Papers by Venanzio Arquilla

The paper analyses a user research process combining educational and professional dimensions, thr... more The paper analyses a user research process combining educational and professional dimensions, through a collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and a renowned Italian travel experiences B2B intermediary looking for new ideas to face the next challenges of the market. The design process widened the initial scope and revaluated the client's brief, enhancing the re-search and creating new scenarios for future implementation. The design brief was to reframe the role of the travel agency in a digital dimension, in-tercepting needs and opportunities in a changing and complex context such as travel sales. The final output made it possible to identify six scenarios and project areas that summarise evolutive models for the future of travel, which confirm the trends that emerged from the research and intercept new stakeholders, high-lighting limitations and opportunities to design a new user experience for the travel sector in a post pandemic age.

Linköping electronic conference proceedings, Nov 27, 2023
This research aims to suggest a new design perspective to analyse the sustainability of an AI-inf... more This research aims to suggest a new design perspective to analyse the sustainability of an AI-infused object in its entirety. Before we present what AI-infused Objects are and how they form product-service ecosystems, secondly, we analyse the state of the arts of its sustainable dimension. The analysis of AI-infused objects should include: (1) the entire life cycle of the object, its social and economic impact; (2) the impact of the "digital soul" of the object; (3) the ecosystem analysis should also include all indirect impacts of the service, considering how users' behaviour changes when they come in contact with the artificial intelligence ecosystem. The research contributes to the design literature in two ways: (1) by raising awareness in designers on the effective impact of AI-infused Objects forming the product-service ecosystems, (2) by inviting designers to make this awareness concrete through User Experience Sustainability analysis and behavioural change strategies applied to persuasive technology.

Applied sciences, Aug 31, 2023
With the rapid advancement of autonomous vehicles, a transformative transportation paradigm is em... more With the rapid advancement of autonomous vehicles, a transformative transportation paradigm is emerging in the automotive industry, necessitating a re-evaluation of how users engage with and utilize these evolving settings. This research paper introduces an innovative interaction system tailored for shared autonomous vehicles, focusing on its development and comprehensive evaluation. The proposed system uses the car's windshield as an interactive display surface, enabling infotainment and real-time information about the surrounding environment. The integration of two gesture-based interfaces forms a central component of the system. Through a study involving twenty subjects, we analyzed and compared the user experience facilitated by these interfaces. The study outcomes demonstrated that the subjects exhibited similar behaviors and responses across both interfaces, thus validating the potential of these interaction systems for future autonomous vehicles. These findings collectively emphasize the transformative nature of the proposed system and its ability to enhance user engagement and interaction within the context of autonomous transportation.

Applied Sciences
Automated shuttle buses entail adopting new technologies and modifying users’ practices, cultural... more Automated shuttle buses entail adopting new technologies and modifying users’ practices, cultural and symbolic meanings, policies, and markets. This results in a paradigmatic transition for a typical sociotechnical system: the transport system. However, the focus of the extant literature often lacks an overall vision, addressing a single technology, supply chain, or societal dimension. Although systemic design can manage multiple-level and long-term transitions, the literature does not discuss how systemic design tools can support implementation. This paper takes the four strategies proposed by Pereno and Barbero in 2020 as the theoretical framework to fill this literature gap, discussing the specific systemic design methods applicable to the design of automated shuttle bus systems. A six-week workshop to facilitate the exploration of future autonomous public transportation is taken as a case study. The systemic design approach was applied to enrich the Human–Machine Interaction (HM...
... [9] Bosshart D., 2007, The Real Cost of Living in a Low Price, Low Wage World, Kogan Page [10... more ... [9] Bosshart D., 2007, The Real Cost of Living in a Low Price, Low Wage World, Kogan Page [10] D'Ottavi A., 2006, WEB 2.0. Le meraviglie del mondo che verrà, Unwired Media [11] De Michelis G., 01/2001, La creazione di conoscenza e l'innovazione design-driven nei distretti ...

The society in which we live today is in the process of a paradigm shift (Murray 2009). The crisi... more The society in which we live today is in the process of a paradigm shift (Murray 2009). The crisis of the capitalist model is creating the need for certain processes of social innovation processes (Murray et al., 2010; Manzini, 2015). This paper presents an example of how social innovation and service design (Meroni, Sangiorgi, 2012; Stickdorn, Schneider, 2012) can promote the territory, thanks to the practice of Making. To do so, we tested a “what-if” situation trying in answer to the following research questions: a) what kind of Maker space could work in this territory? b) Who are the potential users? c) Could Making increase the appeal of the territory for social innovation? To answer our questions we used the method of action research (Stringer 2014; Stoecker, 2012). We created a demo service in order to experiment with different kind of activities and areas of application. The project MakeinProgress (MiP) was then initiated. MiP represented a case study of the way in which Making could facilitate the development of the territory (Arquilla et al., 2014) with the aid of service design. The MiP project was made to preview the use and the social function of an in progress restore and converting “Filanda” (a mill for the processing of textiles) thanks to public financing. The old mill was firstly conceived of as a business incubator which later adapted to the needs of the territory. The project occurred within a territory that was unfamiliar with the dynamics of Making and social innovation. Service design was widely and practically used (i.e. call for ideas, workshops, space hacking and offer of different services) hence demonstrating what it is possible to achieve when design positions itself as the intermediary between institutions and local communities. The action research methodology allowed for: awareness of the project in the territory to emerge, for a group of local citizens that could take on the management of the space to be identified and trained and for the space to be moulded according to the needs of the territory. Thanks to service design, the former mill became a place that allowed the community to promote new job opportunities and share ideas. The space allowed for the creation of new businesses. MiP also enabled new means of collaboration between the creative community and pre-existing local companies, allowing for the latter to benefit from the community thanks to the exposure to new technologies and contamination of ideas
Diid. Disegno industriale industrial design, 2008
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2022
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Olfaction and... more Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Olfaction and olfactory display View project Mapping the IoT View project
Papers by Venanzio Arquilla
sempre più spesso con esigenze progettuali fortemente
condizionate dal sistema tecnologico caratterizzato dall’ubiquità e dalla connettività degli artefatti del quotidiano che danno vita a sistemi sempre più Intelligenti, Connessi e Smart. I designer sono chiamati a immaginare nuove esperienze materiche, progettando dispositivi comunicanti e interattivi che saranno i futuri oggetti quotidiani. L’articolo ha lo scopo di introdurre la definizione di ICS Materials proponendo una iniziale classificazione di casi studio e di raccontare
come sia ormai evidente il progressivo passaggio
verso una dimensione sempre più interattiva, connessa e
smart dei materiali, prodotti e servizi di design.