to both the internal and external security circuits. This allows you to take into account not only the hybridity and synergy of modern targeted threats, but also the level of significance (degree of secrecy) of information flows and information circulating in both the internal and external security circuits. The concept of building security based on two circuits ...

Advanced Information Systems, 2020
Ab s t r a c t. The results of statistical analysis of cross-correlation properties of complex si... more Ab s t r a c t. The results of statistical analysis of cross-correlation properties of complex signals' ensembles, were obtained due to time interval permutations are presented in this paper. The essence of the method is to apply the division of short videopulse sequences at the level of intervals with low interaction in the time domain with different numbers of pulses. By applying the cross-correlation analysis, the maximum emission values of the side lobes of the crosscorrelation functions are calculated and its total average value is determined. Based on the obtained values, a series is formed in which the first position is occupied by a time interval in which the value of the maximum emissions of the side lobes of the cross-correlation function has an average value. The determination of the following time intervals is based on the analysis of the rating series and the arrangement of values is carried out in accordance with the selected total average value. Thus, a new average range of the maximum emission values of the side lobes of the crosscorrelation function is formed. The average range increases the number of ensembles with satisfactory cross-correlation properties for use in radio communication systems with code division multiplexing, and minimal interaction between signals in the time domain reduces multiple access interference.

Advanced Information Systems, 2019
In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogona... more In the article, it is described the principles of implementing the method based on quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies. The key element of quasiorthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencies is the using of the individual distribution of frequency subcarriers in different frequency plans of the ensemble in the general frequency band, which allows increasing the subscriber capacity of the radio system significantly. It was developed an algorithm for the formation of the ensemble, taking into account the different values of the width of the subchannels in the corresponding frequency plans. It was graphically represented the form of frequency plans with different bandwidths and the dependence of the maximum emissions of the mutual correlation function of frequency plans, taking into account the number of subcarriers and the width of subchannels. For realization the statistical analysis, it was constructe an imitation model of the radio channel, it were graphically represented the results of statistical analysis of the interrelationship properties of frequency plans, and investigated the correlation properties of complex signals based on QOFDM. Using the quasiorthogonal access on subcarrier frequencies allows increasing the subscriber capacity of the communication system and the rate of information transmission due to the nonlinear distribution of the subcarrier frequencies. K e ywor d s : quasi-orthogonal frequency access on subcarrier frequencie; spectral hole; frequency collisions; bandwidth; frequency plan; an ensemble; the subscriber capacity.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Aug 30, 2017
Papers by Volodymyr Lysechko