Papers by Valentina Pieri

Journal of Limnology, Aug 1, 2006
A study on the distribution of ostracods in small freshwater habitats of the province of Parma wa... more A study on the distribution of ostracods in small freshwater habitats of the province of Parma was conducted from May 2004 to December 2005. Vernal pools, ponds, shallow lakes, fountains, springs, ditches, canals, and streams were among the most common types of aquatic systems included in this survey. Altogether, 90 sites located between 24 and 1557 m a.s.l. were visited, and 125 samples were collected. 41 samples did not contain ostracods, and 7 samples were not considered because only immature specimens or empty valves were found. Consequently, 77 samples from 58 sites were analysed. Whenever possible, ostracod identification was done at the species level based on the morphology of both valves and limbs. Thirty-eight taxa from 20 genera belonging to the families Candonidae, Ilyocyprididae, Cyprididae, and Notodromadidae were recorded. This roughly accounts for one-third of the estimated number of non-marine ostracod species in Italy. Scanning electron microscopy images of valves are provided. The maximum number of species per site was six. The most frequent species were Heterocypris incongruens, Eucypris virens, Pseudocandona pratensis, Cypria ophthalmica, and Tonnacypris lutaria. Of particular relevance is the occurrence of species with a limited known distribution in Italy, viz. Ilyocypris monstrifica, Potamocypris villosa, Candona cf. lindneri, Fabaeformiscandona breuili and Physocypria kraepelini. A putative new species of the genus Candona, here left in open nomenclature, is also reported. Our results highlight the importance of so-called "marginal" aquatic habitats as potential biodiversity hotspots, in spite of the general lack of interest shown by freshwater ecologists and taxonomists in undertaking scientific investigations in these environments.

Springer eBooks, Jan 18, 2006
The ''fontanili'' are artificial aquatic ecosystems, typical of the lowland plains of Northern It... more The ''fontanili'' are artificial aquatic ecosystems, typical of the lowland plains of Northern Italy, exploiting natural resurgences of deep groundwater. These habitats are characterized by low variation in hydrologic, hydrochemical and thermal conditions throughout the year. Proper management is required to prevent the spring clogging by biomass accumulation. In spite of their importance as refugia for endangered species, many springs were completely abandoned in the last years and several of them will disappear. We report the results of a study carried out in 2001 on 31 springs of the provinces of Piacenza and Parma, distributed in seven areas defined on hydrological and geological considerations. Physical and chemical variables and parameters of waters were measured and ostracod samples were collected. Most of the springs showed high nitrate concentration, due to a diffuse pollution of agricultural origin. Twelve ostracod species in four families were identified. Ostracod valves were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. Cypria ophtalmica was found in all the springs; other relatively common species were Cyclocypris laevis, Notodromas persica, and Prionocypris zenkeri. The maximum number of species per site was four. Cypridopsis vidua, P. zenkeri, and N. persica showed a very localized distribution in the study area. The ostracod fauna of the ''fontanili'' was compared to other species assemblages found in spring habitats and to the available information on recent freshwater ostracods reported for Italy.

The European zoological journal, 2020
Because of its position in the middle of the Mediterranea Sea and a complex geological history th... more Because of its position in the middle of the Mediterranea Sea and a complex geological history that has promoted repeated waves of biological colonization, Sicily (Southern Italy) is of particular interest from a biogeographical perspective. A number of previous investigations, dating back as far as the end of the 19 th century, have contributed to gather information about the occurrence of Recent non-marine ostracods in Sicily, making this region one of the most intensively studied areas of the Central Mediterranean. Published data on ostracod distributions have been integrated through an extensive field survey on mainland Sicily and surrounding small islands and archipelagos. Altogether, 271 ostracod samples and 11 sediment samples from dry water bodies were analysed from 218 sites visited between 2002 and 2017. Sampling sites were selected to encompass all the most common types of freshwater aquatic habitats, both natural and artificial, present in the area. Thirty-nine ostracods were identified at species level and 12 at supraspecific level. The present study reports four species (Cypria subsalsa, Eucypris mareotica, Physocypria kerkyrensis, Vestalenula boteai) and one genus (Vestalenula) as new for both peninsular Italy and adjacent islands, and three species (Candonopsis novaezelandiae, Ilyocypris inermis, Neglecandona neglecta) and two genera (Candonopsis and Physocypria) as new for Sicily. The updated checklist of the study area now includes at least 46 nominal species and other taxa identified at supraspecific level, belonging to 28 genera in 8 families (Candonidae, Cyprididae, Cytherideidae, Darwinulidae, Hemicytheridae, Ilyocyprididae, Limnocytheridae and Notodromadidae). The present investigation represents a significant addition to the knowledge of the ostracod diversity and distribution in the Sicilian area and in Italy as a whole. It also provides a sound baseline data for further comparative faunal studies aimed at investigating the affinities and origins of the central Mediterranean inland-water ostracod faunas, and to analyse their biogeographic patterns.

Environment international, Jan 5, 2018
Contaminants giving rise to emerging concern like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pestic... more Contaminants giving rise to emerging concern like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have been detected in wastewaters, as reported in the literature, but little is known about their (eco)toxicological effects and consequent human health impact. The present study aimed at overcoming this lack of information through the use of in silico methods integrated with traditional toxicological risk analysis. This is part of a pilot project involving the management of wastewater treatment plants in the Ledra River basin (Italy). We obtained data to work up a global risk assessment method combining the evaluations of health risks to humans and ecological receptors from chemical contaminants found in this specific area. The (eco)toxicological risk is expressed by a single numerical value, permitting the comparison of different sampling sites and the evaluation of future environmental and technical interventions.

Hydrobiologia, 2016
The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of crustaceans in the identification of diffe... more The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of crustaceans in the identification of different pond types, including ‘Mediterranean Temporary Ponds’ (sensu ‘Habitats’ Directive) and ponds characterised by a range of hydroperiods. Thus, we performed a limnological study in the Alta Murgia National Park (central Apulia), conducting a three-year monitoring programme in 19 ponds, both temporary and permanent. Occurrence data for macrophytes and quantitative samples of crustaceans were collected contemporaneously with measures of water variables and environmental features. Based on macrophyte assessment, half of the studied waterbodies were found to include Mediterranean Temporary Pond priority habitats, and the possible relationships with the crustacean assemblages were analysed. All ponds were grouped into three different classes depending on their hydroperiod. Data analysis revealed that (i) there was a significant relationship between the distribution of crustaceans and macrophytes; (ii) crustacean richness was highest in ponds belonging to the shortest hydroperiod class considered and (iii) the different hydroperiod classes were associated with specific crustacean assemblages. This study indicates that crustaceans—in addition to macrophytes—can be used as an effective tool for the identification of different pond types.

Journal of Limnology, 2020
Different lines of investigation have recently contributed to increasing the available knowledge ... more Different lines of investigation have recently contributed to increasing the available knowledge about the invertebrates inhabiting inland waters of north Africa, but a comprehensive synopsis on Tunisian Ostracoda is missing to date. An updated checklist of Recent non-marine ostracods from Tunisia and data on their distribution is thus offered here, representing the most extensive survey on this crustacean group ever carried out in inland waters throughout the country. One-hundred-five sites covering various climate zones, from Mediterranean to desert areas, were sampled between 2002 and 2012. Most of the considered water bodies were temporary or ephemeral habitats, but a few permanent sites were sampled as well. Overall, 18 genera and 32 taxa of putative species rank were collected in the frame of this survey, among which nine species and five genera were new to Tunisian fauna. As a result of this study and based on previous investigations, nine families (Candonidae, Cyprididae, Cy...

Water, 2020
The Po river plain (Northern Italy) hosts artificial, lowland springs locally known as fontanili,... more The Po river plain (Northern Italy) hosts artificial, lowland springs locally known as fontanili, which provide important ecosystem services in an area dominated by intensive agricultural activities. Here we present a study carried out in 50 springs. Each spring was visited once from October 2015 to January 2016. The sampled sites were selected to include springs studied in 2001 and 2004, to evaluate changes in water quality and ostracod assemblages that possibly occurred over a period of 10–15 years, and explore the relationships between ostracod community composition and water physical and chemical variables. Our results showed a decrease in the chemical water quality especially, in springs south of the Po river, evidenced by high nitrate levels. Most of the studied springs showed a relevant decrease in dissolved reactive silica, probably related to recent transformations of either agricultural practices or crop typology. Ostracods were mostly represented by common and tolerant sp...

North-Western Journal of Zoology, 2015
Due to the wide extension of the country and to the shortness of the ice-free season, the inland-... more Due to the wide extension of the country and to the shortness of the ice-free season, the inland- water crustacean fauna of Mongolia is, to date, incompletely known. However, based on the available literature, Mongolian inland waters appear to be characterised by a high biodiversity, including some taxa still waiting to be described. Novel data on the branchiopod, copepod, and ostracod crustaceans from central Mongolian steppe, from the "Tuul" and "Umard goviin guveet-Khalhiin" hydrographical basins, are presented herein. While large branchiopods, some anomopod families, and copepods are well-represented in the collected samples, ostracods are rare, and the anomopod family Chydoridae is apparently absent in the sampled water bodies. The anomopod Macrothrix dadayi and the cyclopoid Microcyclops afghanicus are here reported for the first time for the Mongolian fauna. Furthermore, two branchiopods (i.e. Moina sp. and Artemia sp.), three copepods (i.e. Diacyclops sp....

International Review of Hydrobiology, 2014
Ilyocypris Brady and Norman (1889) is a widespread freshwater ostracod genus including about 30 l... more Ilyocypris Brady and Norman (1889) is a widespread freshwater ostracod genus including about 30 living and 190 fossil species. The specific identification of the living Ilyocypris relies mainly on the appendages. An identification exclusively based on valves is rather complicated because of a high intraspecific variability of their characters in several species. This study aims to test the taxonomic significance of the valves characters through the examination of specimens unambiguously identified on the basis of their soft part morphology, in order to provide useful taxonomic criteria for the identification of Ilyocypris shells in fossil assemblages. Sixty-five ilyocypridid specimens collected in mainland Italy and surrounding islands were analyzed. The patterns of valve surface ornamentation and of marginal ripplets were examined by electron microscopy. Moreover, the geometric morphometric analysis of the valve outlines was performed. Sixty-two specimens could be easily accommodat...

Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016
Marked uncertainties persist regarding the climatic evolution of the Mediterranean region during ... more Marked uncertainties persist regarding the climatic evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene. For instance, whether moisture availability gradually decreased, remained relatively constant, or increased during the last 7000 years remains a matter of debate. To assess Holocene limnology, hydrology and moisture dynamics, the coastal lakes Lago Preola and Gorgo Basso, located in southwestern Sicily, were investigated through several stratigraphic analyses of ostracodes, including multivariate analyses of assemblages, transfer functions of salinity, and biochemical analyses of valves (Sr/Ca, d 18 O and d 13 C). During the early Holocene, the Gorgo Basso and Lago Preola ostracode records are similar. After an initial period of moderate salinity (1690e6100 mg/l from ca. 10,000e8190 cal yr BP), syndepositional or diagenetic dissolution of ostracode valves suggests that salinity declined to <250 mg/L from ca. 8190 to 7000 cal yr BP at both sites. After ca. 6250 cal yr BP, the ostracode records are strikingly different. Lago Preola became much more saline, with paleosalinity values that ranged from 2270 to about 24,420 mg/L. We suggest that Lago Preola's change from a freshwater to mesosaline lake at about 6250 cal yr BP was related to sea level rise and resulting intrusion of seawater-influenced groundwater. In contrast, Gorgo Basso remained a freshwater lake. The salinity of Gorgo Basso declined somewhat after 6250 cal yr BP, in comparison to the early Holocene, ranging from about 550 to 1680 mg/L. Cypria ophtalmica, a species capable of rapid swimming and flourishing in waters with low dissolved oxygen levels, became dominant at approximately the time when Greek civilization took root in Sicily (2600 cal yr BP), and it completely dominates the record during Roman occupation (roughly 2100 to 1700 cal yr BP). These freshwater conditions at Gorgo Basso suggest high effective moisture when evergreen olive-oak forests collapsed in response to increased Greco-Roman land use and fire. Ostracode valve geochemistry (Sr/Ca, d 18 O) suggests significant changes in early vs. late Holocene hydrochemistry, either as changes in salinity or in the seasonality of precipitation. Harmonizing the autecological and geochemical data from Gorgo Basso suggests the latter was more likely, with relatively more late Holocene precipitation falling during the spring, summer, and fall, than winter compared to the early Holocene. Our ostracode-inferred paleosalinity data indicate that moisture availability did not decline during the late Holocene in the central Mediterranean region. Instead, moisture availability was lowest during the early Holocene, and most abundant during the late Holocene.

Hydrobiologia, 2016
Metacommunity ecology describes community organisation considering both environmental and spatial... more Metacommunity ecology describes community organisation considering both environmental and spatial processes. We tested the relative importance of environmental and spatial factors on spring ostracod assemblages from four European regions characterised by different climatic conditions (e.g. aridity). Pure and shared effects of environment and space were calculated using redundancy analysis and variation partitioning. Both environmental and spatial variables significantly explain assemblage variation, although with different relevance among areas. The amount of variation explained by environmental factors decreased with increasing climate aridity. The reduced size of spring habitats makes them prone to drying events, which are more frequent in dryer climates. Frequent disturbances may lead to local extinctions followed by colonisations from nearby sites, in a source-sink dynamics. Early recolonisation leads to random assemblages and reduces the match between organisms and environmental conditions. As a consequence, a low amount of community variation can be explained by environmental variables. Conversely, the settled communities from wetter climates best fit the ecological characteristics of sites, and deterministic processes, such as species sorting, dominate the assemblages. In conclusion, in the studied regions, ostracod communities from small

Journal of Limnology, 2006
and Trapani) located from sea level up to 1300 m a.s.l. This survey took into account streams, sp... more and Trapani) located from sea level up to 1300 m a.s.l. This survey took into account streams, springs, wells, but especially temporary and ephemeral habitats (e.g., flooded meadows, temporary ponds). The aim of this research was to give the first comprehensive picture of the regional ostracod fauna and establish relationships between the distribution of ostracod species and some habitat features. Altogether, 21 ostracod taxa belonging to five families (Candonidae, Ilyocyprididae, Cyprididae, Notodromadidae, and Limnocytheridae) were identified. A maximum of four species was found in a single sample. The most frequent species was Heterocypris incongruens, followed by Eucypris virens. The following ten taxa have been found only once: Candona lindneri, Ilyocypris decipiens, Notodromas persica, Trajancypris clavata, Herpetocypris brevicaudata, Heterocypris salina, Cypridopsis cf. elongata, Cypridopsis vidua, Potamocypris cf. villosa, and Limnocythere inopinata. The faunal assemblage of Sicily is compared with the known ostracod distribution in some Mediterranean areas.

Hydrobiologia, 2017
Lake Baikal (Siberia) is the most ancient and deepest of all ancient lakes on Earth. It holds a (... more Lake Baikal (Siberia) is the most ancient and deepest of all ancient lakes on Earth. It holds a (mostly endemic) diversity of thousands of animal species, including a speciose radiation of ostracods of the genus Cytherissa. Applying molecular tools to this crustacean group reveals that several morphological species are actually species clusters. Based on combined 16S and 28S DNA sequence data from thirteen classic Cytherissa species and one subspecies sensu Mazepova (1990), we recognize 26 different genetic Cytherissa species, 18 with morphological variation and eight truly cryptic species. These results suggest that the actual specific diversity of Cytherissa in Lake Baikal might easily be double of what is presently known. Baikalian endemic species most likely live in the cradle in which they originated and this opens perspectives to infer modes of speciation. Our current distribution data of Cytherissa species provide first indications for both geographic (lakes basins and shores) and ecological (sediment type, water depth) separation. Our present data thus provide the first steps towards future, rigorous testing of focussed hypotheses on the causality of speciation through either allopatric isolation or parapatric ecological clines. Response to Reviewers: Following the suggestions of the editor, we have adapted the parts on the ABGD and the GYMC (and omitted the references Hull 1997 and Pons 2006). We have also corrected the small errors indicated in your report. For your information, we have attached two versions of the manuscript: one with and one without track changes.

Limnetica, 2019
espanolLa bioregion mediterranea es ampliamente reconocida como un hotspot de biodiversidad, y su... more espanolLa bioregion mediterranea es ampliamente reconocida como un hotspot de biodiversidad, y sus aguas epicontinentales se encuentran entre los ecosistemas mas ricos en especies del hemisferio septentrional. Sin embargo, el alcance de dicha biodiversidad aun no ha podido ser totalmente evaluado, especialmente en las islas mediterraneas. En el presente articulo se presenta una primera relacion de los crustaceos no malacostraceos que habitan en 21 lagunas permanentes y temporales de Creta, la mayor de las islas griegas y la quinta mas grande del mar Mediterraneo. Las lagunas, muestreadas entre 2009 y 2018, se encuentran distribuidas por toda la superficie de la isla aunque su numero no puede considerarse lo suficientemente exahustivo como para representar a la totalidad de la fauna de crustaceos no malacostraceos de la isla. No obstante, se identificaron 46 taxones, la mayor parte de ellos nuevas citas para Creta. Ademas, la taxonomia molecular permitio solventar la posicion taxonom...

Metacommunity ecology describes community organisation considering both environmental and spatial... more Metacommunity ecology describes community organisation considering both environmental and spatial processes. We tested the relative importance of environmental and spatial factors on spring ostracod assemblages from four European regions characterised by different climatic conditions (e.g. aridity). Pure and shared effects of environment and space were calculated using redundancy analysis and variation partitioning. Both environmental and spatial variables significantly explain assemblage variation, although with different relevance among areas. The amount of variation explained by environmental factors decreased with increasing climate aridity. The reduced size of spring habitats makes them prone to drying events, which are more frequent in dryer climates. Frequent disturbances may lead to local extinctions followed by colonisations from nearby sites, in a source–sink dynamics. Early recolonisation leads to random assemblages and reduces the match between organisms and environmental conditions. As a consequence, a low amount of community variation can be explained by environmental variables. Conversely, the settled communities from wetter climates best fit the ecological characteristics of sites, and deterministic processes, such as species sorting, dominate the assemblages. In conclusion, in the
studied regions, ostracod communities from small water bodies of dryer climates seem to be mainly driven by stochastic dynamics when compared to more continental areas.

Hydrobiologia, 2007
The Po river plain (northern Italy) is delimited to two mountain ridges, the Alps and the Apennin... more The Po river plain (northern Italy) is delimited to two mountain ridges, the Alps and the Apennines. It hosts peculiar lowland man-modified springs, locally known as ''fontanili'', which originate from natural resurgences occurring along the alluvial fans of the main watercourses, namely in the transition zone from the higher to lower plain which is characterized by changes in slope profile and sediment granulometry. These habitats usually show low variation in hydrological, hydrochemical and thermal conditions throughout the year. Twenty-eight springs, located in the provinces of Lodi and Cremona (Lombardy) in the alpine sub-catchment of the Po river were sampled in summer and autumn of 2004. Twenty-three of them were typical alluvialfan springs, while the remaining five were terrace springs. The two groups of springs showed marked differences in their hydrochemical and hydrological characteristics. Sixteen ostracod species in three families (Candonidae, Ilyocyprididae, and Cyprididae) were identified. The most frequent species were Cypria ophtalmica (19 sites), Herpetocypris reptans (16), and Prionocypris zenkeri (13). Five species were found only once: Chlamydotheca incisa, Scottia pseudobrowniana, Pseudocandona compressa and Candona neglecta. Up to 6 taxa were recorded from a single site and the average number of taxa for each site was c. 3. The associations among ostracod taxa and their occurrence in relation to environmental factors were examined. Finally, the results of this survey were compared with a similar study previously conducted in 31 alluvial fan springs of the apennine sub-catchment of the Po river.

Zootaxa, 2015
We present an updated checklist of non-marine ostracods from Italy. Data were obtained from the p... more We present an updated checklist of non-marine ostracods from Italy. Data were obtained from the published literature up to April 2013 and new collections carried out in 18 out of 20 Italian regions. Altogether, 1665 ostracod samples were collected from 1241 new sites visited between 1981 and 2013. Sites were selected to encompass the most widespread types of freshwater aquatic habitats (i.e., pools, ponds, peat bogs, springs and streams, etc.). This field study led to the identification of 89 ostracod species. Five additional taxa remained at the generic level because only few (juvenile) individuals were available or the material was damaged. Of particular interest is the occurrence of four species new to Italy: Candonocypris novaezelandiae, Eucypris elongata, Ilyocypris getica and I. hartmanni. In addition, three putative new species (Pseudolimnocythere sp., Candona sp.1 and Eucypris sp.1) are left in open nomenclature. After synonymising several species and removing invalid taxa reported in the literature, the updated checklist now includes 152 species and 5 taxa identified at supraspecific level, belonging to 57 genera and 12 families (Candonidae, Cyprididae, Cytherideidae, Darwinulidae, Ilyocyprididae, Notodromadidae, Limnocytheridae, Leptocytheridae, Loxochonchidae, Hemicytheridae, Xestoleberididae and Entocytheridae). For each species, its distribution in Italy and its bibliographic records (including synonyms) for Italy are provided.

The current biodiversity has developed through evolutionary processes over hundreds of millions o... more The current biodiversity has developed through evolutionary processes over hundreds of millions of years. Theory predicts that the chance for ecological specialisation th-rough divergent natural selection is larger if new ecological niches appear (SCHLUTER 2000; DIECKMANN et al. 2004; GAVRILETS & VOSE 2005; HENDRY et al. 2007). This is one of the explanations why ancient lakes are hot spots of biodiversity (MARTENS et al. 1994; MARTENS 1997). The speciosity, and the variability in phenotypes and niche va-riety of endemic species flocks in these ancient lakes are spectacular. Such species flocks have often originated through explosive and adaptive radiations. However, also lacustrine radiations without apparent niche diversification and with putative non-ad-aptive components have been described (SCHÖN & MARTENS 2004). In recent non-mari-ne ostracods, ancient lakes contain one quarter of all known species (MARTENS et al. 2008). Lake Baikal, situated in the Great Eastern Siberian Rift,...

Journal of …, Jan 1, 2006
, freshwater ostracods were sampled in 67 water bodies of mainland Sicily (Provinces Trapani) loc... more , freshwater ostracods were sampled in 67 water bodies of mainland Sicily (Provinces Trapani) located from sea level up to 1300 m a.s.l. This survey took into account streams, springs, wells, but especially temporary and ephemeral habitats (e.g., flooded meadows, temporary ponds). The aim of this research was to give the first comprehensive picture of the regional ostracod fauna and establish relationships between the distribution of ostracod species and some habitat features. Altogether, 21 ostracod taxa belonging to five families (Candonidae, Ilyocyprididae, Cyprididae, Notodromadidae, and Limnocytheridae) were identified. A maximum of four species was found in a single sample. The most frequent species was Heterocypris incongruens, followed by Eucypris virens. The following ten taxa have been found only once: Candona lindneri, Ilyocypris decipiens, Notodromas persica, Trajancypris clavata, Herpetocypris brevicaudata, Heterocypris salina, Cypridopsis cf. elongata, Cypridopsis vidua, Potamocypris cf. villosa, and Limnocythere inopinata. The faunal assemblage of Sicily is compared with the known ostracod distribution in some Mediterranean areas.
Papers by Valentina Pieri
studied regions, ostracod communities from small water bodies of dryer climates seem to be mainly driven by stochastic dynamics when compared to more continental areas.
studied regions, ostracod communities from small water bodies of dryer climates seem to be mainly driven by stochastic dynamics when compared to more continental areas.