WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 1970
This paper presents a functional model simulator for broadband integrated services digital networ... more This paper presents a functional model simulator for broadband integrated services digital networks, based on requirements which fit within the objectives of RACE- MAGIC project. The first software simulator, written in Erlang, is an ISUP (ISDN User Part) state machine implementation, designed for measuring the performances of interworking of signalling between B-ISDN and the existing N-ISDN. The second software simulator represents a proposal for a MAGIC Functional Model implementation, using Erlang facilities for a rapid prototyping of a robust system. The future global telecommunications network should be able to understand all of terminals requirements, to negotiate the services and the resources to be offered and finally to have an adaptive behaviour.
The alarming growth of the default free zone (DFZ) routing table prompted a response from the rou... more The alarming growth of the default free zone (DFZ) routing table prompted a response from the routing research community, which replied with several options, many of them centering around the idea of core-edge separation. The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is one of the most promising proposals, which gained momentum recently. Some implementations exist, with a small experimental testbed, but there are no tools to evaluate how these proposals would fare Internet-scale deployments. We propose CoreSim, an extensible LISP simulator, which can be used to evaluate the performance of this protocol considering today’s Inter-
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Jun 1, 2017
Micro-clouds infrastructures allow supporting applications on local and energy-efficient resource... more Micro-clouds infrastructures allow supporting applications on local and energy-efficient resources. Communication between micro-clouds takes place on shared and non-dedicated Internet links. Network control and optimization can only happen at the edge. For availability and persistence, the storage of application data must be geo-replicated. Maintaining strong data consistency under concurrent accesses requires delaysensitive coherence protocols, linking the performance of the storage to that of the network linking micro-clouds. We evaluate if the use of network control at the edge of a European-wide multi-site testbed, together with appropriate network monitoring, can allow improving the performance of ZooKeeper, a strongly-consistent replicated store. Our approach leverages the indirect routing of coherence protocol traffic in the presence of network triangle equality violations. We analyze the impact on storage of variations in WAN performance, and show how the use of traffic redirection can help reducing it.
The Future Internet is expected to overpass the limitations of the existing networks, mainly due ... more The Future Internet is expected to overpass the limitations of the existing networks, mainly due to suboptimal decisions, lack of security and scalability, difficulties in supporting nowadays innovations. The dream to offer access to data, voice or high quality video to the end user ...
Capturing traffic and processing its contents is a valuable skill that when put in the right hand... more Capturing traffic and processing its contents is a valuable skill that when put in the right hands makes diagnosing and troubleshooting network issues an approachable task. Apart from aiding in fixing common problems, packet capture can also be used for any application that requires getting a deeper understanding of how things work under the hood. Many tools have been developed in order to allow the user to study the flow of data inside of a network. This paper focuses on documenting the process of creating such tools and showcasing their use in different contexts. This is achieved by leveraging the power of the C++ programming language and of the libtins library in order to create custom extensible sniffing tools, which are then used in VoIP (Voice over IP) and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) applications.
2020 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2020
Depending on the requirements, the deployment of containerized applications for monitoring Intern... more Depending on the requirements, the deployment of containerized applications for monitoring Internet of Things devices can be done in Cloud or on the Edge. This paper discusses the design of a containerized application monitoring temperature and humidity for IoT devices in three implementations: (1) balenaCloud for edge deployment; (2) Amazon Web Services cloud with EC2 instances; and (3) dedicated Amazon Web Services IoT service. The experiments showed that there are no significant performance differences between Edge and Cloud deployments regarding the resource consumption. However, for fast and almost effortless action, Amazon Web Services IoT is the go-to option when it comes to serverless applications based on Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. For all-in-one automated fleet management balenaCloud seems to be a good tool for IoT developers.
2018 17th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2018
This paper presents a web-based application for an automatic management system in a private cloud... more This paper presents a web-based application for an automatic management system in a private cloud using NtopNG and Zabbix open-source monitoring tools. The initial objective was to increase the efficiency of the work carried out by the network administrators to control the access to the Intranet/Internet services for a large community of users (e.g., students in a campus). This involved a virtualized platform where the customers had to register (name and password). The next step was to unlock some/ all of the following services they are entitled to use (e.g., FTP, TeamSpeak, Torrent, and VPN). This original solution takes advantage of the graphical features of Zabbix, as well as the detailed configuration capabilities of NtopNG. In the second phase of the work we expanded the applicability of the management solution to devices placed in vehicles and acting as Compute Nodes in a cloud. The strengths of this implementation are the following: the application is easy to use, it can be accessed by fixed and mobile devices, it allows automatic real-time update, server virtualization, and scalability.
IP. The IntServ (Integrated Services) approach is based on both H.323 (which is an ITU-T recommen... more IP. The IntServ (Integrated Services) approach is based on both H.323 (which is an ITU-T recommendation) and SIP
2016 12th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2016
This paper is focused on evaluation of Nagios, an open-source flexible monitoring tool for enterp... more This paper is focused on evaluation of Nagios, an open-source flexible monitoring tool for enterprises, in a cloud-based network orchestrated by OpenStack. The work relies on a previous work done within UC Labs which added new objects (i.e. QoS parameters) in a management information base MIB. The solution aims at collecting the Available Transfer Rates and One-Way Delays of the links within the cloud, in order to provide the optimization of the Network Virtualization Functions.
2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2020
This paper presents a functional solution for the management and orchestration (MANO) of the Netw... more This paper presents a functional solution for the management and orchestration (MANO) of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV), based on Open Source MANO (OSM). Two different Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIMs) were tested: OpenVIM and OpenStack. Following the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) requirements two experimental scenarios were devised: (1) with OpenVIM in test mode: two Ubuntu 16.04.6 virtual machines (VMs), hosted by different physical computers, acted as two virtual infrastructure managers (VIMs); one of them was collocated with Open Source MANO (OSM); (2) with OpenStack as a VIM and OSM running on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. The experimental results helped us defined some best practices for integrating OSM with both VIMs. In the future, we plan on extending the infrastructure orchestrated by OSM to include an SDN controller and several clouds acting as VIMs.
2018 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2018
Taking into consideration the amount of time spent in vehicles, in smart cities there is nowadays... more Taking into consideration the amount of time spent in vehicles, in smart cities there is nowadays an interest in designing the Edge/Fog/cloud based networks in order to better serve social connectivity. This paper describes a context-based routing algorithm and its application in SIP-based infotainment. The testbed consists of a virtualized sipXcom switching system migrated into a private cloud orchestrated by OpenStack. SIP terminals placed in a smart vehicle and running Android/ Windows and Ubuntu were connected to the IP-based exchanges (both inside and outside the cloud). Regarding the capture and analysis of the SIP flows, no malfunction was detected for the system installed in the cloud (i.e. INVITE and REGISTER messages were captured properly). A lack of some SIP requests was detected for the system installed outside the cloud though, but the work to determine the reasons is under progress.
2019 18th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2019
Smart cities require intelligent transportation systems where the communication is based on edge/... more Smart cities require intelligent transportation systems where the communication is based on edge/fog/cloud computing. The deployment of 5G is expected to play a crucial role in the new infrastructure and services. This paper presents a use case to illustrate the concept of network function virtualization, as a new paradigm in designing the telecommunications networks. The idea is to implement an overlay network between vehicles and the cloud, based on distributed Docker containers, orchestrated by Open Baton. This solution uses TOSCA YAML as data model and descriptor language. The performance of the container-to- container connectivity was evaluated with iPerf. Following the successful automatic deployment of this infrastructure, the future work would be to offer services running in these containers.
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), 2019
Public healthcare is a major priority in today’s society. With the introduction of wearable devic... more Public healthcare is a major priority in today’s society. With the introduction of wearable devices, monitoring, detecting and preventing health conditions has become cheaper and easier. On the down side, transmitting and storing all this sensitive data poses new challenges. We propose an original solution for securing the transmission of data gathered by sensors in a Wireless Body Area Network using the Electrocardiogram signal and Named Data Networks. Our contribution is two-fold: first of all, we make use of the inherent features of such networks to securely transmit sensitive, health-related data (of a regular patient or a driver) to the cloud and then disseminate it to interested parties such as physicians. Second, our approach exploits the properties of the Electrocardiogram signal (robustness to attacks, universality and liveness detection) to encrypt this data and provide a simple and fast authentication mechanism between the devices in the Wireless Body Area Network.
2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2020
The issue of information security in the IoT era is an essential aspect for all IoT devices that ... more The issue of information security in the IoT era is an essential aspect for all IoT devices that are connected to the Internet. If the technology is vulnerable, it allows hackers to exploit such systems in order to spy, harm, or disrupt their activity. This paper presents some security issues of a GPS-based monitoring solution for the automotive industry. Some penetration tests using DoS and MITM attacks were launched in an infrastructure with GPS-based data transmission devices and receiving servers. Preliminary countermeasures were suggested, as the Teltonika protocol involved in the initial system did not use encryption.
2016 International Conference on Communications (COMM), 2016
This paper studies the SPLAY open-source framework that facilitates the design, deployment and te... more This paper studies the SPLAY open-source framework that facilitates the design, deployment and testing of large-scale distributed applications. A mechanism for automatic control of a virtualized testbed created in OpenStack running Ubuntu 14.04.3 was implemented. The SPLAY entities involved herein were the following: a controller and a modified version of the daemons without using the sandboxing concept. As a proof of concept, measuring scripts and OpenvSwitch scripts (in Lua) were deployed through SPLAY agents. Thus we avoided the time consuming and boring processes of manual configuration of a testbed. Compared to legacy solutions (e.g. bash scripting) this approach provides scalability (the code is automatically distributed to a large number of nodes) and flexibility (the code can be tailored for specific nodes).
This paper is focused on a Layer 4 switching experiments of IPv6 over Fast Ethernet, running unde... more This paper is focused on a Layer 4 switching experiments of IPv6 over Fast Ethernet, running under Windows 2000 Professional. Prior to our studies on IPv4 over ATM with TCP relaying, firstly introduced at IEEE LANMAN'99, we are trying to evaluate the performances at the interface between the applications and the nonblocking stream-oriented sockets in TCP/IP. The first major objective is to get consistent results for a IPv6 versus IPv4 debate, even the implementation phase of this new version of the Internet Protocol is under progress. The second objective is to propose a method for measuring the round-trip-time RTT at the Application Layer. It will provide 1 nanosecond-accuracy, that is requested by the new technologies such as Gigabit Ethernet.
The increased number of applications with strict demands regarding throughput and delay (e.g. vid... more The increased number of applications with strict demands regarding throughput and delay (e.g. video streaming, VoIP, video conferencing) determines the need for more efficient routing procedures in the Internet. Multipath routing is one solution that can assure a more reliable and robust transmission. This approach provides flexible load balancing and congestion avoidance by offering multiple alternative paths to a destination. This paper presents an overview of the design details of today's multipath routing solutions, with their advantages and disadvantages.
This paper presents a contribution to the OMNeT++ 4.1 simulator in C++ by integrating our own imp... more This paper presents a contribution to the OMNeT++ 4.1 simulator in C++ by integrating our own implementation of the FF-Ford-Fulkerson multipath routing algorithm. In order to validate it, an eight-node testbed works with dynamic requested and released flows on each link, updated every second. Four simple scenarios were proposed, considering all possible combinations of fixed and/or random variation laws. Additionally, the path search algorithm BFS-Breadth First Search was implemented too. This software package running under Fedora Core gets the input data from three files called Nodes, Connections and Params. This mechanism provides the interworking between the C++-based FF simulator and the Java-based application in Intellij IDEA 10.5, used as traffic variation simulator. The graphical representations of the occupied, the requested and, respectively, the released flows are obtained by aggregating the contributions of all flows from the paths for any given source-destination pair.
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 1970
This paper presents a functional model simulator for broadband integrated services digital networ... more This paper presents a functional model simulator for broadband integrated services digital networks, based on requirements which fit within the objectives of RACE- MAGIC project. The first software simulator, written in Erlang, is an ISUP (ISDN User Part) state machine implementation, designed for measuring the performances of interworking of signalling between B-ISDN and the existing N-ISDN. The second software simulator represents a proposal for a MAGIC Functional Model implementation, using Erlang facilities for a rapid prototyping of a robust system. The future global telecommunications network should be able to understand all of terminals requirements, to negotiate the services and the resources to be offered and finally to have an adaptive behaviour.
The alarming growth of the default free zone (DFZ) routing table prompted a response from the rou... more The alarming growth of the default free zone (DFZ) routing table prompted a response from the routing research community, which replied with several options, many of them centering around the idea of core-edge separation. The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is one of the most promising proposals, which gained momentum recently. Some implementations exist, with a small experimental testbed, but there are no tools to evaluate how these proposals would fare Internet-scale deployments. We propose CoreSim, an extensible LISP simulator, which can be used to evaluate the performance of this protocol considering today’s Inter-
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Jun 1, 2017
Micro-clouds infrastructures allow supporting applications on local and energy-efficient resource... more Micro-clouds infrastructures allow supporting applications on local and energy-efficient resources. Communication between micro-clouds takes place on shared and non-dedicated Internet links. Network control and optimization can only happen at the edge. For availability and persistence, the storage of application data must be geo-replicated. Maintaining strong data consistency under concurrent accesses requires delaysensitive coherence protocols, linking the performance of the storage to that of the network linking micro-clouds. We evaluate if the use of network control at the edge of a European-wide multi-site testbed, together with appropriate network monitoring, can allow improving the performance of ZooKeeper, a strongly-consistent replicated store. Our approach leverages the indirect routing of coherence protocol traffic in the presence of network triangle equality violations. We analyze the impact on storage of variations in WAN performance, and show how the use of traffic redirection can help reducing it.
The Future Internet is expected to overpass the limitations of the existing networks, mainly due ... more The Future Internet is expected to overpass the limitations of the existing networks, mainly due to suboptimal decisions, lack of security and scalability, difficulties in supporting nowadays innovations. The dream to offer access to data, voice or high quality video to the end user ...
Capturing traffic and processing its contents is a valuable skill that when put in the right hand... more Capturing traffic and processing its contents is a valuable skill that when put in the right hands makes diagnosing and troubleshooting network issues an approachable task. Apart from aiding in fixing common problems, packet capture can also be used for any application that requires getting a deeper understanding of how things work under the hood. Many tools have been developed in order to allow the user to study the flow of data inside of a network. This paper focuses on documenting the process of creating such tools and showcasing their use in different contexts. This is achieved by leveraging the power of the C++ programming language and of the libtins library in order to create custom extensible sniffing tools, which are then used in VoIP (Voice over IP) and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) applications.
2020 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2020
Depending on the requirements, the deployment of containerized applications for monitoring Intern... more Depending on the requirements, the deployment of containerized applications for monitoring Internet of Things devices can be done in Cloud or on the Edge. This paper discusses the design of a containerized application monitoring temperature and humidity for IoT devices in three implementations: (1) balenaCloud for edge deployment; (2) Amazon Web Services cloud with EC2 instances; and (3) dedicated Amazon Web Services IoT service. The experiments showed that there are no significant performance differences between Edge and Cloud deployments regarding the resource consumption. However, for fast and almost effortless action, Amazon Web Services IoT is the go-to option when it comes to serverless applications based on Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. For all-in-one automated fleet management balenaCloud seems to be a good tool for IoT developers.
2018 17th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2018
This paper presents a web-based application for an automatic management system in a private cloud... more This paper presents a web-based application for an automatic management system in a private cloud using NtopNG and Zabbix open-source monitoring tools. The initial objective was to increase the efficiency of the work carried out by the network administrators to control the access to the Intranet/Internet services for a large community of users (e.g., students in a campus). This involved a virtualized platform where the customers had to register (name and password). The next step was to unlock some/ all of the following services they are entitled to use (e.g., FTP, TeamSpeak, Torrent, and VPN). This original solution takes advantage of the graphical features of Zabbix, as well as the detailed configuration capabilities of NtopNG. In the second phase of the work we expanded the applicability of the management solution to devices placed in vehicles and acting as Compute Nodes in a cloud. The strengths of this implementation are the following: the application is easy to use, it can be accessed by fixed and mobile devices, it allows automatic real-time update, server virtualization, and scalability.
IP. The IntServ (Integrated Services) approach is based on both H.323 (which is an ITU-T recommen... more IP. The IntServ (Integrated Services) approach is based on both H.323 (which is an ITU-T recommendation) and SIP
2016 12th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2016
This paper is focused on evaluation of Nagios, an open-source flexible monitoring tool for enterp... more This paper is focused on evaluation of Nagios, an open-source flexible monitoring tool for enterprises, in a cloud-based network orchestrated by OpenStack. The work relies on a previous work done within UC Labs which added new objects (i.e. QoS parameters) in a management information base MIB. The solution aims at collecting the Available Transfer Rates and One-Way Delays of the links within the cloud, in order to provide the optimization of the Network Virtualization Functions.
2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2020
This paper presents a functional solution for the management and orchestration (MANO) of the Netw... more This paper presents a functional solution for the management and orchestration (MANO) of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV), based on Open Source MANO (OSM). Two different Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIMs) were tested: OpenVIM and OpenStack. Following the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) requirements two experimental scenarios were devised: (1) with OpenVIM in test mode: two Ubuntu 16.04.6 virtual machines (VMs), hosted by different physical computers, acted as two virtual infrastructure managers (VIMs); one of them was collocated with Open Source MANO (OSM); (2) with OpenStack as a VIM and OSM running on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. The experimental results helped us defined some best practices for integrating OSM with both VIMs. In the future, we plan on extending the infrastructure orchestrated by OSM to include an SDN controller and several clouds acting as VIMs.
2018 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 2018
Taking into consideration the amount of time spent in vehicles, in smart cities there is nowadays... more Taking into consideration the amount of time spent in vehicles, in smart cities there is nowadays an interest in designing the Edge/Fog/cloud based networks in order to better serve social connectivity. This paper describes a context-based routing algorithm and its application in SIP-based infotainment. The testbed consists of a virtualized sipXcom switching system migrated into a private cloud orchestrated by OpenStack. SIP terminals placed in a smart vehicle and running Android/ Windows and Ubuntu were connected to the IP-based exchanges (both inside and outside the cloud). Regarding the capture and analysis of the SIP flows, no malfunction was detected for the system installed in the cloud (i.e. INVITE and REGISTER messages were captured properly). A lack of some SIP requests was detected for the system installed outside the cloud though, but the work to determine the reasons is under progress.
2019 18th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2019
Smart cities require intelligent transportation systems where the communication is based on edge/... more Smart cities require intelligent transportation systems where the communication is based on edge/fog/cloud computing. The deployment of 5G is expected to play a crucial role in the new infrastructure and services. This paper presents a use case to illustrate the concept of network function virtualization, as a new paradigm in designing the telecommunications networks. The idea is to implement an overlay network between vehicles and the cloud, based on distributed Docker containers, orchestrated by Open Baton. This solution uses TOSCA YAML as data model and descriptor language. The performance of the container-to- container connectivity was evaluated with iPerf. Following the successful automatic deployment of this infrastructure, the future work would be to offer services running in these containers.
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), 2019
Public healthcare is a major priority in today’s society. With the introduction of wearable devic... more Public healthcare is a major priority in today’s society. With the introduction of wearable devices, monitoring, detecting and preventing health conditions has become cheaper and easier. On the down side, transmitting and storing all this sensitive data poses new challenges. We propose an original solution for securing the transmission of data gathered by sensors in a Wireless Body Area Network using the Electrocardiogram signal and Named Data Networks. Our contribution is two-fold: first of all, we make use of the inherent features of such networks to securely transmit sensitive, health-related data (of a regular patient or a driver) to the cloud and then disseminate it to interested parties such as physicians. Second, our approach exploits the properties of the Electrocardiogram signal (robustness to attacks, universality and liveness detection) to encrypt this data and provide a simple and fast authentication mechanism between the devices in the Wireless Body Area Network.
2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2020
The issue of information security in the IoT era is an essential aspect for all IoT devices that ... more The issue of information security in the IoT era is an essential aspect for all IoT devices that are connected to the Internet. If the technology is vulnerable, it allows hackers to exploit such systems in order to spy, harm, or disrupt their activity. This paper presents some security issues of a GPS-based monitoring solution for the automotive industry. Some penetration tests using DoS and MITM attacks were launched in an infrastructure with GPS-based data transmission devices and receiving servers. Preliminary countermeasures were suggested, as the Teltonika protocol involved in the initial system did not use encryption.
2016 International Conference on Communications (COMM), 2016
This paper studies the SPLAY open-source framework that facilitates the design, deployment and te... more This paper studies the SPLAY open-source framework that facilitates the design, deployment and testing of large-scale distributed applications. A mechanism for automatic control of a virtualized testbed created in OpenStack running Ubuntu 14.04.3 was implemented. The SPLAY entities involved herein were the following: a controller and a modified version of the daemons without using the sandboxing concept. As a proof of concept, measuring scripts and OpenvSwitch scripts (in Lua) were deployed through SPLAY agents. Thus we avoided the time consuming and boring processes of manual configuration of a testbed. Compared to legacy solutions (e.g. bash scripting) this approach provides scalability (the code is automatically distributed to a large number of nodes) and flexibility (the code can be tailored for specific nodes).
This paper is focused on a Layer 4 switching experiments of IPv6 over Fast Ethernet, running unde... more This paper is focused on a Layer 4 switching experiments of IPv6 over Fast Ethernet, running under Windows 2000 Professional. Prior to our studies on IPv4 over ATM with TCP relaying, firstly introduced at IEEE LANMAN'99, we are trying to evaluate the performances at the interface between the applications and the nonblocking stream-oriented sockets in TCP/IP. The first major objective is to get consistent results for a IPv6 versus IPv4 debate, even the implementation phase of this new version of the Internet Protocol is under progress. The second objective is to propose a method for measuring the round-trip-time RTT at the Application Layer. It will provide 1 nanosecond-accuracy, that is requested by the new technologies such as Gigabit Ethernet.
The increased number of applications with strict demands regarding throughput and delay (e.g. vid... more The increased number of applications with strict demands regarding throughput and delay (e.g. video streaming, VoIP, video conferencing) determines the need for more efficient routing procedures in the Internet. Multipath routing is one solution that can assure a more reliable and robust transmission. This approach provides flexible load balancing and congestion avoidance by offering multiple alternative paths to a destination. This paper presents an overview of the design details of today's multipath routing solutions, with their advantages and disadvantages.
This paper presents a contribution to the OMNeT++ 4.1 simulator in C++ by integrating our own imp... more This paper presents a contribution to the OMNeT++ 4.1 simulator in C++ by integrating our own implementation of the FF-Ford-Fulkerson multipath routing algorithm. In order to validate it, an eight-node testbed works with dynamic requested and released flows on each link, updated every second. Four simple scenarios were proposed, considering all possible combinations of fixed and/or random variation laws. Additionally, the path search algorithm BFS-Breadth First Search was implemented too. This software package running under Fedora Core gets the input data from three files called Nodes, Connections and Params. This mechanism provides the interworking between the C++-based FF simulator and the Java-based application in Intellij IDEA 10.5, used as traffic variation simulator. The graphical representations of the occupied, the requested and, respectively, the released flows are obtained by aggregating the contributions of all flows from the paths for any given source-destination pair.
Papers by Virgil Dobrota