The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is considered an optimization problem, which cons... more The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is considered an optimization problem, which consist in the assignment of courses in periods that form an academic curriculum so that the prerequisites are satisfied and the courses load is balanced for students. The BACP is a constraint satisfaction problem classified as NPHard. In this paper we present the solution to a modified problem BACP where the loads can be the equals or different for each one of the periods and is allowed to have some courses in a specific period. This problem is modeled as an integer programming problem, for which had been obtained solutions for some of their instances with HyperLingo but not for all. Therefore, we propose the use of evolutionary strategies for its solution. The results obtained for the instances of the modified and the original BACP, proposed in the CSPLib, showing that with the use of evolutionary strategies is possible to find the solution for instances of the problem that with the formal...

Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2013
It is a fact that fashion plays an important role to select a career, new options of careers from... more It is a fact that fashion plays an important role to select a career, new options of careers from engineering are preferred by students instead of traditional options; for example, Mechatronics, Aeronautics, Automotive specializations, Bionics, Biomedical and others are so popular. Every day, new necessities are required in the world and it is necessary to find the way to solve them, for that reason these new majors are good options to students, however traditional areas are important too. Information Technology is not the exception because every enterprise, school, association and organization needs computers with systems that help to solve specific situations or to manage resources. In Mexico, Information Technology careers are been affected for low enrollment of students, of course private universities have suffered more this situation than public schools [1]. In this research work are shown the most important factors that have a real incidence to choose an Information Technology...
The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is a constraint satisfaction problem classified a... more The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is a constraint satisfaction problem classified as (Non-deterministic Polynomial-time Hard) NP-Hard. This problem consists in the allocation of courses in the periods that are part of a curriculum such that the prerequisites are satisfied and the load of courses is balanced for the students. This paper presents the solution for a modified BACP where the academic loads and number of curses may be the same or different for each one of the periods and allows having some courses in a specific period. This problem is modeled as an integer programming problem and is proposed the use of Tabu search with short-term memory for its solution because it is not possible to find solutions for all the instances of this modified problem with an exact method.

Revista Ingenieria Industrial, Nov 27, 2014
En un ambiente altamente competitivo, el problema de corte de guillotina bidimensional es un elem... more En un ambiente altamente competitivo, el problema de corte de guillotina bidimensional es un elemento clave en la reducción de costos. Este problema tiene una amplia gama de aplicaciones en industrias cuyos procesos de corte de materiales se realizan con máquinas que sólo permiten cortes de un extremo a otro. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo de dos etapas usando metaheurísticas para acomodar en una sola placa de ancho conocido y longitud infinita, un conjunto de ítems rectangulares fuertemente heterogéneos que pueden ser rotados 90°. El objetivo es minimizar la longitud requerida de la placa procurando la acumulación del desperdicio. En la primera etapa se aplica un algoritmo de búsqueda tabú para determinar el orden en que se acomodan los ítems. En la segunda, se busca determinar el mejor acomodo de los ítems en la placa mediante un algoritmo de recocido simulado. Se experimenta con un conjunto de instancias conocidas. Los resultados muestran que la rotación de piezas favorece la obtención de soluciones que igualan al menos las reportadas previamente en la literatura y que la concentración de los desperdicios incrementa su posibilidad de reutilización.

ruvalcaba sánchez, 1 elías olivares benítez, vittorio zanella Palacios 2 n Resumen: El rediseño a... more ruvalcaba sánchez, 1 elías olivares benítez, vittorio zanella Palacios 2 n Resumen: El rediseño apropiado de territorios de ventas es un elemento clave para incrementar las ventas y minimizar los costos asociados. Por lo tanto, su práctica se vuelve frecuente al ser motivada por fusiones y cambios en un mercado en constante movimiento. En este trabajo se presenta y describe una heurística biobjetivo de dos etapas para el rediseño de territorios de venta inspirada por un problema real de una empresa que vende productos en México. La heurística busca reducir al mínimo la distancia total recorrida y la variación del volumen de ventas de cada vendedor con respecto a la situación actual. Se resuelve un conjunto de instancias reales. Se construye un superfrente a partir de un conjunto de ejecuciones de la heurística por instancia. Además se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de las métricas de comparación por instancia y algunas conclusiones.
The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is a constraint satisfaction problem classified a... more The Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem (BACP) is a constraint satisfaction problem classified as NP- Hard, this problem consists in the allocation of courses in the periods that are part of a curriculum such that the prerequisites are satisfied and the load of courses is balanced for the students. In this paper is presented the solution for a modified BACP where the loads may be the same or different for each one of the periods and is allowed to have some courses in a specific period. This problem is modeled as an integer programming problem and is proposed the use of evolutionary strategies for its solution because was not possible to find solutions for all the instances of this modified problem with formal methods.