Papers by Valentina Castronuovo

Sustainability, Jan 20, 2023
Cultural heritage often mirrors the evolution of the social and economic dynamics of territories.... more Cultural heritage often mirrors the evolution of the social and economic dynamics of territories. In Taranto, a city in Apulia in southern Italy, cultural heritage represents the synthesis of the profound environmental and economic crisis that has characterised the city over the last century. Its loss is the order of the day following repeated collapses and static instability. Probably, this is the result of the strong conditioning that large industrial groups and military institutions have been exercising over the city's environment and economy since the end of the 19th century. This paper focuses on the analysis of aspects related to the management and enhancement of the cultural heritage in the area, in the broader scenario of territorial heritage management. Using the DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) spiral logic scheme, the aim of the research is to highlight causal links between the impoverishment of Taranto's cultural heritage and the management and socio-economic drivers present there. In this perspective, the study aims to contribute to the implementation of the scientific literature on the topic of the application of the spiral DPSIR model to the theme of built cultural heritage and not only to the management of the naturalistic factors of the territories. Furthermore, it aims to stimulate policy makers to initiate specific analyses of the risks threatening cultural heritage in order to implement protective measures before irreversible damage occurs. The results of the analysis promote the need for a subversion of the area's development dynamics with a view to a 'culture of sustainability'.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2017
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Nov 1, 2022

Springer eBooks, 2020
The research is placed in the scenario, confirmed by the NUA, in which the environment (as a set ... more The research is placed in the scenario, confirmed by the NUA, in which the environment (as a set of ecosystem resources) plays a fundamental role for the sustainable development of territories as an element capable of generating resources, producing economic flows and increasing awareness and knowledge. Italy has a rich and diversified natural and cultural heritage whose management, however, presents numerous problems. This conservative and sectorial management model does not enhance the social and economic potential of the territorial heritage and does not favour the integration of resources. Indeed, cultural and natural heritage is never shaped as convertible entity, under certain conditions, into economic capital on a sustainable basis. Yet such an approach could bring about a change in perspective and a new vision of countrywide heritage: the status of an "active component of society" would replace its passive consideration in terms of potential availability and inheritance. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach that looks at the actions implemented in the sectors of low, socio-economic and cultural resource management, related to natural and cultural heritage. The study also moves in a multi-level logic with references to the local scale, focusing on a case study (Taranto in Apulia, Italy) as an example of the effects that policymakers' actions have had on natural and cultural heritage, an expression of socio-economic territorial structure. Starting from the UE legislative framework, where NUA fully recognises the close link between human well-being and the health of natural and cultural systems, it comes to the identification of possible jurisdictional remedies useful to highlight the unavoidable link between cultural heritage and natural heritage. It is in this framework that the use of Payment for Ecosystem Services is proposed for cultural heritage in addition to natural heritage, a potentially useful tool in this "resistance" phase for combining the practices of economic exploitation with the need to safeguard heritage. In this way -this is the highly innovative feature of NUA -the idea that sustainability is purely an environmental issue is definitively abandoned. Therefore, it is affirmed the existence of a multidimensional development V. Castronuovo (*

Revista galega de economía, Sep 20, 2021
On October 18 th , 2019, the European Vie Francigene Association (AEVF) unanimously approved the ... more On October 18 th , 2019, the European Vie Francigene Association (AEVF) unanimously approved the Via Francigena in southern Italy, from Rome to Santa Maria di Leuca. The new route enriches the historical cultural itinerary approved by the Council of Europe in 1994. Encompassing about 900 km of history, traditions and locations, the "Via Francigena del Sud" crosses five Italian regions. This paper focuses on the Via Francigena in Puglia and Campania, seen as an opportunity to conserve and enhance the regions' cultural and landscape heritage and its enjoyment by tourists. Furthermore, it also aims to analyse the role of local businesses, communities and regional organisations in promoting the routes. Any project focusing on the development and enhancement of a cultural itinerary in a rural space must be fully aware of the connections between places and networks of human relationships, and the "Via Francigena del Sud" seems to be no exception.

This article deals with the governance of common goods within regeneration projects of UNESCO her... more This article deals with the governance of common goods within regeneration projects of UNESCO heritage sites. The main objective is to evaluate the existence of conditions that prove the con-temporary function of common goods as drivers of strategic regeneration of complex territories with high cultural value. The research identifies some of the strategic planning policies implemented for the historical centre of Naples and analyses their proactive function in the enhancement, conser-vation and reuse of built commons. The expected result is to contribute to the debate on the cultural planning of the territory, aimed at the diversification of services and the fight against the process of touristisation. Through desk research and consultation of primary sources, a brief outline is given of the historical process that led to the birth of the "Great UNESCO Project" in the historical centre of Naples. The paper then analyses the "Discipline of the common goods - Principles...
Local and urban governance, 2022
Religious pilgrimage routes and trails: sustainable development and management, 2018
This chapter analyses religious itineraries and pilgrimage routes as 'glocal' phenomena, ... more This chapter analyses religious itineraries and pilgrimage routes as 'glocal' phenomena, characterized that is by a natural interface between the local and the global. It describes them as a driver of sustainable development above all in rural and/or marginal areas. After a short discussion of the value generated by complex cultural products such as religious itineraries and their impact on local and regional economies, the chapter considers the structure of local relations or 'networks' that give rise to them and sustain them.

Cultural heritage often mirrors the evolution of the social and economic dynamics of territories.... more Cultural heritage often mirrors the evolution of the social and economic dynamics of territories. In Taranto, a city in Apulia in southern Italy, cultural heritage represents the synthesis of the profound environmental and economic crisis that has characterised the city over the last century. Its loss is the order of the day following repeated collapses and static instability. Probably, this is the result of the strong conditioning that large industrial groups and military institutions have been exercising over the city’s environment and economy since the end of the 19th century. This paper focuses on the analysis of aspects related to the management and enhancement of the cultural heritage in the area, in the broader scenario of territorial heritage management. Using the DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) spiral logic scheme, the aim of the research is to highlight causal links between the impoverishment of Taranto’s cultural heritage and the management and socio-economi...
WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Nov 1, 2022
Transcending Borders in Tourism Through Innovation and Cultural Heritage
Mylonopoulos, D., Moira, P. & Kakaroucha, P. (2021), Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Rou... more Mylonopoulos, D., Moira, P. & Kakaroucha, P. (2021), Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Routes in the Ionian and Adriatic Regions, 8th International Conference of the International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism “Transcending Borders in Tourism through Innovation and Cultural Heritage”, 1-3 September 2021, Hydra Island, Greece.

The research is placed in the scenario, confirmed by the NUA, in which the environment (as a set ... more The research is placed in the scenario, confirmed by the NUA, in which the environment (as a set of ecosystem resources) plays a fundamental role for the sustainable development of territories as an element capable of generating resources, producing economic flows and increasing awareness and knowledge. Italy has a rich and diversified natural and cultural heritage whose management, however, presents numerous problems. This conservative and sectorial management model does not enhance the social and economic potential of the territorial heritage and does not favour the integration of resources. Indeed, cultural and natural heritage is never shaped as convertible entity, under certain conditions, into economic capital on a sustainable basis. Yet such an approach could bring about a change in perspective and a new vision of countrywide heritage: the status of an "active component of society" would replace its passive consideration in terms of potential availability and inheritance. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach that looks at the actions implemented in the sectors of low, socioeconomic and cultural resource management, related to natural and cultural heritage. The study also moves in a multi-level logic with references to the local scale, focusing on a case study (Taranto in Apulia, Italy) as an example of the effects that policymakers' actions have had on natural and cultural heritage, an expression of socioeconomic territorial structure. Starting from the UE legislative framework, where NUA fully recognises the close link between human well-being and the health of natural and cultural systems, it comes to the identification of possible jurisdictional remedies useful to highlight the unavoidable link between cultural heritage and natural heritage. It is in this framework that the use of Payment for Ecosystem Services is proposed for cultural heritage in addition to natural heritage, a potentially useful tool in this "resistance" phase for combining the practices of economic exploitation with the need to safeguard heritage. In this way-this is the highly innovative feature of NUA-the idea that sustainability is purely an environmental issue is definitively abandoned. Therefore, it is affirmed the existence of a multidimensional development

Over the last few years, Cultural Landscapes have become a hot topic in the field of World Herita... more Over the last few years, Cultural Landscapes have become a hot topic in the field of World Heritage work and beyond. “They represent the combined works of man and nature. Moreover they are the places of peoples’ livelihoods, identities and belief systems all over the world”. This is a notion of landscape that encompasses aesthetic, ecological and cultural values: the result of the current sensitivity towards the environment, they are suggested by the European Landscape Convention and recommended by the latest EU policies. It is a selective notion that highlights certain elements or characteristics of the cultural landscape that are particularly appreciated or threatened by the transformations currently in progress: traditional agricultural settlements, ancient buildings and industrial archaeology constitute a legacy to be conserved and handed down to further generations. Among these is ‘nature’, in the form of parks and reserves, to be defended from human transformations but also co...

Revista Galega de Economía
On October 18th, 2019, the European Vie Francigene Association (AEVF) unanimously approved the Vi... more On October 18th, 2019, the European Vie Francigene Association (AEVF) unanimously approved the Via Francigena in southern Italy, from Rome to Santa Maria di Leuca. The new route enriches the historical cultural itinerary approved by the Council of Europe in 1994. Encompassing about 900 km of history, traditions and locations, the “Via Francigena del Sud” crosses five Italian regions. This paper focuses on the Via Francigena in Puglia and Campania, seen as an opportunity to conserve and enhance the regions’ cultural and landscape heritage and its enjoyment by tourists. Furthermore, it also aims to analyse the role of local businesses, communities and regional organisations in promoting the routes. Any project focusing onthe development and enhancement of a cultural itinerary in a rural space must be fully aware of the connections between places and networks of human relationships, and the “Via Francigena del Sud” seems to be no exception.

La custodia e la fruibilita di edifici storico-artistici e di luoghi di culto nella citta vecchia... more La custodia e la fruibilita di edifici storico-artistici e di luoghi di culto nella citta vecchia di Taranto appaiono, oggi, come componenti imprescindibili di un percorso di progettazione degli spazi urbani e di gestione partecipata delle aree pubbliche per un recupero ambientale dell’intero territorio. Obiettivo del presente lavoro e proporre spunti di riflessione sulla sperimentazione di nuove forme di riappropriazione degli spazi urbani attraverso la tutela, la valorizzazione e la gestione partecipata dei luoghi e del patrimonio culturale rappresentato dagli edifici di culto, partendo dal caso di studio della chiesa di Sant’Andrea degli Armeni (1573). Il “convicinio” di Sant’Andrea degli Armeni appare, dunque, come un bene relazionale, oltre che culturale. E, inevitabilmente, un luogo intrecciato alle persone che lo abitano: uno spazio comunitario da trasformare in reale vantaggio competitivo per aumentare l’attrattivita turistica dell’area in cui il bene insiste, rafforzare la ...

This chapter considers urban renewal policies involving Italian cities over the last 20 years wit... more This chapter considers urban renewal policies involving Italian cities over the last 20 years with reference to public and private measures designed to resolve situations of environmental and socio-economic blight in degraded urban areas. Presenting a case-based empirical examination of private initiatives and public policies adopted by local government, the chapter seeks to verify the capacity for management of public funding by local government and to assess the important role played by the private sector in supporting public bodies in the process of urban regeneration and therefore on urban governance. Three case studies are analysed: two medium-sized cities in the South of Italy, Lecce and Taranto, and a large city in the North, Milan. The first two were the recipients, albeit in different periods, of EU funds linked to the “urban” initiative for the renewal of strategic urban areas and urban development. The sharp differences in the results achieved were essentially due to the ...

Un territorio ricco di biodiversita e di valenze naturalistiche garantisce una buona qualita dell... more Un territorio ricco di biodiversita e di valenze naturalistiche garantisce una buona qualita dello sviluppo locale e globale, presente e futuro. Le aree protette assumono, percio, un ruolo strategico non solo in termini strettamente ecologici ma anche economici e socio-culturali. Ne consegue che un’area protetta vulnerata e degradata alimenta un processo di crisi ambientale, produce impoverimento della qualita della vita e declino economico. Tutelare, recuperare e promuovere i valori naturali del territorio sono, pertanto, attivita imprescindibili e contenuti decisivi di una politica di sviluppo sostenibile: l’utilizzo sobrio ed efficiente delle risorse delle aree protette assicura uno sviluppo economico durevole, di buona qualita sociale e rappresenta un importante fattore di sviluppo del turismo, rurale e marino. Il presente lavoro, dopo una breve presentazione delle politiche destinate alla tutela e alla valorizzazione responsabile delle aree protette, considera la Riserva Natura...
Papers by Valentina Castronuovo