Papers by Virginia Rada Ojer

Este MI es un modelo de conocimiento construido con un mapa conceptual, a través del CMapTools. E... more Este MI es un modelo de conocimiento construido con un mapa conceptual, a través del CMapTools. En este mapa conceptual quedan definidos los objetivos, contenidos, actividades metodología y evaluación que se han puesto en práctica a la hora de aplicar el tema de las medias. Se pretende introducir una forma más amena y con unas actividades claras y fundamentadas, en vez de un aprendizaje clásico, basado fundamentalmente en la memoria mecánica. Este MI recoge el planteamiento teórico del trabajo, búsqueda y organización de la información, elaboración de materiales curriculares. Palabras clave: Aprendizaje significativo, matemáticas, medidas, módulo instruccional, modelo de conocimientoThe instructional module is a knowledge model built with a concept map that has been developed through the CMapTools. This piece of software allows joining maps and different resources by creating coherence, organization, and transparency. In this conceptual map, the objectives, content, methodology, and...
En el presente trabajo, se han tratado de definir las regiones climáticas Atlántica y Mediterráne... more En el presente trabajo, se han tratado de definir las regiones climáticas Atlántica y Mediterránea, usando ciertas especies de reptiles, como bioindicadores, a través de los modelos de distribución generados a partir de los datos de presencia-pseudoausencia de las 7 especies de reptiles. Es decir, dependiendo de su localización, intentar definir las regiones climáticas

This final master work wants to respond to the demands of the knowledge society and information w... more This final master work wants to respond to the demands of the knowledge society and information where industry intelligence and knowledge, claiming to schools adapt to changing times to promote autonomy and capacity, through meaningful learning that endure over time and also a change in the roles of teacher / student, the student has to be the real protagonist of the process (independent learning), the teacher is the manager of the learning process, creating the conditions that foster it. It aims to develop an instructional module (teaching materials containing all the elements that are necessary for learning of concepts and skills to the rhythm of the student without the element continuous face teaching) for application in imparting the knowledge of the phylum Arthropoda. The aim is to achieve an improvement when studying this Phylum in students 1st High School, in a meaningful way that can last over time without conceptual errors. Arthropods are animals low esteem despite their ecological importance. A good study of this phylum can be considered closer to these animals, we study to know, is known to keep. We want to develop an instructional module conceptually transparent, based on the theoretical framework that emphasizes Ausubel and Novak concept map tool as it facilitates meaningful learning to avoid conceptual errors. Meaningful learning from the perspective of Ausubel and Novak is the natural way of learning about people, and the psychological processes involved in the same pose that preexisting cognitive structure of the individual assimilates new information. Therefore, this leads to a previous diagnosis of what students already know about it. This MI is a knowledge model built with a concept map, through CMapTools software, this program allows you to link maps and resources by creating coherence, organization and transparency, are defined in the objectives, content, methodology and evaluation activities to be carried out. It aims to introduce a more enjoyable and with clear activities and supportable given above, instead of a classical learning, based largely on rote memory. This MI reflects the theoretical work, finding and organizing information, developing curriculum materials, will be recorded on a CD for viewing on any computer that has the software CMapTools.
Papers by Virginia Rada Ojer