Papers by Vibeke T Christensen
Dansk Sociologi, Sep 24, 2012

Hjemløshed er ofte forbundet med en raekke problemer som misbrug, psykisk sygdom, vold i parforho... more Hjemløshed er ofte forbundet med en raekke problemer som misbrug, psykisk sygdom, vold i parforholdet, ringe arbejdsmarkedstilknytning og levevilkår, kriminalitet, gaeld og manglende sociale netvaerk. Det er alle problemer, der kan udløse hjemløshed og potentielt fastholde personer i en hjemløshedstilstand. Formålet med denne rapport er at belyse veje ud af hjemløshed ved at se på, hvilke faktorer, begivenheder og indsatser, der har påvirket situationen for men-nesker, som på et tidspunkt i deres liv har vaeret indskrevet på en institution for hjemløse. Rapporten ser på, hvad der karakteriserer disse mennesker og deres hjemløshedsforløb, og hvordan det er gået for dem efter opholdet -om de har opnået en bedre og mere stabil tilvaerelse. Resultaterne i rapporten er baseret på en omfattende analyse af registerdata og interview med 842 personer, der har vaeret igennem hjemløshedsforløb.
Using unique representative data containing self-reported functional and clinically measured hear... more Using unique representative data containing self-reported functional and clinically measured hearing ability for the Danish population aged 50-64, we estimate the effect of hearing loss on receipt of disability benefits accounting for potential endogeneity of functional hearing. Our identification strategy involves simultaneous estimation of labor supply, functional hearing and coping strategies i.e. using assistive devices at work or informing one's employer about the problem. We find that functional hearing disability significantly increases the likelihood of receiving disability benefits for both men and women. Using assistive devices at the work place decreases the likelihood of going on disability for both genders, whereas telling the employer about the disability increases disability-related exit for both genders, but considerably more so for women.
About 11 percent of the adult population suffers from hearing loss - a disability that has far-re... more About 11 percent of the adult population suffers from hearing loss - a disability that has far-reaching effects on the individual's social and professional life. Using unique representative data containing both self-reported and clinically measured hearing ability for the Danish population aged 50-64, we estimate the effect of a hearing impairment and the use of alternative coping strategies on the receipt of disability pension taking into account the possible endogeneity of functional hearing abilities. We find that a hearing loss significantly increases the likelihood of going on disability pension for both men and women. Surprisingly, we find that using different coping strategies to deal with the impairment increases women's likelihood of exiting the labor market via disability pension, whereas it decreases men's likelihood.

Nutrition & diabetes, 2014
The objective of this study was to examine the impact of sibling weight level perception and sibl... more The objective of this study was to examine the impact of sibling weight level perception and sibling weight on the accuracy of respondent weight level perception dependent on sibling-pair gender composition. A cross-sectional study based on the survey data, which include the children of a nationally representative sample of Danes. Logit regression models were used. Two thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight respondents comprising 397 female sibling pairs, 357 male sibling pairs and 730 opposite-sex sibling pairs. The inclusion of both same-sex siblings and opposite-sex siblings is novel for studies on weight perceptions. Weight underestimation and weight overestimation were calculated on the basis of difference between actual weight level and self-perceived weight level. Respondent gender, sibling gender, sibling body mass index (BMI) and the siblings' self-perceived weight level were included as the main controls. Women frequently overestimate their weight level, whereas men oft...
European Journal of Ageing, 2008
With the considerable changes in population age-profiles, the preventive care of older people is ... more With the considerable changes in population age-profiles, the preventive care of older people is becoming more and more important. We analyse the long-term effect of the provision of home care on the recipient’s ability to perform the activities of daily living (ADLs) and upon aspects of their well-being. Using regression analysis on a set of Danish longitudinal data featuring people

Social Science & Medicine, 2011
The prevalence of child obesity has increased steadily in the recent decades. Drawing on Bourdieu... more The prevalence of child obesity has increased steadily in the recent decades. Drawing on Bourdieu's theory of lifestyle connecting objective conditions with preferences, values and behaviour, this paper seeks to provide an extension to previous research, which has found child body formation to be correlated with parental socioeconomic background. The paper shows how parental level of capital, especially cultural capital, influences the prevalence of child overweight and parental perceptions of child weight-levels. Parents with higher levels of cultural capital are less likely to have overweight children and more likely to perceive weight-levels in accordance with the BMI categories. The results also demonstrate clear gender differences. Parents have a tendency to overestimate their daughters' weight-levels while underestimating the weight-levels of their sons compared to the BMI categories. The study is based on Danish survey data from 2007 and uses statistical estimation techniques.
IZA Discussion …, 2007
Abstract: Using unique representative data containing self-reported functional and clinically mea... more Abstract: Using unique representative data containing self-reported functional and clinically measured hearing ability for the Danish population aged 50-64, we estimate the effect of hearing loss on receipt of disability benefits accounting for potential endogeneity of ...

Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 2012
This study investigates gender differences in perceptions of body weight. Previous research has f... more This study investigates gender differences in perceptions of body weight. Previous research has found significant gender differences in perceived weight-level, but less is known about weight perceptions of the opposite gender. Based on Danish survey data (859 women and 160 men), the discrepancy between BMI weight-level and self-perceived weight-level is estimated as well as the perception of one's partner's weight-level. Two main empirical conclusions emerge. First, there are significant gender differences in weight assessment. Whereas women assess weight according to the standardized BMI weight-levels for both genders, men assess weight according to gender. The weight-level of men is often underestimated by men themselves, but both men and women tend to overestimate the weight-level of women in the lower BMI deciles compared to standardized BMI weight-levels. Second, there is greater underestimation of weight-levels for individuals in the higher BMI--especially regarding weight perceptions of the opposite gender. These findings are discussed within a framework of socio-cultural theory of body image and gendered relations.
The Working Paper Series of The Danish National Institute of Social Research contain interim resu... more The Working Paper Series of The Danish National Institute of Social Research contain interim results of research and preparatory studies. The Working Paper Series provide a basis for professional discussion as part of the research process. Readers should note that results and ...

Social Science & Medicine, 2014
Research on social class differences in obesity and weight-related outcomes has highlighted the n... more Research on social class differences in obesity and weight-related outcomes has highlighted the need to consider how such class differences reflect the unequally distributed constellations of economic, cultural, and social resources that enable and constrain health-related habits and practices or health lifestyles. Motivated by this need, the present study applies a theoretical perspective that integrates Cockerham's (2005) health lifestyles theory with Bourdieu's (1984) theoretical scholarship on social class, lifestyles, and the body to analyzing class-based differences in body mass index (BMI) among adult female respondents of a 2007 Danish national survey (n ¼ 1376). We test hypotheses concerning how respective levels of economic, cultural, and social capital that constitute women's social class membership are associated with BMI directly and via their influence on respondent's dietary-related values, preferences, behaviors, and exercise activities. Our analyses indicate that cultural and economic capital were both directly associated with BMI. Mediation analyses revealed that greater cultural and social capital were linked to higher BMI via interest in cooking; while all three forms of capital were associated with lower BMI via greater frequency of exercise. These findings provide evidence for the manydand sometimes contradictorydways that social class can influence body weight. Identifying such patterns can inform the design of more effective population health interventions.
Papers by Vibeke T Christensen