Papers by Valentina Zangrando

Project STEMS originates from the necessity of adaption to continuous changes in the world of glo... more Project STEMS originates from the necessity of adaption to continuous changes in the world of globalized education, multiculturalism/multilingualism, and due to the increasing immigration rates. By the time STEMS is over, we will have produced four main intellectual outputs. With the help of these outputs, we aim to: • promote a more inclusive education system and lead to a decrease in the academic achievement gap between students with and without a migrant background, • create an innovative integration process with the help of mentoring (special language support) and parental involvement, • foster the family/community involvement method for the integration of immigrant students, • define ''Quality Standards for Parental Involvement in Schools'' both on international and local scales, • develop teachers’ skills in the field of multilingualism/multiculturalism, diversity management, and intercultural pedagogy, • create an online toolkit, a sharing, interactive environ...
Presentacion del proyecto TRAILER en la Conferencia LINQ 2013(Roma, Italia, Mayo 16-17, 2013).
Marques, M. A., Viegas, M. C., Alves, G., Zangrando, V., Galanis, N., Brouns, F., Waszkiewicz, E.... more Marques, M. A., Viegas, M. C., Alves, G., Zangrando, V., Galanis, N., Brouns, F., Waszkiewicz, E., & Garcia-Penalvo, F. (2013). Managing Informal Learning in Higher Education Contexts: the learners’ perspective. ICBL2013 International Conference on Interactive Computer-Aided Blended Learning. November, 6-8, 2013, Florianopolis, Brasil.

Project STEMS originates from the necessity of adaption to continuous changes in the world of glo... more Project STEMS originates from the necessity of adaption to continuous changes in the world of globalized education, multiculturalism/multilingualism, and due to the increasing immigration rates. By the time STEMS is over, we will have produced four main intellectual outputs. With the help of these outputs, we aim to: • promote a more inclusive education system and lead to a decrease in the academic achievement gap between students with and without a migrant background, • create an innovative integration process with the help of mentoring (special language support) and parental involvement, • foster the family/community involvement method for the integration of immigrant students, • define ''Quality Standards for Parental Involvement in Schools'' both on international and local scales, • develop teachers’ skills in the field of multilingualism/multiculturalism, diversity management, and intercultural pedagogy, • create an online toolkit, a sharing, interactive environ...

Education in the Knowledge Society, 2020
Projects INTO & E-EVALINTO are both European Projects developed inside the European Union call, n... more Projects INTO & E-EVALINTO are both European Projects developed inside the European Union call, nowadays ERASMUS + and successfully assessed as a “good practice” in the environment of this projects. The agreement that made the team had the objective, through peer tutoring in a context of intercultural education, of helping migrant students to improve their academic performance, their integration in the host societies and reduce their level of early leaving school, absenteeism, grade retention, among other things. To achieve this, it is vital to plan and apply a process in which the situation of migrant students, group which at first is the target if the project, and peer tutoring is reviewed, the strategy to use as well. Another substantial step is the training for both the professionals involved and the students to prepare them for their new responsibilities in the teaching-learning process. This way in this article, special attention is paid to the development of this project in S...
Tutoriales MIH. Este videotutorial explica la estructura que posee un modulo digital producido ba... more Tutoriales MIH. Este videotutorial explica la estructura que posee un modulo digital producido bajo el marco definido en el proyecto MIH.
Memoria ID-0077. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la Innovacion Docente, curso 2008-2009.

VALS has the aims of establishing sustainable methods and processes to build knowledge partnershi... more VALS has the aims of establishing sustainable methods and processes to build knowledge partnerships between Higher Education and companies to collaborate on resolving authentic business problems through open innovation mediated by the use of Open Source Software. Open Source solutions provide the means whereby educational institutions, students, businesses and foundations can all collaborate to resolve authentic business problems. Not only Open Software provides the necessary shared infrastructure and collaborative practice, the foundations that manage the software are also hubs, which channel the operational challenges of their users through to the people who can solve them. This has great potential for enabling students and supervisors to collaborate in resolving the problems of businesses, but is constrained by the lack of support for managing and promoting collaboration across the two sectors. VALS should 1) provide the methods, practice, documentation and infrastructure to unlock this potential through virtual placements in businesses and other public and private bodies; and 2) pilot and promote these as the "Semester of Code". To achieve its goals the project develops guidance for educational institutions, and for businesses and foundations, detailing the opportunities and the benefits to be gained from the Semester of Code, and the changes to organisation and practice required. A Virtual Placement System is going to be developed, adapting Apache Melange, and extending it where necessary. In piloting, the necessary adaptations to practice will be carried out, particularly in universities, and commitments will be established between problem owners and applicants for virtual placements.
2021 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)
Communications in Computer and Information Science

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM'18, 2018
!is paper aims to present an advance of the results of the application of the Delphi technique, w... more !is paper aims to present an advance of the results of the application of the Delphi technique, with the aim of gathering the opinion of experts or stakeholders on the topics of priority interest of young people in Europe, especially on the digital society. It is a work framed within the Horizon 2020 WYRED Project (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital Society). !e WYRED project, and in this specific case the Networking process, aims in bringing together children, young people, other stakeholders and policymakers around Europe. !e Delphi technique is one of the prospective methods that study the future, concerning the evolution of the factors of the technosocio-economic environment and the interactions between these factors. !e characteristics that define this technique are anonymity, iteration and controlled feedback, and presentation of group data in the statistical form. !e progress of the presented results allows us to corroborate the agreement of experts about the topics that have been raised. According to experts, the concern of youth towards issues related to the digital society does not appear among the first concerns of young people neither in Spain nor the rest of the countries surveyed.

ABSTRACT Despite the interest of interculturality as a priority in the EU, the development of int... more ABSTRACT Despite the interest of interculturality as a priority in the EU, the development of intercultural competences and skills on lifelong learning processes has yet to be achieved. According to an ERICarts study, to move towards a strategy for intercultural dialogue, main changes of paradigm still need to take place. Particularly in the field of education, it is necessary to move from traditional canons to open processes of creative interaction and build bridges by developing intercultural skills and competences through educational and media programmes. The aim of this paper is to identify and valorize the best practices of two LLP projects (MIH and EHISTO) that focused on the development of intercultural skills and competencies in education. The team involved in this paper will implement a self sustainable network, centred around a technological ecosystem that will support the promotion of methodological innovation, open knowledge and sharing of experiences and good practices, both in classroom and policy contexts, as so as three iterations of an intercultural learning programme, as part of a strategy of promoting intercultural learning in education. This will also include policy dialogues, aimed at raising the interest of educational authorities and promoting their involvement.
Informal Learning is present in everyone's life but its awareness only recently has been reported... more Informal Learning is present in everyone's life but its awareness only recently has been reported. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired this way is increasing as its sources diversity also increases. This work presents the pilots trials on the use of a tool developed to help keeping track of the learners' informal learning, within a number of companies spread out in three countries. This tool developed through the European Commission funded project TRAILER, is still under development, which will allow integrating the set of improving suggestions obtained from users during the piloting phase. The overall idea of managing one's informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.

EHISTO (European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education) is concerne... more EHISTO (European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education) is concerned with the mediation of history in popular (science) media and the question of social and political responsibility of journalists and other mediators of history, especially teachers, in the field of commercial presentation of history. The project responds to the increasing significance of a commercialised mediation of history within the public historical culture and reflects the fact that these representations, which do not always meet the EU standards for history education, can have a lasting impact on the young generation's understanding of history. Using the example of popular history magazines, the project shall, besides the necessary basic research, develop didactically reflected materials for both history education in school as well as initial and in-service teacher training. On one hand enable a media-critical examination of history magazines and on the other hand, by working with the history magazines, the project addresses itself to popular interpretations of history from the participating countries and reflects Proceedings of the TEEM'13 Track on Knowledge Society Related Projects 32 their similarities and differences in European cultures of remembrance. Therefore, this approach not only trains mediacritical competences but furthermore enables a multi-perspective and comparative access to history. The project EHISTO will last two years and is funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme with about 300,000 euros. Partners from six European nations take part in the project.
Papers by Valentina Zangrando