Papers by Valeriu Ioan-Franc
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2007
The cultural tourism covers a wide range of interdependent activities, connected with other econo... more The cultural tourism covers a wide range of interdependent activities, connected with other economic branches, that play a major role in the developing tourism industry. The people's increasing amount of leisure time, the tourists' changing interest and the increasing life expectancy help the cultural tourism gain popularity faster then other tourism segments. Further, the cultural tourism plays a significant role in the recovery of some districts, zones, localities or towns.

The aim of the international conference ESPERA 2016 was to present and evaluate the economic scie... more The aim of the international conference ESPERA 2016 was to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio, to argue and substantiate Romanian development strategies – including European and global best practices. The plenary session and the parallel sections were centered on priority research directions in the field of economic and social sciences of the 'Romanian Academy Research Strategy 2014-2020', respectively: Romania's sustainable economic and social development - models, scenarios, evaluations; natural resources patrimony - costs and benefits of its valorization; knowledge, innovation, smart development and human capital; economy dynamics and structural changes for a competitive growth; European integration and globalization - new challenges; economic instability and stabilization policies; development and improvement of economic and social forecasting tools; food safety and security – challenges for agriculture economic development; assessment of economic, social and political experiences and thoughts; contributions to the New Encyclopedia of Romania; quality of life and social policies evaluations; demographic facts and figures. The edition 2016 of ESPERA intend to explore two-three main concerns of the researchers in the field of economic and social sciences regarding the future development challenges of the Romania and Europe and the possible solutions identified.
Amfiteatru Economic, May 1, 2023
The authors review the challenges that the Romanian economy and society had to face in the Europe... more The authors review the challenges that the Romanian economy and society had to face in the European and global geoeconomic context. Starting from the perspectives advanced by the international economic fora, the risks the European economy will have to answer through counteracting and general resuscitation measures and means are analysed with the rigour due to academic research. In this context, a series of aspects of major interest for Romania are comprised, which we both under the pressure of its objectives registered in PNRR as well as the ones developed as risks in the proximity of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as part of NATO and the EU.
Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii, 2020

The Romanian Journal of Economics, 2011
As public policy, cultural policy focuses on providing conditions for free and undisturbed exerci... more As public policy, cultural policy focuses on providing conditions for free and undisturbed exercise of cultural rights: right to culture and information, right to cultural identity, right of intellectual property protection, right of participation in cultural life, etc. Cultural rights are specified as a distinct class in the catalogue of international principles regarding culture created by The Cultural Diversity Network, consisting of ministers in charge from many countries such as: cultural heritage preservation, free movement of works and creators, dialogue between cultures, diversity promotion, etc. In this respect, it defines also "the intervention areas" along with actions to be taken, so that each stage of cultural policy, understood as a process of continuous construction, should gain more value. Therefore, as public policy, cultural policy has an undisputed impact on urban/rural areas/territories, at least according to the authorities' intention to correct some discrepances as regards the number and location of cultural services in the community area, their equipping, easy access of inhabitants to cultural institutions, the density and representativity of the cultural life itself.
The Romanian Journal of Economics, 2010
Valeriu IOAN-FRANC Marius Andrei DIAMESCU bstract. The paper basically deals with two important c... more Valeriu IOAN-FRANC Marius Andrei DIAMESCU bstract. The paper basically deals with two important concepts: security economy and economic security. The former is a relatively new term implying the way of building an entire system of protection by measures and activities to prevent deliberate actions affecting the quality of life and goods, while the latter is a term understood only post factum, when the threats to the economic security of a state have had effect. Therefore, a macroeconomic equilibrium at the world level should be correlated with internal political, economic and social equilibrium in order to ensure long-term sustainable development of the economy.

Procedia. Economics and finance, 2015
Along with the emergence of globalisation, cities, in particular, have been confronted with two v... more Along with the emergence of globalisation, cities, in particular, have been confronted with two vital problems that can be approached only in interdependence: How to reduce, even prevent, social and spatial disparities as well as the related societal and spatial fragmentation? How to stabilize or to ensure local economic growth, international and interregional competitiveness as well as the labour market insertion? Confronted with these challenges, the traditional sectoral approaches prove to be onerous and ineffective and, consequently, new forms of governance acquire importance. Among them, integrated urban governance a new concept implies a change in the administrative situation and the way of thinking of decision-makers in formulating and implementing territorial development policies. Integrated urban governance, having both a vertical dimension and a horizontal dimension beyond the administrative borders of the cities, requires that the identification of the actors should be based on these dimensions. And the solution is not to plan and to implement projects involving possible stakeholders. It requires selecting and analysing the actors who could provide a real support. As integrated urban governance is, in fact, a managerial approach to interdisciplinary problems during the formulation of policies beyond the limits of the established political areas.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2017
Pornind de la necesitatea evaluării continue şi exigente, capabile să pună în relaţie rezultatele... more Pornind de la necesitatea evaluării continue şi exigente, capabile să pună în relaţie rezultatele obţinute cu resursele umane, materiale şi financiare alocate şi să fixeze periodic poziţia cercetării naţionale în raport cu nivelul mondial, evaluarea relevanţei publicaţiilor trebuie să se realizeze de pe poziţiile şi exigenţele unei noi discipline: Scientometria. Scientometria este menită să ajute la fundamentarea evaluării activităţii de cercetare şi luării de decizii privind dezvoltarea acesteia, politica ştiinţei în ansamblu.
The Romanian Journal of Economics, 2009
The author presents the main characteristics of the above-mentioned exercises of strategical sust... more The author presents the main characteristics of the above-mentioned exercises of strategical sustainable planning as well as the assessment of their impact on the Romanian society at the time they were drawn up and in the future.

Review of General Management, 2011
Production began to decline, more and more signs of recession occurred, the GDP diminished in rea... more Production began to decline, more and more signs of recession occurred, the GDP diminished in real terms so that the signs of economic crisis became visible in all components of the social system (and in the culture subsystem, as well). In this context, the unanimous striving for international cooperation to find adequate answers to the present global crisis led to the confrontation of principles referring to concrete means of improving the financial institutions and reviving the economy of every country. A common problem of Continental Europe and other zones in crises concerns the pillars on which the economic revival plans should be based. In this respect, economists and practitioners initiated specific debates. Some meetings were attended by Nobel Prize winners for economics. In the culture-crisis confrontation, crisis is an enemy reinventing its weaponry continuously. Culture may defeat it only by means of projects revealing the truth. Culture means truth, accuracy, freedom, information, creativity, etc.

Sciendo eBooks, Apr 22, 2022
other hand, as well as from the escalation of the trade war between US and China ("world factory"... more other hand, as well as from the escalation of the trade war between US and China ("world factory"), based on the race of the global technology dominance, till the acceleration (following SARS-COV 2 pandemic) of the determination of reviewing the global supply chains by the digital technologies, life has demonstrate and is demonstrating that the economic idea (in its continuous gait) and its argument must reach the consumer. And retail remains the touchpoint between citizens and their local community in an Omni channel world in which the new technologies allow combining disruptively demand and supply, enabling revolutionizing the interactions between retailers and us all as consumers, users expecting consistent and seamless experiences within the consumer decision journey. Which implies that retailers will better adapt to the new challenges, by making agility the new norm and combining, one hand, the making of their technology enabled transformation a permanent business discipline with, on the other hand, the
The book is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Romanian Academy. It contains the most valu... more The book is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Romanian Academy. It contains the most valuable 100 papers presented at the International Conference «Economic Scientific Research – Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches» (ESPERA 2015). The event is initiated annually by the National Institute for Economic Research «Costin C. Kiri?escu» of the Romanian Academy. ESPERA aim to present and evaluate the economic scientific research portfolio as well as to argue and substantiate development strategies, including European and global best practices. ESPERA intend to become a scientific support for the conceptualization and the establishment of policies and strategies and to provide a systematic, permanent, wide and challenging dialogue within the European area of economic and social research.

The Republic of Moldova on the path of transformation: socio-humanistic aspect" 1 is a collection... more The Republic of Moldova on the path of transformation: socio-humanistic aspect" 1 is a collection of the important scientific work papers of the researchers of the Institute of European Integration and Political Sciences of the Moldova Academy of Sciences, that includes a very important and vast spectrum of interdisciplinary investigations regarding the modernisation of Moldavian's society in the process of European Integration of the Republic of Moldova. This work elucidates and evaluates processes that take place in the socio-humanistic area, with the scope of obtaining of a new knowledge about the contemporary society and thought. A scientific dimension of the publication is that it identifies and analyses the most acute problems of the country: the lack of democracy, recidivism of communism, dialogue and tolerance, social stratification, the poverty affecting the largest social group and rise of a new elite based on the illegal accumulation of wealth,

Amfiteatru Economic, Feb 1, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the use of Artificial Intelligence in r... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the use of Artificial Intelligence in retail on buying and consumer behavior, better understanding how consumers perceive Artificial Intelligence on the path to the Next Normal. The consumer-technology partnership is confirming the reinvention of the retail organizations, retailers' advancement on this path involving acting on the new patterns and behaviors by considering the new technology adoption within the context of COVID-19. Based on a comprehensive literature review on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in retail a quantitative research design was employed to demonstrate the nature of linkage between this impact and consumers' perceptions of Artificial Intelligence. The data collection was performed through survey conducted in a supermarket chain in Romania, consumers' perceptions of Artificial Intelligence being considered a central metric for assessing the successful use of Artificial Intelligence-enabled interactions within the context of the offline-online convergence confirmed by the Store of the Future, and consumers' use of mobile phones in their Omni channel shopping journey. The present research, whose results were validated, offers retailers deep consumer insights with regard to the buying and consumer behavior change in Romania on the path to the Next Normal.
”30 Years of Inspiring Academic Economic Research – From the Transition to Market Economy to the Interlinked Crises of 21st Century”
Starting from a series of strategic planning principles expressed in the field literature, the au... more Starting from a series of strategic planning principles expressed in the field literature, the authors bring into discussion the proceedings and implications of specific elaborations, especially during the transition period of 1900-2000 in Romania. Three strategic planning documents from 1990, 1995 and 2000 support the authors' conclusion that Romania's joining the EU was also an act of scientific academic research. The authors also argue the strong necessity of the presence and involvement of scientific research in the development of all strategies whether general, sectoral or local.
Peter Lang D eBooks, Sep 30, 2019
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Dec 1, 2018
Perioada interbelica(1918-1947),perioada socialista(1945-1989),perioada postcomunista(1990-2018).... more Perioada interbelica(1918-1947),perioada socialista(1945-1989),perioada postcomunista(1990-2018).Bibliografie
Papers by Valeriu Ioan-Franc