Papers by Venancio Chantada Abal
Archivos españoles …, 2004
Información del artículo Manifestaciones urológicas del síndrome antifosfolípido primario: vejiga... more Información del artículo Manifestaciones urológicas del síndrome antifosfolípido primario: vejiga neurógena.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Medical and surgical treatment of varicocele]](
Archivos Espanoles De Urologia, Dec 1, 2004
Varicocele is a dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus in the spermatic cord. It appears in 15... more Varicocele is a dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus in the spermatic cord. It appears in 15% approximately of general population males. It is the most commonly identifiable, surgically treatable lesion associated with male infertility. The surgical treatment of varicocele, either unilateral or bilateral, has demonstrated a significant improvement in seminal parameters at least in two-thirds of affected males, and 30% to 60% pregnancy rates. There are many controversies about the indication of surgical treatment, more popular than percutaneous embolization, because several series have not demonstrated clear benefit; nevertheless, most authors support surgery, because its low morbidity, it is easy to perform, has a rapid adaptation process, and improves seminal parameters in most cases, or at least prevents their progressive impairment observed when surgery is not performed.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Medical and surgical treatment of varicocele]](
Archivos españoles de urología, 2004
Varicocele is a dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus in the spermatic cord. It appears in 15... more Varicocele is a dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus in the spermatic cord. It appears in 15% approximately of general population males. It is the most commonly identifiable, surgically treatable lesion associated with male infertility. The surgical treatment of varicocele, either unilateral or bilateral, has demonstrated a significant improvement in seminal parameters at least in two-thirds of affected males, and 30% to 60% pregnancy rates. There are many controversies about the indication of surgical treatment, more popular than percutaneous embolization, because several series have not demonstrated clear benefit; nevertheless, most authors support surgery, because its low morbidity, it is easy to perform, has a rapid adaptation process, and improves seminal parameters in most cases, or at least prevents their progressive impairment observed when surgery is not performed.
Salud Publica Y Envejecimiento Problemas De La Geriatria En El Ano 2000 1999 Isbn 84 89748 46 2 Pags 455 464, 1999
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 258 265, 2014
Actas Urol Esp, 2008
Kaposi&am... more Kaposi's sarcoma is an infrequent tumor of unknown cause, but with a higher impact in immune depressed individuals, particularly in HIV and transplant patients. It usually appears as a benign cutaneous lesions, while the invasive visceral form is uncommon with malignant evolution and wit rare remission. We present a patient with a Kaposi's sarcoma localised in a renal graft and bad response even when immuno suppression was discontinued.
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 10 16, 2014
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 140 146, 2014
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 87 92, 2014
Archivos Espanoles De Urologia, Oct 1, 2010
The introduction of PDE 5 inhibitors has widen the ambit of health care in erectile dysfunction (... more The introduction of PDE 5 inhibitors has widen the ambit of health care in erectile dysfunction (ED), which now includes family doctors, urologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, angio-cardiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and other specialists. To make a proper diagnosis, it is convenient to know there are many diseases associated with ED. To evaluate ED we have to identify sexual problems and to use certain means, such as adequate questionnaires and symptom scores, a detailed sexual and clinical history, physical exam and elementary lab tests. In most cases of ED it is not necessary to perform invasive tests or refer the patient to a specialist, but the doctor needs to know there are cases that require such reference, and sometimes more studies and tests are required.
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 17 22, 2014
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 51 56, 2014
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 223 227, 2014
Archivos Espanoles De Urologia, 2013
Archivos Espanoles De Urologia, 2011
Data Revues 00904295 V78i3ss S0090429511017237, Oct 14, 2011
![Research paper thumbnail of [Urologic damage of the primary antiphospholipid syndrome]](
Archivos Espanoles De Urologia, Sep 1, 2004
To perform a review and update of the antiphospholipid syndrome summarizing its urological presen... more To perform a review and update of the antiphospholipid syndrome summarizing its urological presentations. A complete bibliographic search was performed through PubMed MEDLINE and articles were reviewed with special attention to those bibliographic references about urological presentations. We document the unique and unpublished case of a patient with neurogenic bladder secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome. The antiphospholipid syndrome is an acquired autoimmune systemic disease generating a permanent hypercoagulability status with recurrent multiorgan thrombotic events due to circulating antiphospholipid antibodies. It may be secondary to a heterogeneous group of diseases (mainly lupus) and drugs, or primary if it appears isolated without any demonstrable systemic disease or concomitant medication. It is mainly characterized by venous or arterial recurrent thrombosis, recurrent abortion, thrombocytopenia, and circulating antiphospholipid auto-antibodies. Treatment with anticoagulants and correction of the hypercoagulable status contributing factors, arterial or venous thrombosis, and vascular risk aim to avoid new thrombosis episodes. Genitourynary system may be affected in any of its parts, generally by arterial or venous thrombosis. Kidney is the most frequently affected organ, in addition to transplanted kidney grafts, adrenal glands, bladder and testicles. There is a relationship between antiphospholipid syndrome and infertility. For the first time, we describe bladder involvement presenting as hyperreflexic neurogenic bladder with detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia after spontaneous spinal cord thrombosis in an asymptomatic adolescent with primary antiphospholipid syndrome which was unknown before.
Abordaje Practico De La Patologia Urologica En Atencion Primaria Algoritmos Diagnostico Terapeuticos 2014 Isbn 978 84 7877 821 8 Pags 216 222, 2014

Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, la r... more Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a EdikaMed, S.L. o a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar, escanear o hacer copias digitales de algún fragmento de esta obra. ADVERTENCIA Se han adoptado las medidas oportunas para confirmar la exactitud de la información presentada y describir la práctica más aceptada. No obstante, los autores y los directores no son responsables de los errores u omisiones del texto ni de las consecuencias que se deriven de la aplicación de la información que incluye. Se han realizado los máximos esfuerzos para verificar la exactitud de las dosis terapéuticas recomendadas en este libro. Aún así, es posible que existan errores inadvertidos en la transcripción de las cantidades, unidades o intervalos. Aunque reflejan, en su mayoría, pautas bien establecidas, las indicaciones y posología de ciertos fármacos, así como sus efectos secundarios, contraindicaciones e interacciones pueden cambiar conforme avanzan los conocimientos. Por ello se recomienda, cuando corresponda, la consulta de la ficha técnica de los distintos medicamentos mencionados en este libro.
Papers by Venancio Chantada Abal