Lepas dari diskusi dan perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan pengantar kitab ini, komposisi Kitab Yunu... more Lepas dari diskusi dan perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan pengantar kitab ini, komposisi Kitab Yunus tersusun dengan sangat baik. Narasinya mengalir dengan cepat dan padat, tanpa dibebani dengan detil-detil, sehingga pembaca dapat menikmati jalan ceritanya secara lancar. Jika digambarkan dalam sebuah diagram, plot dari narasi Yunus 1-3 berkembang dalam fase: Krisis-Doa-Penyelamatan. 1 Kemudian, pasal empat merupakan sebuah penutup yang terbuka dengan sebuah pertanyaan retoris: "Bagaimana tidak Aku akan sayang kepada Niniwe…?" seolah meminta tanggapan persetujuan. Kitab ini memuat beberapa dialog yang secara sempurna menunjang gerak dari cerita beserta dengan tema yang diusungnya. Pernyataan-pernyataan pendek, pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tepat, dan jawaban-jawaban hanya memberikan hal-hal yang pokok. 2 Selain pasal 2 yang berbentuk puisi mazmur, selebihnya dari kitab ini berbentuk narasi. Itulah sebabnya, bagian mazmur ini pernah dipahami sebagai sisipan yang sedikit dipaksakan. 3 Kitab ini membentuk struktur seimbang yang membentuk sebuah paralelisme atau kesejajaran A-B-A'-B'-C, yaitu:
There is a lot of understanding about Christology in various literatures and social media. Theref... more There is a lot of understanding about Christology in various literatures and social media. Therefore, every believer should select the source so as not to cause misunderstanding. It cannot be denied that society in this modern era greatly influences the issue and development of Christological understanding. In this paper, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach to analyze the documents that are the focus of the research discussion. The results of this study are Christian Religious Education in schools in the Industrial 4.0 era can provide Christology teaching to students through schools from primary sources, namely the Bible through digital technology without eliminating the essence of biblical truth based on accountable sources, as well as conducting coaching and maintenance faith. Essentially, Christian Religious Education exists to facilitate students to experience encounters with God personally, both through the presence of educators...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the practice of worship has transitioned online to t... more Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the practice of worship has transitioned online to the use of virtual worship. Likewise, the direction of church spirituality, in general, has more immigrated to cyberspace. The church is on the verge of a spiritual metamorphosis of social formation in the context of changing times. Is the church ready to be challenged to interpret whether technology substantially contributes to spiritual goals? So that the phenomenon of virtual spirituality is not a psychological escape, obsessions, and a moment's spiritual need in the current dynamics of Christianity. This paper aims to explain the theological review of the concept of virtual spirituality with a qualitative approach seen from several lenses and a multi-paradigm approach. Research Contribution: The research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm changes in the context of Pandemic. This research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm is changing in the context of the Pandemic. This approach is proposed to further develop openness to the dynamics of spirituality in the digital space as well as to utilize technology as a support system for the growth of church spirituality in transmitting the relevant messages of Christ in the Digital Age.
PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Spiritual leadership has experienced a significant correction of service responsibilities for God... more Spiritual leadership has experienced a significant correction of service responsibilities for God's church. Several reasons are advances in information technology, social media, and financial problems. On the other hand, the digital generation is the majority of the congregation. The facts show that 6 out of 10 people (59%) leave the Christian faith in the first decade of adulthood, and the number 44% - 52% do not go to church. The personality of the digital generation tends to be eroded, while the church leadership seems to have lost the enthusiasm to reach them. The question is how to build the resilience of spiritual leaders in the digital age? What kind of implications and approaches in developing the personality of the Digital Generation can take? The purpose is to describe the steps to build spiritual leadership resilience and explain the implications and mission approaches of digital generation personality development. Research is a qualitative descriptive method. The res...
REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
LGBTQ is a fact of existence so it cannot be considered as an issue only. LGBTQ is not just a pro... more LGBTQ is a fact of existence so it cannot be considered as an issue only. LGBTQ is not just a problem to be addressed so that it becomes a pro or con in society, including Christians, because LGBTQ is not a "rumor" or hearsay. LGBTQ is a fact or reality that exists in society. What is the Bible's answer about LGBTQ in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul states Don't be misguided! The fornicator, ... the adulteress, the effeminate, the sorcerer ... will not inherit the kingdom of God. The verb “ἦτε” (ēte) in verse 11 confirms that in the Corinthian church there were people called “οὔτε μοιχοί, οὔτε μαλακοί, οὔτε ἀρσενοκοῖται” (oute moikhi, oute malakoi, oute arsenokoitai). The word that is often debated is “ἀρσενοκοῖται” (arsenokoitai). “arsenokoitai, can refer to a grown man who has a slave who is used as a sexual partner to fulfill his lust, so clearly this is a sin that requires church ministry as an expression of Christ's love that they need the true gospel that save...
REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
The purpose of this service is to maximize children's ability to read and write in Mentuda Vi... more The purpose of this service is to maximize children's ability to read and write in Mentuda Village, Lingga Regency while studying at home. The impact of Covid-19 has disrupted the learning system in various schools including children in Mentuda Village. This activity is carried out based on the problems experienced by the children as explained in this article. The method of implementing this community service is lectures, discussions, simulations and practices on how to read correctly. After this activity was carried out, the results obtained were that about 90% of children read well as the results in the explanation in this article. This can be seen in every activity carried out by the children who are very enthusiastic in participating in each session that has been arranged by the team. This means that activities like this are very effective to continue to be carried out for children. AbstrakTujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan anak dalam baca dan tulis d...
Terdapat gap antara konsep ke-Tuhan-an dari manusia ber-Tuhan dengan realitas kehidupan praksis m... more Terdapat gap antara konsep ke-Tuhan-an dari manusia ber-Tuhan dengan realitas kehidupan praksis manusia ber-Tuhan pada tataran moralitas. Di tataran konseptual Tuhan begitu kudus namun di tataran praksis Tuhan yang begitu kudus dengan standart moralitas yang tinggi seakaan buram. Potret moralitas Tuhan yang buram ini bukan karena kesalahan dalam membuat konsep tentang diri Tuhan melainkan para pemeluk termasuk para teolog sebagai yang memikirkannya tidak berada pada level moralitas yang telah dikonsepsikan. Faktanya, masalah-masalah sosial dan hukum didalangi oleh kaum intelektual agamis, para rohanianwan yang menggawangi moralitas. Sehingga sulit melihat dengan jelas sumbangsih manusia ber-Tuhan terhadap moralitas. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan refleksi teologis filosofis etis tentang Tuhan, manusia ber-Tuhan dan potret moralitas Tuhan dalam kehidupan praksis manusia ber-Tuhan.
The family is an institution built by God Himself through a marriage, therefore it is a noble thi... more The family is an institution built by God Himself through a marriage, therefore it is a noble thing, which is given by God to humans. Genesis 1:28 records that God blessed Adam and Eve before they were commanded to reproduce. Therefore, marriage must be carried out by a man and a woman on the basis of harmony, one heart, agreement, full of love, trust in one another, and rely on God's grace. Marriage must not be carried out by trial and error, damaged by lack of wisdom, insulted or defiled; marriage should be respected and upheld by fearing the Lord and remembering God's purpose in marriage. In Matthew 19 God concludes, “ὃ οὖν ὁ θεὸς συνέζευξεν ἄνθρωπος μὴ χωριζέτω” (Therefore, what God has joined together, man should not divorce). This truth is proof that God actually builds families and blesses with the aim that households on earth live in God's plan, namely carrying out God's mission on this earth. AbstrakKeluarga adalah lembaga yang dibangun oleh Allah sendiri me...
Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat ke seluruh dunia mengubah cara hidup setiap orang dalam bersosiali... more Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat ke seluruh dunia mengubah cara hidup setiap orang dalam bersosialisasi; lingkungan yang paling banyak digunakan untuk hidup telah dengan cepat menyusut menjadi rumah. Bisnis, sekolah, dan layanan keagamaan semuanya bergerak cepat secara online. Tidak ada yang tahu persis berapa lama pembatasan fisik dan sosial ini akan bertahan atau apa dampak jangka pendek dan jangka panjangnya terhadap kehidupan beragama. Pada zaman standar, kehadiran pemeluk agama di rumah ibadah dimanfaatkan para sosiolog sebagai syarat religiusitas setiap pemeluk agama. Tapi bagaimana religiusitas bisa diukur di saat orang sendirian? Dan di saat orang tidak diperbolehkan bertemu dalam kelompok besar atau bahkan meninggalkan rumah. Seperti apa Religiusitas Agama di masa depan? Dan bagaimana virus corona akan mempengaruhi praktik keagamaan agama-agama Nusantara? Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan jalan ke depan untuk mempelajari agama-agama evolusioner pasca-pandemi yang signifi...
Millennials are the generation that was born between 1980 - 1990 or early 2000 and they are the g... more Millennials are the generation that was born between 1980 - 1990 or early 2000 and they are the generation who are technologically literate and very closely interact with social media and the internet, therefore as a church, we have a total or total task of the church of Jesus Christ is to reach the soul with the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially for these Millennials. In dealing with this situation, Ron Luce, an evangelist and founder of Teen Mania, a Christian youth organization, provides solutions for parents and the church, namely having to build a culture that focuses on Christ in a home that is stronger than a secular culture that destroys children. it’s hard for them to go to hell. Provide a way for them to go to heaven.In an effort to frame the title of this paper, there are seven dimensions in an effort to contextualize authentic and relevant evangelical reporting for millennials, namely: 1) world view - how to understand the world; 2) cognitive processes ...
Adat Batak semula dianggap berakar dan bersumber pada penyembahan berhala "Sipelebegu",... more Adat Batak semula dianggap berakar dan bersumber pada penyembahan berhala "Sipelebegu", meskipun orang Batak sendiri tidak pernah menyebut diri atau agamanya sebagai Sipelebegu. Penilaian negatif tersebut mengakibatkan orang Batak pada masa itu menolak Injil dan Kekristenan.Sebab masyarakat Batak terkenal sebagai suku yang sangat ketat memelihara adat, membuat dua kelompok terbagi menurut anggapan mereka mengenai adat, yakni mereka yang sangat mengagumi dan menentang keras pelaksanaan adat Batak. Meski begitu, Alkitab tidak konfrontatif menentang adat-istiadat, tetapi juga tidak menerima semua hal dalam adat. Karena itu, Injil tidakmenganggap adat yang satu lebih unggul dari adat yang lain, melainkan masing-masing adat menetapkan ukuran kebenaran dan keadilannya sendiri; kemudian, adat juga harus tunduk pada Injil.
In the Old Testament there is a debate between two related topics, namely themission and grace of... more In the Old Testament there is a debate between two related topics, namely themission and grace of God. Specifically seen in the Book of Jonah, this bookcontains several dialogues which perfectly support the motion of the story and thethemes it carries. Its structure provides a contrasting picture of Yahweh and Jonah.To answer this debate, by looking at the relationship between mission and God'sgrace in the Book of Jonah. We can find in it Jonah's disobedience in carrying outthe mission that God gave him and the rewards he experienced by God's grace tohim. Likewise the Ninevites received the grace of God which the prophet of Goddid not want. Then the question arises what is the mission and mercy of God inuniversal relationships. Thus this paper seeks to elaborate on these two topics.
Lepas dari diskusi dan perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan pengantar kitab ini, komposisi Kitab Yunu... more Lepas dari diskusi dan perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan pengantar kitab ini, komposisi Kitab Yunus tersusun dengan sangat baik. Narasinya mengalir dengan cepat dan padat, tanpa dibebani dengan detil-detil, sehingga pembaca dapat menikmati jalan ceritanya secara lancar. Jika digambarkan dalam sebuah diagram, plot dari narasi Yunus 1-3 berkembang dalam fase: Krisis-Doa-Penyelamatan. 1 Kemudian, pasal empat merupakan sebuah penutup yang terbuka dengan sebuah pertanyaan retoris: "Bagaimana tidak Aku akan sayang kepada Niniwe…?" seolah meminta tanggapan persetujuan. Kitab ini memuat beberapa dialog yang secara sempurna menunjang gerak dari cerita beserta dengan tema yang diusungnya. Pernyataan-pernyataan pendek, pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tepat, dan jawaban-jawaban hanya memberikan hal-hal yang pokok. 2 Selain pasal 2 yang berbentuk puisi mazmur, selebihnya dari kitab ini berbentuk narasi. Itulah sebabnya, bagian mazmur ini pernah dipahami sebagai sisipan yang sedikit dipaksakan. 3 Kitab ini membentuk struktur seimbang yang membentuk sebuah paralelisme atau kesejajaran A-B-A'-B'-C, yaitu:
There is a lot of understanding about Christology in various literatures and social media. Theref... more There is a lot of understanding about Christology in various literatures and social media. Therefore, every believer should select the source so as not to cause misunderstanding. It cannot be denied that society in this modern era greatly influences the issue and development of Christological understanding. In this paper, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach to analyze the documents that are the focus of the research discussion. The results of this study are Christian Religious Education in schools in the Industrial 4.0 era can provide Christology teaching to students through schools from primary sources, namely the Bible through digital technology without eliminating the essence of biblical truth based on accountable sources, as well as conducting coaching and maintenance faith. Essentially, Christian Religious Education exists to facilitate students to experience encounters with God personally, both through the presence of educators...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021)
Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the practice of worship has transitioned online to t... more Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak, the practice of worship has transitioned online to the use of virtual worship. Likewise, the direction of church spirituality, in general, has more immigrated to cyberspace. The church is on the verge of a spiritual metamorphosis of social formation in the context of changing times. Is the church ready to be challenged to interpret whether technology substantially contributes to spiritual goals? So that the phenomenon of virtual spirituality is not a psychological escape, obsessions, and a moment's spiritual need in the current dynamics of Christianity. This paper aims to explain the theological review of the concept of virtual spirituality with a qualitative approach seen from several lenses and a multi-paradigm approach. Research Contribution: The research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm changes in the context of Pandemic. This research helps the reader to see how the spiritual paradigm is changing in the context of the Pandemic. This approach is proposed to further develop openness to the dynamics of spirituality in the digital space as well as to utilize technology as a support system for the growth of church spirituality in transmitting the relevant messages of Christ in the Digital Age.
PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Spiritual leadership has experienced a significant correction of service responsibilities for God... more Spiritual leadership has experienced a significant correction of service responsibilities for God's church. Several reasons are advances in information technology, social media, and financial problems. On the other hand, the digital generation is the majority of the congregation. The facts show that 6 out of 10 people (59%) leave the Christian faith in the first decade of adulthood, and the number 44% - 52% do not go to church. The personality of the digital generation tends to be eroded, while the church leadership seems to have lost the enthusiasm to reach them. The question is how to build the resilience of spiritual leaders in the digital age? What kind of implications and approaches in developing the personality of the Digital Generation can take? The purpose is to describe the steps to build spiritual leadership resilience and explain the implications and mission approaches of digital generation personality development. Research is a qualitative descriptive method. The res...
REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
LGBTQ is a fact of existence so it cannot be considered as an issue only. LGBTQ is not just a pro... more LGBTQ is a fact of existence so it cannot be considered as an issue only. LGBTQ is not just a problem to be addressed so that it becomes a pro or con in society, including Christians, because LGBTQ is not a "rumor" or hearsay. LGBTQ is a fact or reality that exists in society. What is the Bible's answer about LGBTQ in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul states Don't be misguided! The fornicator, ... the adulteress, the effeminate, the sorcerer ... will not inherit the kingdom of God. The verb “ἦτε” (ēte) in verse 11 confirms that in the Corinthian church there were people called “οὔτε μοιχοί, οὔτε μαλακοί, οὔτε ἀρσενοκοῖται” (oute moikhi, oute malakoi, oute arsenokoitai). The word that is often debated is “ἀρσενοκοῖται” (arsenokoitai). “arsenokoitai, can refer to a grown man who has a slave who is used as a sexual partner to fulfill his lust, so clearly this is a sin that requires church ministry as an expression of Christ's love that they need the true gospel that save...
REAL COSTER: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
The purpose of this service is to maximize children's ability to read and write in Mentuda Vi... more The purpose of this service is to maximize children's ability to read and write in Mentuda Village, Lingga Regency while studying at home. The impact of Covid-19 has disrupted the learning system in various schools including children in Mentuda Village. This activity is carried out based on the problems experienced by the children as explained in this article. The method of implementing this community service is lectures, discussions, simulations and practices on how to read correctly. After this activity was carried out, the results obtained were that about 90% of children read well as the results in the explanation in this article. This can be seen in every activity carried out by the children who are very enthusiastic in participating in each session that has been arranged by the team. This means that activities like this are very effective to continue to be carried out for children. AbstrakTujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan anak dalam baca dan tulis d...
Terdapat gap antara konsep ke-Tuhan-an dari manusia ber-Tuhan dengan realitas kehidupan praksis m... more Terdapat gap antara konsep ke-Tuhan-an dari manusia ber-Tuhan dengan realitas kehidupan praksis manusia ber-Tuhan pada tataran moralitas. Di tataran konseptual Tuhan begitu kudus namun di tataran praksis Tuhan yang begitu kudus dengan standart moralitas yang tinggi seakaan buram. Potret moralitas Tuhan yang buram ini bukan karena kesalahan dalam membuat konsep tentang diri Tuhan melainkan para pemeluk termasuk para teolog sebagai yang memikirkannya tidak berada pada level moralitas yang telah dikonsepsikan. Faktanya, masalah-masalah sosial dan hukum didalangi oleh kaum intelektual agamis, para rohanianwan yang menggawangi moralitas. Sehingga sulit melihat dengan jelas sumbangsih manusia ber-Tuhan terhadap moralitas. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan refleksi teologis filosofis etis tentang Tuhan, manusia ber-Tuhan dan potret moralitas Tuhan dalam kehidupan praksis manusia ber-Tuhan.
The family is an institution built by God Himself through a marriage, therefore it is a noble thi... more The family is an institution built by God Himself through a marriage, therefore it is a noble thing, which is given by God to humans. Genesis 1:28 records that God blessed Adam and Eve before they were commanded to reproduce. Therefore, marriage must be carried out by a man and a woman on the basis of harmony, one heart, agreement, full of love, trust in one another, and rely on God's grace. Marriage must not be carried out by trial and error, damaged by lack of wisdom, insulted or defiled; marriage should be respected and upheld by fearing the Lord and remembering God's purpose in marriage. In Matthew 19 God concludes, “ὃ οὖν ὁ θεὸς συνέζευξεν ἄνθρωπος μὴ χωριζέτω” (Therefore, what God has joined together, man should not divorce). This truth is proof that God actually builds families and blesses with the aim that households on earth live in God's plan, namely carrying out God's mission on this earth. AbstrakKeluarga adalah lembaga yang dibangun oleh Allah sendiri me...
Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat ke seluruh dunia mengubah cara hidup setiap orang dalam bersosiali... more Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat ke seluruh dunia mengubah cara hidup setiap orang dalam bersosialisasi; lingkungan yang paling banyak digunakan untuk hidup telah dengan cepat menyusut menjadi rumah. Bisnis, sekolah, dan layanan keagamaan semuanya bergerak cepat secara online. Tidak ada yang tahu persis berapa lama pembatasan fisik dan sosial ini akan bertahan atau apa dampak jangka pendek dan jangka panjangnya terhadap kehidupan beragama. Pada zaman standar, kehadiran pemeluk agama di rumah ibadah dimanfaatkan para sosiolog sebagai syarat religiusitas setiap pemeluk agama. Tapi bagaimana religiusitas bisa diukur di saat orang sendirian? Dan di saat orang tidak diperbolehkan bertemu dalam kelompok besar atau bahkan meninggalkan rumah. Seperti apa Religiusitas Agama di masa depan? Dan bagaimana virus corona akan mempengaruhi praktik keagamaan agama-agama Nusantara? Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan jalan ke depan untuk mempelajari agama-agama evolusioner pasca-pandemi yang signifi...
Millennials are the generation that was born between 1980 - 1990 or early 2000 and they are the g... more Millennials are the generation that was born between 1980 - 1990 or early 2000 and they are the generation who are technologically literate and very closely interact with social media and the internet, therefore as a church, we have a total or total task of the church of Jesus Christ is to reach the soul with the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially for these Millennials. In dealing with this situation, Ron Luce, an evangelist and founder of Teen Mania, a Christian youth organization, provides solutions for parents and the church, namely having to build a culture that focuses on Christ in a home that is stronger than a secular culture that destroys children. it’s hard for them to go to hell. Provide a way for them to go to heaven.In an effort to frame the title of this paper, there are seven dimensions in an effort to contextualize authentic and relevant evangelical reporting for millennials, namely: 1) world view - how to understand the world; 2) cognitive processes ...
Adat Batak semula dianggap berakar dan bersumber pada penyembahan berhala "Sipelebegu",... more Adat Batak semula dianggap berakar dan bersumber pada penyembahan berhala "Sipelebegu", meskipun orang Batak sendiri tidak pernah menyebut diri atau agamanya sebagai Sipelebegu. Penilaian negatif tersebut mengakibatkan orang Batak pada masa itu menolak Injil dan Kekristenan.Sebab masyarakat Batak terkenal sebagai suku yang sangat ketat memelihara adat, membuat dua kelompok terbagi menurut anggapan mereka mengenai adat, yakni mereka yang sangat mengagumi dan menentang keras pelaksanaan adat Batak. Meski begitu, Alkitab tidak konfrontatif menentang adat-istiadat, tetapi juga tidak menerima semua hal dalam adat. Karena itu, Injil tidakmenganggap adat yang satu lebih unggul dari adat yang lain, melainkan masing-masing adat menetapkan ukuran kebenaran dan keadilannya sendiri; kemudian, adat juga harus tunduk pada Injil.
In the Old Testament there is a debate between two related topics, namely themission and grace of... more In the Old Testament there is a debate between two related topics, namely themission and grace of God. Specifically seen in the Book of Jonah, this bookcontains several dialogues which perfectly support the motion of the story and thethemes it carries. Its structure provides a contrasting picture of Yahweh and Jonah.To answer this debate, by looking at the relationship between mission and God'sgrace in the Book of Jonah. We can find in it Jonah's disobedience in carrying outthe mission that God gave him and the rewards he experienced by God's grace tohim. Likewise the Ninevites received the grace of God which the prophet of Goddid not want. Then the question arises what is the mission and mercy of God inuniversal relationships. Thus this paper seeks to elaborate on these two topics.
Papers by Vicky Paat