Papers by Viet Y Huynh Le

8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003)
The design and construction of a language model for minority languages is a hard task. By minorit... more The design and construction of a language model for minority languages is a hard task. By minority language, we mean a language with small available resources, especially for the statistical learning problem. In this paper, a new methodology for fast language model construction in minority languages is proposed. It is based on the use of Web resources to collect and make efficient textual corpora. By using some filtering techniques, this methodology allows a quick and efficient construction of a language model with a small cost in term of computational and human resources. Our primary experiments have shown excellent performance of the Web language models vs newspaper language models using the proposed filtering methods on a majority language (French). Following the same way for a minority language (Vietnamese), a valuable language model was constructed in 3 month with only 15% new development to modify some filtering tools.

Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology, 2017
The recent MagnaSafe Registry demonstrated safety of nonthoracic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)... more The recent MagnaSafe Registry demonstrated safety of nonthoracic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with nonconditional cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). However, independent validation and extension to thoracic MRIs are needed. We prospectively examined 178 consecutive patients with CIEDs who underwent 212 MRI scans (62 with implantable cardioverter/defibrillators) for clinical reasons between February 2014 and August 2016. Scans were done in standard modes with a limit of 2 W/kg. Pacing modes were ODO or OVO for intrinsic rates > 40 and DOO or VOO for rates ≤ 40. Patients were cleared prescan by both radiology and cardiology, and pre- and postscan CIED interrogations were performed. Primary outcome events were death and generator or lead failure. Secondary events included battery voltage loss > 0.04 V, decrease in P wave voltage > 50% or R wave voltage > 25%, threshold increase of > 0.5 V, and impedance change > 50 Ω. Scan sites were 87 (41%) C-spine/...

Postgraduate medicine, 2017
Residual cardiovascular (CV) risk persists even in statin-treated patients with optimized low-den... more Residual cardiovascular (CV) risk persists even in statin-treated patients with optimized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Other pathways beyond cholesterol contribute to CV risk and the key to reducing residual risk may be addressing non-cholesterol risk factors through pleiotropic mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to examine the literature relating to the potential role of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in reducing residual CV risk. The literature shows that EPA can robustly lower plasma triglyceride (TG) levels without raising LDL-C levels and documents EPA to have a broad range of beneficial effects on the atherosclerotic pathway, including those on lipids, lipoproteins, inflammation, oxidation, phospholipid membranes, and the atherosclerotic plaque itself. Clinical imaging studies have consistently demonstrated that EPA decreases plaque vulnerability and prevents plaque progression. The evidence therefore points to a potential role...

The Permanente Journal, 2008
Traditional primary care models for medically vulnerable populations such as the homeless and inj... more Traditional primary care models for medically vulnerable populations such as the homeless and injection-drug users do not deliver optimal and efficient medical care. We propose an integrated model for the delivery of primary care to a vulnerable population emphasizing open access, outreach, groups, and a team approach to care. Methods: We monitored the health care use patterns of a group of 408 injection-drug users during a five-year period at Puentes Clinic, an integrated primary care site within a larger county health care system, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System of California. We specifically compared use patterns before and after the inception of this new primary care site. Results: Emergency Department and urgent care visit rates decreased from 3.8 visits in the 18 months prior to the clinic's opening to 0.8 visits in the first 18 months of the clinic's operation. Simultaneously, primary care visits increased from 2.8 visits per 18 months prior to the clinic's operation to a current use rate of 5.9 visits per 18 months. Conclusion: This changing health care use pattern after the implementation of an integrated primary care model suggests that a "medical home" for a vulnerable population can influence the way that populations interact with a larger health care system.

Http Www Theses Fr, 2013
Ce travail presente le developpement d'un biocapteur electrochimique a ADN, a detection direc... more Ce travail presente le developpement d'un biocapteur electrochimique a ADN, a detection directe (signal-on label-free, reagentless), sensible et selectif. Ce biocapteur a ete realise sur des surfaces de carbone fonctionnalisees par des couches organiques electroactives ultraminces et bifonctionnelles obtenues par electroreduction d'un melange de sels de diazonium. Apres une presentation generale des differents types de biocapteurs electrochimiques a base de couches organiques electroactives, de l'aspect general de 1a fonctionnalisation de surface par reduction de sels de diazonium et de ses applications dans le domaine de biocapteurs, nous avons presente nos resultats dans le detail : synthese et caracterisations du derive electrogreffable Jug-S-Ph-NH2, fonctionnalisation des surfaces, caracterisations de ces surfaces (IRTF, XPS VC, SWV). Differentes approches d'immobilisation des sondes de capture (ODN) par liaison covalente son discutees. Les experiences de detections electrochimiques, menees par voltammetrie a vague carree (SWV) montrent une bonne reproductibilite des resultats et mettent en evidence d'excellentes selectivite et sensibilite avec une limite de detection aux environs de 10 pM. Enfin, ces electrodes modifiees ont ete mises en œuvre dans le cadre d'un reseau serigraphie de 81 electrodes independantes, pour une application a un cas concret l'identification des clades de M. Tuberculosis via la detection electrochimique directe de 43 sequences constituant le locus CRISPR de cette bacterie. Ces reseaux d'electrodes, imprimes sur un support de circuit imprime PCB, ont ete fabriques au laboratoire. Ce reseau est mis en œuvre dans une cellule a circulation e connecte a un systeme de multiplexage permettant a un potentiostat d'adresser sequentiellement chacune des electrodes. Une serie d'experiences qui pouvait prendre plusieurs dizaines d'heures est aujourd'hui reduite quelques minutes.

Circulation, Nov 25, 2014
Background: Post-hospitalization mortality is predicted by the red cell distribution width (RDW) ... more Background: Post-hospitalization mortality is predicted by the red cell distribution width (RDW) in both CV and non-CV subjects. The Intermountain Mortality Risk Scores (IMRS) are sex-specific tools for 30-day mortality stratification composed of RDW and other Complete Blood Count (CBC) and/or basic metabolic profile (BMP) components. Whether RDW or IMRS predict in-hospital mortality is unknown. Methods: Patients were included if treated by PCI at Intermountain Healthcare (males: N=6,007, females: N=2,165). In-hospital all-cause mortality was the primary endpoint (IMRS was derived for 30-day mortality). Secondary endpoints included hospital length of stay (LOS) and 30-day mortality. Logistic regression adjusted for age, in-hospital medications, HAS-BLED score, and (for RDW analyses) BMP and CBC components. Results: The RDW predicted in-hospital mortality in both males and females (Table), and 30-day mortality in males (weakly in females). IMRS (using CBC only and CBC+BMP) strongly predicted in-hospital and 30-day mortality (Table). IMRS also predicted LOS for males (p<0.0001, β=0.299, CI=0.274, 0.323) and females (p=0.010, β=0.341, CI=0.081, 0.601). Conclusions: RDW and IMRS predicted in-hospital mortality, even after multivariable adjustment. Early in-hospital use of IMRS may improve personalization of medical care through use of commonly-ordered, inexpensive, electronically-available admission labs. Whether use of IMRS improves in-hospital outcomes requires future randomized trials. ![][1] [1]: /embed/graphic-1.gif
Fifth Place winner of oral presentations at the 7th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Sch... more Fifth Place winner of oral presentations at the 7th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects (GRASP) held at the Marcus Welcome Center, Wichita State University, May 4, 2011.

Circulation, Nov 26, 2013
Background: Myocardial biomarker testing with some form of troponin assay has become standard of ... more Background: Myocardial biomarker testing with some form of troponin assay has become standard of care for diagnosing acute myocardial infarction (AMI) among patients presenting with symptoms consistent with acute coronary syndrome. However, in order to “not miss anyone,” troponin assays may be ordered on patients presenting with non-cardiac diagnoses, but the frequency, justification and outcome of this practice are unknown. Methods: During the year 2007, in a large multi-hospital integrated health system, all patients with a troponin-I (trpI) measurement obtained were studied. Baseline clinical characteristics, primary and secondary admit and discharge diagnoses, as well as maximum trpI were collected and analyzed. A trpI level >0.4 was considered consistent with AMI. Independent predictors of a positive trpI were determined by logistic regression analysis. Results: At least one trpI test was obtained in a total of 22,410 unique encounters in 18,730 unique patients (age=67±16 years, males=52%, diabetes=38%; history of AMI, coronary artery disease without prior AMI (CAD), heart failure (HF), atrial fibrillation (AF), stroke or renal failure history = 19.8%, 33.6%, 39.5%, 28.9%, 5.7% and 24.1% respectively). Of these, the admit diagnosis was CAD-related in 1,896 (8.5%), other cardiac-related in 6,883 (30.7%) and non-cardiac related in 13,631 (60.8%) patients. Of the patients with a non-cardiac related admit diagnosis, trpI level was >0.4 in 1,238 (9.1%) of cases. Of these, a primary or secondary discharge diagnosis of AMI was given in only 375 (30.3%) of cases. Independent predictors of trpI>0.4 in patients with a non-cardiac admit diagnosis included only a prior history of AMI (OR=6.80, p Conclusions: In a large integrated health system, nearly two thirds of troponin assays are ordered on patients without a cardiac-related admit diagnosis, who had a positive trpI rate of

Case Reports in Neurological Medicine, 2016
Background. High-grade gliomas of the brainstem are rare in adults and are particularly rare in t... more Background. High-grade gliomas of the brainstem are rare in adults and are particularly rare in the anterolateral medulla. We describe an illustrative case and discuss the diagnostic and treatment issues associated with a tumor in this location, including differential diagnosis, anatomical considerations for options for surgical management, multimodality treatment, and prognosis.Case Description. A 69-year-old woman presented with a 3-week history of progressive right lower extremity weakness. She underwent an open biopsy via a far lateral approach with partial condylectomy, which revealed a glioblastoma. Concurrent temozolomide and radiation were completed; however, she elected to stop her chemotherapy after 5.5 weeks of treatment. She succumbed to her disease 11 months after diagnosis.Conclusions. Biopsy can be performed relatively safely to provide definitive diagnosis to guide treatment, but long-term prognosis is poor.

Journal of the American Heart Association, Jan 8, 2015
Air pollution is associated with greater cardiovascular event risk, but the types of events and s... more Air pollution is associated with greater cardiovascular event risk, but the types of events and specific persons at risk remain unknown. This analysis evaluates effects of short-term exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution with risk of acute coronary syndrome events, including ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Acute coronary syndrome events treated at Intermountain Healthcare hospitals in urban areas of Utah's Wasatch Front were collected between September 1993 and May 2014 (N=16 314). A time-stratified case-crossover design was performed matching fine particulate matter air pollution exposure at the time of each event with referent periods when the event did not occur. Patients served as their own controls, and odds ratios were estimated using nonthreshold and threshold conditional logistic regression models. In patients with angiographic co...

The American journal of cardiology, Jan 13, 2015
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on cardi... more The aim of this study was to assess the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on cardiovascular outcomes. Men (January 1, 1996, to December 31, 2011) with a low initial total testosterone concentration, a subsequent testosterone level, and >3 years of follow-up were studied. Levels were correlated with testosterone supplement use. The primary outcome was major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), defined as a composite of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke at 3 years. Multivariate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) comparing groups of persistent low (<212 ng/dl, n = 801), normal (212 to 742 ng/dl, n = 2,241), and high (>742 ng/dl, n = 1,694) achieved testosterone were calculated by Cox hazard regression. A total of 4,736 men were studied. Three-year rates of MACE and death were 6.6% and 4.3%, respectively. Subjects supplemented to normal testosterone had reduced 3-year MACE (HR 0.74; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.56 to 0.98, p = 0.04) compared to persi...
The DEPOCEN WORKING PAPER SERIES disseminates research findings and promotes scholar exchanges in... more The DEPOCEN WORKING PAPER SERIES disseminates research findings and promotes scholar exchanges in all branches of economic studies, with a special emphasis on Vietnam. The views and interpretations expressed in the paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the DEPOCEN or its Management Board. The DEPOCEN does not guarantee the accuracy of findings, interpretations, and data associated with the paper, and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of their use. The author(s) remains the copyright owner.
Advanced Energy Materials, 2015
Computer Vision – ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, 2012
The Repere challenge is a project aiming at the evaluation of systems for supervised and unsuperv... more The Repere challenge is a project aiming at the evaluation of systems for supervised and unsupervised multimodal recognition of people in TV broadcast. In this paper, we describe, evaluate and discuss QCompere consortium submissions to the 2012 Repere evaluation campaign dry-run. Speaker identification (and face recognition) can be greatly improved when combined with name detection through video optical character recognition. Moreover, we show that unsupervised multimodal person recognition systems can achieve performance nearly as good as supervised monomodal ones (with several hundreds of identity models).

Scientific reports, Jan 22, 2013
Electrochemical capacitors with fast charging-discharging rates are very promising for hybrid ele... more Electrochemical capacitors with fast charging-discharging rates are very promising for hybrid electric vehicle industries including portable electronics. Complicated pore structures have been implemented in active materials to increase energy storage capacity, which often leads to degrade dynamic response of ions. In order to understand this trade-off phenomenon, we report a theoretical model based on transmission line model which is further combined with pore size distribution function. The model successfully explained how pores length, and pore radius of active materials and electrolyte conductivity can affect capacitance and dynamic performance of different capacitors. The powerfulness of the model was confirmed by comparing with experimental results of a micro-supercapacitor consisted of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes (v-MWCNTs), which revealed a linear current increase up to 600 Vs(-1) scan rate demonstrating an ultrafast dynamic behavior, superior to randomly ...

Journal of electrocardiology, Jan 27, 2014
12-lead ECG is a critical component of initial evaluation of cardiac ischemia, but has traditiona... more 12-lead ECG is a critical component of initial evaluation of cardiac ischemia, but has traditionally been limited to large, dedicated equipment in medical care environments. Smartphones provide a potential alternative platform for the extension of ECG to new care settings and to improve timeliness of care. To gain experience with smartphone electrocardiography prior to designing a larger multicenter study evaluating standard 12-lead ECG compared to smartphone ECG. 6 patients for whom the hospital STEMI protocol was activated were evaluated with traditional 12-lead ECG followed immediately by a smartphone ECG using right (VnR) and left (VnL) limb leads for precordial grounding. The AliveCor™ Heart Monitor was utilized for this study. All tracings were taken prior to catheterization or immediately after revascularization while still in the catheterization laboratory. The smartphone ECG had excellent correlation with the gold standard 12-lead ECG in all patients. Four out of six tracin...

ACS nano, 2015
The main obstacles to achieving high electrochemical energy density while retaining high power de... more The main obstacles to achieving high electrochemical energy density while retaining high power density are the trade-offs of energy versus power and gravimetric versus volumetric density. Optimizing structural parameters is the key to circumvent these trade-offs. We report here the synthesis of carbon nanotube (CNT)-bridged graphene 3D building blocks via the Coulombic interaction between positively charged CNTs grafted by cationic surfactants, and negatively charged graphene oxide sheets, followed by KOH activation. The CNTs were intercalated into the nanoporous graphene layers to build pillared 3D structures which enhance accessible surface area and allow fast ion diffusion. The resulting graphene/CNT films are free-standing and flexible with a high electrical conductivity of 39,400 S m(-1) and a reasonable mass density of 1.06 g cm(-3). The supercapacitors fabricated using these films exhibit the outstanding electrochemical performance in an ionic liquid electrolyte with a maximu...

JAMA, 2014
IMPORTANCE Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortali... more IMPORTANCE Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus, yet CAD often is asymptomatic prior to myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary death. OBJECTIVE To assess whether routine screening for CAD by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes deemed to be at high cardiac risk followed by CCTA-directed therapy would reduce the risk of death and nonfatal coronary outcomes. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS The FACTOR-64 study was a randomized clinical trial in which 900 patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes of at least 3 to 5 years' duration and without symptoms of CAD were recruited from 45 clinics and practices of a single health system (Intermountain Healthcare, Utah), enrolled at a single-site coordinating center, and randomly assigned to CAD screening with CCTA (n = 452) or to standard national guidelines-based optimal diabetes care (n = 448) (targets: glycated hemoglobin level <7.0%, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level <100 mg/dL, systolic blood pressure <130 mm Hg). All CCTA imaging was performed at the coordinating center. Standard therapy or aggressive therapy (targets: glycated hemoglobin level <6.0%, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level <70 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level >50 mg/dL [women] or >40 mg/dL [men], triglycerides level <150 mg/dL, systolic blood pressure <120 mm Hg), or aggressive therapy with invasive coronary angiography, was recommended based on CCTA findings. Enrollment occurred between July 2007 and May 2013, and follow-up extended to August 2014. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was a composite of all-cause mortality, nonfatal MI, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization; the secondary outcome was ischemic major adverse cardiovascular events (composite of CAD death, nonfatal MI, or unstable angina). RESULTS At a mean follow-up time of 4.0 (SD, 1.7) years, the primary outcome event rates were not significantly different between the CCTA and the control groups (6.2% [28 events] vs 7.6% [34 events]; hazard ratio, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.49-1.32]; P = .38). The incidence of the composite secondary end point of ischemic major adverse cardiovascular events also did not differ between groups (4.4% [20 events] vs 3.8% [17 events]; hazard ratio, 1.15 [95% CI, 0.60-2.19]; P = .68). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among asymptomatic patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, use of CCTA to screen for CAD did not reduce the composite rate of all-cause mortality, nonfatal MI, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization at 4 years. These findings do not support CCTA screening in this population.

2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008
This paper presents the benefit of using multiple lexical units in the post-processing stage of a... more This paper presents the benefit of using multiple lexical units in the post-processing stage of an ASR system. Since the use of sub-word units can reduce the high out-of-vocabulary rate and improve the lack of text resources in statistical language modeling, we propose several methods to decompose, normalize and combine word and sub-word lattices generated from different ASR systems. By using a sub-word information table, every word in a lattice can be decomposed into sub-word units. These decomposed lattices can be combined into a common lattice in order to generate a confusion network. This lattices combination scheme results in an absolute syllable error rate reduction of about 1.4% over the sentence MAP baseline method for a Vietnamese ASR task. By comparing with the N-best lists combination and voting method, the proposed method works better.
Papers by Viet Y Huynh Le