Revista científica de la UCSA, Apr 15, 2023

Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication ... more Editora Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterála de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 15, 2017
Electronic journal article ¿Cómo desarrollar un prototipo de generador de plasma KESHE? Segmentac... more Electronic journal article ¿Cómo desarrollar un prototipo de generador de plasma KESHE? Segmentación del uso de medios de comunicación en la población electoral de la región Puno

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 5, 2018
The objective this paper is to identify the levels of perception according to the principles that... more The objective this paper is to identify the levels of perception according to the principles that make up social responsibility at the National University of Juliaca, 2018. It was carried out under the application of probabilistic sampling, a questionnaire was applied through a personal interview to a sample of 128 students of the National University of Juliaca (RSU); collecting data according to the principles of the RSU, applying the analysis of variance intra-people. The principles that conform the university social responsibility converge to the ordinal score 3 that has like qualifier "Indecisive. The ANVA intra-people denotes the existence of differences between the averages of the principles that make up the RSU. Conclusions: Public universities do not implement the principles of university social responsibility. While private universities for the type of lucrative management they practice are rated unfavorably in the principles of RSU.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 5, 2018
The objective tris paper is to compare the level of perception according to the principles that m... more The objective tris paper is to compare the level of perception according to the principles that make up social responsibility in national universities of the Puno region, 2018. It was carried out under the application of probabilistic sampling, a questionnaire was applied through a personal interview to a sample of 128 students of the National University of Juliaca (RSU) and 216 students of the National University of the Altiplano; collecting data according to the principals conform the RSU, applying the t test for independent means. The principles that conform the university social responsibility converge to the ordinal score 3 for both universities that has as a qualifier "Indecision. When comparing the means of the principles of the RSU No differences were found between the averages of the principles that make up the RSU. The state universities of the Puno region still do not implement the principles of RSU in their strategic plan. It is therefore estimated the lack of knowledge on the part of students about such implementations of the principles of RSU, validating through the global average obtained by both institutions UNAJ and UNAP (3.24 and 3.34) which oscillates in the qualifier "Indecisive"
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 31, 2021
Revista científica de la UCSA, Aug 30, 2021

Campus, Dec 17, 2021
Ruido del drywall como aislante acústico en modelos de vivienda a escala 1/5 en la ciudad de Juli... more Ruido del drywall como aislante acústico en modelos de vivienda a escala 1/5 en la ciudad de Juliaca, Perú resumen El ruido es un contaminante ambiental de las sociedades modernas que afecta la calidad de vida de la población y las edificaciones son los principales objetos que sufren los niveles de ruido del entorno por estar ubicadas en vías vehiculares. El foco de la investigación fue determinar el nivel de ruido de un ambiente a escala 1:5 con recubrimiento de drywall sobre los 3800 m.s.n.m. En la metodología se planteó la construcción de dos módulos de iguales características, el módulo A sin recubrimiento acústico, y el B con recubrimiento acústico de drywall de 7 mm en muros, usándose tres sonómetros UNIT modelo UT353 para comparar las medias de las mediciones. Los resultados de las simulaciones muestran que, en condiciones reales del ruido ambiental, el módulo A tiene un 93.33% de los datos que supera los límites aceptables. En cuanto, al módulo B, con aislamiento acústico, este reduce en 20% la emisión inicial. La comparación de las medias muestra una diferencia significativa con un p-valor de 0.45, además la diferencia de medias es de 8.5 dB(A), lo que indica que el drywall tiene un efecto de reducción acústica debido al incremento de grosor del muro y la reducción de áreas de infiltración.
SciELO (SciELO Preprints), Jan 18, 2023

Arquitetura e urbanismo: Cultura, tecnologia e impacto socioambiental
The national government, regional governments, local governments and university educational insti... more The national government, regional governments, local governments and university educational institutions, are obliged to preserve the environment , consequently the Peruvian government in the task of allocating government budgets for compliance with standards and regulations relating to environmental protection environment and natural resource management should be most efficient to prevent permanent destruction, then we say that is an obligation of the entities whose performance of their duties cause environmental impact, they must be involved necessarily in the application of the rules and regulations for the environmental care. Methods: By its very nature is "qualitative and longitudinal", considering the fact that you have each of the public and private institutions to set up over the region and its particular context. Results: Implementation of Environmental Audits must generate culture and consciousness in resource management and environmental protection, agreed with the regular processes envisaged in the ISA International Standards on Auditing and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards GAAS, and the results should be effective from the training at universities in the region, and its application to control systems (audit) to achieve efficient results in the application of procedures. Conclusions: It is necessary to show the authorities, educational institutions, business leaders, public and students of all levels, the importance of Environmental Audit, care of the environment, upon learning about the uncontrollable damage destruction environment in the Puno region, taking into account the recommendations contained in the audit reports and procedures.

Proceedings of the 21th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology (LACCEI 2023): “Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development”
The work had the objective of analyzing the values of the ultraviolet index in the Puno region, f... more The work had the objective of analyzing the values of the ultraviolet index in the Puno region, for which it has been considered a point of reference in the thirteen provinces. To obtain ultraviolet index values, data from the weather station of the city of Puno for the period 2016-2021 has been considered and with this obtain a correction equation for the data obtained from the Giovanni NASA website and thus obtain maximum daily values for the Puno region. A theoretical model has been considered to obtain the ultraviolet index, which is for clear sky conditions. The evaluation statistics used are the standard error and the linear correlation coefficient between the estimated data and values measured by the weather station. It is concluded that it is possible to obtain UV index values for the city of Puno with a reliability of 95% and an error of 0.8, and for the Puno region it is possible to obtain UV index values by means of the correction equation, where the very high and extreme UV index values occur in the summer season.

Proceedings of the 21th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology (LACCEI 2023): “Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development”
The objective of this research was to develop a mobile application to estimate the values of the ... more The objective of this research was to develop a mobile application to estimate the values of the ultraviolet index in real time using a theoretical model and the light sensor of the cell phone. For which an application is developed in Android Studio. The correlation and standard error statistics are considered for the validation of the measurements and a portable meter, to compare the measurements in real time in the city of Puno. Considerable results were obtained during the year 2021 considering the four seasons of the year. Where a data correlation of 0.99 was obtained between the data estimated by the cell phone with respect to the data measured by the GD-UV06 UV meter and a maximum average standard error of 0.521. Concluding that it is possible to estimate ultraviolet index values through the use of a cell phone and mobile App in real time.
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2023
Data & Metadata
The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the benefits of a model for scientific research in th... more The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the benefits of a model for scientific research in the sense that a construction system with a vegetated enclosure could benefit the internal environment of Juliaca in winter. To do this, we used an experimental procedure to compare the thermal resistance of a fifth-scale adobe high Andean house without vegetation and a house built in the climatic zone with vegetated facades. It simultaneously records the internal surface temperature, the internal air temperature, and the external environmental conditions. The results obtained show that the use of photosystems in buildings is an effective passive technique to reduce energy consumption due to its ability to insulate and protect internal thermal conditions.
En la actualidad la necesidad de obtener un predio urbano para construir una unidad habitacional ... more En la actualidad la necesidad de obtener un predio urbano para construir una unidad habitacional es imperante. El propósito fue determinar el modelo geoestadístico óptimo para la tasación del precio de lotes urbanos en la ciudad de Puno. La metodología aplicada analizó 145 predios en venta los que se dividieron en cuatro zonas urbanas ubicadas por su rumbo, además se usó análisis estructural de datos para las variables área y precio. Los resultados mostraron el área fue de 90,66 ± 10,63 m2, con respecto a los precios prediales la media fue de 107367,03 ± 18772,30 nuevos soles, la coherencia gráfica del semivariograma para la variable precio es el hole effect con un nivel de confianza de 97,52%.
Investigación & Desarrollo, 2021
Revista Científica de la UCSA
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021
The paper evaluates the efficiency of public spending on solid waste management in the municipali... more The paper evaluates the efficiency of public spending on solid waste management in the municipalities of the Puno region, Peru-2019. The one-stage input-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis of Constant-Scale Returns (DEA-CRS) and Variable-Scale Returns (DEA-VRS) methodology is used to calculate efficiency scores, with a population of 109 municipalities. The TOBIT regression model is used to evaluate the determinants of efficiency. The results show inefficiency in municipal waste management; on average, the municipalities of the Puno region could collect one ton of solid waste per day with 82% fewer resources, with the most efficient municipalities being Juli,