Papers by Nelson P Valdés
Ha publicado un estudio sobre Ernesto Guevara (M. I. T. Press). Actualmente trabaja en una obra q... more Ha publicado un estudio sobre Ernesto Guevara (M. I. T. Press). Actualmente trabaja en una obra que consta de 3 volúmenes y .contiene una selección de discursos de Fidel Castro. Traducción del inglés por Marisol Loaeza. l lC.A.M. Hennessy, "The roots o£ cuban nationalism" International Affairs,

Afro-Hispanic Review, 2014
APRIL 12-14, 2013The Sunday New York Times (NYT) publication of the opinion piece entitled "... more APRIL 12-14, 2013The Sunday New York Times (NYT) publication of the opinion piece entitled "For Blacks in Cuba, the Revolution Hasn't Begun" by Roberto Zurbano has turned into a debate on whether a segment of the Cuban population has done well or not after 1959. The author stands by the text of his piece but takes issue with the title-which is not his. Certainly he ought to be upset with the title that the title the NYT gave to his article. The author wanted it to read: "The country that is coming: and my Black Cuba?" but the paper decided "what its fit to print" and came up with its alternative: "For Blacks in Cuba, the Revolution Hasn't Begun."Seemingly the NYT assumes readers will end up remembering the title rather than the gist of what the author wished to convey. Moreover, the author's title implicitly criticized the economic opening of the economy in which the black population will not be able to compete in a leveled playing...
Cuban Political Economy, 2019

Latin American Perspectives, 2017
The authors and publishers of Back Channel to Cuba have an extraordinary-in fact impressive-sense... more The authors and publishers of Back Channel to Cuba have an extraordinary-in fact impressive-sense of timing. The book became available to the general public just a few weeks before the Cuban and American presidents announced, on the same day (December 17, 2014), that full diplomatic relations would be restored by the governments of the United States and Cuba. LeoGrande and Kornbluh describe their book as presenting "a comprehensive chronicle of the history of dialogue between the United States and Cuba since 1959" (3). They call this unknown history "secret back-channel diplomacy"and note that the process of negotiation has been arduous, difficult, and complex. Indeed, and long overdue. The study sought classified files (particularly from the United States), archives, internal documents, and records from each administration from Dwight Eisenhower to the present. Numerous persons from the governments of the United States and Cuba were interviewed as well: "With the documents in hand, we interviewed a broad array of the surviving policy makers and negotiators who drafted the documents and participated in talks.. .. In many ways, this book chronicles the tenacious efforts of key official and nonofficial policy actors who, for more than fifty years, challenged the national security managers in successive administrations to consider the options of dialogue and engagement over the dominant U.S. approach of antagonism and estrangement" (4). The authors frame the internal debate and conflict as one between "hawks" and "doves" on Cuba, and here, in a sense, the problem begins. This classification seems to suggest that the issue of improving relations with Cuba's government might be merely ideological (liberal or conservative, hardliner or softliner), and as a result not enough attention is given to the interests that might be served. The profound differences between the State Department, the White House, the Pentagon, and the National Security Council and between strong and weak personalities are acknowledged and described, but, oddly, economic, political, and institutional interests are not fully explored. At the same time, they work within the framework that Fidel Castro was preeminent and dominant on matters of domestic as well as foreign policy and consequently the debates, if there were any, were "less fractious" (5). But do we really know this? Did the Departamento de América within the Central Committee never quarrel with Ministry
Latin American Perspectives, 1979
Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be that solution (Marx: 1974:90).
The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1970
... Javier del Pino, periodista del diario madrileño El País, fue el primero en reportar (23/1/00... more ... Javier del Pino, periodista del diario madrileño El País, fue el primero en reportar (23/1/00) que las organizaciones derechistas cubano-americanas habían ... Puede ser un orishá, un delfín o la Virgen María que se le aparece a ... Introducción al número 18, Joan Martínez Alier. ...

Latin American Research Review
Understand the cuban revolutionary process it is Necessary to comprehend the milieu in which Fide... more Understand the cuban revolutionary process it is Necessary to comprehend the milieu in which Fidel Castro acquired his political ideas and the manner in which he led the revolutionary struggle against the Batista regime. Recognizing these factors, the authors have prepared this bibliography in order to offer a tool for the scholarly analysis of Fidel Castro over a twelveyearperiod, from 1947 to January 1959.Prior to 1952, writings by Fidel Castro are sketchy and hard to find. For instance, in the early 1940's, Fidel was a university leader and participated in a political group called Union Insurreccional Revolucionaria, but most of his speeches were not transcribed or recorded. Furthermore, in 1950-1951, he travelled throughout Cuba speaking on behalf of the Partido del Pueblo Cubano.Copies of the speeches were kept, but we have been unable to consult them because many were published in the Havana newspapers Aleria and La Calle, neither of which can be found in the United States.
Latin America, its Problems and its Promise, 2019
The CLR James Journal, 2013
Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 1971
... de las unida-des agricolas argentinas eran grandes y prosperas, mientras que la ma-yor parte ... more ... de las unida-des agricolas argentinas eran grandes y prosperas, mientras que la ma-yor parte de las granjas cubanas eran ... FUENTES Y COMENTARIOS: Los cilculos de Merkx sobre Argentina son de Gilbert W. Merkx, "Sectoral Clashes and Political Change: The Argentine ...
The American Historical Review, 1973
Revolutionary Struggle 1947--1958: Volume 1 of the Selected Works of Fidel Castro is a comprehens... more Revolutionary Struggle 1947--1958: Volume 1 of the Selected Works of Fidel Castro is a comprehensive collection of Castro's chief statements -- letters, articles, interviews, press releases, proclamations, and decrees -- from the late 1940s to the fall of the Batista regime in 1959. An extensive editors' introduction places these statements in the context of both Castro's career and of the history of the Cuban revolutionary movement. A bibliography of Castro's works through 1958 is included as a tool for research.
cubana. ¿Es la presencia cubana en Angola un rasgo orgánico del proceso de institucionalización o... more cubana. ¿Es la presencia cubana en Angola un rasgo orgánico del proceso de institucionalización o un alejamiento del mismo? ¿Qué fuerzas explican las causas, el desarrollo y la práctica real de tal política exterior? ¿Responde el liderazgo revolucionario cubano a la política exterior de la Unión Soviética o encontramos aquí un ejemplo de formulación independiente, meramente congruente con los intereses soviéticos? ¿Están actuando los cubanos según su propio criterio o son soldados delegados de la Unión Soviética? Éstas son algunas de las muy numerosas preguntas que se pueden plantear aquí. Nuestro trabajo, sin embargo, tendrá un alcance más limitado. Trataremos de contestar la pregunta de por qué Cuba envió tropas a Angola. Aunque parece simple a primera vista, éste es, no es necesario decirlo, un asunto muy complejo.
Papers by Nelson P Valdés