Papers by Vladimir Leonov
Воздушно-космическая сфера, Mar 25, 2019
The control tests of the two prototypes of non-jet propulsion of quantum engine KvD-1-2009 (model... more The control tests of the two prototypes of non-jet propulsion of quantum engine KvD-1-2009 (model of 2009) with horizontal thrust and antigravitator KvD-1 with vertical thrust, were conducted on March 3rd, 2018 by a public commission of specialists chaired and initiated by the former Minister of General Machine-Building Industry of the USSR (space branch) Oleg D. Baklanov. KvD-1-2009 developed a specific thrust of more than 100 N/kW, which is more than 100 times more efficient than the liquid rocket engine (LRE).
viXra, Oct 1, 2019
Physicists have searched for the fundamental length of nearly a hundred years. Physicists did not... more Physicists have searched for the fundamental length of nearly a hundred years. Physicists did not have a clear physical definition of the fundamental length. In my opinion, the fundamental length determines the linear boundary between the continuous spatial continuum and its transition to a discrete state. Namely, the diameter of a quanton characterizes the discreteness of quantized space-time. The diameter of a quanton is a fundamental length-Leonov's length.

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
The theory of Superunification is a quantum theory of gravity or a theory of quantum gravity [1].... more The theory of Superunification is a quantum theory of gravity or a theory of quantum gravity [1]. The theory of Superunification combines the general relativity (GR) and quantum theory. The theory of Superunification is a new quantum theory. Its basis is a new four-dimensional particle quanton-a quantum of space-time. The development of quantum theory is unthinkable without a quanton. The old quantum theory was limited by probabilistic parameters. Einstein was right when he claimed that "God does not play dice". The theory of Superunification as a new quantum theory is the theory of determinism which makes the description of complex quantum phenomena simple and understandable by classical methods. This is a new methodology in quantum theory. Two-Component Solution of the Poisson Gravitational Equation for the Quantum Density of a Medium there is an example of this new methodology. Einstein showed us that the basis of gravity is the curvature of four-dimensional space-time. But if we have a space curvature then this curvature should be compensated by its compression. Otherwise, we will have an unstable system capable of gravitational collapse. But four-dimensional space-time as a quantized medium is a stable system. And this stability of space-time gives us a twocomponent solution of the Poisson gravitational equation for the quantum density of the medium. So at the birth of the mass of an elementary particle inside quantized space-time, its spherical deformation occurs. We observe a compression of the quantum density of the medium inside the particle due to its extension from the outside. Thus was born the mass of an elementary particle. The two-component solution of the Poisson equation for the first time describes the process the birth of the mass of an elementary particle inside quantized space-time at the quantum level [1].

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
The problem of unification of electromagnetism and gravitation was formulated by Einstein. But on... more The problem of unification of electromagnetism and gravitation was formulated by Einstein. But only I solved this problem in the theory of Superunification. For this, I had to find a common particle which is the carrier of electromagnetism and gravity at the same time. This particle is a quanton-a quantum of four-dimensional spacetime. Gravity appears inside the quantised space-time as a result of its deformation (Einstein's curvature) under the influence of the gravitational mass of the body (particle). And vice versa, the mass of a body (particle) is born as a result of spherical deformation of quantised space-time. Mass is a cluster (bunch) of electromagnetic energy of deformed quantised space-time. The electromagnetic energy of deformation of this cluster is equivalent to mass according to Einstein's formula mC 2. The movement of mass is the wave transfer of the spherical deformation of quantised space-time in accordance with the principle of wave-particle duality. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the development of the theory of relativity. In the framework of the general theory of relativity (GTR), Einstein laid the foundations of gravitation as the properties of distortion of the space-time, assuming that there is a unified field which is the carrier of electromagnetism and gravitation. In 1996, the space-time quantum (quanton) and the superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) was discovered as the united field which is the carrier of electromagnetic and gravitation interactions. The concentration of the quantons (quantum density of the medium) is the main parameter of the quantised space-time. In electromagnetic interactions the concentration of the quantons does not change and only the orientation and deformation polarisation of the quantons change. Gravitation is manifested in the case of the gradient redistribution of the quantum density of the medium, changing the quanton concentration. Electromagnetism and gravitation have been unified within the framework of the quantum theory of gravitation based on the quantum as the unified carrier of electromagnetism and gravitation.
viXra, Nov 1, 2019
The balance of the quantum density in dynamics is describing the state of a dynamic particle (bod... more The balance of the quantum density in dynamics is describing the state of a dynamic particle (body) in the entire range of speeds including the speed of light. The equations of dynamics are including the normalized relativistic factor. In the region of relativistic speeds, we observe a decrease in the quantum density of the medium around the particle (body) and the formation of a deeper gravitational well. Inside a particle (body) we observe an increase in the quantum density of the medium. Upon reaching the speed of light, the particle has the state of a black micro-hole. In this case, we will see that inside of the particle the quantum density doubles, and outside it there is a drop in the quantum density to zero [1-8].

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
The possibilities of the theory of Superunification are unlimited. This is the most powerful anal... more The possibilities of the theory of Superunification are unlimited. This is the most powerful analytical apparatus for studying matter. I am the author of the fundamental theory of Superunification and for me there is no unquestioned authority on science. As a theoretical physicist, I do not see any real competition in the world for me. For a quarter of a century now I have been working on complex scientific problems almost alone with my assistants. None of the physicists could even come close to understanding the theory of Superunification. I get a lot of scientific information, but do not find it interesting for myself. I do not see breakthrough discoveries in a fundamental way. Fundamental science stopped at the level of Newton and Einstein and without the theory of Superunification the further development of fundamental science and breakthrough technologies is unthinkable.

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
The fact of unification the general theory of relativity (GR) and quantum theory takes place in t... more The fact of unification the general theory of relativity (GR) and quantum theory takes place in the theory of Superunification. The Standard Model (SM) is an imperfect model of physics that is incapable of unification with gravity. Physicists have been searching for a new particle such as graviton, strings, Higgs boson and others particles to create the Superunification for many decades. But they could not do this. It was a difficult task and I solved it. I made the theory of Superunification [1, 2]. Quanton is a new four-dimensional particle of time and space which forms the basis of the theory of Superunification. The quantum density of a medium is the concentration of quantons in a unit volume of quantized space-time. The deformation (Einstein's curvature) of quantized space-time is the basis of gravity. The deformation vector D of the quantum density of the medium determines the magnitude and direction of gravitational forces. Gravity occurs when there is a gradient of the quantum density of the medium inside the quantized space-time. The gradient of the quantum density of the medium characterizes the strength of the gravitational field and is described by the deformation vector D. This concerns the creation of artificial gravity (antigravity) forces in the development of non-reactive quantum engines for space. My company has created several types of Leonov's quantum engines that have been successfully tested. The test results of quantum engines were formalized in a protocol and published in scientific journals [3, 4]. A quantum engine is more than 100 times efficient than a liquid propellant rocket engine (LRE). This is the triumph of the theory of Superunification.

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
In [1], we examined the properties of the gravitational diagram for the quantum density of a medi... more In [1], we examined the properties of the gravitational diagram for the quantum density of a medium. The gravity diagram clearly shows us the process of deformation of quantized space-time under the influence of gravitation. Up to this point, the theory of gravity has been limited to Einstein's curvature and its geometry of four-dimensional space-time. We retained Einstein's concept of gravity of curved space-time, and instead of its curvature, we introduced a deformation vector D into the theory of quantum gravity [2-5]. The theory of quantum gravity does not use probabilistic methods like wave mechanics. Einstein was right when he claimed that "God does not play dice." The quantum theory of gravity uses a new parameter-the quantum density of the medium and determinism [6]. This is the concentration of quantons per unit volume. The deformation of the quantum density of the medium is the basis of quantum gravity. Such models of deformation of the quantum density of the medium are very convenient for us for the analysis of gravity and the gravitational field. These models are visual and can avoid methodological errors in the calculations of the gravitational field and its energy. However, we are not used to new gravity models using the quantum density of the medium and the deformation vector D. But the quantum density of the medium is an analogue of the gravitational potentials familiar to us. We propose to do an analysis of the gravitational diagram for gravitational potentials.

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
What is an electron? Previously, we believed that an electron has an electric charge and mass tha... more What is an electron? Previously, we believed that an electron has an electric charge and mass that are inseparable from each other. In the theory of Superunification, an entire electric quark is used as the electron charge. An electric quark has no mass. The mass of an electron is formed as a result of spherical deformation of quantised spacetime around a central electric charge-quark. Thus itself electric quark cannot be in a free state without mass inside the quantised space-time. Inside a quantised space-time an electric quark acquires mass. The same applies to the quantized positron structure. When the electron and positron approach each other, they annihilate. After annihilation, electric quarks form an electric dipole in the form of an electron neutrino that has no mass. The destruction of spherical deformation around the electron and positron leads to the release of the electromagnetic energy of their mass through the emission of gamma rays. 4 .1. Introduction This study is a continuation of [1,2] concerned with the theory of Superintegration with special reference to investigations of the structure of the electron and the positron. Regardless of the fact that these particles
viXra, Oct 1, 2019
It is shown that a relativistic particle has an upper limit of the mass and energy when it is acc... more It is shown that a relativistic particle has an upper limit of the mass and energy when it is accelerated to the speed of light. Now we can calculate the limiting parameters of the relativistic particles by the use of the normalized relativistic factor in Einstein's relativistic equations. For example, the maximum mass of the relativistic proton is a limited number of 1.1. 10 12 kg. The state of the relativistic particle is described by a mass balance and an energy balance. The energy balance includes the maximum energy of a relativistic particle and her real energy and her hidden energy.

viXra, Aug 1, 2020
It is shown that the birth mass of an elementary particle is a result of spherical deformation of... more It is shown that the birth mass of an elementary particle is a result of spherical deformation of the quantized space-time based on the concept of gravity of the curved fourdimensional space-time of Einstein. Theorists mistakenly believe that Einstein's theory of gravity does not fit into the Standard Model (SM). It is shown that on the contrary the SM does not fit into the Einstein's theory of gravity. Higgs boson is contradicts the concept of curved space-time as the basis of gravity. Therefore, Higgs boson is cannot carry the mass of an elementary particle. Mechanism for the generation of mass of an elementary particle discussed in detail in the theory of Superunification: 1. Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge Аннотация. Показано, что рождение массы у элементарной частицы происходит в результате сферической деформации квантованного пространства-времени на основании концепции гравитации искривленного четырехмерного пространства-времени Эйнштейна. Ошибочно полагают, что теория гравитации Эйнштейна не вписывается в Стандартную модель (СМ). Показано, что наоборот, СМ не вписывается в теорию гравитации Эйнштейна, а бозон Хиггса противоречит концепции искривленного пространствавремени как основы гравитации. Поэтому бозон Хиггса не может быть носителем массы элементарной частицы. Механизм рождения массы элементарной частицы рассмотрен подробно в теории Суперобъединения [1, 2] Предисловие автора. Я постарался изложить проблему формирования массы у элементарных частиц в результате сферической деформации квантованного пространствавремени в популярной форме без математических формул. Для тех, кто интересуется математическим аппаратом и подробностями описания новых квантовых процессов, могут познакомиться с сотнями новых формул в теории Суперобъединения [1, 2]. Одновременно готовится второй вариант статьи, наполненный математическими формулами, описывающими процессы формирования массы элементарных частиц, по сути дела, повторяя расчеты, приведенные ранее в [1, 2]. Теория Суперобъединения (theory of Superunification), которую еще называют как теорию всего (theory of everything), базируется на новых фундаментальных открытиях кванта пространства-времени (квантона) и сверхсильного электромагнитного взаимодействия (СЭВ), сделанных мною в 1996 году [3, 4]. Необходимо обратить внимание, что теория Суперобъединения является самым мощным аналитическим аппаратом исследования материи. Впервые состоялся факт объединения фундаментальных взаимодействий: электромагнетизма, гравитации, ядерных и электрослабых сил. Хотелось бы обратить внимания на новые экспериментальные фундаментальные факты, полученные мною по искусственному управлению тяготением [5, 6], а также, на эффект Ушеренко по освобождению энергии СЭВ в результате холодного синтеза [7,
viXra, Nov 1, 2019
The mass of a particle (body) inside a quantized space-time has a hidden mass and a hidden energy... more The mass of a particle (body) inside a quantized space-time has a hidden mass and a hidden energy. When the speed of the particle is increased, the increase of the dynamic mass of the particle takes place as a result of the decrease of its imaginary component, ensuring the balance of mass. As a result, the mass of a particle (body) is the mass turning into the real mass from its hidden form inside the quantized space-time. The hidden form of mass explains to us the reasons for the growth of mass when there is an increase in the speed of a particle (body). The source of mass of a particle (body) is the spherical deformation of quantized spacetime. Mass has its birth from the quantized space-time. This fact was established and mathematically described by me in the theory of Superunification [1-7].
viXra, Oct 1, 2019
We have a sign-alternating superstring composed of quantons inside quantized space-time. Quanton ... more We have a sign-alternating superstring composed of quantons inside quantized space-time. Quanton includes four quarks: two electrical ±e and two magnetic ±g. Quarks have attractive forces according to Coulomb's law. The diameter of the quanton is Leon's length. The quantons have a tight packing inside the superstring. We can calculate the attractive forces between the quantons inside the superstring. A thin superstring composed of quantons can alone hold the Earth in orbit around the Sun. The quantized space-time has tremendous elasticity and tensioning.

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
The diameter of the quantum of space-time (quanton) cannot be found experimentally, given that th... more The diameter of the quantum of space-time (quanton) cannot be found experimentally, given that the diameter of the quanton 10-25 m is ten orders of magnitude smaller than the classical radius 10-15 m of the electron. The region of such small sizes 10-25 m belongs to the region of the ultra microworld. We do not have devices that could look inside the quantized space-time. We can penetrate into the region of the ultra microworld of quantons only by the power of our mind using mathematical calculations. To perform this work requires an ingenious theoretical physicst. Prior to this, no one has managed to penetrate the power of the mind into the interior of quantized space-time in the region of the ultra microworld of quantons 10-25 m. The diameter of a quanton 10-25 m is a new fundamental length-Leonov's length. It establishes the discreteness of quantized space-time, and it is 10 orders of magnitude greater than the Planck length of 10-35 m.

viXra, Nov 1, 2019
The energy of a particle (body) inside a quantized space-time has a hidden energy. When the speed... more The energy of a particle (body) inside a quantized space-time has a hidden energy. When the speed of the particle is increased, the increase of the dynamic energy of the particle takes place as a result of the decrease of its hidden component, ensuring the balance of energy. As a result, the energy of a particle (body) is the energy turning into the real energy from its hidden form inside the quantized space-time. The hidden form of energy explains to us the reasons for the growth of energy when there is an increase in the speed of a particle (body). The source of energy of a particle (body) is the spherical deformation of quantized space-time which provides us with the equivalence of mass and energy. Mass has its birth from the quantized space-time. Mass is a bunch of energy of a spherically deformed quantized space-time. Mass is the energy of spherical deformation of the quantum density of the medium inside the quantized space-time. This fact was established and mathematically described by me in the theory of Superunification [1-8].

viXra, Oct 1, 2019
Is the total energy measurable in the universe? I found this question on the Internet www.quora.c... more Is the total energy measurable in the universe? I found this question on the Internet No one answered this question. The zero-energy universe hypothesis proposes that the total amount of energy in the universe is exactly zero: its amount of positive energy in the form of matter is exactly canceled out by its negative energy in the form of gravity [1, 2]. But is it really so? I have the opposite opinion. New physics in the form of the quantum theory of Superunification gives us new knowledge about the universe and its energy [3]. The theory of Superunification is physics on the contrary. The Standard Model (SM) of physics has a zero energy level of cosmic vacuum. The theory of Superunification, on the contrary, establishes the maximum energy level of the cosmic vacuum. This maximum energy level is due to the quantized space-time structure which consists of quantons. Quanton has a small diameter (Leonov's length) and it consists of four quarks: two electrical ±e and two magnetic ±g [4]. Such a system of quarks makes it possible to calculate the energy accumulated in it. We multiply the energy of one quanton by the quantum density of the medium [5] and obtain the energy accumulated in one cubic meter of space vacuum which is equivalent energy to the mass of the substance of the whole universe. These energy values are incomparable. So, the calculations showed that 100% of the energy is accumulated inside the quantized space-time. This is the hidden global energy of the universe.
Papers by Vladimir Leonov