Papers by Victoria Alejandra Garavito Calderon

Frontiers in neurology, 2018
As the fourth mobile stroke unit (MSU) in the nation, and the first 24/7 unit worldwide, we revie... more As the fourth mobile stroke unit (MSU) in the nation, and the first 24/7 unit worldwide, we review our initial experience with the Mercy Health MSU and institutional protocols implemented to facilitate rapid treatment of acute stroke patients and field triage for patients suffering other time-sensitive, acute neurologic emergencies in Lucas County, Ohio, and the greater Toledo metropolitan area. Data was prospectively collected for all patients transported and treated by the MSU during the first 6 months of service. Data was abstracted from documentation of on-scene emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, critical care nurses, and onboard physicians, who participated through telemedicine. The MSU was dispatched 248 times and transported 105 patients after on-scene examination with imaging. Intravenous (IV) tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was administered to 10 patients; 8 patients underwent successful endovascular therapy after a large vessel occlusion was identified using CT...
Revista De Educacao Continuada Em Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, Jan 30, 2014
O ovo e um produto de origem animal consumido em todo o mundo, tendo uma importância muito grande... more O ovo e um produto de origem animal consumido em todo o mundo, tendo uma importância muito grande no contexto alimentar da populacao, por ser considerado um alimento de alta qualidade nutricional. Na gema do ovo encontram-se proteinas e sais minerais muito importantes para a saude do ser humano. Entretanto, o consumo de ovos vem diminuindo em funcao da sua contaminacao por fungos e bacterias como as Salmonellas paratificas, que causam toxiinfeccao alimentar.
Emergencias, Sep 20, 2012
Papers by Victoria Alejandra Garavito Calderon