Purpose. To create a model reproducing the process of forming geotechnical properties of the rock... more Purpose. To create a model reproducing the process of forming geotechnical properties of the rock massif adjoining circuit of underground excavation by roller compaction method incorporating hardening and creating the zone of slow plastic deformation. Methods. Modelling the main technological parameters of manufacturing process as for adjoining circuit of the tunnel: distribution of normal pressures and heights of the core seal depending on the main strength and deformation properties of rock massif, geometry and characteristics of the contact area of roller working body with the working medium. Findings. The choice of the computational model simulating the formation of adjoining mountain contour properties by roller method has been justified taking into account the processes caused by soil deformation: appearance of elastic and plastic deformation, change of soil characteristics, formation of compaction core. The main stages and parameters interrelations in modelling the processing...
The purpose of the work is to study the sequence of formation of the fracture zone in the area of... more The purpose of the work is to study the sequence of formation of the fracture zone in the area of the array above the ends of the system of adjacent charges in connection with the technological parameters of their mutual location. The task of works is the analytically substantiate the dependence of the value of the undamaged area of the array at the level of the bottomhole on the parameters of the system of downhole charges, taking into account the phenomenon of the edge effect. Research results. Data on the dimentions of the part of the massif in the lborewhole that does not participate in the mass deformation motion of the rock during the formation of adjacent downhole funnels are obtained. It is assumed that this area between adjacent charges is the source of the oversized fraction. Originality. The process of formation of the destroyed zone in space above the end of the boreholeis considered step by step: generation of the shock wave front, the symmetry of which is close to sphe...
Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as t... more Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as the successor of the glorious mining faculty of KPI entered the jubilee 75th year from its foundation.
A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustaina... more A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustainable development concept for megapolises. The foresight methodology, which is viewed as a decision-making process regarding behaviour of complex systems in desirable future, is proposed for evaluating prospects of urban underground construction. The morphological analysis method was applied for estimating suitability of urban territories for underground development. The conducted studies using this method allowed to propose a number of solutions for assessing advisability of underground construction on selected sites, considering highlighted groups of geological and technogenic factors, uncertainties of various nature and risk factor groups. The employed technique is a new tool for evaluating various risks, likelihoods of negative scenarios and related additional expenses, as early as a pre-project stage of underground construction.
Розроблено К-труби для відбійки блочного каменю. Підібрано полімерну композицію на базі ПЕВТ 1580... more Розроблено К-труби для відбійки блочного каменю. Підібрано полімерну композицію на базі ПЕВТ 15803-020 та метод екструзійного формування циліндричної основи К-труб. Описано технологічні режими виготовлення елементів К-труб. Запропоновано циліндричну екструзійну головку. Розроблено фіксуючі втулки для герметизації ВР та подовження заряду. Доведено дієздатність отриманої конструкції подовжених зарядів.
The chronology of formation of ammunition disposal with expired shelf life is considered. The cha... more The chronology of formation of ammunition disposal with expired shelf life is considered. The characteristics of ammunition utilization technologies developed in Ukraine are given, their shortcomings are pointed out. Data on emissions of toxic compounds into the environment due to the implementation of domestic technologies are presented. There is a lack of state control over environmental pollution by toxic compounds during the disposal of various types of ammunition. At the same time, the problem of creating a charge from the PSU, which allows the disposal of ballistic checkers (BС) using them without prior grinding, while increasing the safety of loading. A method of forming a borehole charge of explosives from military ammunition for mass explosions by creating in the core of the well the transfer of detonation to each part of the charge, made of bundles of ballistic checkers, which will ensure the completeness of the initiation of the entire charge and thereby improve the quali...
Досліджено залежність ефективності забивки від форми її нижнього торця та величини повітряного пр... more Досліджено залежність ефективності забивки від форми її нижнього торця та величини повітряного проміжку між забивкою і зарядом вибухової речовини
The results of studies on the characterization active tamping . A formula for calculating the hel... more The results of studies on the characterization active tamping . A formula for calculating the helix pitch in which formed the detonating cord disposed in tamping . The factors affecting the pitch of the helical line
Досліджено процес формування геотехнічних властивостей приконтурного ґрунтового масиву роликовим ... more Досліджено процес формування геотехнічних властивостей приконтурного ґрунтового масиву роликовим методом ущільнення. При дослідженні процесу роликового формування ґрунтового масиву встановлено, що зона силового впливу розділяється за типом виникаючих деформацій на зону пружних деформацій, зону уповільненої деформації(ядро ущільнення) і зону розвинених пластичних деформацій. Для визначення напружено-деформованого стану зони розвинених пластичних деформацій використано модель Бінгама, що дозволило врахувати в’язкі властивості ґрунтів при їх динамічному навантаженні.
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, Dec 20, 2019
Article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license CC... more Article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
The objective of this work is to study theoretically the stress wave formation in the borehole-to... more The objective of this work is to study theoretically the stress wave formation in the borehole-to-borehole space and on the boundary with the borehole contour set by creating a directed fracture system in it. The features of an interaction of the weak stress wave at a large-scale blasting in the short-delay blast mode (SDB) with the massif and the protective contour set of boreholes, are considered. It is noted the effect of the contour set parameters on wave processes. The constructive solutions are proposed in order to reduce the dynamic loadings in the peripheral rock massif. The proposals consist in applying a combined construction of garland charges to form the seismo protective structure that consists of a contour fracture and one-sided disrupted zone within the boundaries of the blasted block.
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2018
The results of studies on the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate(VII) (PP) and the catal... more The results of studies on the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate(VII) (PP) and the catalytic effects of copper, iron, nickel, titanium, magnesium, chromium and manganese oxides on the process are presented in this paper. The investigated oxides are ranked according to the magnitude of their catalytic effect; of these, CuO and МnО2 show the best catalytic performance. These oxides reduce the PP decomposition temperature from 919.3 K down to even 825.2 K. The share of the catalytic additive in the composition, required to achieve a desirable thermal decomposition profile, was found to be no more than 0.5 wt.%. The activation energy of the decomposition process was determined, using the modified Freeman and Carroll method for both neat PP and PP supplemented with MnO2; the addition of the catalyst produced a 48.8% decrease in the activation energy of thermal decomposition.
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018
Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей та багатофа... more Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей та багатофакторних ризиків Представлено членом-кореспондентом НАН України Н.Д. Панкратовою Представлено системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору, що формалізує процес оцінки невизначеностей та багатофакторних ризиків і прийняття рішення про доцільність використання території (геологічного середовища) для міського підземного будівництва. Розроблено морфологічну модель оцінки ділянок будівництва підземних об'єктів, створено морфологічні таблиці, обґрунтовано альтернативи станів і шкали експертних оцінок, побудовано матриці взаємозв'язків факторів впливу та альтернатив параметрів. Ключові слова: міське підземне будівництво, геологічне середовище, оцінка ризиків, прийняття рішень, метод морфологічного аналізу. ІНФОРМАТИКА Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей...
Purpose. To study the laws of deformation and destruction of brittle and ductile rocks and concre... more Purpose. To study the laws of deformation and destruction of brittle and ductile rocks and concretes under explosion of industrial shaped charges. Methods. In experiments, the following methods of investigation were used: method of contact sensors for determination of jet velocity; determination of the ultrasonic wave velocity in the concrete samples; methods of optical and electronic microscopy; X-ray phase analysis; measuring and visual analysis of the dimensions and nature of deformation and destruction zones. Findings. The work describes the experimental data on the destruction of barriers made of concrete, granite, steel ST 3, AMC-n alloy, and zinc by the explosions of shaped charges of serial production with porous liners. Calculation formulas for estimating the radius of a destruction zone of geomaterials and rocks in case of a semi-infinite barrier are suggested. The calculation method is based on the estimation of energy impact on the rock by jet penetration velocity into the barrier. Jet velocities are determined experimentally and by engineering methods. The reasons for deviations in the hole shape and deflection of the destruction zone from the symmetry axis were determined. Originality. The modes of penetration of shaped jets into rocks of different porosity, the size of the fracture zone around the hole and the causes and mechanisms of the deviations of the hole shape from the symmetric one are established. Practical implications. The results of the research will be used to design blasting-and-perforation operations in geotechnological wells and can be used to design initiating devices for borehole charges.
Materiały Wysokoenergetyczne / High Energy Materials, Dec 30, 2019
The technique of blasting in a mining is based mainly on application of the systems of the prolon... more The technique of blasting in a mining is based mainly on application of the systems of the prolonged charges, which provide the rational distributing of charges explosive in the destroyed volume of rock mass. Large majority of output volumes is provided by the opencut method which fully is practically based on application of the downhole charges systems. A downhole charge must execute a few functions. Main of them is destruction of rocks around the mining hole, bit also avoiding the problem of overdrill in mass explosions is very important. Reduction or complete liquidation of overdrill is possible by introduction of structural decisions, which create the reorientation of power stream of explosion in direction which coincides with the plane bench toe. Additional structural decisions for a control of overdrill size, capable to orient development of deformation process from the axis of downhole charge along the project bench toe, are needed. The article discusses the development of the deformation zone during the explosion, which allows to solve the problem of over-drilling. Streszczenie: W technika strzelniczej w przemyśle górniczym wykorzystuje głównie wydłużone ładunki wybuchowe, gdyż zapewnia to optymalne rozmieszczenie materiałów wybuchowych w obszarze, w którym niszczony jest górotwór. Zdecydowanie najczęściej stosuje się otwarte otwory strzałowe, gdyż ułatwia to ich elaborację. Ładunek materiału wybuchowego umieszczany w otworze strzałowym powinien spełniać kilka funkcji. Przede wszystkim, powinien efektywnie kruszyć górotwór wokół otworu strzałowego. Powinien także zabezpieczać przed wystąpieniem efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu wokół otworu strzałowego. Zmniejszenie lub całkowita likwidacja efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu jest możliwa w wyniku wprowadzenia rozwiązań strukturalnych, powodujących zmianę kierunku strumienia energii wybuchu w pożądany sposób. W omawianym obszarze nadal poszukiwane są nowe rozwiązania. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę rozwoju procesu deformacji górotworu w strefie wybuchu, w celu opracowania metody zabezpieczającej przed niewłaściwym przebiegiem fragmentacji materiału skalnego.
A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustaina... more A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustainable development concept for megapolises. The foresight methodology, which is viewed as a decision-making process regarding behaviour of complex systems in desirable future, is proposed for evaluating prospects of urban underground construction. The morphological analysis method was applied for estimating suitability of urban territories for underground development. The conducted studies using this method allowed to propose a number of solutions for assessing advisability of underground construction on selected sites, considering highlighted groups of geological and technogenic factors, uncertainties of various nature and risk factor groups. The employed technique is a new tool for evaluating various risks, likelihoods of negative scenarios and related additional expenses, as early as a pre-project stage of underground construction.
Purpose. To create a model reproducing the process of forming geotechnical properties of the rock... more Purpose. To create a model reproducing the process of forming geotechnical properties of the rock massif adjoining circuit of underground excavation by roller compaction method incorporating hardening and creating the zone of slow plastic deformation. Methods. Modelling the main technological parameters of manufacturing process as for adjoining circuit of the tunnel: distribution of normal pressures and heights of the core seal depending on the main strength and deformation properties of rock massif, geometry and characteristics of the contact area of roller working body with the working medium. Findings. The choice of the computational model simulating the formation of adjoining mountain contour properties by roller method has been justified taking into account the processes caused by soil deformation: appearance of elastic and plastic deformation, change of soil characteristics, formation of compaction core. The main stages and parameters interrelations in modelling the processing...
The purpose of the work is to study the sequence of formation of the fracture zone in the area of... more The purpose of the work is to study the sequence of formation of the fracture zone in the area of the array above the ends of the system of adjacent charges in connection with the technological parameters of their mutual location. The task of works is the analytically substantiate the dependence of the value of the undamaged area of the array at the level of the bottomhole on the parameters of the system of downhole charges, taking into account the phenomenon of the edge effect. Research results. Data on the dimentions of the part of the massif in the lborewhole that does not participate in the mass deformation motion of the rock during the formation of adjacent downhole funnels are obtained. It is assumed that this area between adjacent charges is the source of the oversized fraction. Originality. The process of formation of the destroyed zone in space above the end of the boreholeis considered step by step: generation of the shock wave front, the symmetry of which is close to sphe...
Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as t... more Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as the successor of the glorious mining faculty of KPI entered the jubilee 75th year from its foundation.
A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustaina... more A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustainable development concept for megapolises. The foresight methodology, which is viewed as a decision-making process regarding behaviour of complex systems in desirable future, is proposed for evaluating prospects of urban underground construction. The morphological analysis method was applied for estimating suitability of urban territories for underground development. The conducted studies using this method allowed to propose a number of solutions for assessing advisability of underground construction on selected sites, considering highlighted groups of geological and technogenic factors, uncertainties of various nature and risk factor groups. The employed technique is a new tool for evaluating various risks, likelihoods of negative scenarios and related additional expenses, as early as a pre-project stage of underground construction.
Розроблено К-труби для відбійки блочного каменю. Підібрано полімерну композицію на базі ПЕВТ 1580... more Розроблено К-труби для відбійки блочного каменю. Підібрано полімерну композицію на базі ПЕВТ 15803-020 та метод екструзійного формування циліндричної основи К-труб. Описано технологічні режими виготовлення елементів К-труб. Запропоновано циліндричну екструзійну головку. Розроблено фіксуючі втулки для герметизації ВР та подовження заряду. Доведено дієздатність отриманої конструкції подовжених зарядів.
The chronology of formation of ammunition disposal with expired shelf life is considered. The cha... more The chronology of formation of ammunition disposal with expired shelf life is considered. The characteristics of ammunition utilization technologies developed in Ukraine are given, their shortcomings are pointed out. Data on emissions of toxic compounds into the environment due to the implementation of domestic technologies are presented. There is a lack of state control over environmental pollution by toxic compounds during the disposal of various types of ammunition. At the same time, the problem of creating a charge from the PSU, which allows the disposal of ballistic checkers (BС) using them without prior grinding, while increasing the safety of loading. A method of forming a borehole charge of explosives from military ammunition for mass explosions by creating in the core of the well the transfer of detonation to each part of the charge, made of bundles of ballistic checkers, which will ensure the completeness of the initiation of the entire charge and thereby improve the quali...
Досліджено залежність ефективності забивки від форми її нижнього торця та величини повітряного пр... more Досліджено залежність ефективності забивки від форми її нижнього торця та величини повітряного проміжку між забивкою і зарядом вибухової речовини
The results of studies on the characterization active tamping . A formula for calculating the hel... more The results of studies on the characterization active tamping . A formula for calculating the helix pitch in which formed the detonating cord disposed in tamping . The factors affecting the pitch of the helical line
Досліджено процес формування геотехнічних властивостей приконтурного ґрунтового масиву роликовим ... more Досліджено процес формування геотехнічних властивостей приконтурного ґрунтового масиву роликовим методом ущільнення. При дослідженні процесу роликового формування ґрунтового масиву встановлено, що зона силового впливу розділяється за типом виникаючих деформацій на зону пружних деформацій, зону уповільненої деформації(ядро ущільнення) і зону розвинених пластичних деформацій. Для визначення напружено-деформованого стану зони розвинених пластичних деформацій використано модель Бінгама, що дозволило врахувати в’язкі властивості ґрунтів при їх динамічному навантаженні.
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, Dec 20, 2019
Article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license CC... more Article is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
The objective of this work is to study theoretically the stress wave formation in the borehole-to... more The objective of this work is to study theoretically the stress wave formation in the borehole-to-borehole space and on the boundary with the borehole contour set by creating a directed fracture system in it. The features of an interaction of the weak stress wave at a large-scale blasting in the short-delay blast mode (SDB) with the massif and the protective contour set of boreholes, are considered. It is noted the effect of the contour set parameters on wave processes. The constructive solutions are proposed in order to reduce the dynamic loadings in the peripheral rock massif. The proposals consist in applying a combined construction of garland charges to form the seismo protective structure that consists of a contour fracture and one-sided disrupted zone within the boundaries of the blasted block.
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2018
The results of studies on the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate(VII) (PP) and the catal... more The results of studies on the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate(VII) (PP) and the catalytic effects of copper, iron, nickel, titanium, magnesium, chromium and manganese oxides on the process are presented in this paper. The investigated oxides are ranked according to the magnitude of their catalytic effect; of these, CuO and МnО2 show the best catalytic performance. These oxides reduce the PP decomposition temperature from 919.3 K down to even 825.2 K. The share of the catalytic additive in the composition, required to achieve a desirable thermal decomposition profile, was found to be no more than 0.5 wt.%. The activation energy of the decomposition process was determined, using the modified Freeman and Carroll method for both neat PP and PP supplemented with MnO2; the addition of the catalyst produced a 48.8% decrease in the activation energy of thermal decomposition.
Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018
Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей та багатофа... more Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей та багатофакторних ризиків Представлено членом-кореспондентом НАН України Н.Д. Панкратовою Представлено системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору, що формалізує процес оцінки невизначеностей та багатофакторних ризиків і прийняття рішення про доцільність використання території (геологічного середовища) для міського підземного будівництва. Розроблено морфологічну модель оцінки ділянок будівництва підземних об'єктів, створено морфологічні таблиці, обґрунтовано альтернативи станів і шкали експертних оцінок, побудовано матриці взаємозв'язків факторів впливу та альтернатив параметрів. Ключові слова: міське підземне будівництво, геологічне середовище, оцінка ризиків, прийняття рішень, метод морфологічного аналізу. ІНФОРМАТИКА Системний підхід до освоєння підземного простору мегаполісів в умовах невизначеностей...
Purpose. To study the laws of deformation and destruction of brittle and ductile rocks and concre... more Purpose. To study the laws of deformation and destruction of brittle and ductile rocks and concretes under explosion of industrial shaped charges. Methods. In experiments, the following methods of investigation were used: method of contact sensors for determination of jet velocity; determination of the ultrasonic wave velocity in the concrete samples; methods of optical and electronic microscopy; X-ray phase analysis; measuring and visual analysis of the dimensions and nature of deformation and destruction zones. Findings. The work describes the experimental data on the destruction of barriers made of concrete, granite, steel ST 3, AMC-n alloy, and zinc by the explosions of shaped charges of serial production with porous liners. Calculation formulas for estimating the radius of a destruction zone of geomaterials and rocks in case of a semi-infinite barrier are suggested. The calculation method is based on the estimation of energy impact on the rock by jet penetration velocity into the barrier. Jet velocities are determined experimentally and by engineering methods. The reasons for deviations in the hole shape and deflection of the destruction zone from the symmetry axis were determined. Originality. The modes of penetration of shaped jets into rocks of different porosity, the size of the fracture zone around the hole and the causes and mechanisms of the deviations of the hole shape from the symmetric one are established. Practical implications. The results of the research will be used to design blasting-and-perforation operations in geotechnological wells and can be used to design initiating devices for borehole charges.
Materiały Wysokoenergetyczne / High Energy Materials, Dec 30, 2019
The technique of blasting in a mining is based mainly on application of the systems of the prolon... more The technique of blasting in a mining is based mainly on application of the systems of the prolonged charges, which provide the rational distributing of charges explosive in the destroyed volume of rock mass. Large majority of output volumes is provided by the opencut method which fully is practically based on application of the downhole charges systems. A downhole charge must execute a few functions. Main of them is destruction of rocks around the mining hole, bit also avoiding the problem of overdrill in mass explosions is very important. Reduction or complete liquidation of overdrill is possible by introduction of structural decisions, which create the reorientation of power stream of explosion in direction which coincides with the plane bench toe. Additional structural decisions for a control of overdrill size, capable to orient development of deformation process from the axis of downhole charge along the project bench toe, are needed. The article discusses the development of the deformation zone during the explosion, which allows to solve the problem of over-drilling. Streszczenie: W technika strzelniczej w przemyśle górniczym wykorzystuje głównie wydłużone ładunki wybuchowe, gdyż zapewnia to optymalne rozmieszczenie materiałów wybuchowych w obszarze, w którym niszczony jest górotwór. Zdecydowanie najczęściej stosuje się otwarte otwory strzałowe, gdyż ułatwia to ich elaborację. Ładunek materiału wybuchowego umieszczany w otworze strzałowym powinien spełniać kilka funkcji. Przede wszystkim, powinien efektywnie kruszyć górotwór wokół otworu strzałowego. Powinien także zabezpieczać przed wystąpieniem efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu wokół otworu strzałowego. Zmniejszenie lub całkowita likwidacja efektu nieprawidłowej fragmentacji górotworu jest możliwa w wyniku wprowadzenia rozwiązań strukturalnych, powodujących zmianę kierunku strumienia energii wybuchu w pożądany sposób. W omawianym obszarze nadal poszukiwane są nowe rozwiązania. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę rozwoju procesu deformacji górotworu w strefie wybuchu, w celu opracowania metody zabezpieczającej przed niewłaściwym przebiegiem fragmentacji materiału skalnego.
A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustaina... more A system approach to planning urban underground construction is considered as a tool for sustainable development concept for megapolises. The foresight methodology, which is viewed as a decision-making process regarding behaviour of complex systems in desirable future, is proposed for evaluating prospects of urban underground construction. The morphological analysis method was applied for estimating suitability of urban territories for underground development. The conducted studies using this method allowed to propose a number of solutions for assessing advisability of underground construction on selected sites, considering highlighted groups of geological and technogenic factors, uncertainties of various nature and risk factor groups. The employed technique is a new tool for evaluating various risks, likelihoods of negative scenarios and related additional expenses, as early as a pre-project stage of underground construction.
Papers by Viktor Kravets