Vladan Gavrilović
Dr Vladan Gavrilović
Born 24.III 1970.
University of Novi Sad
Faculty of philolosophy, Zorana Djindjića 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia&Montenegro
Tel.number at work : ++381-21-458577
e.mail: [email protected]
Professor of National history of modern times on the Faculty of Philosophy. Working experience lecturing Complementary historical science and National history (Sebs in Habzburgian monarchy) from the 16th to the middle of 19th century. Fluent German speaker and good speaking and understanding of English language.
Key Qualities
- Enthusiastic and hard working.
- Good knowledge of national history of modern times.
- Windows literate (Word, Excel); Internet user.
Career Review
Assistant on the Faculty of Philosophy 1998 – 2003
Working as an assistant on the subject Comlementary historical science with professor Peter Rokai.
MA degree
Working as professor on the same subject. June 2003 - present
In the period 2001 – 2003 working as professor of National history (History of Serbs) for the students of literature on the same faculty.
PHD October 2003 – present
Professor on the Faculty of Philosophy on the subject National history from XVI untill XIX century.
Lecturing Complementary historical science for students on the first grade, and National history of modern times on the third and fourth grade of the studies.
Education, Training, Qualifications
University of Novi Sad
PHD at the Faculty of Philosophy April 2003
MA degree June 2000
Graduate in history science 1990 – 1995
Grammar School 1985 – 1989
Outside Interests
I enjoy lecturing my subject, National history of Modern Times, and I like to relate it to what is going on in my country and surrounding countries, especially Austria and Hungary. I hawe more than 100 bibliographic units and 7 monographs from that part of history. I am a member and fellow-worker in Matica srpska in Novi Sad, and this is the oldest cultural and sience institution from Serbs in ower country.
Dr Vladan Gavrilović
Born 24.III 1970.
University of Novi Sad
Faculty of philolosophy, Zorana Djindjića 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia&Montenegro
Tel.number at work : ++381-21-458577
e.mail: [email protected]
Professor of National history of modern times on the Faculty of Philosophy. Working experience lecturing Complementary historical science and National history (Sebs in Habzburgian monarchy) from the 16th to the middle of 19th century. Fluent German speaker and good speaking and understanding of English language.
Key Qualities
- Enthusiastic and hard working.
- Good knowledge of national history of modern times.
- Windows literate (Word, Excel); Internet user.
Career Review
Assistant on the Faculty of Philosophy 1998 – 2003
Working as an assistant on the subject Comlementary historical science with professor Peter Rokai.
MA degree
Working as professor on the same subject. June 2003 - present
In the period 2001 – 2003 working as professor of National history (History of Serbs) for the students of literature on the same faculty.
PHD October 2003 – present
Professor on the Faculty of Philosophy on the subject National history from XVI untill XIX century.
Lecturing Complementary historical science for students on the first grade, and National history of modern times on the third and fourth grade of the studies.
Education, Training, Qualifications
University of Novi Sad
PHD at the Faculty of Philosophy April 2003
MA degree June 2000
Graduate in history science 1990 – 1995
Grammar School 1985 – 1989
Outside Interests
I enjoy lecturing my subject, National history of Modern Times, and I like to relate it to what is going on in my country and surrounding countries, especially Austria and Hungary. I hawe more than 100 bibliographic units and 7 monographs from that part of history. I am a member and fellow-worker in Matica srpska in Novi Sad, and this is the oldest cultural and sience institution from Serbs in ower country.
Related Authors
Istraživanja Journal of Historical Researches
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy
Vassilis Petsinis
Corvinus University of Budapest
Stojarová Věra
Masaryk University
Aleksandra Terzić
Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" of Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Marija Mandić
University of Belgrade
Piotr Kręzel
The University of Lodz
Papers by Vladan Gavrilović
Dejan Mikavica
Vladan Gavrilović
Dejan Mikavica
The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church
north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and
became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the
Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four
protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor
and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the
clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age,
family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine
the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition
of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka
was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over
ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at
the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their
good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the
Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European
The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church
north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and
became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the
Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four
protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor
and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the
clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age,
family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine
the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition
of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka
was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over
ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at
the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their
good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the
Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European
The Danube River has throughout history been a very important waterway, in terms of
both commerce and politics. On the midstream of the Danube the Vukovar-Šarengrad
plateau has always stood out, and due to its configuration has allowed the river to be
passed and for ferries to be established, constituting the main means of transportation
between the two sides of the river. Accordingly, in the first half of the 18th century the
Šarengrad ferry was re-established, connecting the different roadways of Slavonia and
Syrmia (Srem) convenient for the transfer of different goods to the Bačka side of the
Danube. The first known mention of the Šarengrad ferry came as early as the medieval
period (in the medieval Hungarian Kingdom), when it was the possession of the noble
Marothy (Morović) family. The Ottoman era has left no data concerning the existence
of ferry, but there are some indications of its having survived and continued to operate
in this period, too. During the Habsburg era, on the other hand, the ferry was revived
once again, and the paper discusses this period.
population (Serbs) to Catholicism. Its form and time of occurrence define it also as a striving for
the unification of the Monarchy under enlightened absolutism as a European idea of governance.
The consequence was that many areas of Croatia which had long been inhabited by Serbs became
landed estate, on which in l75l the Pejadevii family got the document
attesting to the giving of a present. The landed estate (Rumski) was,
like every other in Srem and Slavonia, under the Slavonic FeudalLaw
introduced by Maria Theresa in 1756. This Feudal Law arranged in
details relations between peasants and landowners. Introducing the
Feudal Law the land was measured, divided into parcels and it
deterrnined peasants' obligations to landowners. According to this,
village Voganj, as a part of the Rumski landed estate, was under the
Slavonic Feudal Law and the obligations of peasants to landowners
(Pejadevii family) were converted according to the Law. Concerning
the real - estate taxes, which were paid according to the parcels,
Voganj were paying, in the period from 1758 to 1818, the sum of 39
314 of parcels. Most of the time during this period of 60 years, the sum
was over 437 forint, more exactly 1l forint per parcel. After 1818
parcels varied between 40 and 50. Apart from basic real - estate taxes,
the village rented the part of barren area Mandjelos and periodically
landowners' water mills in the village and in the surrounding area.
According to the registry, it is possibly to see the development of
crafts in the village, and the first craftsman appeared in the second part
of the 18 century. This significant original list of the feudal taxes of
village Voganj is in the Archive of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica.
Slavonia and Syrmia. In the modern era, during the Habsburg Monarchy and its
administration, forests were a public good, i.e. in state ownership, to a large degree
owned by the Court Chamber, the County/Županija or the Military Frontier. With
a series of statutes, concerning land and landed property, mainly in the mid-18th
century, the Habsburg Monarchy organized this area which consisted, among
other things, of the forests mentioned in some of the articles. The forests of these
areas (Slavonia and Syrmia) were also described by the Austrian subjects Friedrich
Wilhelm von Taube and Franz Stefan Engel, who, as well as giving interesting
descriptions of forest properties also focused their observations on the organization
and management of forests, on regulations concerning logging bans and on general
behaviour in forests. The descriptions of these two authors in their works that were
both entitled Opis Kraljevine Slavonije i Vojvodstva Srema constitute very good
historical and geographical sources for the understanding of the situation in the
territory of Slavonia and Syrmia in the second half of the 18th century.
^urug, Feldvar (Ba~ko Gradi{te) und Sentoma{ befanden sich mindestens je ein (Infanterie – oder Kavalerie–) Regiment, und in einigen Ortschaften sogar beide. Die
Grenzer waren berechtigt, die vorhandenen Felder zu nutzen, indem sie nur ein Minimum an Steuern dàrekt an den Hof entrichteten, d.h. sie unterstanden nicht dem geltenden Verwaltungssystem der Komitate. In jedem von den angeführten Ortschaften
werden einige Kaufleute serbischer oder griechischer (zinzarischer) Herkunft erwähnt.
which would include it among the oldest monasteries in the Holy Mountain Fruška Gora. It
was destroyed several times during the Turkish rule in Srem, and under the Habsburgs it
became a very important literary and transcription centre of the Serbian nation, specially at
the beginning of the 18th century, when the famous Rakovac Srbljak was written in the
Monastery in 1714. Since very little is known in history about the ways how the objects for
religious service got to the Monastery, every, even the smallest fact about that deserves our
attention. Within that framework, we present a list of the property from the end of the 18th
century which is kept in the Archives of The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in
Sremski Karlovci. Unfortunately, a great deal of the church riches was irretrievably lost
during the 20th century, due to robbery and burning of monasteries by the Austrian-Hungarian and Croatian Ustasha army, that is its partial destruction during World War I and total
destruction during World War II.
Mazin in Lika, present Croatia, which belonged to the Lika border regiment. On the basis of
the facts related to his family, one can assume that under the influence of his older brothers
(Danilo and Vasa) he chose the military vocation and that as a young officer of the imperial
army he happened to be near Sremski Karlovci, the centre of events of the Serbian Revolution
in 1848/49 in which he, so far an unknown participant, had a significant role. This paper
presents not only the facts about his family and their family tree, but also the facts which
greatly shed light on the further path of this outstanding figure of the Serbian National
Movement in 1848.
vice versa, was a very frequent phenomenon in the first half of the 18th century. The author
presents statistical data about the defections and the correspondence of the district, chamber
and higher state authorities about the return of the defectors, as well as the measures for the
prevention of such undesirable fluctuation of subjects. This is testified by the documents
from 1719 to 1725, according to which the defection in both directions included several
hudred persons. The paper also presents a document with the names of the defectors from
Banat to Bačka, who were settling in the Bačka district, specially in Cseb, for many years.
Key words: Imperial Court, Hungarn, serbian privilegs, Illyrian court deputatio
Сажетак:Аутори полазе од дефинисања српских привилегија 1690 -1695. и њиховог различитог тумачења аустријске (царске) и угарске (жупанијске) власти. За бечки двор Срби су представљали народ (Natio Rascianica) док сУ за угарске сталеже они били само трпељива верска скупина на вековној угарској територији. Овај камен спотицања по питању Срба је увелико одрећивао односе између двора и Угарске, а на основу тога су Срби неретко коришћени као систем уцене за смиривање нараслих националних страсти угарских (мађарских) сталежа. Српски народ се трудио колико год је могао да лавира између овиХ различитих интереса и тумачења његовог правног статуса, тежећи да према ситуацији својим привилегијама обезбеди бољи и правичнији правни статус, признат и од угарских и царских власти истовремено. Српске привилегије су због значаја српског народа за Монархију, током 18 века више пута потврђиване, али увек и наново са једном или више ограничавајућих клаузула, док коначно није седамдесетих година 18 века дошло до потпуног сужавања и свођења привилегија из сфере народно-црквених у црквено-школски оквир.
Кључне речи: царски двор, Угарска, Српске привилегије, Илирска дворска депутација
SUMMARY At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, in the wake of the state reforms and the secularization of the school system, Serbian people in the Habsburg Monarchy gained a substantial foundation for the development of their own school system, not only regarding primary, but also secondary schools. A number of important schools were established – the Gymnasium of Karlovci, the Orthodox Seminary, the Teacher Training College and the Gymnasium in Novi Sad. The latter was established in the years 1811 to 1816 as the result of a joint effort of the citizens of Novi Sad and the Bishop of Bačka Gedeon Petrović and Metropolitan Stefan Stratimirović. It soon became the most important Serbian High School and it was highly regarded by its contemporaries for its excellent teaching in particular. Due to this, it outdid the Serbian High School of Karlovci even before 1848. It was the school’s exceptional teaching staff that first and foremost contributed to its reputation and among the staff there was also one Pavle Jozef Šafarik.
Сажетак: Српско школство у Хабзбуршкој монархији развијало се до реформи 1774-1777. искључиво у оквиру духовне делатности Карловачке митрополије. У периоду до реформи митрополити су издржавали поједине средње школе, али је дужина њиховог трајања зависила од воље првојерарха, тако да им је главни карактер била привременост. Трајније српске средње школе настале су у време када је на челу цркве био митрополит Стефан Стратимировић, његовим великим злагањем. Међу њима се, по значају, издвајају Карловачка и Новосадска гимназија. Иако је Карловачка старија, Новосадска ју је брзо по оснивању (1816) у погледу квалитета наставе и значају престигла и остала је у бу-дућности водећа српска средњошколска установа. Квалитету наставе допринеле су позитивне особине и добро образовање професорског кадра, о чему се, на основу ар-хивске необјављене грађе, говори у раду. Такође, презентује се и документ на основу којег је рад настао. Кључне речи: Српска гимназија у Новом Саду, митрополит Стефан Стратимировић, Павле Јозеф Шафарик, Сава Вуковић. Од Великог бечког рата знатан део српског народа се нашао у Хабзбурш-кој монархији где је у додиру са филозофијом рационализма, а нарочито просветитељским правцем, међу образованим људима, школство постало императив свакаког напретка. Иако је у српском школству већим делом XVIII века једна од главних карактеристика био дисконтинуитет, чему су доприносили политички и економски услови, временом је подизање обра-зовног нивоа народа, кроз отварање школа, добило све више присталица, а што је било од значаја нарочито међу црквеном јерархјом, која је бринула над духовним животом верника, чијм делом се сматрало и образовање.
Dejan Mikavica
Vladan Gavrilović
Dejan Mikavica
The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church
north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and
became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the
Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four
protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor
and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the
clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age,
family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine
the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition
of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka
was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over
ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at
the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their
good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the
Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European
The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church
north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and
became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the
Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four
protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor
and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the
clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age,
family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine
the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition
of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka
was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over
ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at
the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their
good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the
Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European
The Danube River has throughout history been a very important waterway, in terms of
both commerce and politics. On the midstream of the Danube the Vukovar-Šarengrad
plateau has always stood out, and due to its configuration has allowed the river to be
passed and for ferries to be established, constituting the main means of transportation
between the two sides of the river. Accordingly, in the first half of the 18th century the
Šarengrad ferry was re-established, connecting the different roadways of Slavonia and
Syrmia (Srem) convenient for the transfer of different goods to the Bačka side of the
Danube. The first known mention of the Šarengrad ferry came as early as the medieval
period (in the medieval Hungarian Kingdom), when it was the possession of the noble
Marothy (Morović) family. The Ottoman era has left no data concerning the existence
of ferry, but there are some indications of its having survived and continued to operate
in this period, too. During the Habsburg era, on the other hand, the ferry was revived
once again, and the paper discusses this period.
population (Serbs) to Catholicism. Its form and time of occurrence define it also as a striving for
the unification of the Monarchy under enlightened absolutism as a European idea of governance.
The consequence was that many areas of Croatia which had long been inhabited by Serbs became
landed estate, on which in l75l the Pejadevii family got the document
attesting to the giving of a present. The landed estate (Rumski) was,
like every other in Srem and Slavonia, under the Slavonic FeudalLaw
introduced by Maria Theresa in 1756. This Feudal Law arranged in
details relations between peasants and landowners. Introducing the
Feudal Law the land was measured, divided into parcels and it
deterrnined peasants' obligations to landowners. According to this,
village Voganj, as a part of the Rumski landed estate, was under the
Slavonic Feudal Law and the obligations of peasants to landowners
(Pejadevii family) were converted according to the Law. Concerning
the real - estate taxes, which were paid according to the parcels,
Voganj were paying, in the period from 1758 to 1818, the sum of 39
314 of parcels. Most of the time during this period of 60 years, the sum
was over 437 forint, more exactly 1l forint per parcel. After 1818
parcels varied between 40 and 50. Apart from basic real - estate taxes,
the village rented the part of barren area Mandjelos and periodically
landowners' water mills in the village and in the surrounding area.
According to the registry, it is possibly to see the development of
crafts in the village, and the first craftsman appeared in the second part
of the 18 century. This significant original list of the feudal taxes of
village Voganj is in the Archive of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica.
Slavonia and Syrmia. In the modern era, during the Habsburg Monarchy and its
administration, forests were a public good, i.e. in state ownership, to a large degree
owned by the Court Chamber, the County/Županija or the Military Frontier. With
a series of statutes, concerning land and landed property, mainly in the mid-18th
century, the Habsburg Monarchy organized this area which consisted, among
other things, of the forests mentioned in some of the articles. The forests of these
areas (Slavonia and Syrmia) were also described by the Austrian subjects Friedrich
Wilhelm von Taube and Franz Stefan Engel, who, as well as giving interesting
descriptions of forest properties also focused their observations on the organization
and management of forests, on regulations concerning logging bans and on general
behaviour in forests. The descriptions of these two authors in their works that were
both entitled Opis Kraljevine Slavonije i Vojvodstva Srema constitute very good
historical and geographical sources for the understanding of the situation in the
territory of Slavonia and Syrmia in the second half of the 18th century.
^urug, Feldvar (Ba~ko Gradi{te) und Sentoma{ befanden sich mindestens je ein (Infanterie – oder Kavalerie–) Regiment, und in einigen Ortschaften sogar beide. Die
Grenzer waren berechtigt, die vorhandenen Felder zu nutzen, indem sie nur ein Minimum an Steuern dàrekt an den Hof entrichteten, d.h. sie unterstanden nicht dem geltenden Verwaltungssystem der Komitate. In jedem von den angeführten Ortschaften
werden einige Kaufleute serbischer oder griechischer (zinzarischer) Herkunft erwähnt.
which would include it among the oldest monasteries in the Holy Mountain Fruška Gora. It
was destroyed several times during the Turkish rule in Srem, and under the Habsburgs it
became a very important literary and transcription centre of the Serbian nation, specially at
the beginning of the 18th century, when the famous Rakovac Srbljak was written in the
Monastery in 1714. Since very little is known in history about the ways how the objects for
religious service got to the Monastery, every, even the smallest fact about that deserves our
attention. Within that framework, we present a list of the property from the end of the 18th
century which is kept in the Archives of The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in
Sremski Karlovci. Unfortunately, a great deal of the church riches was irretrievably lost
during the 20th century, due to robbery and burning of monasteries by the Austrian-Hungarian and Croatian Ustasha army, that is its partial destruction during World War I and total
destruction during World War II.
Mazin in Lika, present Croatia, which belonged to the Lika border regiment. On the basis of
the facts related to his family, one can assume that under the influence of his older brothers
(Danilo and Vasa) he chose the military vocation and that as a young officer of the imperial
army he happened to be near Sremski Karlovci, the centre of events of the Serbian Revolution
in 1848/49 in which he, so far an unknown participant, had a significant role. This paper
presents not only the facts about his family and their family tree, but also the facts which
greatly shed light on the further path of this outstanding figure of the Serbian National
Movement in 1848.
vice versa, was a very frequent phenomenon in the first half of the 18th century. The author
presents statistical data about the defections and the correspondence of the district, chamber
and higher state authorities about the return of the defectors, as well as the measures for the
prevention of such undesirable fluctuation of subjects. This is testified by the documents
from 1719 to 1725, according to which the defection in both directions included several
hudred persons. The paper also presents a document with the names of the defectors from
Banat to Bačka, who were settling in the Bačka district, specially in Cseb, for many years.
Key words: Imperial Court, Hungarn, serbian privilegs, Illyrian court deputatio
Сажетак:Аутори полазе од дефинисања српских привилегија 1690 -1695. и њиховог различитог тумачења аустријске (царске) и угарске (жупанијске) власти. За бечки двор Срби су представљали народ (Natio Rascianica) док сУ за угарске сталеже они били само трпељива верска скупина на вековној угарској територији. Овај камен спотицања по питању Срба је увелико одрећивао односе између двора и Угарске, а на основу тога су Срби неретко коришћени као систем уцене за смиривање нараслих националних страсти угарских (мађарских) сталежа. Српски народ се трудио колико год је могао да лавира између овиХ различитих интереса и тумачења његовог правног статуса, тежећи да према ситуацији својим привилегијама обезбеди бољи и правичнији правни статус, признат и од угарских и царских власти истовремено. Српске привилегије су због значаја српског народа за Монархију, током 18 века више пута потврђиване, али увек и наново са једном или више ограничавајућих клаузула, док коначно није седамдесетих година 18 века дошло до потпуног сужавања и свођења привилегија из сфере народно-црквених у црквено-школски оквир.
Кључне речи: царски двор, Угарска, Српске привилегије, Илирска дворска депутација
SUMMARY At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, in the wake of the state reforms and the secularization of the school system, Serbian people in the Habsburg Monarchy gained a substantial foundation for the development of their own school system, not only regarding primary, but also secondary schools. A number of important schools were established – the Gymnasium of Karlovci, the Orthodox Seminary, the Teacher Training College and the Gymnasium in Novi Sad. The latter was established in the years 1811 to 1816 as the result of a joint effort of the citizens of Novi Sad and the Bishop of Bačka Gedeon Petrović and Metropolitan Stefan Stratimirović. It soon became the most important Serbian High School and it was highly regarded by its contemporaries for its excellent teaching in particular. Due to this, it outdid the Serbian High School of Karlovci even before 1848. It was the school’s exceptional teaching staff that first and foremost contributed to its reputation and among the staff there was also one Pavle Jozef Šafarik.
Сажетак: Српско школство у Хабзбуршкој монархији развијало се до реформи 1774-1777. искључиво у оквиру духовне делатности Карловачке митрополије. У периоду до реформи митрополити су издржавали поједине средње школе, али је дужина њиховог трајања зависила од воље првојерарха, тако да им је главни карактер била привременост. Трајније српске средње школе настале су у време када је на челу цркве био митрополит Стефан Стратимировић, његовим великим злагањем. Међу њима се, по значају, издвајају Карловачка и Новосадска гимназија. Иако је Карловачка старија, Новосадска ју је брзо по оснивању (1816) у погледу квалитета наставе и значају престигла и остала је у бу-дућности водећа српска средњошколска установа. Квалитету наставе допринеле су позитивне особине и добро образовање професорског кадра, о чему се, на основу ар-хивске необјављене грађе, говори у раду. Такође, презентује се и документ на основу којег је рад настао. Кључне речи: Српска гимназија у Новом Саду, митрополит Стефан Стратимировић, Павле Јозеф Шафарик, Сава Вуковић. Од Великог бечког рата знатан део српског народа се нашао у Хабзбурш-кој монархији где је у додиру са филозофијом рационализма, а нарочито просветитељским правцем, међу образованим људима, школство постало императив свакаког напретка. Иако је у српском школству већим делом XVIII века једна од главних карактеристика био дисконтинуитет, чему су доприносили политички и економски услови, временом је подизање обра-зовног нивоа народа, кроз отварање школа, добило све више присталица, а што је било од значаја нарочито међу црквеном јерархјом, која је бринула над духовним животом верника, чијм делом се сматрало и образовање.
The term of tithe (decimae) is related to the feudal period and it was probably based on God’s law, i.e. it was juris divini of medieval society. It manifested in different ways, in money or more often in kind. In a broadest sense, in the beginning it represented moral and later even legal obligation of individual or household to give in certain period the tenth part of their income to religious (church) or public (state) institutions for their financing and maintaining. It had dual character – big tithe (decima magna) which included giving the tenth part of income from wheat, cattle and wine, whilst small tithe (decima parva) meant giving the tenth part of other yields (small cattle, bees, other agricultural cultures, domestic products). This way of collecting the tithe was valid in frames of medieval Hungarian state and then in Habsburg Monarchy until the final decline of feudalism in 1848.4 One of the tithe which meant giving (obligation) from serfs to a master, landowner, was the wine tithe, which in some parts of Srem, Slavonia and Croatia was also called Daća Gorna or Gornica (Jus montanum, Censis a vineis). It meant giving from serfs to masters the fruits of vineyards, i.e. in stum (unfermented grape juice, so called Šira) or in wine. The most common giving was the tithe of harvest on the name
4 About different kinds of the tithe and way of collecting it look in: Zlatko Herkov, Građa za financijsko-pravni rječnik feudalne epohe Hrvatske, Zagreb 1956. vol. 1, 275, vol. II, 51–52; Vladimir Mažuranić, Prinosi za hrvatsko-pravni povjestni rječnik, vol. 1, Zagreb 1974 (reissue), 182, 218–221; Srećko Ljubljanović, Vinogradarstvo grada Varaždina u srednjem vijeku, Radovi zavoda za znastveni rad HAZU, no. 16–17, Varaždin 2006, 259–300, Душанка Динић Кнежевић, Аграрни односи на тлу јужне Угарске, Истраживања, no. 16, Нови Сад 2006, 21–34; Ђура Харди, Виљем Другет закупац мале и велике десетине у „сремској земљи” 1330. године, Споменица историјског архива Срем, no. 5, Сремска Митровица 2006, 33–49.
of Gornica as a rent. Its collecting was bringing much higher and securer earnings to seigneuries then collected tithe of wheat. The value of this way collected wine tithe was measured in thousands of liters (hundreds of akov) of wine and their nominal value was expressed in thousands of forints.5
Fruška Gora monasteries considered themselves as feudal landowners and on that basis, they collected different types of tithes, especially wine tithe from serfs, since the most of their land was in vineyards. It is recorded that at the beginning of the 18th century monastery Bešenovo collected between 150 and 200 akov in the name of wine tithe per year. By selling in that way collected wine, monasteries earned great revenues which represented more than half of total annual income.
These short introductory remarks about genesis, duration and significance of the tithe and its representation in economics of the Fruška Gora monasteries were the primary indicator for procession of our theme, until now not much written in our (Serbian) historiography, which is understandable considering the tragic destiny of monastery archives, especially in the Second World War.6
Therefore, as researchers and writers of the history of Serbian nation in this pretty much foreign region of Habsburg Monarchy, we were delighted by finding a book of sources about wine tithe of the monastery Bešenovo during the 70s of the 18th century, which fulfilled our picture and knowledge about this type of the tithe and ways of its collecting. The book of sources was accidentally found in the fund Varia in the Archives of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Patriarchate and Metropolitan Archive at Sremski Karlovci
5 Josip Adamček, Zrinsko-Frankopanski posjedi u XVII stoljeću, Zagreb 1973, 31.
6 Димитрије Руварац, Стање српских православних манастира 1787–1791. у митрополији карловачкој, Архив за историју Српске карловачке митрополије, Сремски Карловци 1911, 90–97; Димитрије Руварац, Опис фрушкогорских манастира од 1771. године, Архив за историју српске православне карловачке митрополије, год. III, vol. 2, Сремски Карловци 1913, 97–130; Славко Гавриловић, Срем од краја XVII до средине XVIII века, Нови Сад 1979; Славко Гавриловић, Земљишни односи и привређивање фрушкогорских манастира у XVIII и XIX веку, Зборник Фрушкогорски манастири, Београд 1990, 157–176; Олга Зиројевић, Поседи фрушкогорских манастира, Нови Сад 1992; Динко Давидов, Уништавање фрушкогорских манастира у Независној Држави Хрватској (1941–1945), Анали, no. 4, Нови Сад 2008, 37–47.
(ASANUK, PMA). The source refers to the records about wine tithe of monastery Bešenovo between 1772 and 1778. We have processed these records by chronological system using summary and analytical method within it.
We hope that our results will contribute to a better understanding of whole picture of the economy of Fruška Gora monasteries, and new historical cognitions about wine tithe and its significance will initiate studies of this, in our historiography to a certain extent, neglected economic and historical category.
There is a great regret that today we did not discover books of sources of even greater, more known and in history more notable Fruška Gora monasteries, such as Krušedol or Hopovo, which would for sure give even more adequate and for history and economy more significant data about wine tithe. However, maybe other historians will be on track to find some of these forgotten documents.
Novi Sad, June 2018.