Papers by Vicki Whitehall
Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology

Background. The typical methylation patterns associated with cancer are hypermethylation at gene ... more Background. The typical methylation patterns associated with cancer are hypermethylation at gene promoters and global genome hypomethylation. Aberrant CpG island hypermethylation at promoter regions and global genome hypomethylation have not been associated with histological colorectal carcinomas (CRC) subsets. Using Illumina’s 450 k Infinium Human Methylation beadchip, the methylome of 82 CRCs were analyzed, comprising different histological subtypes: 40 serrated adenocarcinomas (SAC), 32 conventional carcinomas (CC) and 10 CRCs showing histological and molecular features of microsatellite instability (hmMSI-H), and, additionally, 35 normal adjacent mucosae. Scores reflecting the overall methylation at 250 bp, 1 kb and 2 kb from the transcription starting site (TSS) were studied. Results. SAC has an intermediate methylation pattern between CC and hmMSI-H for the three genome locations. In addition, the shift from promoter hypermethylation to genomic hypomethylation occurs at a smal...

Background & AimsWNT activation is a hallmark of colorectal cancer. BRAF mutation is present in 1... more Background & AimsWNT activation is a hallmark of colorectal cancer. BRAF mutation is present in 15% of colorectal cancers, and the role of mutations in WNT signaling regulators in this context is unclear. Here we evaluate the mutational landscape of WNT signaling regulators in BRAF mutant cancers.MethodsWe performed exome-sequencing on 24 BRAF mutant colorectal cancers and analysed these data in combination with 175 publicly available BRAF mutant colorectal cancer exomes. We assessed the somatic mutational landscape of WNT signaling regulators, and performed hotspot and driver mutation analyses to identify potential drivers of WNT signaling. The effects of Apc and Braf mutation were modelled, in vivo, using the Apcmin/+ and BrafV637/Villin-CreERT2/+mouse, respectively.ResultsRNF43 was the most frequently mutated WNT signaling regulator (41%). Mutations in the beta-catenin destruction complex occurred in 48% of cancers. Hotspot analyses identified potential cancer driver genes in the...

Aims: The traditional serrated adenoma (TSA) is the least common subtype of serrated colorectal p... more Aims: The traditional serrated adenoma (TSA) is the least common subtype of serrated colorectal polyp. Large protuberant lesions are easily recognized, however, the origins of TSAs are not known and early forms have not been described. Some large TSAs present with a flat "shoulder" component surrounding the central protuberant component. We hypothesized that small polyps with the same histology as these "shoulder" regions may represent early TSAs. Methods and results: We collected 70 small (< 10mm) polyps that may represent early TSAs based on typical TSA cytology covering the luminal surface. We also identified 12 large TSAs with a "shoulder" component resembling these small polyps. The study polyps patients had a mean age of 58 years, 54% were female, had a mean 4.1mm diameter and were predominantly distal (71%). Morphologically, slit-like serration was present in 81%, ectopic crypt formations in 67% and a villous component in 47%. These histological features were similar to the 12 "shoulder" lesions. Immunohistochemical stains showed absence of β-catenin nuclear expression in 96% of the small polyps, retained expression of MLH1 in 100% and Ki-67 positivity restricted to the crypt bases and ectopic crypt formations. BRAF and KRAS mutations were identified in 47% and 31% of the polyps respectively. Compared with KRAS-mutated polyps, BRAF-mutated polyps were more likely to arise in a precursor polyp (82% vs 18%, P < 0.001) and were more likely to have slit-like serrations (100% vs 73%, P = 0.003).

Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
We have identified 5 molecularly and clinically relevant subtypes of the CpG island methylator ph... more We have identified 5 molecularly and clinically relevant subtypes of the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) in colorectal cancer. We show that CIMP-high cancers segregate into distinct subgroups, which display different frequencies of BRAF and KRAS mutation. These CIMP subtypes are associated with important clinical and molecular features, are correlated with mutations in different epigenetic regulator genes, and show a marked relationship with patient age. BACKGROUND & AIMS: Colorectal cancer is an epigenetically heterogeneous disease, however, the extent and spectrum of the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is not clear. METHODS: Genome-scale methylation and transcript expression were measured by DNA Methylation and RNA expression microarray in 216 unselected colorectal cancers, and findings were validated using The Cancer Genome Atlas 450K and RNA sequencing data. Mutations in epigenetic regulators were assessed using CIMP-subtyped Cancer Genome Atlas exomes. RESULTS: CIMP-high cancers dichotomized into CIMP-H1 and CIMP-H2 based on methylation profile. KRAS mutation was associated significantly with CIMP-H2 cancers, but not CIMP-H1 cancers. Congruent with increasing methylation, there was a stepwise increase in patient age from 62 years in the CIMPnegative subgroup to 75 years in the CIMP-H1 subgroup (P < .0001). CIMP-H1 predominantly comprised consensus molecular subtype 1 cancers (70%) whereas consensus molecular subtype 3 was over-represented in the CIMP-H2 subgroup (55%). Polycomb Repressive Complex-2 (PRC2)-marked loci were subjected to significant gene body methylation in CIMP cancers (P < 1.6 Â 10-78). We identified oncogenes susceptible to gene body methylation and Wnt pathway antagonists resistant to gene body methylation. CIMP cluster-specific mutations were observed in chromatin remodeling genes, such as in the SWItch/Sucrose Non-Fermentable and Chromodomain Helicase DNA-Binding gene families. CONCLUSIONS: There are 5 clinically and molecularly distinct subgroups of colorectal cancer. We show a striking association between CIMP and age, sex, and tumor location, and identify a role for gene body methylation in the progression of serrated neoplasia. These data support our recent findings that CIMP is uncommon in young patients and that BRAF mutant polyps in young patients may have limited potential for malignant progression.

BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is an epigenetically heterogeneous disease, however the extent and ... more BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer is an epigenetically heterogeneous disease, however the extent and spectrum of the CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) is not clear. RESULTS: An unselected cohort of 216 colorectal cancers clustered into five clinically and molecularly distinct subgroups using Illumina 450K DNA methylation arrays. CIMP-High cancers were most frequent in the proximal colons of female patients. These dichotomised into CIMP-H1 and CIMP-H2 based on methylation profile which was supported by over-representation of BRAF (74%, P<0.0001) or KRAS (55%, P<0.0001) mutation, respectively. Congruent with increasing methylation, there was a stepwise increase in patient age from 62 years in the CIMP-Negative subgroup to 75 years in the CIMP-H1 subgroup (P<0.0001). There was a striking association between PRC2-marked loci and those subjected to significant gene body methylation in CIMP-type cancers (P<1.6x10-78). We identified oncogenes susceptible to gene body methylati...
Gastroenterology, Jan 12, 2018
Among sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) with identical histologic features, some never progress wh... more Among sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) with identical histologic features, some never progress whereas others become dysplastic and develop into invasive cancers. Development of the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) is a feature of SSA progression; we examined the CIMP status of 448 SSAs and examined the association with patient outcomes. Overall 190 SSAs were CIMP positive. CIMP positivity was associated with older patient age (P<.001) and proximal polyp site (P<.001), but not with patient sex (P=.94) or polyp size (P=.34). These results might be used to improve SSA surveillance guidelines.

BMC cancer, Jan 5, 2018
Sessile serrated adenomas with BRAF mutation progress rapidly to cancer following the development... more Sessile serrated adenomas with BRAF mutation progress rapidly to cancer following the development of dysplasia (SSAD). Approximately 75% of SSADs methylate the mismatch repair gene MLH1, develop mismatch repair deficiency and the resultant cancers have a good prognosis. The remaining SSADs and BRAF mutant traditional serrated adenomas (TSA) develop into microsatellite stable cancers with a poor prognosis. The reason for this dichotomy is unknown. In this study, we assessed the genotypic frequency of the MLH1-93 polymorphism rs1800734 in SSADs and TSAs to determine if the uncommon variant A allele predisposes to MLH1 promoter hypermethylation. We performed genotyping for the MLH1-93 polymorphism, quantitative methylation specific PCR, and MLH1 immunohistochemistry on 124 SSAD, 128 TSA, 203 BRAF mutant CRCs and 147 control subjects with normal colonoscopy. The minor A allele was significantly associated with a dose dependent increase in methylation at the MLH1 promoter in SSADs (p = 0...

Oncotarget, Jan 9, 2018
Liver metastasis is the major cause of death following a diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC). In... more Liver metastasis is the major cause of death following a diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC). In this study, we compared the copy number profiles of paired primary and liver metastatic CRC to better understand how the genomic structure of primary CRC differs from the metastasis. Paired primary and metastatic tumors from 16 patients and their adjacent normal tissue samples were analyzed using single nucleotide polymorphism arrays. Genome-wide chromosomal copy number alterations were assessed, with particular attention to 188 genes known to be somatically altered in CRC and 24 genes that are clinically actionable in CRC. These data were analyzed with respect to the timing of primary and metastatic tissue resection and with exposure to chemotherapy. The genomic differences between the tumor and paired metastases revealed an average copy number discordance of 22.0%. The pairs of tumor samples collected prior to treatment revealed significantly higher copy number differences compared to...

Gut, Jan 17, 2018
Serrated colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for approximately 25% of cases and includes tumours tha... more Serrated colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for approximately 25% of cases and includes tumours that are among the most treatment resistant and with worst outcomes. This CRC subtype is associated with activating mutations in the mitogen-activated kinase pathway gene, , and epigenetic modifications termed the CpG Island Methylator Phenotype, leading to epigenetic silencing of key tumour suppressor genes. It is still not clear which (epi-)genetic changes are most important in neoplastic progression and we begin to address this knowledge gap herein. We use organoid culture combined with CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering to sequentially introduce genetic alterations associated with serrated CRC and which regulate the stem cell niche, senescence and DNA mismatch repair. Targeted biallelic gene alterations were verified by DNA sequencing. Organoid growth in the absence of niche factors was assessed, as well as analysis of downstream molecular pathway activity. Orthotopic engraftment of complex...

Journal of clinical gastroenterology, Jan 21, 2018
To provide preliminary evidence that sessile serrated adenomas (SSA) are low-risk polyps in young... more To provide preliminary evidence that sessile serrated adenomas (SSA) are low-risk polyps in young patients. SSAs are the dominant polyp of the serrated neoplasia pathway and as such are the precursor of up to 20% of colorectal carcinomas (CRC). Up to 90% of these cancers are expected to harbor a BRAF mutation. SSAs are being diagnosed with increasing frequency in young patients, placing a significant burden on colonoscopic services. Evidence to direct the surveillance intervals for these young patients is not available. We utilized 2 patient cohorts comprising (1) a consecutive series of patients who underwent outpatient colonoscopy through a tertiary hospital and (2) a consecutive series of resection specimens for CRC processed through a gastrointestinal pathology service. The prevalence of SSAs by age was determined in the patients undergoing colonoscopy and compared with the ages of patients with BRAF mutated CRC in the pathology series. The prevalence of SSAs was similar irrespe...

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, Mar 17, 2017
Conventional adenomas are initiated by APC gene mutation that activates the WNT signal. Serrated ... more Conventional adenomas are initiated by APC gene mutation that activates the WNT signal. Serrated neoplasia is commonly initiated by BRAF or KRAS mutation. WNT pathway activation may also occur, however, to what extent this is owing to APC mutation is unknown. We examined aberrant nuclear β-catenin immunolocalization as a surrogate for WNT pathway activation and analyzed the entire APC gene coding sequence in serrated and conventional pathway polyps and cancers. WNT pathway activation was a common event in conventional pathway lesions with aberrant nuclear immunolocalization of β-catenin and truncating APC mutations in 90% and 89% of conventional adenomas and 82% and 70% of BRAF wild-type cancers, respectively. WNT pathway activation was seen to a lesser extent in serrated pathway lesions. It occurred at the transition to dysplasia in serrated polyps with a significant increase in nuclear β-catenin labeling from sessile serrated adenomas (10%) to sessile serrated adenomas with dyspla...

Histopathology, 2017
Activating mutations in GNAS are important in the development of a range of neoplasms, including ... more Activating mutations in GNAS are important in the development of a range of neoplasms, including a small proportion of conventional adenomas and colorectal carcinomas (CRCs). However, their contribution to serrated pathway neoplasia is unclear, as mutations have only been examined in small series of sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) and traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs), and not in serrated tubulovillous adenomas (sTVAs). The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and significance of GNAS mutations in colorectal adenomas and CRCs. Using a large, well-characterized series, we identified GNAS mutations in 9.2% (18 of 196) of TSAs, 7.1% (four of 56) of sTVAs and 2.0% (nine of 459) of CRCs. Mutations were absent in SSAs (none of 43), tubular adenomas (none of 50) and conventional tubulovillous adenomas (none of 50). A BRAF or KRAS mutation was seen in 77.4% of GNAS mutant lesions, suggesting a synergistic effect with the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In CRCs, G...

Familial cancer, 2017
The WNT signaling pathway is commonly altered during colorectal cancer development. The E3 ubiqui... more The WNT signaling pathway is commonly altered during colorectal cancer development. The E3 ubiquitin ligase, RNF43, negatively regulates the WNT signal through increased ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of the Frizzled receptor. RNF43 has recently been reported to harbor frequent truncating frameshift mutations in sporadic microsatellite unstable (MSI) colorectal cancers. This study assesses the relative frequency of RNF43 mutations in hereditary colorectal cancers arising in the setting of Lynch syndrome. The entire coding region of RNF43 was Sanger sequenced in 24 colorectal cancers from 23 patients who either (i) carried a germline mutation in one of the DNA mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH6, MSH2, PMS2), or (ii) showed immunohistochemical loss of expression of one or more of the DNA mismatch repair proteins, was BRAF wild type at V600E, were under 60 years of age at diagnosis, and demonstrated no promoter region methylation for MLH1 in tumor DNA. A validation cohort of ...

Laboratory Investigation, Feb 1, 2015
The traditional serrated adenoma is the least common colorectal serrated polyp. The clinicopathol... more The traditional serrated adenoma is the least common colorectal serrated polyp. The clinicopathological features and molecular drivers of these polyps require further investigation. We have prospectively collected a cohort of 200 ordinary and advanced traditional serrated adenomas and performed BRAF and KRAS mutational profiling, CpG island methylator phenotype analysis, and immunohistochemistry for a panel of 7 antibodies (MLH1, β-catenin, p53, p16, Ki67, CK7, and CK20) on all cases. The mean age of the patients was 64 years and 50% were female. Of the polyps, 71% were distal. Advanced histology (overt dysplasia or carcinoma) was present in 19% of cases. BRAF mutation was present in 67% and KRAS mutation in 22%. BRAF mutant traditional serrated adenomas were more frequently proximal (39% versus 2%; P≤0.0001), were exclusively associated with a precursor polyp (57% versus 0%; P≤0.0001), and were more frequently CpG island methylator phenotype high (60% versus 16%; P≤0.0001) than KRAS mutant traditional serrated adenomas. Advanced traditional serrated adenomas retained MLH1 expression in 97%, showed strong p53 staining in 55%, and nuclear β-catenin staining in 40%. P16 staining was lost in the advanced areas of 55% of BRAF mutant traditional serrated adenomas compared with 10% of the advanced areas of KRAS mutant or BRAF/KRAS wild-type traditional serrated adenomas. BRAF and KRAS mutant traditional serrated adenomas are morphologically related but biologically disparate polyps with distinctive clinicopathological and molecular features. The overwhelming majority of traditional serrated adenomas retain mismatch repair enzyme function indicating a microsatellite-stable phenotype. Malignant progression occurs via TP53 mutation and Wnt pathway activation regardless of mutation status. However, CDKN2A (encoding the p16 protein) is silenced nearly exclusively in the advanced areas of the BRAF mutant traditional serrated adenomas. Thus, the BRAF mutant traditional serrated adenoma represents an important precursor of the aggressive BRAF mutant, microsatellite-stable subtype of colorectal carcinoma.
Papers by Vicki Whitehall