The crime of murder is planning a crime eliminates the life of another with a double a mature pla... more The crime of murder is planning a crime eliminates the life of another with a double a mature plan which can be caused by many factors such as economic conditions, social status, religion and others, where a criminal offence is including a criminal offence related to humanity. Accountability law against the perpetrators of the crime of murder was planned in accordance with article 340 of the book the laws of criminal law, namely in the form of criminal dead or in jail. In applying such article is inseparable from the rule or rules that apply in the law of criminal procedure so that created a system of conviction that can fulfill the purpose conviction itself. The overthrow of the criminal perpetrators of criminal acts against the assassination plan must be with the deliberations of judges such as the elements of a criminal offence which must be met, as well as evidence of the facts in the trial, so that the resulting verdict later can be accounted for
The criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of criminal acts of legislative elections in 2014... more The criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of criminal acts of legislative elections in 2014 in Decision No. 70/Pid./2014/PT.TJK based on the presence of errors and intentional element in the commission of a crime, the defendant's ability to be responsible, there is no justification and forgiving for the defendant in committing criminal offenses legislative elections, by deliberately adding voice to a certain election participants. The judges convict the Defendants therefore with imprisonment for 3 (three) months, and a fine IDR 500.000 (five hundred thousand rupiah) provided that if the fine is not paid then replaced with imprisonment for 1 (one) month. Basic legal considerations judges in imposing criminal offense to legislative elections in 2014 juridically is the fulfillment of the evidence in the trial referred to in Article 183 and Article 184 Criminal Procedure Code. Philosophically considered that the criminal as a guidance to the behavior of the accused. Sociologic...
The crime of murder is planning a crime eliminates the life of another with a double a mature pla... more The crime of murder is planning a crime eliminates the life of another with a double a mature plan which can be caused by many factors such as economic conditions, social status, religion and others, where a criminal offence is including a criminal offence related to humanity. Accountability law against the perpetrators of the crime of murder was planned in accordance with article 340 of the book the laws of criminal law, namely in the form of criminal dead or in jail. In applying such article is inseparable from the rule or rules that apply in the law of criminal procedure so that created a system of conviction that can fulfill the purpose conviction itself. The overthrow of the criminal perpetrators of criminal acts against the assassination plan must be with the deliberations of judges such as the elements of a criminal offence which must be met, as well as evidence of the facts in the trial, so that the resulting verdict later can be accounted for
The criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of criminal acts of legislative elections in 2014... more The criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of criminal acts of legislative elections in 2014 in Decision No. 70/Pid./2014/PT.TJK based on the presence of errors and intentional element in the commission of a crime, the defendant's ability to be responsible, there is no justification and forgiving for the defendant in committing criminal offenses legislative elections, by deliberately adding voice to a certain election participants. The judges convict the Defendants therefore with imprisonment for 3 (three) months, and a fine IDR 500.000 (five hundred thousand rupiah) provided that if the fine is not paid then replaced with imprisonment for 1 (one) month. Basic legal considerations judges in imposing criminal offense to legislative elections in 2014 juridically is the fulfillment of the evidence in the trial referred to in Article 183 and Article 184 Criminal Procedure Code. Philosophically considered that the criminal as a guidance to the behavior of the accused. Sociologic...
Papers by Vicky Duha