Papers by Valeria Cammarata
Forum Italicum, 2025
The project entitled Narr-Lab. La narrazione del sé come strumento di prevenzione della violenza ... more The project entitled Narr-Lab. La narrazione del sé come strumento di prevenzione della violenza di genere was born at the end of 2023. A research group from the University of Palermo has been set up with the aim of promoting in the students a greater awareness of themselves and others in the field of interpersonal relationships, in order to counter gender stereotypes and prevent sexual discrimination, following an interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, literature and gender studies. The following is the detailed report of this activity.
Starting with the intersection between literature and visual culture, this chapter addresses the ... more Starting with the intersection between literature and visual culture, this chapter addresses the representation of the Palestinian people’s cultural identity through a specific genre in-between literature and photography: the phototext. In what follows After the Last Sky. Palestinian Lives, by Edward W. Said and Jean Mohr (1986), will be analyzed as a case study that still has an impact on the critical discourse around cultural identity.
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2014

Il libro, in una nuova edizione completamente rivista e aggiornata, presenta al pubblico italiano... more Il libro, in una nuova edizione completamente rivista e aggiornata, presenta al pubblico italiano i testi pi\uf9 rappresentativi di uno dei protagonisti della visual culture contemporanea. Il pictorial tum \ue8 la "svolta"' epistemologica che pone lo studio delle immagini sullo stesso piano di quello del linguaggio. Il libro, in una nuova edizione completamente rivista e aggiornata, presenta al pubblico italiano i testi pi\uf9 rappresentativi di uno dei protagonisti dela visual culture contemporanea. Si tratta di saggi in cui Mitchell introduce nozioni e termini ormai entrati a pieno titolo nel vocabolario critico, come l'alternativa image/picture, le nozioni di metapicture e biopicture, e lo studio sistematico dell'iconofilia e dell'iconofobia, che da sempre determinano la nostra relazione con le immagini. Per Mitchell, infatti, la questione delle immagini va posta a partire da ci\uf2 che esse pretendono da noi, dalla loro agency, dalla loro potenza sociale e cognitiva. A fronte di una raffinata elaborazione teorica, l'autore non perde mai di vista il significato che le immagini hanno per la cultura contemporanea. I saggi qui raccolti pongono le basi di una "scienza delle immagini" che possa dialogare con la storia dell'arte, la semiotica visiva e l'estetica
The question of a dominant model of vision will be at stake in this essay, which will try to prov... more The question of a dominant model of vision will be at stake in this essay, which will try to provoke other questions on the ways in which non-dominant models of vision have tried to spread out in a particularly revolutionary and dramatic period. This century is the 17th and the non-dominant model of vision is that of the female gaze. Particularly the works of three English writers \\u2013 Margaret Cavendish, Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood \\u2013 and their commitment with the matter of gaze will be analysed
CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism, 2019
The following pages present the analysis of a crucial issue for the genre of the photo-text, that... more The following pages present the analysis of a crucial issue for the genre of the photo-text, that of migrations intended as stories of wandering and hope and respect to which the literary word and the photographic image are still questioning, especially for what concerns the opportunity and the modalities of narration and memory. Two cases distant in time and space seem to offer a reflection on the inexhaustible question, and above all on the way in which it can be tackled without falling back into the often sterile ground of documentary or memorial narration: Incoming (2017) by the photographer Richard Mosse and Recits d’Ellis Island. Histoires d’errance et d’espoir (1980), the work of Georges Perec and Robert Bober.
L'articolo, postfazione al libro Pictorial Turn. Saggi di cultura visuale, mette in evidenza ... more L'articolo, postfazione al libro Pictorial Turn. Saggi di cultura visuale, mette in evidenza e collega gli studi italiani che hanno subito l'influenza delle teorizzazioni di WJT Mitchell e che hanno contribuito a creare la corrente italiana della visual culture attraverso discipline differenti come le letterature comparate, l'estetica, la filosofia, gli studi sul cinema, persino l'architettura

In the debate between biopolitical and bioaesthetic approach the case of the literary \u2013 and ... more In the debate between biopolitical and bioaesthetic approach the case of the literary \u2013 and performing \u2013 work acted by an English woman writer and natural philosopher lived between 1623 and 1673, could result really meaningful. The work and the whole life of Margaret Cavendish represents an interesting example of the ways in which biopolitical control on both bodies and minds could started to work in that period, and in which ways a woman like Cavendish could resist to both epistemic and physical violence by fighting a battle on two grounds, by means of her own artistic creations and her body expressions. Her physical or material artistic products could represent a result of which evolutionary literary considers as adaptation to a functional or disfuncional environment or society, giving them in the same time a kind of immortality in a bioaesthetic way. Making herself more than ordinary was just the main ambition of Margaret Cavendish\u2019s art and performances

system of normative forms but rather a concrete heteroglot conception of the world. All words hav... more system of normative forms but rather a concrete heteroglot conception of the world. All words have the “taste” of a profession, a genre, a tendency, a party, a particular work, a particular person, a generation, an age group, the day and hour. Each word tastes of the context and contexts in which it has lived its socially charged life; all words and forms are populated by intentions. Contextual overtones (generic, tendentious, individualistic) are inevitable in the word.56 Hence, this is not just about the diversity of languages, but about the integration with historical and social processes, which in every moment lament a word, “alien” until writer actively engages it.57 Here, a parallel with cubism is imposed in and of itself. Namely, Bakhtin imagines the intention of word, “directionality toward the object” to be as fair, therefore 54 The dialogic diversity («a diversity of social speech types» and of «individual voices») is actually most completely realized in a novel: «The dial...

Continuous and more or less veiled references, descriptions, inventions, images characterize the ... more Continuous and more or less veiled references, descriptions, inventions, images characterize the poetry of Georges Perec. But above all one image is significant not only to his poetics but to himself: that of Le Condotti\ue8re, translated in english as Portrait of a Man. On 2012, thirty years after Perec\u2019s death, the last piece of his literary image was discovered. Actually, it is the first image of this complex puzzle, the first time Gaspard Winckler, Perec\u2019s recurrent alter-ego, appeared on the scene. Three main characters stay on the stage of Portrait of a Man: Gaspard Winckler, Antonello da Messina and the unknown warlord himself. Behind them stays, of course, Perec, the \u201ccharacter\u201d into which all the others flow, that they somehow have built or depicted. And, probably, it is his own image, his own portrait that Perec is trying to depict through each of them, by writing of and on each of them

Shoah, luoghi e tempi eccentrici Esistono modi, luoghi, narrazioni canonici della Shoah, e ne esi... more Shoah, luoghi e tempi eccentrici Esistono modi, luoghi, narrazioni canonici della Shoah, e ne esistono degli altri che partono da luoghi e tempi eccentrici e approdano a luoghi e tempi altrettanto eccentrici. Si tratta di racconti, di testimonianze tentate da chi non è stato protagonista di tali tragici eventi ma che, ciononostante, ne è stato afetto e che sente su di sé il peso di una mancanza, la mancanza della voce di quelle persone che invece la Shoah hanno vissuto e non hanno potuto raccontarla, voci che si sono tramutate in fantasmi, voci che si sono trasformate, che hanno subito una metamorfosi, che sono "trasmigrate". Questi racconti, insieme ai tempi e agli spazi che occupano o che travalicano, sono in grado di mettere in funzione non già la memoria nel senso del termine tedesco Gedächtnis, appannaggio per esempio dei monumenti storici, ma nel senso di Erinnerung, la sda, tutta personale e relativa, a ricollegare le memorie altrui con il proprio personale archivio eccedendo proprio i luoghi uciali, istituzionali del ricordo e della historia. Dalla memoria delle persecuzioni del ventesimo secolo e delle migrazioni che scatenarono giungeremo così ai nuovi fenomeni migratori e alle violenze che tuttora li accompagnano. In questo saggio si analizzeranno due opere-Recits d'Ellis Island, di Georges Perec e Robert Bober e Incoming di Richard Mosse-e il loro modo di riettere sulla Shoah in maniera eccentrica, obliqua attraverso due CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at
Papers by Valeria Cammarata