Papers by Vanessa Marquez
Revista de Literatura, História e Memória, 2011
Reescritas del pasado-un homenaje a Fernando" Aínsa 259 259 259 259 259

RESUMEN: La presente comunicación es una reflexión sobre la intersección de los discursos de las ... more RESUMEN: La presente comunicación es una reflexión sobre la intersección de los discursos de las ciencias llamadas puras y los discursos culturales en el marco de las ciencias sociales, con énfasis en la intencionalidad de los textos El fin de las certidumbres de Ilya Prigogine y La trama de la vida de Fritjof Capra, por librar para el lector un juego dinámico de doble significación entre las ciencias que dan cuenta del caos creador, la indeterminación y la dinámica propia de la cultura, procurando una crisis en la percepción de los paradigmas en los que históricamente se ha enmar-cado a las ciencias. En este sentido, el discurso de la física y el discurso de la cultura exigen un ejercicio de elucidación, de transformación profunda sobre el pensamiento especulativo y la razón explicativa que conduce una interpretación amplia en el horizonte de expectativas de las ciencias en su conjunto. ABSTRACT: The present communication is a reflection on the intersection of the discourses of the so-called pure sciences and the cultural discourses within the framework of the social sciences , with emphasis on the intentionality of the texts El fin de las certidumbres of Ilya Prigogine and La trama de la vida of Fritj of Capra, to free the reader a dynamic game of double meaning between the sciences that account for the creative chaos, the indetermination and the dynamics of the culture, seeking a crisis in the perception of the paradigms in which historically has framed the sciences. In this sense, the discourse of physics and the discourse of culture demand an exercise of elucidation, of profound transformation on speculative thinking and explanatory reason that leads to a broad interpretation in the horizon of expectations of the sciences as a whole.

The break with the aesthetic ideas of modernity, cultural hybridity, postcolonial
studies, the re... more The break with the aesthetic ideas of modernity, cultural hybridity, postcolonial
studies, the responses of counterculture in the midst of this season of contradictions and
disagreements called postmodern, has promoted the emergence of discourses that postulated
demystify the official truth for centuries told by History. The foundational discourses have been
transgressed by literary fiction, which has recreated his own testimony through imaginary or
fictionalized characters. The text before us, Chronicle of the discovery, by the writer Alejandro
Paternain (Montevideo,1933-2004), reads the past like a fictional truth which outlines the untold
story about the discovery. The text corresponds in theme with narrative production since the
middle seventies reveals the concern of a large number of American writers, especially regarding the arrival of Columbus to our shores, habits of the European men, the imposition of the Catholic
religion, social structure which was also imposed, and other historical consequences of such
Papers by Vanessa Marquez
studies, the responses of counterculture in the midst of this season of contradictions and
disagreements called postmodern, has promoted the emergence of discourses that postulated
demystify the official truth for centuries told by History. The foundational discourses have been
transgressed by literary fiction, which has recreated his own testimony through imaginary or
fictionalized characters. The text before us, Chronicle of the discovery, by the writer Alejandro
Paternain (Montevideo,1933-2004), reads the past like a fictional truth which outlines the untold
story about the discovery. The text corresponds in theme with narrative production since the
middle seventies reveals the concern of a large number of American writers, especially regarding the arrival of Columbus to our shores, habits of the European men, the imposition of the Catholic
religion, social structure which was also imposed, and other historical consequences of such
studies, the responses of counterculture in the midst of this season of contradictions and
disagreements called postmodern, has promoted the emergence of discourses that postulated
demystify the official truth for centuries told by History. The foundational discourses have been
transgressed by literary fiction, which has recreated his own testimony through imaginary or
fictionalized characters. The text before us, Chronicle of the discovery, by the writer Alejandro
Paternain (Montevideo,1933-2004), reads the past like a fictional truth which outlines the untold
story about the discovery. The text corresponds in theme with narrative production since the
middle seventies reveals the concern of a large number of American writers, especially regarding the arrival of Columbus to our shores, habits of the European men, the imposition of the Catholic
religion, social structure which was also imposed, and other historical consequences of such