Papers by Vitthalrao Khyade
Journal of biochemical technology, 2024
Journal of biochemical technology, 2024
Journal of biochemical technology, 2023

International Journal of Bioassays, 2014
For the purpose to screen the possibilities of cancer suppression through the phyto-compounds, th... more For the purpose to screen the possibilities of cancer suppression through the phyto-compounds, there is a well-known method on TPA-induced tumor promotion in DMBA initiated in mouse skin. Application of TPA triggers excessive ROS production by leucocytes in mouse skin ultimately leading tumor promotion (Dragsted, 1998 and Nakamura, et al., 1998). This method had been undertaken to address whether the given compound suppress TPA-induced oxidative stress in mouse skin. TNF-Alphas, one of the inflammatory cytokines, act as endogenous tumor promoter, and induces similar biochemical and biological responses as known tumor promoters (Suganuma, et al., 1999 and Fuji, et al., 1997). On this much background, the efforts has been planned to analyze the expression of epidermal TNF-alpha in DMBA-initiated TPA-promoted mouse skin. Moracin-M-3'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside
![Research paper thumbnail of The Aqueous Solution of Antibiotics Norfloxacin for Total Protein Contents in the Fifth Instar Larvae of Silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Double Hybrid Race) [(CSR2XCSR27)] x [(CSR6XCSR26)]](
Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Dec 17, 2019
The quality of food material supplied decide the quality of silky cocoon spun by the larval insta... more The quality of food material supplied decide the quality of silky cocoon spun by the larval instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L). The present attempt deals with utilization of aqueous solution of Norfloxacin for treating the leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L). Two concentrations of Norfloxacin were selected for the attempt. Two concentrations of Norfloxacin include 50 mg per liter (50 ppm) and 100 mg per liter (100 ppm). The solution was prepared by adding powder antibiotic in distilled water and made the required concentration. 400 ml of aqueous solution of Norfloxacin were used to treat 100 grams of leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L) for feeding the group of hundred larval instars for each attempt of feeding. Treated mulberry leaves were fed to the fifth larval instars. The feeding the larvae with treated leaves was carried for first four days. Four feedings were given for each day. For each feeding hundred grams of leaves (for the group of hundred larvae) were used. The larvae fed with untreated control & water treated control leaves were also maintained. Through the use of silk glands; fat bodies and haemolymph, bioassay of total protein was carried out on fifth day. The total protein content of silk glands; fat bodies and haemolymph was found improved 61.519 to 114.667; 79.928 to 90.055 and 30.983 to 31.010 percents respectively through feeding the fifth instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Double Hybrid Race) leaves of mulberry, Morus alba (L) treated with aqueous solution of Norfloxacin antibiotics.

The abundance in biological system and high reaction rate constant are making the proteins as maj... more The abundance in biological system and high reaction rate constant are making the proteins as major targets for radicals and two-electron oxidants in biological systems. The multiple side-chain and backbone sites are susceptible for highly reactive radical damage. Less reactive species exhibit greater selectivity with reference to the residues targeted and their spatial location. Modified structure may result in the increased side-chain hydrophilicity, side-chain fragmentation and backbone fragmentation, aggregation through covalent cross-linking or hydrophobic interactions, unfolding of protein and altered conformation, altered interactions with biological partners and modified turnover. In the presence of oxygen, high yields of peroxyl radicals and peroxides of protein (through peroxidation) are formed. The peroxides of protein account for up to 70 % of the initial oxidant flux. The peroxides of protein deserve capability to oxidize both proteins and other target compounds. Key words: Oxidation of amino acids; Hydroperoxide; Peroxidatio;, Peroxides

The pandemic through corona virus (COVID-19) made the lockdown protocol all over the world, which... more The pandemic through corona virus (COVID-19) made the lockdown protocol all over the world, which affected most of the sectors of human life including the economic growth and development. The sectors of the economy are the recipients of the hard hit through COVID-19 and sericultural sector is not an exception for this influence. The present attempt deals with assessment of the economic influence of COVID-19 on usefulness (profitability) in sericultural practices in Pune District of India. The preliminary data on cultivation of mulberry and rearing of larval instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) were elicited from the sample farmers selected randomly from selected taluka places of Pune districts of Maharashtra state. The schedule of semi-structure was followed for the collection of the primary data (number of farmers and area of mulberry cultivation) through the discussion through the google meet. The secondary data on quantitative status (yield of the silk cocoon and prices) was collected through silk board (central and state) for the year:

The henna, Lawsonia inermis (L) is well known medicinal plant. Due to rich contents of phytochemi... more The henna, Lawsonia inermis (L) is well known medicinal plant. Due to rich contents of phytochemicals, the leaves, flowers, seeds, stem bark and roots of henna, Lawsonia inermis (L) are used in traditional medicine.The present attempt was aimed to use acetone solution (maceratives) of leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) for the topical application to the fifth instar larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) [Race: Double Hybrid - (CSR6 x CSR26) x CSR2 x CSR27)]. Acetone solution (maceratives) of leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) of hundred ppm (mg/L) strength was topically applied to the fifth instar larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) [Race: Double Hybrid - (CSR6 x CSR26) x CSR2 x CSR27)] at 48 hours after the fourth moult, at the rate of 5 ml per hundred larvae. The topical application of acetone solution (maceratives) of leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) was found significantly improving the economic parameters of the silk cocoon and silk fibre. The weight of whole cocoon (deflossed), silk shell weight, weight of pupa and silk shell percentage or ratio in the group recipient of topical application of acetone solution (msaceratives) leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) at 48 hours after the fourth moult was recorded 2.784** (±0.637); 0.657**(±0.058); 2.127 and 23.599*** respectively. The length of silk fibre (in meter); weight of silk fibre (in gram) and denier scale silk fibre obtained through reeling the cocoons harvested from the group of larvae recipient of topical application of acetone solution (maceratives) of leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) at 48 hours after the fourth moult were recorded 1489.34* (±129.52); 0.793** (±0.116) and 4.792*** respectively. The results hypothesize the possibility of action of terpenoid content of leaf powder of Lawsonia inermis (L) to serve to orchestrate the metamorphosis in insects (like silkworm, Bombyx mori L.) through the fortification of shell of silk in the cocoon spinned by the mature fifth instar larvae. Use of herbal products like Lawsonia inermis (L) in sericulture may open a new avenue in the agriculture technology. Key Words: Lawsonia inermis (L); Bombyx mori (L); silk shell ratio; denier
International journal of agrochemistry, 2018

Sunlight is a part of the radiation from the sun in the form of elecromagnetic waves. These elecr... more Sunlight is a part of the radiation from the sun in the form of elecromagnetic waves. These elecromagnetic waves are infrared , visible , and ultraviolet . The atmosphere around the earth is helping to filter the sunlight. The earth receives the filtered sunlight. It is obvious as daylight when the sun is above the horizon . The earth use to experience the sunshine, which is combination of the bright light and radiant heat . This type of experience of the earth is only when the direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds . On the other hand, diffused light is the effect of blocking the sunlight by clouds or reflects off other objects . The sunshine duration or sunshine hours is the indicator of climatology according to the World Meteorological Organization . It is the cumulative time (hours). During the sunshine duration or sunshine hours, the given area on earth receives direct irradiance from the Sun of at least 120 watts per square meter . The average over the entire earth of 164 Watts per square meter over a 24 hour day is according to the other sources. It require about 8.3 minutes for Sunlight to reach earth from the surface of the sun. A photon is the elementary particle of the sunlight. The photon is starting at the center of the sun. The photon use to change the direction every time. The photon encounters a charged particle and it would take between 10,000 and 170,000 years to get to the surface. For the photosynthesis to proceed, the sunlight is a key factor. The photosynthesis is the process used by plants and other autotrophs for the purpose to convert sun light energy into chemical energy . This chemical energy is used for the purpose to synthesize the food material in the form of carbohydrates. The sunlight is acting like a wave, with a specific frequency and specific wavelength. The sunlight wave frequency and the wave length of sunlight are related by the speed of sunlight. The sunlight wave frequency and the wave length of sunlight are making the speed of sunlight as a constant. The photon of sunlight is acting like energy particle. The value of this energy particle is related to the frequency of light. Key Words: Photoexcitation ; Photon; Fluorescence; phosphorescence; Photochemistry; Light

International Journal of Green Chemistry, 2018
Mulberry, Morus alba (L) is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized mulberry tree which grows to 10... more Mulberry, Morus alba (L) is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized mulberry tree which grows to 10–20 m tall. It is generally a short-lived tree with a lifespan comparable to that of humans, although there are some specimens known to be over 250 years old The species is native to northern China, and is widely cultivated and naturalized elsewhere (United States, Mexico, Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, Turkey, Iran, etc.). Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects from freeze-dried powder of mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruit Neuroprotective effects in in vitro and in vivo (fruit) Albanol A, isolated from the root bark extract of M. alba, may be a promising lead compound for developing an effective drug for treatment of leukemia. Moracin M, steppogenin-4′-O-β-D-glucoside and mulberroside A were isolated from the root bark of Morus alba L. and all produced hypoglycemic effects. Mulberroside A, a glycosylated stilbenoid, can be useful in the treatment of hyperuricemia and gout. A methanol extract of Morus alba roots showed adaptogenic activity, indicating its possible clinical utility as an antistress agent. Morus alba leaf extract help restore the vascular reactivity of diabetic rats. Free radical-induced vascular dysfunction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease found in chronic diabetic patients. An ethanolic extract of mulberry leaf had antihyperglycemic, antioxidant and antiglycation effects in chronic diabetic rats, which may suggest its use as food supplement for diabetics. KEY WORDS: Anthocyanin, Antioxidants, β-sitosterol, Flavonoids, Mulberry, Phytochemical.

DMBA is abbreviated form of the 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. It is working as immuno-suppresso... more DMBA is abbreviated form of the 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. It is working as immuno-suppressor . It also serves as a tumor initiator . It allows for a greatly accelerated rate of growth of tumor and making many cancer studies possible. The plant, Silybum marianum (L) yields pharmacologically active compound named as silbinin. The silbinin deserve documented antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to assess this silbinin for protective influence in DMBA induced liver damage. The experimental animals (Norwegian Rat, Rattus norvegicus L) were divided into four groups, like control group (received oral corn oil ); DMBA group (received oral at the rate of 335 mg/kg in the corn oil solution); Silibinin group (received 100 mg/kg/day silibinin alone orally, every 24 hours for 7 days) and “Silibinin + DMBA” group (received DMBA plus silibinin). All animals were sacrificed at the end of attempt of schedule of treatment followed by rearing. The tissues used for biochemical assessment were blood and liver. The blood serum was assessed for the parameters that include: Superoxide dismutases (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), nitric oxide (NO) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) were investigated in serum and liver tissue. In addition, serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzyme activities. The homogenate of liver tissue was evaluated histopathologically with Hematoxilin & Eosin dye. The ALT, AST, NO, MPO in serum and NO, MPO in liver tissue were found to be significantly higher in DIMBA treated group in comparison with control group (P < 0.001). In Group: Silibinin + DMBA, serum AST, ALT, NO, MPO levels were significantly lower (P < 0.01), and both serum and tissue SOD activities were significantly higher, compared to DMBA group (P < 0.001). DMBA induced histopathological changes in liver tissue include : severe sinusoidal dilatation, moderate disruption of the radial alignment of hepatocytes around the central vein, severe vacuolization in the hepatocyte cytoplasm, inflammation around central vein and portal region. In rats receiving both DMBA and silibinin, the DMBA induced changes accounted for less sinusoidal dilatation, vacuolization in the hepatocyte cytoplasm and the inflammation around central vein and portal region (P < 0.05). Silibinin exert reduction in the oxidative stress through inducing antioxidant mechanisms, there after showing protective effect against DMBA induced hepatic damage.

Along with all the metabolic reactions, the cell cytoplasm is engaged in the process of productio... more Along with all the metabolic reactions, the cell cytoplasm is engaged in the process of production of the free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The overproduction of reactive oxygen species in cell cytoplasm leads into the condition of the oxidative stress. This situation may also be the results of the combination of excessive formation of radicals derived from oxygen or nitrogen or both. Cellular components may be attacked in such conditions. The lipids are the most susceptible for such type of attack through peroxidation. The process of lipid peroxidation is a chain of chemical reactions involving free radicals. The lipid peroxidation leads into the deterioration of the lipids of polyunsaturated category. The biological membranes are the targets for damage through the oxidative deterioration of lipids of polyunsaturated category. The deterioration through free radicals can be assayed through dienes of conjugated category; malondialdehyde (MDA); 4-hydroxynonenal and the others. The malondialdehyde (MDA) is the major product for assessment of lipid peroxidation. The chemical reaction of malondialdehyde (MDA) with thiobarbituric acid is the most common method of assay of lipid peroxidation. Thec product of this chemical reaction is easy for quantification through the use of spectrophotometry and the selective HPLC-based assays. The present attempt is to focus on the important aspects of the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA) and its significance in pathological conditions. Keywords: Oxidative Stress; Malondialdehyde (MDA); Assay Methods

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, Sep 1, 2015
The ten microliters of various concentrations of acetone solution of Retinol and Fernasol Methyl ... more The ten microliters of various concentrations of acetone solution of Retinol and Fernasol Methyl Ether (FME) were used for topical application to individual larval instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Race: PM x CSR2) at 48 hours after the fourth moult. The integument chitin of untreated control larvae; acetone treated control; FME treated larvae and Retinol treated larvae was estimated at 120 hours after the fourth moult. Topical application of various concentrations of acetone solutions of FME and Retinol to fifth instar larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Race: PM x CSR2) was found reflected into the reduction in the deposition of chitin in the larval body wall. The reduction in body wall chitin was found ranging from zero to hundred percent. The plot of concentrations of acetone solutions (FME and Retinol) and percent reduction in the body wall chitin was found exhibiting a characteristic sigmoid form of displacement, which herewith titled as "Punyamayee Baramati Dose Response Curve". Since the effects of juvenoids involve the inhibition of metamorphosis of insects through reduction in chitin deposition, it is possible to express the concentration (dose) applied in terms of ID50 value. The ID50 value of juvenoid contents of FME and Retinol can be defined as the specific unit (mg/ml), which enable to chitin to deposit fifty percent less in the body wall of larvae (In comparison with untreated control). Accordingly, the ID50 value calculated from the "Punyamayee Baramati Dose Response Curves" for FME was found measured 0.08 mg/ml. The ID50 value for Retinol was measured 0.095 mg/ml. Acetone soluble juvenoid content of Retinol, the Diterpene compounds may be utilized efficiently for the fortified development of fifth instars of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) and thereby, the cocoon quality. Sigmoid (Sform) "Baramati Dose Response Curve" may help for quantitative estimation of juvenoid contents of various terpene compounds and terpenoids.

An ever increasing demand of fuels has been a challenge for today's scientific workers. The fossi... more An ever increasing demand of fuels has been a challenge for today's scientific workers. The fossil fuel resources are dwindling day by day. Biodiesel seem to be a solution for future. It is an environmental viable fuel. Several researchers have made systematic efforts to use plant oil and their esters (biodiesel) as a fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines .There is various types of raw material like Jatropha curcus L, Pongamia Pinnata (Karanja), Moha, Undi, Castor, Saemuruba, Cotton seed etc. An non-edible oil seeds and Various vegetable oils including palm oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and canola oil have been used to produce biodiesel fuel and lubricants. Out of these Pongamia pinnata can be a definite source of raw material due to its easy availability in wild. Pongamia pinnata is drought resistant, semi-deciduous, nitrogen fixing leguminous tree. It grows about 15-20 meters in height with a large canopy which spreads equally wide. After tranesterification of crude oil shows excellent properties like calorific value, iodine number, cetane number and acid value etc. Detail study intends to identify all advantages and disadvantages of pongamia pinnata as a sustainable feedstock for the production of Biodiesel equivalent to fossil fuel as per ASTM 6751-9B.

Self reliance in energy is vital for overall economic development of our country. The need to sea... more Self reliance in energy is vital for overall economic development of our country. The need to search for alternative sources of energy which are renewable, safe and non-polluting assumes top priority in view of the uncertain supplies and frequent price hikes of fossil fuels in the international market. Biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester) which is derived from triglycerides by transesterification, has attracted considerable attention during the past decade as a renewable, biodegradable and nontoxic fuel. Several processes of biodiesel fuel production have been developed, among which transesterification using alkali as a catalyst gives high level of conversion of triglycerides to their corresponding methyl ester in a short duration. This process has therefore been widely utilized for biodiesel fuel production in number of countries. In India, there are many trees bearing oil like ratanjot (jatropha curcus), mahua (madhuca indica), pilu (salvodara oleoids), nahor (mesua ferralina), kokam (garcinia indica), rubber seed (hevea brasilensis)and karanja (pongamia pinnata) etc. Among these species, which can yield oil as a source of energy in the form of biodiesel, Pongamia pinnata has been found to be one of the most suitable species due to its various favorable attributes like its hardy nature, high oil recovery and quality of oil, etc. As the acid value of this oil is high, so that we have to reduce it by the process of esterification followed by transesterification. The methyl ester produced by this way gives the good result. The present study deals with transesterification of karanja oil which gives 907ml of karanja oil methyl ester (KOME) and 109ml of glycerol using methanol (13%) and sodium hydroxide as a catalyst (1%). The properties like density, viscosity, flash point, cloud point and pour point have been determined as per ASTM standards for accessing the fuel quality of KOME.
Papers by Vitthalrao Khyade