Papers by Virginia Bertolotti

Romanica Cracoviensia
Micropoliteness and change in the pronominal system of adresse forms This paper examines the conc... more Micropoliteness and change in the pronominal system of adresse forms This paper examines the concept of micropoliteness or sympathetic politeness as a type of verbal politeness different from normal courtesy or strategic courtesy that have been used to explain some uses of forms of address in Spanish. This concept allows for a common explanation for some uses of Hispanic address forms, usually conceived as exceptional cases (the so-called: affectionate usted (Sp. usted de cariño/de coqueteo), patrician usted (Sp. usted Patricio), festive usted (usted festivo), affective su merced (Sp. su merced afectivo) or meliorative vosotros (Sp. vosotros meliorativo)). The analysis of the data provided in the bibliography and some of our own shows how these treatments described in the literature are not fully explained neither through the classic concepts of power and solidarity nor through other parameters that extend and complement the previous ones.
Palabras en lluvia minuciosa
Lingüística de corpus en español, 2022
Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española, 2019
Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española, 2019

ResumenEste trabajo de carácter empírico documenta la presencia de la forma de tratamiento su mer... more ResumenEste trabajo de carácter empírico documenta la presencia de la forma de tratamiento su merced durante el siglo XIX, en particular, en textos literarios latinoamericanos que representan el habla de africanos y de sus descendientes, tomados de Lipski (2005a, 2005b), y en textos literarios presentes en CORDE. El texto muestra también otros usos de su merced ligados a contextos de comunicación oficial escrita a partir de estudios anteriores. Asimismo, en este trabajo, se revisa la bibliografía sobre la forma en cuestión, se documenta el uso de su merced y se concluye que esta forma de tratamiento aparece en el contexto de relaciones sociales asimétricas y, muy marcadamente, en variedades de español habladas por africanos o descendientes de africanos en el siglo XIX.This paper is an empirical study of the presence of the address form su merced in the XIX century, particularly in Latin American literary texts representing the speech of Africans and their descendants, based on examp...
Español y portugués en contacto, 2017
The main purpose of this contribution is to analyze words of Portuguese origin that enter the Spa... more The main purpose of this contribution is to analyze words of Portuguese origin that enter the Spanish of Uruguay through the Brazilian border. In many cases these terms belong to Brazilian Portuguese and thus may be of African or Indigenous origin. Many of them are used exclusively close to the Uruguay-Brazilian border and cannot be found in any other region of the Americas. Here we organize current studies about the Portuguese lexicon in the Spanish of Uruguay into two groups. The first one focuses on linguistic studies that include those that have a lexicographical emphasis. The second group concentrates on research that uses literary sources in which words of Portuguese origin are analyzed.
This study presents new evidence that supports the idea that at the beginning of the 19th century... more This study presents new evidence that supports the idea that at the beginning of the 19th century there were two distinct norms used by Spanish speakers in the Rio de la Plata region as forms of address: an American/rural norm ( vos tenes/teneis ) and a European/urban norm ( tu tienes ). That explains the use of voseante and tuteante pronominal and verbal forms as the forms used today and also explains the different attitudes toward one and the other. The data analyzed were taken from the play El valiente fanfarron y el criollo socarron (‘The Brave Braggart and the Sarcastic Creole’), a literary source that has been scarcely explored by the history of language in the Rio de la Plata.
This book, which emerges from the presentations made in the Faculty of Information and Communicat... more This book, which emerges from the presentations made in the Faculty of Information and Communication in 2017 during two academic meetings: the Colloquium Communication, language and information: reading and writing in academic key and the thematic table Multiple looks for multiple literacies, made in the II Research Days. The written versions of these works are available, which have allowed to start a dialogue about academic reading and writing from three perspectives: communication, information and language sciences. It is hoped that this text will contribute to the dialogue between disciplines not only with the aim of improving the understanding of the same object - writing practices and the processing and communication of information in academic fields - but also contribute to improving teaching, a primary goal of the University of the Republic.

ceso al portugués en el Uruguay del xviii y al español rural del siglo xix, respectivamente. Nóte... more ceso al portugués en el Uruguay del xviii y al español rural del siglo xix, respectivamente. Nótese que circulaban en la sociedad del siglo xix una gran variedad de textos escritos. No todos ellos se han conservado, ciertamente, ya que solo se archiva un recorte de los textos, primordialmente, aquellos que tienen valor histórico. A ellos hemos recurrido, desde hace no tantas décadas, los historiadores de la lengua con el objeto de rescatar aquellos documentos que nos den los datos más fiables posibles. Las fuentes secundarias nos acercan indirectamente al objeto de estudio a través de comentarios lingüísticos (como los que hacen los viajeros, cronistas, etcétera) o a través de representaciones literarias (literatura, canciones de carnaval, letras de tango, entre otras). También constituimos repertorios de corte lexicográfico, especialmente para el estudio de las lenguas indígenas y de las lenguas africanas. Realizar una mejor historia de la lengua ha supuesto, entonces, el trabajo extra de construir conjuntos de datos fiables que permitan diversos tipos de análisis lingüístico. Constituidos los corpus, es posible comenzar el trabajo de análisis, que reflejamos parcialmente aquí.
This electronic file may not be altered in any way. The author(s) of this article is/are permitte... more This electronic file may not be altered in any way. The author(s) of this article is/are permitted to use this PDF file to generate printed copies to be used by way of offprints, for their personal use only. Permission is granted by the publishers to post this file on a closed server which is accessible to members (students and staff) only of the author’s/s’ institute, it is not permitted to post this PDF on the open internet. For any other use of this material prior written permission should be obtained from the publishers or through the Copyright Clearance Center (for USA: Please contact [email protected] or consult our website:
El español rioplatense, 2011
Address in Portuguese and Spanish, 2020
The use of a single pronominal and a single verbal form in the second person plural, ustedes, is ... more The use of a single pronominal and a single verbal form in the second person plural, ustedes, is one of the features that distinguishes the Spanish in the Americas from European Spanish, where in the domain of the plural informal vosotros still contrasts with formal ustedes. However, an explanation for the loss of vosotros forms in most communicative contexts in American Spanish has not been yet advanced. Based on a literature review and data from the Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del español de América (CORDIAM), this chapter proposes a new dating of the loss of vosotros and corresponding verbal forms. It also suggests that the characteristics of the pronoun make it a good candidate for being lost, except in ceremonial formal situations.
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (NRFH), 2019
Esta investigación explora la historia americana del originalmente honorífico e ibérico su merced... more Esta investigación explora la historia americana del originalmente honorífico e ibérico su merced, hoy empleado por millones de hablantes del español en América. El análisis de 983 concordancias de su merced extraídas de corpus de datos lingüísticos de los siglos XVI al XIX describe su sintaxis, pone en relación tradiciones discursivas y cambio lingüístico y muestra que su merced ha tenido dos vías de desarrollo en América a partir de dos prácticas comunicativas bien diferenciadas: la institucional y la interpersonal. En la primera, su merced se ha extinguido; en la segunda, su uso permite advertir el nexo con los empleos actuales.
Working Papers em Linguística, 2019
Para representar el mundo hispánico, invitamos a la académica uruguaya Virginia Bertolotti, cuya... more Para representar el mundo hispánico, invitamos a la académica uruguaya Virginia Bertolotti, cuyas contribuciones en el ámbito de las investigaciones sobre las formas de tratamiento en el español hispanoamericano son de gran importancia y con quien hemos cruzado camino en los eventos y proyectos sobre el tema al que se orienta esta publicación.
Pragmática Sociocultural / Sociocultural Pragmatics, 2017
Una buena noticia para los interesados en la variación hispanoamericana de los sistemas lingüísti... more Una buena noticia para los interesados en la variación hispanoamericana de los sistemas lingüísticos de tratamiento, llega con el libro A mí de vos no me trata ni
Papers by Virginia Bertolotti