Drafts by Vicente Ariztía L

We focused on a special problem in structural design optimization: that of choosing an efficient ... more We focused on a special problem in structural design optimization: that of choosing an efficient allocation of material volume along a given set of elements connecting the nodes in a truss. This is known as sizing optimization and has been traditionally solved with non-linear mathematical programming, approximations, and insights from the Finite Element Method. This is an important research topic and has received a lot of attention in the last decades. Recently, evolutionary algorithms and neural networks have been applied to improve the applications in large and complex trusses. Here, we explore a new approach using a single Deep Neural Network. First, we train the network to learn the non-linear relationship between the different cross-section areas of the elements in the truss, and the corresponding performance, which incorporates the total volume and the structure's stiffness. Then, we use the same network to find a new truss with a high performance. We show that the method works, significantly improving the structure's performance and can be further generalized to include nonlinear optimization among others.
Papers by Vicente Ariztía L
Expongo algunas ideas de los gigantes David Hume y Friedrich Hayek, y lo relaciono con la Antropo... more Expongo algunas ideas de los gigantes David Hume y Friedrich Hayek, y lo relaciono con la Antropología Cultural moderna y el debate constitucional chileno.
Argumento que la legitimidad de nuestras instituciones sociales no se funda en un ejercicio de deliberación o un acuerdo, sino en un proceso no dirigido de evolución cultural. Así como el lenguaje requiere de reglas de honestidad para prosperar, existen reglas convencionales -no arbitrarias- que son un pre-requisito para la existencia de la sociedad como la conocemos.
Muchas gracias a Pedro Villarino Fresno, Felipe Schwember Augier y Juan Ignacio Jiménez Albornoz por sus comentarios y correcciones.

John Rawls' theory of "justice as fairness" aimed at presenting a superior alternative to utilita... more John Rawls' theory of "justice as fairness" aimed at presenting a superior alternative to utilitarianism. To do so, he argued that, from behind the veil of ignorance, the representatives in the original position would choose the principles of justice as fairness and would reject utilitarianism. Rawls' criticism was targeted to the classical version of utilitarianism, which places utility at the level of the individual and as some measure of happiness or wellbeing. In this paper, I attempt to introduce David Hume's concept of justice as a utilitarian theory that, first, is fundamentally different to the classical version, and two, escapes the criticism of Rawls, at least in terms of the latter's rejection of utilitarianism. I will do this by first showing that Hume's concept of utility, as opposed to Bentham's, is a means and not an end, and a means to the public interest. Then, I will argue that the public interest is for Hume an emergent property of the social order that results from the interactions of human beings, just like some properties of complex biological and physical systems arise from the interactions of its members. Next, I will show that Hume's theory is utilitarian because it rests on an argument including a contingent claim based on the consequences of human decisions: a social order can exist only if individuals cooperate under the strict observance of the three fundamental laws of justice. Finally, I will show that Rawls' criticism does not apply to Hume's theory.

We focused on a special problem in structural design optimization: that of choosing an efficient ... more We focused on a special problem in structural design optimization: that of choosing an efficient allocation of material volume along a given set of elements connecting the nodes in a truss. This is known as sizing optimization and has been traditionally solved with non-linear mathematical programming, approximations, and insights from the Finite Element Method. This is an important research topic and has received a lot of attention in the last decades. Recently, evolutionary algorithms and neural networks have been applied to improve the applications in large and complex trusses. Here, we explore a new approach using a single Deep Neural Network. First, we train the network to learn the non-linear relationship between the different cross-section areas of the elements in the truss, and the corresponding performance, which incorporates the total volume and the structure’s stiffness. Then, we use the same network to find a new truss with a high performance. We show that the method work...
Drafts by Vicente Ariztía L
Papers by Vicente Ariztía L
Argumento que la legitimidad de nuestras instituciones sociales no se funda en un ejercicio de deliberación o un acuerdo, sino en un proceso no dirigido de evolución cultural. Así como el lenguaje requiere de reglas de honestidad para prosperar, existen reglas convencionales -no arbitrarias- que son un pre-requisito para la existencia de la sociedad como la conocemos.
Muchas gracias a Pedro Villarino Fresno, Felipe Schwember Augier y Juan Ignacio Jiménez Albornoz por sus comentarios y correcciones.
Argumento que la legitimidad de nuestras instituciones sociales no se funda en un ejercicio de deliberación o un acuerdo, sino en un proceso no dirigido de evolución cultural. Así como el lenguaje requiere de reglas de honestidad para prosperar, existen reglas convencionales -no arbitrarias- que son un pre-requisito para la existencia de la sociedad como la conocemos.
Muchas gracias a Pedro Villarino Fresno, Felipe Schwember Augier y Juan Ignacio Jiménez Albornoz por sus comentarios y correcciones.