Papers by Vergina Chiritescu

Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2017
Currently, the knowledge capital and the human capital are key factors in any economic and social... more Currently, the knowledge capital and the human capital are key factors in any economic and social development policy. In our view, education should not be missing from any sustainable development strategy of Romanian rural communities. In this regard, it is first necessary to increase investments in education so that this could shift from its current state of predominantly theoretical to that of predominantly practical (applied, creative). The paper presents the current situation of the Romanian educational infrastructure in the rural area, the problems existing in this area in terms of education and the solutions that can be found and implemented. The results showed that the role of education in the sustainable development of Romanian rural communities is known and accepted by all local regional and national stakeholders. According to the official surveys conducted nationally, almost half of the Romanians consider education as the main factor meant to restart the engines of national economy.
Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole Şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului, Timisoara, Seria I, Management Agricol, 2012
Scientific Papers Series - Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 2012

Annals - Economy Series, 2014
Currently, the Romanian rural approach should be performed on at least three integrated levels, n... more Currently, the Romanian rural approach should be performed on at least three integrated levels, namely: economic, social and environmental. Importance of Romanian rural area could not and can not be challenged by anyone, given that it represents over 87% of the country, where they live 50% of the country's inhabitants. The main objectives of the research were: exposure coordinate sustainable development of the Romanian rural in actual socioeconomic context , identifying the determinants of sustainable development of rural communities and the potential effects of implementing sustainable development models, highlighting aspects that characterize this since Romanian rural communities and values that can be promoted and developed through the process of economic, social and ecological, identifying motivations of the Romanian rural community members to apply sustainable development models, identify potential solutions and alternatives to local sustainable development Romanian rural communities. The importance of this scientific approach is given by the certainty that the integrated sustainable development of Romanian rural environment, including agriculture and non-agricultural activities around the area will have to be carried out in accordance with the values, traditions and precepts global (economic, environmental, social, cultural).
Romanian Economic and Business Review, 2016
This paper conceptually addresses aspects of the relationship between tourism, regional developme... more This paper conceptually addresses aspects of the relationship between tourism, regional development patterns and the sustainability process. It individualizes basic elements of regional development, by presenting the summarised analysis of regional patterns and indicators. It also mentions the place and role of tourism in the sustainable regional development process. I highlighted the need of initiating and performing certain actions for inspiring and raining a mentality appropriate to the contemporary kind of development that interacts with an emphasis on sustainable development in regions of reception, in order to define a new development perspective of tourism, in line with international standards.
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2011
... the balanced development of the European rural area should take into consideration the differ... more ... the balanced development of the European rural area should take into consideration the difference in people's perception of the ... be organized through market and feasibility studies, in tune with the demand and interest-based motivation of tourists; rural tourism and agro ...
Scientific Works - University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest. Series C, Veterinary Medicine, 2011
Scientific Works - University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest. Series C, Veterinary Medicine, 2011

Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2015
Romania became a member state of the European Union on January 1, 2007, and this involved complia... more Romania became a member state of the European Union on January 1, 2007, and this involved compliance with the EU norms and standards, as well as the need to include certain national priorities subscribed to the national needs, given the significant economic development deficit compared to the Western and Central European countries. The Romanian rural residents, perhaps even more than those in urban areas, have put much hope in the European integration, especially after the “Agriculture and Rural Development” chapter was intensely debated in the pre-accession period. However, after seven years, the Romanian rural areas seem as developed or underdeveloped. The national agricultural policies were often inconsistent, the European funds have been poor, and rural development can be seen only here and there on the large farms or under the form of small and timid initiatives. This research aims to present the results of a rural area diagnosis conducted in the period 2007 - 2013, given a series of economic and social indicators, which reflect the development level of the Romanian countryside. The main source of information is the National Institute of Statistics of Romania for the data to be processed, and the national and international literature for the fundamental research. As research methods, we used bibliographic syntheses, statistical and mathematical processing and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative phenomena. The development / underdevelopment of the Romanian rural area after joining the European Union will be presented in the 2007-2013 timeframe, taking into account indicators such as: rural area and its distribution by agricultural and non-agricultural utilization categories; rural population in terms of structure, employment, educational level, life expectancy and so on; revenues and expenditures of the rural population; GDP / capita.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, 2012
Given that ecotourism, as a form of sustainable tourism, registered a further develop in recent d... more Given that ecotourism, as a form of sustainable tourism, registered a further develop in recent decades, and an increasing interest from tourists and specialists in the study of tourism, this paper is timely and appropriate. The tourism, like a socio-economic phenomenon, has experienced continuous growth and diversification, wearing new forms, such as rural tourism, agro-tourism, ecotourism, etc. This study includes both theoretical concepts, documentation obtained from the literature and a series of concrete results on the degree of development of ecotourism in Romania. Is shown, in particular, organized ecotourism situation as a form of tourism in protected areas.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture, 2012
Revolution, especially in science, will always be regarded with anxiety because nothing can be mo... more Revolution, especially in science, will always be regarded with anxiety because nothing can be more terrible than the fear of a creative mind to see, after years in which he painstakingly built and effort building your own system, placed the foundation of what was thought to be granite truth, that a heretic, came amiss, it looks like a mysterious magician, his certainty that the stone was just an illusion, a disguised form of nothingness. In saying this, to reach a truly exceptional, postulated by Romanian and universal while Nicholas Georgescu - Roegen , a vision which alone would be enough to put this so little known, however, thinker, the genius category. It is the distinction between growth and development   , two words so often confused and sometimes used in theory and practice of economic thought. It essentially says N. Georgescu - Roegen - in the footsteps of his master's from Harvard, Joseph A. Schumpeter, " growth is to produce more, develop, produce differen...

Romanian Economic and Business Review, 2015
The rural area is an area vital to our country, both by its size and by the complex effects they ... more The rural area is an area vital to our country, both by its size and by the complex effects they generate. Agriculture Committee of the Council of Europe believes that European rural areas is more than 85% of the continent and affect directly or indirectly more than half of the European population. Exodus of young people in particular to urban areas, labor migration to EU countries and beyond, and the refusal of young professionals to return to rural areas, are just some of the reasons why human resources in rural Romanian are largely aged and unskilled. Employment in agriculture is an indicator on the one hand the development of the sector (i.e. the degree of capitalization of farms), and on the other hand provides guidance on sustainability and "youth" categories of farms, responsiveness to new development efforts and entrepreneurial capacity. Romania's population is also affected by aging, a phenomenon that manifests differently in most member states of the European...
The rural area development is marked by the moment of January 1, 2007, the year of Romania’s acce... more The rural area development is marked by the moment of January 1, 2007, the year of Romania’s accession to the European Union and its impact on Romanian rural main activity agriculture. In the Sibiu Depression area agriculture is the traditional activity, and is generally the main occupation and source of income for the inhabitants. It is oriented towards domestic demand, it has an important and diverse natural potential, but is still at the beginning of a long and difficult modernization and restructuring process meant to lead to efficiency and better value the important agricultural potential of the Depression. In the following we make a diagnosis of farming activities in the Sibiu Depression area on the bases of which strategic development options should be developed.
Human existence since prehistoric times, has been linked most vegetable world, plant, who provide... more Human existence since prehistoric times, has been linked most vegetable world, plant, who provided his food, fuel and medicines. Thus, it is no wonder that man, since the ancient period of its existence, appealed first to plant in order to alleviate his suffering. Ally human nature, gave in his garden, the first since the dawn of its existence cures, born thus: phytotherapy . The purpose of this paper is to present herbal medicine as a science old, but very modern and broad categories of plants with sanogenetic effects, scientifically demonstrated. There will also be highlighted issues sanogenesis, sanogenetic factors, ecosanogenesis, etc. in relation to human medicine. This study is based on research conducted by the author of the doctoral internship and a rich documentation of numerous national and international sources.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Dec 9, 2012
With recent economic and social transformation of the Romanian rural environment, it requires an ... more With recent economic and social transformation of the Romanian rural environment, it requires an integrated approach to rural community development, given at least three essential categories of influencing factors, namely: economic, social and ecological (environmental). Integrated rural development is, according to experts, as an end in itself and a methodological approach. The main purpose is to include the rural poor in the growth of welfare of rural community members, and the approach to achieve this is to implement a balanced package of economic and socio-political. In this process, by applying specific research methods, have studied the relationship of interdependence of all economic, social, political, and ecological techniques. In these conditions, a quantitative analysis is difficult, but necessary. The studies and research that address socioeconomic development of rural communities, more often find phrases like "integration", "integrated approach", "integrated policy formulation" economic and social, etc. In this paper we present some general and specific economic and social development integrated Romanian rural communities, the authors identified in studies and researches carried out as scientists, PhD students and academics. The content material will be referred to domain specific terminology, methodology and research methods, systems of indicators, definition of terms and concepts, etc.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Dec 9, 2012
This paper aims to present a series of fundamental and applied aspects on farms in Romania, gener... more This paper aims to present a series of fundamental and applied aspects on farms in Romania, generally describes customizing and multifunctional farms (with diversified, both agricultural and non-agricultural activities) and their role in the transformation process of subsistence farms in profitable farms, with commercial activity. Issues related to multifunctional farms and the need to diversify economic activities in order to obtain alternative income and use local agricultural and food products in areas such as catering, tourism, rural tourism, etc., was and is extensively discussed and analyzed as in these conditions creates the potential local and regional sustainable development and increase local value added. Agricultural holdings (farms) is the main link of the Romanian and European agricultural structures, a double role in the countryside, the agricultural production centers and residential areas (habitat) for the family farmer. In developing this work were made many theoretical approaches, technique-using a set of methods, techniques, tools, bibliographic studies on defining terms and concepts, and to describe phenomena, etc.-and scientific (processing and interpretation of data, developing hypotheses and conclusions, arguments and factual nature study, etc.). In terms of level of study of economic processes and phenomena-social, in this paper reported data and analysis are found mainly at the micro level, the farm. Have recognized that sustainable development Romanian farms cannot be ensured only by agriculture. In this respect, the holdings can be developed, promoted and marketed a range of complementary non-agricultural activities, related and / or adjacent to agriculture, lucrative complementary holdings.
The paper presents partial results of a large empirical study of the sustainability of Romanian a... more The paper presents partial results of a large empirical study of the sustainability of Romanian agricultural holdings. The farm sustainable development potential is measured on the basis of IDEA method (Indicators of Agricultural Holding Sustainability). This method comprises 10 sustainability components, grouped by three levels: agro-ecological, socio-territorial and socio-economic. Of all 400 farms inclued in the sample, 20 groupings of farms were made according to different combined homogeneity criteria: legal status, activity profile etc., and the first level – agro-ecological level of sustaiability has been evaluated.
The Romanian rural economy diversification is a key-problem for a successful rural development po... more The Romanian rural economy diversification is a key-problem for a successful rural development policy, in the conditions when the rural area capacity to maintain or create jobs will have a main impact upon the unemployment rate and migration flows. A wide range of non-agricultural economic activities, alternative, complementary and related to agriculture, can be stimulated to develop in rural Romania, in the conditions when the financial resources from the EU rural development programs can be absorbed. Besides other positive effects, the non-agricultural activities will also lead to the increase of rural area attractiveness from the economic, investment, social, tourism etc. point of view.

Efficiency of artificial insemination depends equaly by semen quality and time of inoculation. Th... more Efficiency of artificial insemination depends equaly by semen quality and time of inoculation. The optimal time for inoculation was calculated usually from the moment of detection of heat, for double insemination, so that one of the two inoculations to approach the time of ovulation. To increase the efficiency of boars exploitation is necesary to change the method to a single insemination. To ensure normal fertility parameters with only one inoculation it is necessary to chose with great precision the moment of insemination ,in order to ensure the time for sperm capacitation and penetration of viable oocytes. Starting from the fact that major events such as forrowing and death occur, according to the circadian rhythm, in the second half of the night, this study aims to detect from this point of view the moment of ovulation, to find a more reliable calculation for the time of semen inoculation. The experiments were conducted on puberal gilts, which were not treated for induction of o...
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2011
... the balanced development of the European rural area should take into consideration the differ... more ... the balanced development of the European rural area should take into consideration the difference in people's perception of the ... be organized through market and feasibility studies, in tune with the demand and interest-based motivation of tourists; rural tourism and agro ...
Papers by Vergina Chiritescu