Papers by Vicente J. LLORENT
Impacto Cientifico, 2012
El trabajo que se presenta tiene por finalidad proponer la Coordinación de Prácticas Profesionale... more El trabajo que se presenta tiene por finalidad proponer la Coordinación de Prácticas Profesionales en el Programa Ciencias Económicas y Sociales del Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago de la Universidad del Zulia. A través de las prácticas profesionales se pretende familiarizar al estudiante con los ambientes, actividades y tareas propias de la profesión, así como también con los instrumentos y sus diferentes campos de acción, además de los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar la capacidad creativa e innovadora, de manera que pueda hacer frente a la realidad del país, participando en la dinámica de los procesos económicos, políticos y social-ambiental. Se espera que con la coordinación propuesta se logre la integración de la universidad con el sector productivo en la Costa Oriental del Lago en el estado Zulia.
The Artistic and Cultural Education is in the school practices as a fundamental dimension the for... more The Artistic and Cultural Education is in the school practices as a fundamental dimension the formation of the pupils. There is understood that the arts are the door that gives step to other knowledges, at the same time, which makes the access possible towards other cultures and languages. This article tries to expose the preponderant role that the Artistic-Cultural Education is playing in the last years in the school French system. We have centred on the development of this sector of the education on the concrete case of the French Lyceums of Vocational Education, where it has interfered with great force.
Actualmente la constante preocupación por el empleo en nuestra sociedad está provocando numerosos... more Actualmente la constante preocupación por el empleo en nuestra sociedad está provocando numerosos estudios relativos al papel de la educación y sus posibles respuestas. De hecho, en el ámbito internacional nos encontramos con una gran variedad de iniciativas educativas para formar a los ciudadanos en el desempeño de un empleo, como es el caso del Aprendizaje Profesional, y así aportar soluciones a esta situación (Casal, Colomé y Comas, 2003).
In the last decades there has been stated that the acquired knowledges
in the system of Vocationa... more In the last decades there has been stated that the acquired knowledges
in the system of Vocational Training were not adjusting to the labour
life. There was lack of recognition of the diplomas on the part of the businessmen
and the character terminal and split of the initial Vocational training in the educational
system increased the difficulties. All that caused the movement and the
changes that, little by little, we will be appreciating in this article.
To know the course the history of the initial Vocational Training in France,
it's necessary to know legal debates, texts and the other elements of this subject.
Being aware of this we will be able to explain the recent temporary line; fact
that allows us to understand the current sense to happen of the initial Vocational
Training and its changes.

The world that today we lived is found in a continuous evolution process
and change in all their ... more The world that today we lived is found in a continuous evolution process
and change in all their fields (economic, political, educational, ... ). The education
in values is today a pillar of the training, that from all the educational levels
it should be of providing. This will have to make to the individual more freedom.
The values do not exist by itself, need of an object to which be referred,
since these are understood as qualities that go to permit to define in a clear manner the objectives that give sense to the life as well as to the existence of the
subjects within a group, either in the familiar system, social or educational. The
education in values for which from here we advocate in first instance is subordinated
to the family and in second to the educational that form to the subjects.
Because of this we consider necessary that once given what we understand by
education in values we indicate the standards that we believe necessary take
into account when is spoken of teachers training in education in values
La iltcotporacióll de las ltllel'as tecn olop,ías o tecnologw· de fa ittf ormaciótt y fa comuniwc... more La iltcotporacióll de las ltllel'as tecn olop,ías o tecnologw· de fa ittf ormaciótt y fa comuniwción altlltil'erso de cmtoCi/1/lenlo del ahnnno uttil•ersitario es una realidad que hoy dehe quedar reflejada e11los plrmes fonnatims de todas fas wtil'eJ:<idades. en ams de.facililar la o/Jtención de 111w sociedad unin!J:>ilaria preparada. que sepa dar res¡westa ala enauci¡ada que bor e,;o supone la realidad wli¡•ersitaria"
RESUMEN En la búsqueda de una estructura común en enseñanza superior, las propuestas realizadas p... more RESUMEN En la búsqueda de una estructura común en enseñanza superior, las propuestas realizadas por el Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria, nos lleva a una serie de reflexiones sobre cuáles son aquellos aspectos que afectan a las universidades en sus dimensiones organizativas, institucionales, curriculares y sociales (El País, 2003 y El Mundo, 2004).
In this publication we intend to present some results of the innovative experience that we are re... more In this publication we intend to present some results of the innovative experience that we are realizing through Project SMILE. We have focused on the analysis of the relationships established around deaf students in schools and the role of sign language and its integration in the teaching-learning processes. This research is based on the perceptions of the authors of this article, teachers in schools where children are educated deaf children, hearing and deaf students, and university students who realized the practices on-site. Here we highlight the specific situation on the attention to diversity and equal opportunities, focusing on the situation of deaf learners in schools in Turkey and Portugal. Fecha de recepción: 7-VI-2010 Fecha de aceptación: 1-IX-2010
This article presents some results of our research, with the overall
objective: to describe and d... more This article presents some results of our research, with the overall
objective: to describe and discuss the overview of the processes of
inclusion/exclusion in universities as training institutions for future
educators from its policies, curriculum and practices on the national
and international ground, to conclude that in terms of students’
perspectives about inclusion of the participating universities, the result
is promising.
Diversity in the classroom is a constant in educational systems of almost
the entire world, and c... more Diversity in the classroom is a constant in educational systems of almost
the entire world, and currently in Spain, it is increasing. Recognizing diversity in
its different expressions requires a broader range of resources to facilitate the
work of teachers. This study explains specific bases for attention to diversity in
Spain and, simultaneously, proposes keys for curricular innovations that serve
as material and alternatives in the field of education working toward an inclusive
We realize a quantitative study based on an extensive questionnaire spent in all secondary school... more We realize a quantitative study based on an extensive questionnaire spent in all secondary schools in two large districts, su ch as Faro and Setubal, which have more than twenty five percent of total immigration to Portugal. For variables of sociological characterization of the students and their families were used frequencies to test the descriptive level and appropriated variables to inferential level. The other topics were subjected to several exploratory analysis factorial. The results presented here refer to the following factors: characteristics related to social and family environment of students, their academic routes, support and aid received by students and attributions of academic success. Finally, the data led us to discover relationships between factors influencing the improvement of the compulsory education of second generation immigrants in Portugal.
After many years of immigration, Portuguese schools are a evident mirror of the multicultural
soc... more After many years of immigration, Portuguese schools are a evident mirror of the multicultural
society. This situation is a challenge for education professionals and society in general. From
educational policy is betting on multiculturalism and the Portuguese language as integral elements,
but that’s not enough, as we argue. Proper integration is strongly influenced by socio variables
analyzed in this work.
The abundant cultural diversity in Spanish classrooms brings with it
the need to diagnose the edu... more The abundant cultural diversity in Spanish classrooms brings with it
the need to diagnose the educational and cultural needs of these students.
Also, proposals to educate teachers, encourage immigrant family participation
and welcome the new students should be created, as should proposals
for developing inclusive intercultural attitudes, intercultural communicative
competences and even an “inclusive intercultural curriculum.” Current educational
practices should be reviewed and innovation should be attempted.
In this sense, a series of proposals are offered to guide professors in initiating
their own measures.

We conducted a research with the primary aim of diagnosing the needs presented by
the teachers of... more We conducted a research with the primary aim of diagnosing the needs presented by
the teachers of Secondary Education, an educational center of Cordoba, to meet the educational
needs of their students on the principles of "inclusive education". This is a case study, combined
analysis, where we surveyed teachers and students, discussed resources, conducted ethnographic
interviews, etc. It is emphasized that the school closely follows the educational legislation and the
education community participation is very limited. Moreover, we have analyzed the educational
practices with respect to the following variables: "Strategies for Diversity", "Participation of the
educational community" and "Relationships and coexistence." This research has drawn on
information provided by different techniques and instruments (interviews, questionnaires and direct
observation). We can see that although there is interest in meeting the educational needs of all
students and to promote values based on equality and tolerance (among others), there are still areas
for improvement. We propose, therefore, some intervention proposals.
The societies of today and the future are characterized by greater adaptability and responsivenes... more The societies of today and the future are characterized by greater adaptability and responsiveness to change, as they try to be as flexible and diverse as possible in the face of the huge number of challenges to be addressed. We all need to be educated in this way in order to acquire the range of basic skills that will enable us to adjust to various contexts. Education, in all its domains, undoubtedly provides a social return, which also involves high economic returns if the training is closely linked to the needs of the labour market.Our aim is to highlight the potential strong impact of proactive education in a sluggish labour market and in economic contexts that lack incentives and opportunities, i.e. a curriculum that fosters social development based on personal initiative.
The situation of women inthe design and development of school curricula, and how they are present... more The situation of women inthe design and development of school curricula, and how they are presented in textbooks are very much marked by different spheres of interests such as historical context. Knowledge, sometimes biased and influenced by personal and cultural interests, has thus been embodied in legislation, in declarations, in daily life ?? , in books and even in textbooks.We now have the opportunity to work in the construction of new knowledge in which we are all included. We highlight the key areas from which to work for equality between women and men, and combat a hidden curriculum of discrimination, thus making room for diversity
Papers by Vicente J. LLORENT
in the system of Vocational Training were not adjusting to the labour
life. There was lack of recognition of the diplomas on the part of the businessmen
and the character terminal and split of the initial Vocational training in the educational
system increased the difficulties. All that caused the movement and the
changes that, little by little, we will be appreciating in this article.
To know the course the history of the initial Vocational Training in France,
it's necessary to know legal debates, texts and the other elements of this subject.
Being aware of this we will be able to explain the recent temporary line; fact
that allows us to understand the current sense to happen of the initial Vocational
Training and its changes.
and change in all their fields (economic, political, educational, ... ). The education
in values is today a pillar of the training, that from all the educational levels
it should be of providing. This will have to make to the individual more freedom.
The values do not exist by itself, need of an object to which be referred,
since these are understood as qualities that go to permit to define in a clear manner the objectives that give sense to the life as well as to the existence of the
subjects within a group, either in the familiar system, social or educational. The
education in values for which from here we advocate in first instance is subordinated
to the family and in second to the educational that form to the subjects.
Because of this we consider necessary that once given what we understand by
education in values we indicate the standards that we believe necessary take
into account when is spoken of teachers training in education in values
objective: to describe and discuss the overview of the processes of
inclusion/exclusion in universities as training institutions for future
educators from its policies, curriculum and practices on the national
and international ground, to conclude that in terms of students’
perspectives about inclusion of the participating universities, the result
is promising.
the entire world, and currently in Spain, it is increasing. Recognizing diversity in
its different expressions requires a broader range of resources to facilitate the
work of teachers. This study explains specific bases for attention to diversity in
Spain and, simultaneously, proposes keys for curricular innovations that serve
as material and alternatives in the field of education working toward an inclusive
society. This situation is a challenge for education professionals and society in general. From
educational policy is betting on multiculturalism and the Portuguese language as integral elements,
but that’s not enough, as we argue. Proper integration is strongly influenced by socio variables
analyzed in this work.
the need to diagnose the educational and cultural needs of these students.
Also, proposals to educate teachers, encourage immigrant family participation
and welcome the new students should be created, as should proposals
for developing inclusive intercultural attitudes, intercultural communicative
competences and even an “inclusive intercultural curriculum.” Current educational
practices should be reviewed and innovation should be attempted.
In this sense, a series of proposals are offered to guide professors in initiating
their own measures.
the teachers of Secondary Education, an educational center of Cordoba, to meet the educational
needs of their students on the principles of "inclusive education". This is a case study, combined
analysis, where we surveyed teachers and students, discussed resources, conducted ethnographic
interviews, etc. It is emphasized that the school closely follows the educational legislation and the
education community participation is very limited. Moreover, we have analyzed the educational
practices with respect to the following variables: "Strategies for Diversity", "Participation of the
educational community" and "Relationships and coexistence." This research has drawn on
information provided by different techniques and instruments (interviews, questionnaires and direct
observation). We can see that although there is interest in meeting the educational needs of all
students and to promote values based on equality and tolerance (among others), there are still areas
for improvement. We propose, therefore, some intervention proposals.
in the system of Vocational Training were not adjusting to the labour
life. There was lack of recognition of the diplomas on the part of the businessmen
and the character terminal and split of the initial Vocational training in the educational
system increased the difficulties. All that caused the movement and the
changes that, little by little, we will be appreciating in this article.
To know the course the history of the initial Vocational Training in France,
it's necessary to know legal debates, texts and the other elements of this subject.
Being aware of this we will be able to explain the recent temporary line; fact
that allows us to understand the current sense to happen of the initial Vocational
Training and its changes.
and change in all their fields (economic, political, educational, ... ). The education
in values is today a pillar of the training, that from all the educational levels
it should be of providing. This will have to make to the individual more freedom.
The values do not exist by itself, need of an object to which be referred,
since these are understood as qualities that go to permit to define in a clear manner the objectives that give sense to the life as well as to the existence of the
subjects within a group, either in the familiar system, social or educational. The
education in values for which from here we advocate in first instance is subordinated
to the family and in second to the educational that form to the subjects.
Because of this we consider necessary that once given what we understand by
education in values we indicate the standards that we believe necessary take
into account when is spoken of teachers training in education in values
objective: to describe and discuss the overview of the processes of
inclusion/exclusion in universities as training institutions for future
educators from its policies, curriculum and practices on the national
and international ground, to conclude that in terms of students’
perspectives about inclusion of the participating universities, the result
is promising.
the entire world, and currently in Spain, it is increasing. Recognizing diversity in
its different expressions requires a broader range of resources to facilitate the
work of teachers. This study explains specific bases for attention to diversity in
Spain and, simultaneously, proposes keys for curricular innovations that serve
as material and alternatives in the field of education working toward an inclusive
society. This situation is a challenge for education professionals and society in general. From
educational policy is betting on multiculturalism and the Portuguese language as integral elements,
but that’s not enough, as we argue. Proper integration is strongly influenced by socio variables
analyzed in this work.
the need to diagnose the educational and cultural needs of these students.
Also, proposals to educate teachers, encourage immigrant family participation
and welcome the new students should be created, as should proposals
for developing inclusive intercultural attitudes, intercultural communicative
competences and even an “inclusive intercultural curriculum.” Current educational
practices should be reviewed and innovation should be attempted.
In this sense, a series of proposals are offered to guide professors in initiating
their own measures.
the teachers of Secondary Education, an educational center of Cordoba, to meet the educational
needs of their students on the principles of "inclusive education". This is a case study, combined
analysis, where we surveyed teachers and students, discussed resources, conducted ethnographic
interviews, etc. It is emphasized that the school closely follows the educational legislation and the
education community participation is very limited. Moreover, we have analyzed the educational
practices with respect to the following variables: "Strategies for Diversity", "Participation of the
educational community" and "Relationships and coexistence." This research has drawn on
information provided by different techniques and instruments (interviews, questionnaires and direct
observation). We can see that although there is interest in meeting the educational needs of all
students and to promote values based on equality and tolerance (among others), there are still areas
for improvement. We propose, therefore, some intervention proposals.