Thesis Chapters by Virginia Frade Pandolfi
Tesis para defender el título de maestría en Ciencias Humanas, opción: «Lenguaje, cultura y socie... more Tesis para defender el título de maestría en Ciencias Humanas, opción: «Lenguaje, cultura y sociedad» «Interacción y roles en las clases de Ceibal en inglés: estudio de una propuesta educativa que busca ser innovadora » Autora: Lic. Prof. Virginia Frade Pandolfi C.I.: 1.902.029-1 Directora de tesis: Dra. Beatriz Gabbiani Montevideo, febrero de 2017 i Índice Agradecimientos……………………………………………………………………….pag. III Resumen……………………………………………………………………………….pag. IV Abstract………………………………………………………………………………...pag.V iii

«Interacción y roles en las clases de Ceibal en inglés: estudio de una propuesta educativa que busca ser innovadora » UdelaR, 2017
This research focuses on the study and analysis of the verbal interaction present among those who... more This research focuses on the study and analysis of the verbal interaction present among those who participate in “Ceibal en inglés”, an English language teaching system present in many Uruguayan public primary schools since 2012. What is innovative about “Ceibal en inglés” is that English lessons are delivered by a “remote teacher” (RT) who videoconferences once a week into student´s classroom, through a 45-minute lesson. This lesson is complemented by two other 45-minute lessons, which are taught in person, weekly, by the classroom teacher (CT), who works with her/his students, making use of “Ceibal en inglés” teaching resources.
An in-depth study of the classroom episodes made it possible to analyze how knowledge is built in this teaching system and, to do this, the teaching models used by “Ceibal en inglés” are described and analyzed, as well as roles and interaction, and how the latter are influenced by the former. The use of the L2 in the classroom is another element studied in this research.
Also, it examines the effect that the model(s) of teaching used has/have on the traditional roles (teacher-student) and how they are modified or re-directed in the lessons delivered by the RT, given that interaction changes from being bi-directional, to a triangular relationship (classroom teacher, remote teacher and students).
Papers by Virginia Frade Pandolfi
Dialogarts Publicaciones, 2018
Tenso Diagonal, Número 1 (2016), Apr 1, 2016
On November 25th, 1933, the magazine The New Yorker publishes a sci-ence fiction short story writ... more On November 25th, 1933, the magazine The New Yorker publishes a sci-ence fiction short story written by E. B. White, entitled “The Supremacy of Uruguay”, in which a Uruguayan hotel clerk creates a war machine able to reduce the world populace to insanity by scattering love messages. The aim of this article is to present this science fiction story from a perspective that includes the absurd and the implausible of a fantastic fiction. The article includes diverse perspectives and interpretations that range from the literary, the anthropologic and the historical to the techno-science.

UdelaR, Feb 1, 2017
This research focuses on the study and analysis of the verbal interaction present among those who... more This research focuses on the study and analysis of the verbal interaction present among those who participate in “Ceibal en inglés”, an English language teaching system present in many Uruguayan public primary schools since 2012. What is innovative about “Ceibal en inglés” is that English lessons are delivered by a “remote teacher” (RT) who videoconferences once a week into student´s classroom, through a 45-minute lesson. This lesson is complemented by two other 45-minute lessons, which are taught in person, weekly, by the classroom teacher (CT), who works with her/his students, making use of “Ceibal en inglés” teaching resources. An in-depth study of the classroom episodes made it possible to analyze how knowledge is built in this teaching system and, to do this, the teaching models used by “Ceibal en inglés” are described and analyzed, as well as roles and interaction, and how the latter are influenced by the former. The use of the L2 in the classroom is another element studied in this research. Also, it examines the effect that the model(s) of teaching used has/have on the traditional roles (teacher-student) and how they are modified or re-directed in the lessons delivered by the RT, given that interaction changes from being bi-directional, to a triangular relationship (classroom teacher, remote teacher and students).

Proyecto Tenso Diagonal, Nov 1, 2016
This article is devoted to the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon known as lexical borrowings, a... more This article is devoted to the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon known as lexical borrowings, and also to explore why it happens in a language, how cultural exchange occurs and in which circumstances. The processes that underlay the lexical borrowing (in this case from English), and its political-economic implications will be ex-amined. It is known that the social condition of man and the need to interact and com-municate with other human beings have led him to interact with other cultures. These interactions, inevitably, generate different types of exchange (material, economic, politi-cal or cultural) and the vehicle for this exchange to happen is language. This cultural exchange has not always been a two way process or has happened with the same degree of intensity. It is from this perspective that this article will explore the lexical borrowing phenomenon.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2013

Proyecto Tenso Diagonal, Dec 16, 2019
No es novedad que a lo largo de los años, desde el siglo XIX, ha habido una importante migración ... more No es novedad que a lo largo de los años, desde el siglo XIX, ha habido una importante migración de la isla de Puerto Rico hacia los Estados Unidos de América, especialmente ha-cia la costa Este del país. Es a partir de la década del ´20 que comienzan a haber varias olas migratorias más notorias, pero es especialmente luego de 1917, cuando los residentes puertorriqueños reciben la ciudadanía estadounidense a través de la Ley conocida como Jones-Shafroth, que los movimientos migratorios desde la isla al continente se incrementan. En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, especialmente entre las décadas del ´50 y los ´80, muchos de ellos llegan y se instalan en Nueva York, y eligen como lugar de residencia el Spanish Harlem y el Bronx, sumándose a los prime-ros inmigrantes, y dando forma a una de las comunidades boricuas más importante de los Estados Unidos. Es justamente en el barrio neoyorquino del Bronx donde el artista Samuel Miranda, con raíces puertorriqueñas, nace y crece. Ciertamente, las olas migratorias no solamente trajeron consigo el sentimiento de desarraigo, sino también los recuerdos atesorados en imágenes, aromas, sonidos o melodías que Sami Miranda ha sabido plasmar en su arte visual, en sus pinturas, graba-dos y bordados, pero también en su poesía. En 2017 Central Square Press publica su primera colección de poemas titulado Departure, donde el artista materializa, a través de los versos, la partida y el desplazamiento de la migración puertorriqueña. Seguramente, los relatos de memorias de aquel Puerto Rico dejado atrás por generaciones anteriores a Miranda estuvieron presentes durante su niñez, y a lo largo de su vida, los que claramente

El objetivo de este trabajo es abrir un espacio de reflexion en torno a la novela uruguaya Zack (... more El objetivo de este trabajo es abrir un espacio de reflexion en torno a la novela uruguaya Zack (1993), de la escritora Ana Solari, inscripta dentro de lo que se conoce como literatura distopica, en este caso, escrita en el Uruguay pos dictatorial. Si bien este texto puede ser abordado desde diferentes lugares, aqui la novela sera estudiada desde una perspectiva eco critica, ya que la misma funciona como una eco-distopia que critica a la logica del crecimiento cientifico y tecnologico derivado del capitalismo global, con sus posibles consecuencias. Asimismo, aparte de estudiar las tensiones que se generan entre la naturaleza y el hombre (en este caso el cientifico), tambien se abordara una segunda tension de opuestos que se contienen, representada en la imagen/metafora del zombi: una especie de muerto viviente, oximoron creado por la tension de esos dos opuestos. Esta ultima metafora puede ser utilizada como artefacto interpretativo, pues es a traves de su figura que Solari trae a l...

En el presente trabajo presentare un analisis (que forma parte de unainvestigacion mayor que cons... more En el presente trabajo presentare un analisis (que forma parte de unainvestigacion mayor que constituye mi tesis de Maestria) de como se(des)construye la identidad docente cuando se trata de duplas detrabajo que coexisten. La investigacion se centra, especificamente, en elmodelo de ensenanza de ingles como lengua extranjera a traves devideoconferencia, llevado adelante por Ceibal en ingles en Uruguay. Elmencionado sistema de ensenanza consta de tres clases semanales de45 minutos cada una: la clase A la dicta una profesora remota, queensena ingles desde cualquier punto del pais o del exterior, a traves delmencionado sistema de videoconferencia; mientras que las clases B y Cson dictadas por la maestra de clase, quien tambien esta presentedurante la clase A. Esta modalidad de trabajo supone la presencia dedos docentes, coexistiendo en tiempo y, virtualmente, en lugar (una veza la semana), trabajando en duplas, aunque esto no siempre implicaque el trabajo de los docentes suceda bajo la ...
O Duplo, o Espelho, a Sombra Figurações de personagens nas literaturas de Língua Inglesa, 2018
(Re)Visioes do Fantástico. Do centro as margens; caminhos cruzados, 2016
Dialogarts, Rio de Janeiro, 2016

El objetivo de este trabajo es abrir un espacio de reflexión en torno a la novela uruguaya Zack (... more El objetivo de este trabajo es abrir un espacio de reflexión en torno a la novela uruguaya Zack (1993), de la escritora Ana Solari, inscripta dentro de lo que se conoce como literatura distópica, en este caso, escrita en el Uruguay pos dictatorial. Si bien este texto puede ser abordado desde diferentes lugares, aquí la novela será estudiada desde una perspectiva eco crítica, ya que la misma funciona como una eco-distopía que critica a la lógica del crecimiento científico y tecnológico derivado del capitalismo global, con sus posibles consecuencias. Asimismo, aparte de estudiar las tensiones que se generan entre la naturaleza y el hombre (en este caso el científico), también se abordará una segunda tensión de opuestos que se contienen, representada en la imagen/metáfora del zombi: una especie de muerto viviente, oxímoron creado por la tensión de esos dos opuestos. Esta última metáfora puede ser utilizada como artefacto interpretativo, pues es a través de su figura que Solari trae a la discusión un tema que Zygmunt Bauman discute en su libro Vidas desperdiciadas. La modernidad y sus parias (2006), que es el de los residuos que genera el sistema de vida típico de la modernidad, en palabras de este autor, específicamente “residuos humanos”, es decir, todos aquellos seres que no han logrado integrarse al sistema de vida moderno, y que no le son de utilidad (o al menos no son funcionales) a la sociedad.
Revista Tenso Diagonal., 2016
This article is devoted to the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon known as lexical ... more This article is devoted to the analysis of a linguistic phenomenon known as lexical borrowings, and also to explore why it happens in a language, how cultural exchange occurs and in which circumstances. The processes that underlay the lexical borrowing (in this case from English), and its political-economic implications will be ex-amined. It is known that the social condition of man and the need to interact and com-municate with other human beings have led him to interact with other cultures. These interactions, inevitably, generate different types of exchange (material, economic, politi-cal or cultural) and the vehicle for this exchange to happen is language. This cultural exchange has not always been a two way process or has happened with the same degree of intensity. It is from this perspective that this article will explore the lexical borrowing phenomenon.

Revista Linguagem & Ensino. Revista do programa de Pos- Graduacao em Letras. Vol.21, Nro. 2, 2018
This work presents an analysis (that is part of a broader research that
constitutes my M.A. thesi... more This work presents an analysis (that is part of a broader research that
constitutes my M.A. thesis) about how one (de) constructs teachers’
identity in cases in which there is team work. The research centers,
specially, on the model of teaching English as a foreign language by
videoconference, a work done by Ceibal, in English, in Uruguay. The
mentioned education system consists of three 45 minutes weekly
classes: class A has a remote teacher, who teaches English from any
point of the country or outside it, using the mentioned system of
videoconference, while classes B and C have a teacher in the class, also
present during class A activities. This kind of work supposes the
presence of two teachers, coexisting in time and, virtually, in place
(once a week), working as a team, although this not always implies that
their work happens as “pedagogic pairs or couples”. Therefore, we
present the roles the program expects every teacher to play (especially
during class A), as well as those found in the research, which not always
coincide with the ones proposed by Ceibal in English, a fact that may
cause a crisis in teaching practice that produces a blurring of teaching
identities and roles.
Tenso diagonal, 2016
On November 25th, 1933, the magazine The New Yorker publishes a sci-ence fiction short story writ... more On November 25th, 1933, the magazine The New Yorker publishes a sci-ence fiction short story written by E. B. White, entitled “The Supremacy of Uruguay”, in which a Uruguayan hotel clerk creates a war machine able to reduce the world populace to insanity by scattering love messages. The aim of this article is to present this science fiction story from a perspective that includes the absurd and the implausible of a fantastic fiction. The article includes diverse perspectives and interpretations that range from the literary, the anthropologic and the historical to the techno-science.
Thesis Chapters by Virginia Frade Pandolfi
An in-depth study of the classroom episodes made it possible to analyze how knowledge is built in this teaching system and, to do this, the teaching models used by “Ceibal en inglés” are described and analyzed, as well as roles and interaction, and how the latter are influenced by the former. The use of the L2 in the classroom is another element studied in this research.
Also, it examines the effect that the model(s) of teaching used has/have on the traditional roles (teacher-student) and how they are modified or re-directed in the lessons delivered by the RT, given that interaction changes from being bi-directional, to a triangular relationship (classroom teacher, remote teacher and students).
Papers by Virginia Frade Pandolfi
constitutes my M.A. thesis) about how one (de) constructs teachers’
identity in cases in which there is team work. The research centers,
specially, on the model of teaching English as a foreign language by
videoconference, a work done by Ceibal, in English, in Uruguay. The
mentioned education system consists of three 45 minutes weekly
classes: class A has a remote teacher, who teaches English from any
point of the country or outside it, using the mentioned system of
videoconference, while classes B and C have a teacher in the class, also
present during class A activities. This kind of work supposes the
presence of two teachers, coexisting in time and, virtually, in place
(once a week), working as a team, although this not always implies that
their work happens as “pedagogic pairs or couples”. Therefore, we
present the roles the program expects every teacher to play (especially
during class A), as well as those found in the research, which not always
coincide with the ones proposed by Ceibal in English, a fact that may
cause a crisis in teaching practice that produces a blurring of teaching
identities and roles.
An in-depth study of the classroom episodes made it possible to analyze how knowledge is built in this teaching system and, to do this, the teaching models used by “Ceibal en inglés” are described and analyzed, as well as roles and interaction, and how the latter are influenced by the former. The use of the L2 in the classroom is another element studied in this research.
Also, it examines the effect that the model(s) of teaching used has/have on the traditional roles (teacher-student) and how they are modified or re-directed in the lessons delivered by the RT, given that interaction changes from being bi-directional, to a triangular relationship (classroom teacher, remote teacher and students).
constitutes my M.A. thesis) about how one (de) constructs teachers’
identity in cases in which there is team work. The research centers,
specially, on the model of teaching English as a foreign language by
videoconference, a work done by Ceibal, in English, in Uruguay. The
mentioned education system consists of three 45 minutes weekly
classes: class A has a remote teacher, who teaches English from any
point of the country or outside it, using the mentioned system of
videoconference, while classes B and C have a teacher in the class, also
present during class A activities. This kind of work supposes the
presence of two teachers, coexisting in time and, virtually, in place
(once a week), working as a team, although this not always implies that
their work happens as “pedagogic pairs or couples”. Therefore, we
present the roles the program expects every teacher to play (especially
during class A), as well as those found in the research, which not always
coincide with the ones proposed by Ceibal in English, a fact that may
cause a crisis in teaching practice that produces a blurring of teaching
identities and roles.
can be broadly analysed through Baudrillard's concept of "simulation" and "simulacra." This
article analyses how the mass media is represented in this young-adult dystopian fiction as
the new almighty God that can create, but also destroy, real and hyperreal scenarios. The
article particularly focuses on the concept of "arena" (present in the trilogy) as a hyperreal
territory that acts as a panopticon that ends up reversing its original purpose.