Papers by Veranika Furs
Topos eBooks, Dec 22, 2019

Актуальные вопросы антропологии, 2019
The article presents some considerations on the question of applying the criteria of truthfulness to the fictional propositions. The question about correlation between artisitc text and extratextual reali-ty is a key one for literature theory, though different approaches propose different points of view on it. As for philosophy, the artistic fiction was beyond the domain of this criterion – even not being the synonym to the notion of a false, fiction was considered to be a product of author’s fantasy. The development of the possible worlds theory and its application to the literature works allowed to re-gard this question from another point: fictional worlds considered to be a subset of the possible worlds, so the question of truthfulness was posed in relation to the artistic fiction propositions. In the given work the attempt is made to systematize the positions of different scientific approaches – narratology, possible worlds theory and speech acts theory - in relation to the artistic text propo-sions. In the article the common field of possible worlds theory and narratology is designated as a study of fictional worlds phenomenon. Here the different positions are presented on the speech acts specifics inside the fiction as well as in relation to it, and also the attempt was made to define the cause of credibility to the fictional world of the artisitc work from the side of recipients.
Key words:possible worlds, fictional worlds, speech acts theory, philosophical anthropology).

Popular culture in mass communication system: transmedia storytelling, 2017
Popular culture in mass-media system: transmedia storytelling. According to H. Jenkins, American ... more Popular culture in mass-media system: transmedia storytelling. According to H. Jenkins, American researcher in the field of cultural studies, contemporary culture can be characterized by the convergence. This means the existence of two types of integration: the integration of media-production and that of media-consumption. From the narrative theory point of view, different media are integrated to diffuse one story to the innumerable media audience. Such phenomenon is called a transmedia storytelling and means the process by which stories are told through different languages and different media platforms. The first part of the article regards the notions of convergent culture, participatory culture and transmedia storytelling as describing the contemporary condition of popular culture industry. This part of the article is focused mainly on the phenomenon of transmedia storytelling: its functions, possibilities of enlargement of the original story and its contribution to the creation of narrative universe. Following the research perspective, proposed by C.A. Scolary, the notion of brand is also used in the article to regard the process of branding in popular culture. With transmedia storytelling we have the situation in which heroes, environment, themes of the narrative and fiction worlds themselves become a brand. In the second part of the article the attempt was made to regard the possibility of transmedia storytelling in the post-soviet cultural field. To answer this question the case of "Chapaev" media-franchise was taken. This media-franchise presents an interesting phenomenon because of its both soviet and post-soviet existence. It starts in 1923 with the publication of Furmanov's novel "Chapaev" and becomes well known by the soviet people in 1934, after the release of a full-length film. In the Soviet period the main characters of this film became the heroes of innumerable funny-stories made by fans of the film. The post-soviet period is marked by the appearance of TV-series, videogames and novels, in which these characters play the main roles. The analysis of this case can help to find the several particular features of
Books (monographs and edited volumes) by Veranika Furs
Roland Barthes's Time /Время Ролана Барта ( 1-2/2019 - Topos), 2019
Papers by Veranika Furs
The article presents some considerations on the question of applying the criteria of truthfulness to the fictional propositions. The question about correlation between artisitc text and extratextual reali-ty is a key one for literature theory, though different approaches propose different points of view on it. As for philosophy, the artistic fiction was beyond the domain of this criterion – even not being the synonym to the notion of a false, fiction was considered to be a product of author’s fantasy. The development of the possible worlds theory and its application to the literature works allowed to re-gard this question from another point: fictional worlds considered to be a subset of the possible worlds, so the question of truthfulness was posed in relation to the artistic fiction propositions. In the given work the attempt is made to systematize the positions of different scientific approaches – narratology, possible worlds theory and speech acts theory - in relation to the artistic text propo-sions. In the article the common field of possible worlds theory and narratology is designated as a study of fictional worlds phenomenon. Here the different positions are presented on the speech acts specifics inside the fiction as well as in relation to it, and also the attempt was made to define the cause of credibility to the fictional world of the artisitc work from the side of recipients.
Key words:possible worlds, fictional worlds, speech acts theory, philosophical anthropology).
Books (monographs and edited volumes) by Veranika Furs
The article presents some considerations on the question of applying the criteria of truthfulness to the fictional propositions. The question about correlation between artisitc text and extratextual reali-ty is a key one for literature theory, though different approaches propose different points of view on it. As for philosophy, the artistic fiction was beyond the domain of this criterion – even not being the synonym to the notion of a false, fiction was considered to be a product of author’s fantasy. The development of the possible worlds theory and its application to the literature works allowed to re-gard this question from another point: fictional worlds considered to be a subset of the possible worlds, so the question of truthfulness was posed in relation to the artistic fiction propositions. In the given work the attempt is made to systematize the positions of different scientific approaches – narratology, possible worlds theory and speech acts theory - in relation to the artistic text propo-sions. In the article the common field of possible worlds theory and narratology is designated as a study of fictional worlds phenomenon. Here the different positions are presented on the speech acts specifics inside the fiction as well as in relation to it, and also the attempt was made to define the cause of credibility to the fictional world of the artisitc work from the side of recipients.
Key words:possible worlds, fictional worlds, speech acts theory, philosophical anthropology).