Papers by Vladivoj Valkovic
Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, 2002
Disposal of the dredged material from the harbour to the sea bottom represents a route through wh... more Disposal of the dredged material from the harbour to the sea bottom represents a route through which many contaminants could be transported towards the open sea and enter to the food chain. In this study, five sediment samples were taken from different depths and locations within Plomin bay (Istria Peninsula, Northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Water sediment extract were prepared and
Detecting Environmental, Industrial and Biomedical Signals - The Proceedings of the International Workshop, 2003
... Authors: Viesti, G.; Lunardon, M.; Nebbia, G.; Barbui, M.; Cinausero, M.; Fioretto, E.; Prete... more ... Authors: Viesti, G.; Lunardon, M.; Nebbia, G.; Barbui, M.; Cinausero, M.; Fioretto, E.; Prete, G.; Pantaleo, A.; D'Erasmo, G.; Palomba, M ... Edited by Mauro de Palma (Università di Bari, Italy), Pietro Mario Lugarà (Università di Bari, Italy), Salvatore Nuzzo (Università di Bari, Italy), & ...

Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques
Disposal of the dredged material from the harbour to the sea bottom represents a route through wh... more Disposal of the dredged material from the harbour to the sea bottom represents a route through which many contaminants could be transported towards the open sea and enter to the food chain. In this study, five sediment samples were taken from different dcpths and locations within Plomin bay (Istria Peninsula. Northcrn Adriatic Sea. Croatia). Water sediment extract were preparcd and analyscd for chemical and physical properties. and subjected to cytotoxic and mutagenic investigalion. We used two strains of Su!mol/el/u lyphilllllriwl/. TA98 (determination of frameshift mutation) and TAIOO (detcction of base pair substitution) as a test system. Result showed that concentrations of heavy metals measured in extracts represent exchangeablc fraction and are 500-1000 times smaller than the cantent of the same elements in solid mud. Nine elements \\ere determined in extract: V. Cl'. Mn. Fe. Ni, Cu. Zn. As and Pb. Nonc of sediment sample extracts \Vere cytotoxic or mutagenic for S. lyphit...
Detection of Bulk Explosives Advanced Techniques against Terrorism, 2004
The detection of hidden explosives by using nuclear techniques has been pursued by the EXPLODET C... more The detection of hidden explosives by using nuclear techniques has been pursued by the EXPLODET Collaboration during the last years. The aim of the Collaboration was to verify the possibility of applying new tools and methodologies in Humanitarian De-mining. Results so far obtained are presented and discussed looking also to possible application in other fields.
Sensing Technologies for Global Health, Military Medicine, Disaster Response, and Environmental Monitoring II; and Biometric Technology for Human Identification IX, 2012
ABSTRACT Here we describe a prototype for non-destructive, in-situ, accurate and cost-effectively... more ABSTRACT Here we describe a prototype for non-destructive, in-situ, accurate and cost-effectively measurement procedure of carbon in soil based on neutron activation analysis using 14 MeV tagged neutron beam. This technology can be used for carbon baseline assessment on regional scale and for monitoring of its surface and depth storage due to the changes in agricultural practices undertaken in order to mitigate global climate change.

2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2013
ABSTRACT The aim of the research reported here is the development of a methodology for the measur... more ABSTRACT The aim of the research reported here is the development of a methodology for the measurement of small scale variations in chemical elements concentrations, in particular of carbon - oxygen ratio. Knowledge of the C/O ratio is of importance to many problems in various fields. Here we single out the application in obtaining important information about the oilfields. The most fundamental reservoir parameters - oil, gas and water content - are critical factors in determining how each oilfield should be developed. It is well established that carbon to oxygen ratio log yields accurate and repeatable data that can be used to identify and monitor reserves depletion. Recent improvements in neutron generator and gamma detector technologies resulted in small devices which allowed through-tubing measurements. Although the ratio of carbon and oxygen yields is a measure of the ammount of oil arround the tool it should be realized that a carbon signal can originate from several sources including the borehole, the cement behind the casing, the formation rock and the formation fluid. In order to evaluate these contributions individualy we are proposing the modification of the neutron generator by insertion of segmented associated alpha particle detector. From the measurement of time of flight spectra (alpha particle detector - start signal; gamma ray detector - stop signal) it would be possible to determine the location of gamma ray producing voxel and in such a way to determine radial variations in several chemical elements concentrations, in particular of carbon to oxygen ratio.
2011 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 2011
Red mud is a toxic waste left as a byproduct in aluminum production Bayer process. Since it conta... more Red mud is a toxic waste left as a byproduct in aluminum production Bayer process. Since it contains significant concentrations of other chemical elements interesting for industry, including Rare Earths Elements (REEs), it is also potential secondary ore source. Recent events in some countries have shown that red mud presents a serious environmental hazard if not properly stored. The subject of our study is evaluation of the red mud elemental composition, especially yttrium, scandium, gallium and REEs, from an ex-aluminum plant in Obrovac, Croatia, left from the processing of bauxite mined during late 70's and early 80's at the eastern Adriatic coast and stored in open concrete basins for more than 30 years since then.
Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IX, 2010
A tagged neutron inspection system has been used for the detection of explosive and illicite drug... more A tagged neutron inspection system has been used for the detection of explosive and illicite drugs. Simulant of the RDX explosive was measured in different environments and its gamma ray spectra were compared with the gamma ray spectra of benign materials like paper, sugar and rise. "Fingerprint" of the RDX simulant was found by detecting the nitrogen as well as
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2010
The container scanning system based on the elemental analysis of suspect cargo by use of fast 14M... more The container scanning system based on the elemental analysis of suspect cargo by use of fast 14MeV neutrons with detection of associated alpha particle has been recently developed under the EU-FP6 “EURITRACK” project. The system is currently set-up in port of Rijeka, Croatia, to be tested and upgraded under the EU-JLS ERITR@C project.Here we present results of analysis performed on
2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 2009
The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) inspection system uses 14 MeV ne... more The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) inspection system uses 14 MeV neutrons produced by the D(T,nα) reaction to detect explosives in cargo containers. Reactions induced by fast neutrons inside the container produce gamma rays, which are detected in coincidence with the associated alpha particle, the detection of which allows to determine the neutron direction. The neutron path length is

2011 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 2011
ABSTRACT As an upgrade of a robotic mobile system for antipersonnel landmine clearance, a fast ne... more ABSTRACT As an upgrade of a robotic mobile system for antipersonnel landmine clearance, a fast neutron probe has been considered for the detection of mines and explosive residues. Laboratory tests were made by using the 14 MeV 6×107 neutrons/sec beam with the associated alpha particle detection and with a LaBr3 gamma ray detector. Simulant of the anti-personal mine was used as a target. Several measurements were made with the target buried into the soil at different depths. For each depth minimal time measurement was estimated for false negative 0.4 % and false positive equal to 10 %. Tests showed that is possible to detect buried landmine as well as residual explosives; however, in order to reach the optimal speed of 10 cm/s for demining vehicle it is necessarily to use several sealed tube neutron generators and few tens of LaBr3 gamma ray detectors.
The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) inspection system has been devel... more The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) inspection system has been developed within the 6th EU Framework Program to complement X-ray scanners in the detection of explosives and other illicit materials hidden in cargo containers. Gamma rays are produced inside the cargo materials by 14 MeV tagged neutron beams, which yields information about the chemical composition of the transported goods.
ABSTRACT Several tests have been done with the neutron generator incorporated inside a small subm... more ABSTRACT Several tests have been done with the neutron generator incorporated inside a small submarine equipped also with a few other sensors like video cameras and a magnetometer. Following the detection of an anomaly on the sea bottom a neutron sensor is requested to check for the presence of explosives. In the experiment, the TNT explosive was measured behind an iron shield. Comparison was made with similar measurements when the TNT explosive was replaced by stones. By measuring the C∕O ratio the TNT explosive was successfully identified. All the measurements were done first in air and after that repeated in freshwater and in sea water.
Sample preparation techniques for the analysis of water for trace elements using X-ray emission s... more Sample preparation techniques for the analysis of water for trace elements using X-ray emission spectroscopy are described.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2015
ABSTRACT The aim of the research reported here is the development of a methodology for the measur... more ABSTRACT The aim of the research reported here is the development of a methodology for the measurement of small scale variations in chemical elements concentrations, in particular of carbon to oxygen ratio. Knowledge of the C/O ratio is of importance to many problems in various fields. Here we single out the application in obtaining important information about the oilfields. The most fundamental reservoir parameters–oil, gas and water content–are critical factors in determining how each oilfield should be developed. It is well established that carbon to oxygen ratio log yields accurate and repeatable data that can be used to identify and monitor reserves depletion. Recent improvements in neutron generator and gamma detector technologies resulted in small devices which allowed through-tubing measurements. Although the ratio of carbon and oxygen yields is a measure of the amount of oil around the tool it should be realized that a carbon signal can originate from several sources including the borehole, the cement behind the casing, the formation rock and the formation fluid. In order to evaluate these contributions individually we are proposing the modification of the neutron generator by insertion of segmented associated alpha particle detector. From the measurement of neutron time of flight spectra (alpha particle detector–start signal; gamma ray detector–stop signal) it would be possible to determine the location of gamma-ray production voxel and in such a way to determine radial variations in chemical elements concentrations, in particular of C/O ratio.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1992
The use of PIXE and PIGE spectroscopy for light element analysis is presented. Applications to th... more The use of PIXE and PIGE spectroscopy for light element analysis is presented. Applications to the analysis of coal and coal ash samples are illustrated .
A new Tagged Neutron Inspection System (TNIS) able to detect illicit materials such as explosives... more A new Tagged Neutron Inspection System (TNIS) able to detect illicit materials such as explosives and narcotics in cargo containers has been developed within the EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) project. After the R&D phase, the inspection portal has been installed and commissioned at the Rijeka seaport in Croatia, where it has been operated in connection with the existing X‐ray scanner for a first two‐month demonstration campaign. Results obtained are presented and discussed in this paper.

The EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit project is part of the 6th European Union Fra... more The EURopean Illicit TRAfficing Countermeasures Kit project is part of the 6th European Union Framework Program, and aims at developing a neutron inspection system for detecting threat materials (explosives, drugs, etc.) in cargo containers. Neutron interaction in the container produces specific gamma-rays used to determine the chemical composition of the inspected material. An associated particle sealed tube neutron generator is developed to allow precise location of the interaction point by direction and time-of-flight measurements of the neutrons tagged by alpha-particles. The EURITRACK project consists in developing: a transportable deuterium-tritium neutron generator including a position sensitive alpha detector (8×8 matrix of YAP:Ce crystals coupled to a multi-anode photomultiplier), fast neutron and gamma-ray detectors, front-end electronics to perform coincidence and spectroscopic measurements, and an integrated software which manages neutron generator and detectors position...
Detecting Environmental, Industrial and Biomedical Signals - The Proceedings of the International Workshop, 2003
... Authors: Viesti, G.; Lunardon, M.; Nebbia, G.; Barbui, M.; Cinausero, M.; Fioretto, E.; Prete... more ... Authors: Viesti, G.; Lunardon, M.; Nebbia, G.; Barbui, M.; Cinausero, M.; Fioretto, E.; Prete, G.; Pantaleo, A.; D'Erasmo, G.; Palomba, M ... Edited by Mauro de Palma (Università di Bari, Italy), Pietro Mario Lugarà (Università di Bari, Italy), Salvatore Nuzzo (Università di Bari, Italy), & ...
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 1996
PIXE and TR-XRF measurements were carried out in rabbits after titanium endosseous implant insert... more PIXE and TR-XRF measurements were carried out in rabbits after titanium endosseous implant insertion, in order to evaluate a possible diffusion and accumulation of this metal in the tissues. Titanium was below the minimum detection limit after one month; however, this metal begins to be detectable in some animals after six months.
Papers by Vladivoj Valkovic