Papers by Dimitri Vandenberghe

Radiocarbon, 54(3-4): 715-726., 2012
Based on radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) results obtained in the last 5 y... more Based on radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) results obtained in the last 5 yr, this paper discusses the absolute chronology of the formation of one of the largest sand dunes within NW Belgium, the Great Ridge of Maldegem-Stekene. Multiproxy analysis of 6 sedimentary sequences points to a complex formation history covering the entire Late Glacial. Dry phases, characterized by eolian deflation and sedimentation, alternated with wet phases in which numerous mostly shallow dune slacks were filled with freshwater. The latter reached their highest water level during the first half of the Allerød, attracting both animals (e.g. European elk) and humans (Federmesser hunter-gatherers). Near the end of the Allerød, all dune slacks finally disappeared as they were filled in with windblown sand ("coversand"), likely forcing prehistoric hunter-gatherers to leave the area.

Quaternary International, 2011
The palaeoclimate record preserved in loess deposits in S Serbia is poorly understood. This is in... more The palaeoclimate record preserved in loess deposits in S Serbia is poorly understood. This is in strong contrast to the situation in the north of the country (Vojvodina region), where similar deposits have been intensively investigated in recent years. This study presents a first detailed description, initial proxy analysis (magnetic susceptibility, colour, total organic carbon) and preliminary luminescence chronology of a loessepalaeosol sequence that is exposed in an abandoned quarry at Belotinac (near the city of Ni s, S Serbia). The sequence is about 10 m thick and preserves three loess units and three weakly developed palaeosol units. Although its potential remains to be fully tapped, the preliminary results demonstrate that the sequence offers a unique record of climate and environmental change during the Late Pleistocene at the transition between Mediterranean and Continental Europe.
Papers by Dimitri Vandenberghe