EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
3D inprimaketa edo fabrikazio gehigarria azkar ari da hedatzen produktuen diseinu eta fabrikazio ... more 3D inprimaketa edo fabrikazio gehigarria azkar ari da hedatzen produktuen diseinu eta fabrikazio modu desberdinak ahalbidetzen dituelako. Izan ere, teknologia honi esker propietate pertsonalizagarriak, diseinu-askatasuna eta geometria konplexuak sor daitezke. Hala ere, 3D inprimaketarako tinta gehienek disolbatzaile organikoak erabiltzen dituzte, eta horregatik, ingurumena errespetatzen duten materialen formulazio berriak garatzeko beharra dago. Lan honetan argiaren bidezko 3D inprimaketarako tinta akriliko desberdinak garatu dira, azido akrilikoa, polietilen glikol diakrilatua eta fenilbis(2,4,6-trimetilbenzoil)fosfina oxidoa (BAPO) edo difenil(2,4,6-trimetilbenzoil)fosfina oxidoa (TPO) fotohastarazleak erabiliz.
EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
Petroliotik eratorritako plastikoen produkzioa gero eta handiagoa da, bestelako materialekin konp... more Petroliotik eratorritako plastikoen produkzioa gero eta handiagoa da, bestelako materialekin konparatuz, material oso moldakorrak direlako. Hori dela eta, plastikoak aplikazio ugaritan aurki ditzakegu, adibidez, eguneroko bizitzan polibinil kloruroa taperretan daukagu edo politetrafluoroetilenoa (PTFE) medikuntzako kateterretan. Produzitzen diren plastiko guztien artean, Europar Batasunak (EBk) plastikozko mahai-tresnak, lastoak eta kotoizko makilatxoak erabilera bakarreko plastikoen (EBP) multzoan, ingelesez single use plastics (SUP), sartu zituen. Izenak adierazten duen moduan, plastiko horiek aldi batez bakarrik erabiltzen dira eta gainera kasu batzuetan horien erabilera segundo batzuetakoa da. Plastiko hauen bizitza laburra ez ezik, beste arazo batzuk dakartzate. Alde batetik, material horien produkzioa petrolio iturri ez-berriztagarritik abiatzen delako eta beste alde batetik, degradatzeko orokorrean urteak behar dituztelako. EBPak behin erabilita, gaur egun ez daukagu modu ego...
The design of alkoxyamine/nitroxide species capable of mediating the polymerization of both styre... more The design of alkoxyamine/nitroxide species capable of mediating the polymerization of both styrene and methacrylic monomers has been notoriously difficult.
Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a... more Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a shortage that in some territories is extreme. In this context, the need for potable water prompts the development of new and more efficient wastewater treatment systems to overcome shortages by recovering and reusing contaminated water. Among the water treatment methods, membrane technology is considered one of the most promising. Besides, photocatalytic degradation has become an attractive and efficient technology for water and wastewater treatment. However, the use of unsupported catalysts has as its main impediment their separation from the water once treated. With this, providing the membranes with this photocatalyzed degradation capacity can improve the application of photocatalysts, since in many cases their application improves their recovery and reuse. This review describes the general photocatalytic processes of the main inorganic nanoparticles used as fillers in hybrid polymer...
Aliphatic polycarbonates are promising materials in the biomedical field due to their low toxicit... more Aliphatic polycarbonates are promising materials in the biomedical field due to their low toxicity, biocompatibility, and biodegradability.
An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world's repository for small molecule cr... more An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world's repository for small molecule crystal structures. The entry contains experimental data from a crystal diffraction study. The deposited dataset for this entry is freely available from the CCDC and typically includes 3D coordinates, cell parameters, space group, experimental conditions and quality measures.
We evaluate the use of tetrabutylammonium azide (N3NBu4) as an anionic ring-opening polymerizatio... more We evaluate the use of tetrabutylammonium azide (N3NBu4) as an anionic ring-opening polymerization initiator for synthesizing azide-terminated linear poly(glycidyl phenyl ether) and then generating monocyclic structures with high purity. In particular, we perform a detailed study on the end-group fidelity of polymers obtained by initiation with N3NBu4 in the presence and absence of trisisobutylaluminum (iBu3Al) and evaluate the purity of the cyclic structures obtained via copper-catalyzed alkyne–azide cycloaddition “click” reaction. We demonstrate that in contrast to the polymerization initiated by N3NBu4 alone, the polymerization performed in the presence of iBu3Al allows the formation of polymers with high end-group fidelity (azide groups at the α-position) for Mn < 20 kDa. The cyclic purity is evaluated by SEC with triple detection and dielectric spectroscopy. The latter technique, although not conventional for such a purpose, is shown to be very convenient to ensure cyclic purity in polymers showing a...
EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
BODIPY kromoforoei (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indazeno koloratzaileak) loturiko Iridio (I... more BODIPY kromoforoei (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indazeno koloratzaileak) loturiko Iridio (III) ziklo metalikoak prestatu eta karakterizatu dira fotosentikortzaile berri eta efizienteak garatu nahian. Diseinu arrazionala dela bide, argi ikusgaia xurgatzeko gai diren konposatuak lortu dira, zeinak oxigeno singletea oso modu efizientean sortzeko gai diren, batzuk leiho-klinikora ere gerturatuz, ehunetan sakonera sartzeko gai den argi eremua hain zuzen. Konposatuen igorpen fosforeszentea, erdibizitza denborak eta kalkulu teorikoak aurrera eraman dira ikusitako fotosentikortzaile-aktibitateari azalpena bilatu nahian, eta emaitza guzti hauen arabera oxigeno singletea sortzearen arduraduna BODIPY unitatea dela ondorioztatu da. In vitro ikertu da terapia fotodinamikorako aktibitatea HeLa zelulekin, agerian jarriz konposatuak efizienteki barneratzen direla zeluletan, ez direla toxikoak haientzat ilunpean, eta argiztatzean zelulak hiltzeko gai direla nahiz eta konposatuen kontzentrazioa...
Abstract The composition of the carbonaceous deactivating species (coke) deposited on a Pt and Pd... more Abstract The composition of the carbonaceous deactivating species (coke) deposited on a Pt and Pd supported P-containing activated carbon catalyst has been studied. These deactivating species were deposited on the catalyst during the hydrocracking of scrap tire pyrolysis oil at 400–500 °C, and it has been selectively characterized by means of temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO), temperature-programmed desorption/gas chromatography (TPD/GC) and laser desorption-ionization/mass spectroscopy (LDI/MS). In addition, the evolution of the textural properties and the acidity of the deactivated catalysts have been evaluated. The high thermal and oxidation resistance of the catalytic support has allowed to combust the coke in the TPO and calculate its intrinsic activation energy as a function of the extent of the combustion. Combined TPO and LDI/MS results have shown that an increase in the hydrocracking temperature attenuates the catalyst deactivation due to the hydrocracking of coke precursors. Coke aging, by evolving towards a more condensed structure, is also favored at higher hydrocracking temperatures. The combustion of the most condensed coke requires of higher temperatures than 375 °C, which hinders the complete regeneration of the activated carbon-based catalyst.
Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several mole... more Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several molecules. On the other hand, nowadays the use of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF EKAIA 33.indd 149 12/2/18 17:38:31 150 EKAIA, 33 (2018) Antonio Veloso MS) to identify molecules is increasing drastically. Besides, this technique allows to generate images by Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS). IMS is a perfect technique to analize the distribution of lipids in biological tissues. This technique allows the identification and localization of different lipids, without previous knowledge of the compound or chemical family. Since it is not neccesary to select the compound of interest before the MS acquisition, it is possible to generate images of each detected ion. In this work, TLC plates have been used to improve MALDI IMS. The combination of these techniques proves to be suited for lipid research.
EnglishThin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize sever... more EnglishThin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several molecules. On the other hand, nowadays the use of Matrix As-sisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to identify molecules is increasing drastically. Besides, this technique allows to generate images by Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS). IMS is a perfect technique to analize the distribution of lipids in biological tissues. This technique allows the identi-fication and localization of different lipids, without previous knowledge of the com-pound or chemical family. Since it is not neccesary to select the compound of interest before the MS acquisition, it is possible to generate images of each detected ion. In this work, TLC plates have been used to improve MALDI IMS. The combination of these techniques proves to be suited for lipid research. EuskaraGeruza meheko kromatografia teknika (TLC, ingelesezko Thin Layer Chromatography) oso erabilia izan...
EuskaraGaur egun, nahiko informazio ageria ematen dute biomolekulak eta materialak karakterizatze... more EuskaraGaur egun, nahiko informazio ageria ematen dute biomolekulak eta materialak karakterizatzeko erabiltzen diren laborategi-teknika analitikoek, baina azaldu ezin diren efektuak edo emaitzak lortzen dira askotan. Horregatik, informazio hau lortzeko, hau da, molekulen mikroegiturak karakterizatzeko edota gertatu diren kutsadurak ezagutzeko ere, gero eta gehiago hedatzen ari da teknika bat, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI/TOF-MS) izenekoa, edo laserraren bidezko desortzio-ionizazio matrizez lagundua/hegaldi-denbora masa-espektrometria teknika. Masa-espektrometria delako karakterizazio teknika hau hainbat alorretara hedatu da, masa molarra jakitea ahalbidetzen duelako inolako zatiketarik gabe eta, aldi berean, ehun edo material baten banaketaren berri ematen duelako Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) edo masa-espektrometriaren bidezko irudia deritzon teknikari esker. Lan honek helburu hartuko du teknika berri honen oinarriak eta apli...
EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
3D inprimaketa edo fabrikazio gehigarria azkar ari da hedatzen produktuen diseinu eta fabrikazio ... more 3D inprimaketa edo fabrikazio gehigarria azkar ari da hedatzen produktuen diseinu eta fabrikazio modu desberdinak ahalbidetzen dituelako. Izan ere, teknologia honi esker propietate pertsonalizagarriak, diseinu-askatasuna eta geometria konplexuak sor daitezke. Hala ere, 3D inprimaketarako tinta gehienek disolbatzaile organikoak erabiltzen dituzte, eta horregatik, ingurumena errespetatzen duten materialen formulazio berriak garatzeko beharra dago. Lan honetan argiaren bidezko 3D inprimaketarako tinta akriliko desberdinak garatu dira, azido akrilikoa, polietilen glikol diakrilatua eta fenilbis(2,4,6-trimetilbenzoil)fosfina oxidoa (BAPO) edo difenil(2,4,6-trimetilbenzoil)fosfina oxidoa (TPO) fotohastarazleak erabiliz.
EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
Petroliotik eratorritako plastikoen produkzioa gero eta handiagoa da, bestelako materialekin konp... more Petroliotik eratorritako plastikoen produkzioa gero eta handiagoa da, bestelako materialekin konparatuz, material oso moldakorrak direlako. Hori dela eta, plastikoak aplikazio ugaritan aurki ditzakegu, adibidez, eguneroko bizitzan polibinil kloruroa taperretan daukagu edo politetrafluoroetilenoa (PTFE) medikuntzako kateterretan. Produzitzen diren plastiko guztien artean, Europar Batasunak (EBk) plastikozko mahai-tresnak, lastoak eta kotoizko makilatxoak erabilera bakarreko plastikoen (EBP) multzoan, ingelesez single use plastics (SUP), sartu zituen. Izenak adierazten duen moduan, plastiko horiek aldi batez bakarrik erabiltzen dira eta gainera kasu batzuetan horien erabilera segundo batzuetakoa da. Plastiko hauen bizitza laburra ez ezik, beste arazo batzuk dakartzate. Alde batetik, material horien produkzioa petrolio iturri ez-berriztagarritik abiatzen delako eta beste alde batetik, degradatzeko orokorrean urteak behar dituztelako. EBPak behin erabilita, gaur egun ez daukagu modu ego...
The design of alkoxyamine/nitroxide species capable of mediating the polymerization of both styre... more The design of alkoxyamine/nitroxide species capable of mediating the polymerization of both styrene and methacrylic monomers has been notoriously difficult.
Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a... more Mismanagement, pollution and excessive use have depleted the world’s water resources, producing a shortage that in some territories is extreme. In this context, the need for potable water prompts the development of new and more efficient wastewater treatment systems to overcome shortages by recovering and reusing contaminated water. Among the water treatment methods, membrane technology is considered one of the most promising. Besides, photocatalytic degradation has become an attractive and efficient technology for water and wastewater treatment. However, the use of unsupported catalysts has as its main impediment their separation from the water once treated. With this, providing the membranes with this photocatalyzed degradation capacity can improve the application of photocatalysts, since in many cases their application improves their recovery and reuse. This review describes the general photocatalytic processes of the main inorganic nanoparticles used as fillers in hybrid polymer...
Aliphatic polycarbonates are promising materials in the biomedical field due to their low toxicit... more Aliphatic polycarbonates are promising materials in the biomedical field due to their low toxicity, biocompatibility, and biodegradability.
An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world's repository for small molecule cr... more An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world's repository for small molecule crystal structures. The entry contains experimental data from a crystal diffraction study. The deposited dataset for this entry is freely available from the CCDC and typically includes 3D coordinates, cell parameters, space group, experimental conditions and quality measures.
We evaluate the use of tetrabutylammonium azide (N3NBu4) as an anionic ring-opening polymerizatio... more We evaluate the use of tetrabutylammonium azide (N3NBu4) as an anionic ring-opening polymerization initiator for synthesizing azide-terminated linear poly(glycidyl phenyl ether) and then generating monocyclic structures with high purity. In particular, we perform a detailed study on the end-group fidelity of polymers obtained by initiation with N3NBu4 in the presence and absence of trisisobutylaluminum (iBu3Al) and evaluate the purity of the cyclic structures obtained via copper-catalyzed alkyne–azide cycloaddition “click” reaction. We demonstrate that in contrast to the polymerization initiated by N3NBu4 alone, the polymerization performed in the presence of iBu3Al allows the formation of polymers with high end-group fidelity (azide groups at the α-position) for Mn < 20 kDa. The cyclic purity is evaluated by SEC with triple detection and dielectric spectroscopy. The latter technique, although not conventional for such a purpose, is shown to be very convenient to ensure cyclic purity in polymers showing a...
EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria
BODIPY kromoforoei (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indazeno koloratzaileak) loturiko Iridio (I... more BODIPY kromoforoei (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indazeno koloratzaileak) loturiko Iridio (III) ziklo metalikoak prestatu eta karakterizatu dira fotosentikortzaile berri eta efizienteak garatu nahian. Diseinu arrazionala dela bide, argi ikusgaia xurgatzeko gai diren konposatuak lortu dira, zeinak oxigeno singletea oso modu efizientean sortzeko gai diren, batzuk leiho-klinikora ere gerturatuz, ehunetan sakonera sartzeko gai den argi eremua hain zuzen. Konposatuen igorpen fosforeszentea, erdibizitza denborak eta kalkulu teorikoak aurrera eraman dira ikusitako fotosentikortzaile-aktibitateari azalpena bilatu nahian, eta emaitza guzti hauen arabera oxigeno singletea sortzearen arduraduna BODIPY unitatea dela ondorioztatu da. In vitro ikertu da terapia fotodinamikorako aktibitatea HeLa zelulekin, agerian jarriz konposatuak efizienteki barneratzen direla zeluletan, ez direla toxikoak haientzat ilunpean, eta argiztatzean zelulak hiltzeko gai direla nahiz eta konposatuen kontzentrazioa...
Abstract The composition of the carbonaceous deactivating species (coke) deposited on a Pt and Pd... more Abstract The composition of the carbonaceous deactivating species (coke) deposited on a Pt and Pd supported P-containing activated carbon catalyst has been studied. These deactivating species were deposited on the catalyst during the hydrocracking of scrap tire pyrolysis oil at 400–500 °C, and it has been selectively characterized by means of temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO), temperature-programmed desorption/gas chromatography (TPD/GC) and laser desorption-ionization/mass spectroscopy (LDI/MS). In addition, the evolution of the textural properties and the acidity of the deactivated catalysts have been evaluated. The high thermal and oxidation resistance of the catalytic support has allowed to combust the coke in the TPO and calculate its intrinsic activation energy as a function of the extent of the combustion. Combined TPO and LDI/MS results have shown that an increase in the hydrocracking temperature attenuates the catalyst deactivation due to the hydrocracking of coke precursors. Coke aging, by evolving towards a more condensed structure, is also favored at higher hydrocracking temperatures. The combustion of the most condensed coke requires of higher temperatures than 375 °C, which hinders the complete regeneration of the activated carbon-based catalyst.
Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several mole... more Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several molecules. On the other hand, nowadays the use of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF EKAIA 33.indd 149 12/2/18 17:38:31 150 EKAIA, 33 (2018) Antonio Veloso MS) to identify molecules is increasing drastically. Besides, this technique allows to generate images by Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS). IMS is a perfect technique to analize the distribution of lipids in biological tissues. This technique allows the identification and localization of different lipids, without previous knowledge of the compound or chemical family. Since it is not neccesary to select the compound of interest before the MS acquisition, it is possible to generate images of each detected ion. In this work, TLC plates have been used to improve MALDI IMS. The combination of these techniques proves to be suited for lipid research.
EnglishThin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize sever... more EnglishThin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a powerful technique to separate and characterize several molecules. On the other hand, nowadays the use of Matrix As-sisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to identify molecules is increasing drastically. Besides, this technique allows to generate images by Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS). IMS is a perfect technique to analize the distribution of lipids in biological tissues. This technique allows the identi-fication and localization of different lipids, without previous knowledge of the com-pound or chemical family. Since it is not neccesary to select the compound of interest before the MS acquisition, it is possible to generate images of each detected ion. In this work, TLC plates have been used to improve MALDI IMS. The combination of these techniques proves to be suited for lipid research. EuskaraGeruza meheko kromatografia teknika (TLC, ingelesezko Thin Layer Chromatography) oso erabilia izan...
EuskaraGaur egun, nahiko informazio ageria ematen dute biomolekulak eta materialak karakterizatze... more EuskaraGaur egun, nahiko informazio ageria ematen dute biomolekulak eta materialak karakterizatzeko erabiltzen diren laborategi-teknika analitikoek, baina azaldu ezin diren efektuak edo emaitzak lortzen dira askotan. Horregatik, informazio hau lortzeko, hau da, molekulen mikroegiturak karakterizatzeko edota gertatu diren kutsadurak ezagutzeko ere, gero eta gehiago hedatzen ari da teknika bat, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI/TOF-MS) izenekoa, edo laserraren bidezko desortzio-ionizazio matrizez lagundua/hegaldi-denbora masa-espektrometria teknika. Masa-espektrometria delako karakterizazio teknika hau hainbat alorretara hedatu da, masa molarra jakitea ahalbidetzen duelako inolako zatiketarik gabe eta, aldi berean, ehun edo material baten banaketaren berri ematen duelako Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) edo masa-espektrometriaren bidezko irudia deritzon teknikari esker. Lan honek helburu hartuko du teknika berri honen oinarriak eta apli...
Papers by Antonio Veloso