Papers by Vaikhari Dhurve

International Journal of Indian Medicine, 2023
Dry eye syndrome (DES) also known as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Diabetes is more prone to dry ey... more Dry eye syndrome (DES) also known as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Diabetes is more prone to dry eye disease and tear film dysfunctions. DM is a disease which affects both the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. DM patients more prone to Cataract, Glaucoma, Dry eye, Superficial Punctuated keratitis, recurrent corneal erosion syndrome, Persistent epithelial defects & also cause microvascular complications like Neuropathy, Retinopathy. Dry eye is the disorders of the tear film due to tear deficiency or excessive evaporation which causes damage to the interpalpebral ocular surface and it is associated with symptoms of ocular discomfort. In diabetes due to poor control of DM damage to any component of lacrimal function unit leads to DES, Diabetic patients have classical symptoms of dry eye including irritation, foreign body sensation, redness, itching, burning sensation etc. In modern sciences it is treated with artificial tears drops. Frequent use of drops again leads to dryness hence alternative treatment is necessary. Ayurvedic classical text Acharya Sushruta describes Shukshkakshipaka under Sarvagata Netra Roga can be correlated with Dry eye. According to Acharya Sushruta it is Vatta vitiated disease, Acharya Vagbhata has quoted it as Vatta-pitta vitiated disease and Sharangadhara considered as Vataraktaja Vitiated disease. By analyzing different opinion of acharaya may cause dry eye by decreasing tear secretion. In Ayurveda many more treatment modalities are available for treating Shukshkakshipaka such as Snehapana, Netra Tarapana, Putapaka, Nasya, Anjana etc. This study enlightens the ayurvedic and modern review on dye eye syndrome in diabetes patient.
International journal of research in ayurveda and pharmacy, Sep 8, 2018
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2017
In a field of surgery, patients faced most frequent problem is fistula in ano. It is notorious di... more In a field of surgery, patients faced most frequent problem is fistula in ano. It is notorious disease and having more recurrence rate. In Ayurveda, it was mentioned as mahagad. Fistula originates from anal glands, which are located between the internal and external anal sphincter and drain into anal canal. If the outlet of these glands becomes blocked, abscess can form which can eventually extend to skin surface. The tract formed by this process is fistula. There are many options available for treatment of fistula in ano but due to lack of knowledge patients undergo wrong treatment and worsen disease so focus is drawn on various treatment described in Ayurvedic Samhita as well as modern science to came certain conclusion for making treatment of specific condition of these diseases.

Wound healing has been defined as a complex dynamic process results in restoration of anatomical ... more Wound healing has been defined as a complex dynamic process results in restoration of anatomical continuity and function of particular part of body. In ayurveda many herbal drugs have been described for wound healing. In Sushruta Samhita, Bhagandara (fistula in ano) has been described as one of the Ashtamahagadas (eight major diseases) due to its recurrent nature. Due to contamination of ano rectal wound with feeces the healing of ano-rectal wound take more time as compare towards at other parts of body. After fistula surgery wound healing takes few weeks to months. In this case series 8 patients of fistula in ano were treated with partial fistulectomy plus Ksharsutra. Panchavalkala ointment and Panchavalkala decoction was prepared in Department of RSBK by adopting standard manufacturing procedure of classic. Adjuvant drugs Eranda bhrista Haritaki was also used during treatment. Three forms of Panchavalkala were used to treat post operative fistulotomy/fistulectomy wounds. The si...
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Jul 9, 2021
Introduction: Panchavalkal is a well-known Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulation that has been report... more Introduction: Panchavalkal is a well-known Ayurvedic poly-herbal formulation that has been reported to be used against inflammation, to clean ulcer, wound. Aims and Objectives: To investigate the wound healing activity of Panchavalkal ointment. Materials and Methods: Wistar strain albino rats of either sex weighing 200±20 g were used for the experiments divided in four groups each consisted of six rats. Statistical Analysis: One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the mean values of quantitative variables among the groups followed by Dunnett's multiple 't' test Observations & Results: Sesame oil and Panchvalkal ointment showed almost similar wound healing effects in comparison to control group.

EISSN: 2320-7329 ABSTRACTBhagandara is defined as suppurative condition commonly affecting the Bh... more EISSN: 2320-7329 ABSTRACTBhagandara is defined as suppurative condition commonly affecting the Bhaga’ (ano rectal, Pelvirectal or perianal region) which can be correlate with “Fistula-inano” as per western medical science. It is a common disease and notorious disease occurring in the ano-rectal region. Acharya Sushruta, the father of surgery has included this disease as one among the Ashtamahagadas and also categorized Bhagandara under Dushtavrana. The main cause or nidana of Bhagandara is infective in nature mainly involving the infected and inflamed condition of a crypt of Morgagni and infection from a hair-follicle. At first it present as Pidika around Guda and when it bursts out, it is called as Bhagandara. It is recurrent nature of the disease which makes it more and more difficult for treatment. It produces inconveniences in routine life. It causes discomfort and pain that creates problem in day to day activities. In this present review article describes pathophysiology, inves...
Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy
Papers by Vaikhari Dhurve