Papers by Vivianne Ventura Dias

La tarea de recopilación y procesamiento de los datos estadísticos estuvo a cargo de Jaime Contad... more La tarea de recopilación y procesamiento de los datos estadísticos estuvo a cargo de Jaime Contador. La edición y publicación ha estado a cargo de la División de Documentos y Publicaciones. Notas explicativas En los cuadros del presente estudio se han empleado los siguientes signos: Tres puntos (.. .) indican que los datos faltan, no constan por separado o no están disponibles. Un signo menos (-) indica déficit o disminución, salvo que se especifique otra cosa. El punto (.) se usa para separar los decimales. El guión (-) puesto entre cifras que expresen años, por ejemplo 1971-1973, indica que se trata de todo el período considerado, ambos años inclusive. La palabra "dólares" se refiere a dólares de los Estados Unidos, salvo indicación contaria. Debido a que a veces se redondean las cifras, los datos parciales y los porcentajes presentados en los cuadros no siempre suman el total correspondiente.

O acesso seguro e privilegiado aos mercados dos Estados Unidos e apresentado como um dos maiores ... more O acesso seguro e privilegiado aos mercados dos Estados Unidos e apresentado como um dos maiores beneficios da formacao de uma Area de Livre Comercio das Americas (ALCA) para os paises da America Latina, em especial para o Brasil. Os defensores da iniciativa fazem tambem um paralelo entre as vantagens da associacao com os Estados Unidos por meio da ALCA, considerando o impressionante desempenho exportador do Mexico, que cresce com os avancos do Tratado de Livre Comercio da America do Norte (TLCAN). Alem disso, os mesmos autores analisam que aqueles paises que nao se subscrevam a ALCA poderiam sofrer serias perdas em termos das condicoes de acesso aos mercados estadunidenses. Estes argumentos para o acesso aos produtos brasileiros aos mercados estadunidenses de bens tem pouco respaldo empirico, dado o baixo nivel de protecao alfandegaria dos Estados Unidos. Na verdade, o custo do aprofundamento dos compromissos de liberalizacao no âmbito de uma area de livre comercio hemisferica deve...
Una contribución de la CEPAL a la Cumbre de jefes de …, 1999
Los Estados miembros y sus instituciones gubernamentales pueden reproducir esta obra sin autoriza... more Los Estados miembros y sus instituciones gubernamentales pueden reproducir esta obra sin autorización previa. Sólo se les solicita que mencionen la fuente e informen a las Naciones Unidas de tal reproducción.

Summary The relationship between trade and economic growth is nuclear to the literature of econom... more Summary The relationship between trade and economic growth is nuclear to the literature of economic development. Due to the importance of the external sector to developing countries, most development models have trade regimes and the related system of incentives as central determinants of economic performance. Also, there exists an extensive empirical literature on exports and growth with mixed results. Many studies find evidence of association between exports or exports growth and economic growth although the direction of the causality has not yet been clearly established. Moreover, other studies qualified those results since linkages between exports and economic growth depended on threshold variables. In other words, economic growth tended to be affected by export performance after countries have achieved some minimum level of development.(1); On the other hand, recent empirical studies that have attempted to relate trade orientation and economic performance have been criticized f...
El cuidado refiere a un conjunto de labores relacionadas directamente con el bienestar fisico y e... more El cuidado refiere a un conjunto de labores relacionadas directamente con el bienestar fisico y emocional de individuos dependientes. En ese marco, es importante analizar la demanda de servicios de cuidado derivados de los cambios demograficos y sociales registrados en la poblacion tanto en paises industrializados como en aquellos en vias de desarrollo, con el acento puesto en Brasil. Hay aspectos de genero por destacar en el envejecimiento debido a la mayor longevidad de las mujeres, la probabilidad de que estas envejezcan solas y los roles tradicionales de las mujeres como cuidadoras, que son abordados en este articulo.
Hence, the multifaceted debates on care and sustainability have not yet succeeded in building a b... more Hence, the multifaceted debates on care and sustainability have not yet succeeded in building a bridge between these two topics. In contrast to a greener economy that maintains the economic structure and profit-making capitalist logic of the existing system, feminists are stressing the need for structural changes in the economic system with an emphasis on integrative and distributional aspects of sustainable development.

The recent literature on industry globalisation and global production sharing has called attentio... more The recent literature on industry globalisation and global production sharing has called attention to the changing nature of world trade with the predominance of trade in manufactures, the fragmentation of the production process and contractual relations between firms. Even when those changes do not question the most fundamental notion of trade and production specialisation according to factor services endowments, the literature points to a specialisation within a narrow set of activities and likely to be more fragmented. Enterprises may select labour intensive activities from a number of predominantly labour as well as from capital intensive industries initially located in industrial countries to relocate them in developing countries. Nevertheless, those activities can be reconverted to industrial countries if and when technological change makes their consolidation more profitable. Mexico has a history of integrating its economy with that of the United States and of full adoption o...
O ensaio busca documentar e contextualizar a evolução dos tratamentos especiaisno sistema GATT/ O... more O ensaio busca documentar e contextualizar a evolução dos tratamentos especiaisno sistema GATT/ OMC (Organização Mundial doComércio) às políticas dos países industrializados eàs dos países em desenvolvimento. Historicamente,a busca pelos países em ...

La relacion entre las empresas transnacionales, la inversion extranjera directa y el comercio int... more La relacion entre las empresas transnacionales, la inversion extranjera directa y el comercio internacional constituye un importante campo para la investigacion en economia internacional. En particular, la literatura economica ha intentado describir y analizar el comercio que se realiza entre las empresas subsidiarias de una misma empresa transnacional. El comercio intrafirma es la expresion de la integracion internacional de la produccion, como resultado de las decisiones de las empresas transnacionales acerca de la localizacion de sus actividades productivas en diferentes regiones del globo. Sin embargo, la escasez de informacion estadistica sobre las actividades de esas empresas en el mundo dificulta la realizacion de estudios empiricos sobre la magnitud y las caracteristicas del comercio intrafirma. Estados Unidos es el unico pais que recolecta y publica de forma sistematica informacion sobre las actividades de las subsidiarias de empresas estadounidenses y de las empresas trans...

En los ultimos veinte anos, los estudios acerca de la mundializacion de la produccion y el consum... more En los ultimos veinte anos, los estudios acerca de la mundializacion de la produccion y el consumo han evolucionado en paralelo con los que buscan interpretar las transformaciones en la produccion y el empleo en las economias avanzadas, sin que la mayor parte de los trabajos logre establecer los vinculos analiticos entre los dos conjuntos de cambios. Mas recientemente, la expansion de los servicios en la produccion y el comercio, juntamente con el crecimiento de los sistemas internacionales de produccion compartida, y la subcontratacion (outsourcing) generalizaron el interes por el estudio de las cadenas productivas internacionales, incluyendo los segmentos de servicios. Asimismo, existen fuertes indicios de que los servicios estan directamente asociados a la economia con base en la produccion y difusion del conocimiento, que para muchos es una otra faceta de la globalizacion. La extraordinaria difusion de las innovaciones de las tecnologias de informacion y comunicacion destacaron ...
Limitations on technological and social changes are gaining currency once again in light of the m... more Limitations on technological and social changes are gaining currency once again in light of the magnitude of the impact of human activity on the planet. Nevertheless, the human limits on confronting these changes are just as important as the planet’s physical limits. The acceleration of the times is leaking into every corner of our personal and collective lives, throwing off the balance between the social time needed for sociability and citizen engagement and the pace set by technological changes.
La posibilidad de una verdadera transformacion social-ecologica en America Latina se enfrenta a b... more La posibilidad de una verdadera transformacion social-ecologica en America Latina se enfrenta a bloqueos externos e internos. La region arrastra muchos anos de violencia estructural, niveles de desigualdad que se ubican entre los mas altos del mundo, una insercion subordinada en la globalizacion y elites locales poco receptivas a cambios sociales en favor de la igualdad y de nuevos enfoques sobre el desarrollo. No obstante, la transformacion social-ecologica puede funcionar como una utopia moderna que marque el camino hacia nuevas formas de ciudadania y bienestar.
Foreword Introduction The Theoretical Background for Analysis of South-South Trade The Structure ... more Foreword Introduction The Theoretical Background for Analysis of South-South Trade The Structure of South-South Trade The Monetary and Financial Aspects of South-South Trade South-South Trade in Agricultural Products The Determinants and Promotion of South-South Trade in Manufactured Products Trade Among Developing Countries in Investment-Related Technological Services South-South Trade in Steel Goods South-South Trade in Capital Goods: The Experiences of Argentina and Brazil The Role of Transnational Corporations in South-South Trade: Issues and Evidence Directions of Trade and Transnational Corporations in Brazil: An Empirical Analysis Transnational Corporations and Brazilian Auto Sector Exports Indian Overseas Investment and India's Exports of Technology and Manufactures: An Overview Bibliography Index

In this book, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean draws up... more In this book, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean draws upon the Latin American and Caribbean region's experience in order to formulate a historical and multidimensional assessment of the globalization process from the perspectives of developing countries. The first of this book's five chapters focuses on the multidimensional nature of globalization; describes the current phase of the process within its historical context of global economic internationalization; and briefly examines its social, political, and cultural dimensions. Chapters 2 and 3 look at how the economic facets of the globalization process have evolved. Income disparity trends and the underlying asymmetries of the current global order are discussed in chapter 4. The fifth and final chapter proposes an agenda for the global era. This publication belongs to the Latin American Development Forum Series (LADF), sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nat...

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive view of the state of the art of economic ... more The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive view of the state of the art of economic research on services and the service economy and thereby contribute to the discussion of a model of inclusive and sustainable development in Latin America. The economic literature on services is widely dispersed in different academic fields that study services, namely economics, marketing, urban and regional studies, geography, human resources and operations research, with very little exchange between these disciplines than it is desired. Although the literature covered much of the empirical ground, it still proposes more questions than answers on macro and micro issues related to growth, employment and productivity in service-based economies. The paper is divided into five sections, including this introduction. Next section is focused on two aspects of the services debate: (i) the definition and measurement of services; and (ii) the determinants of growth of services. Section 3 discusse...

Outsourcing in different modalities is a dominant element of domestic economies and of the world ... more Outsourcing in different modalities is a dominant element of domestic economies and of the world economy. Although the literature is new international production is not a new phenomenon. Yet, the scale of international operations was extended and the pace was accelerated with the movement of trade liberalisation, privatisation and market deregulation of the past decades, together with great progress in technologies of transportation, information and communication that drastically reduced the costs of coordinating international transactions. Internationally dispersed activities have been integrated into production systems through different co-ordination mechanisms some of them internal to large multinational enterprises. The vertical disintegration of the production process, broadly defined to include ex-ante and ex-post assembly operations such as research and development, product design, marketing, distribution, and after-sales services, is a trend of the world economy of vast comp...

Trade and trade policy affect both men and women as workers, producers and consumers, but affect ... more Trade and trade policy affect both men and women as workers, producers and consumers, but affect women in particular because of their role as care providers within households and communities. This paper reviews major trends in trade liberalization in Latin America and the empirical literature on the gendered impacts of that liberalization. Empirical studies on gender impacts of trade liberalization in Latin American countries can be roughly divided into four groups. The first group focuses on the size and characteristics of female employment generated by non-traditional agro-export industries. The second focuses on the impacts of trade liberalization on female participation in urban labour markets. The third concerns studies on the informal urban sector, while the fourth addresses the impact of the liberal agenda on female smallholder or peasant production, a phenomenon associated with an increase in female headed rural households. The results of the literature review are mixed: the literature shows that a woman's bargaining power and autonomy within the household depends on her ability to generate income and access to assets. Women may gain more autonomy if they have paid work, but their working conditions are unstable, and are characterized by lack of job security and work related benefits.
Papers by Vivianne Ventura Dias
la transformación social-ecológica de América Latina. Inscribiendo
al capitalismo dentro de la modernidad, inicialmente se señalan las
contradicciones de éste, lo mismo que su interdependencia compleja.
Se introduce el concepto de modernidad tardía y su relación con la
sociedad del riesgo como una de sus principales características. En
este mismo plano introductorio, se identifican tres características
adicionales de esta modernidad tardía en que vivimos: la aceleración
de los tiempos de vida, tanto del tiempo para el consumo como del
tiempo para el ocio; los cambios en la relación entre las esferas pública
y privada; así como la irrupción de la ciudadanía, la autonomía y el
tiempo para los trabajos del cuidado.