Papers by Valentina Degrassi
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.

ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Mar 1, 2024
Sistematično zbiranje arheoloških podatkov in njihovo umeščanje na enotno osnovno karto, ki vsebu... more Sistematično zbiranje arheoloških podatkov in njihovo umeščanje na enotno osnovno karto, ki vsebuje vse razpoložljive predhodne podatke, je omogočilo interpretacijo urbanističnega načrtovanja rimske kolonije Tergeste in njenega diahronega razvoja. Kratkemu opisu poteka antičnega mestnega obzidja (iz republikanskega in poznoantičnega obdobja) sledi predstavitev treh glavnih usmeritev objektov, na katere je delno vplivala morfologija terena. Na vrhu hriba Sv. Justa s kompleksom foruma in bazilike ter zgradbami na zahodnem robu vrhnje planote je mogoče prepoznati "astronomsko" usmeritev (sever-jug), ki sega v čas ustanovitve kolonije (sredina 1. stoletja pr. n. št.). Na severozahodni strani hriba, kamor se je naselbina širila v prvi polovici 1. stoletja n. št., je vidna orientacija z odklonom 59° proti vzhodu, ki se ujema z usmeritvijo teatra. V ta sklop sodita pozidava na terasah parka Sv. Justa in območje pod Rikardovim slavolokom, ki ga na zahodu omejuje ulica Capitelli. Onstran ulice Capitelli so stavbe usmerjene 52-53° proti vzhodu. To je značilno za primestno sosesko Crosada in še posebej za objekte ob obalni cesti proti Istri vključno z vilo. Nedavno izkopavanje na južni strani hriba Sv. Justa je odkrilo enako usmerjena del ceste in drenažo.
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Mar 8, 2023
The topography of the first year of the Histrian War from 178-177 BC from the exegesis of the Liv... more The topography of the first year of the Histrian War from 178-177 BC from the exegesis of the Livian text to the application of new technologies (Gino BANDELLI) .
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Mar 1, 2024
Urbanizacija -politika romanizacije ali posledica upravne organizacije in urbanosti politično-dru... more Urbanizacija -politika romanizacije ali posledica upravne organizacije in urbanosti politično-družbenih sprememb? Mesto kot strukturni model uspeha] Vzpostavitev oziroma ustanovitev avtonomnih mestnih držav, civitates, ni bila posledica politike romanizacije v rimskih provincah, temveč politike decentraliziranega posega v strukturo in organizacijo ozemelj, provincialno prebivalstvo ter njegove vire. Mestna ozemlja s pripadajočimi mestnimi središči so bila samoupravne regionalne enote z enako vodstveno organizacijo (magistrati, kuriali). Vsaka od teh avtonomnih skupnosti je imela na svojem ozemlju decentralizirano upravno organizacijo s podrejenimi polavtonomnimi skupnostmi, vikusi in pagusi.
Systematic recording of archaeological data carried out on a single base map containing all avail... more Systematic recording of archaeological data carried out on a single base map containing all available previous data
has permitted a thorough interpretation of the urban planning of Roman Trieste and its diachronic development.
After briefly describing the reconstruction of the ancient city walls (of the Republican and Late Antiquity period),
three main alignments are identified, partly influenced by the morphology of the terrain.
The area known as Cittavecchia, situated at the foot of the San Giusto hill (Tergeste, Trieste), ... more The area known as Cittavecchia, situated at the foot of the San Giusto hill (Tergeste, Trieste), underwent considerable restoration
during the past few years. This activity provided the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici with the possibility to investigate the
ancient area occupied by the seafront quarters of the Roman town, and in particular the fortifications that defended the Roman town
situated behind the harbour.
The layers associated to the construction of the city-walls contained many pottery fragments, dated between the end of the IVth and
the beginning of the Vth century. These consist mainly of African and Eastern Mediterranean amphorae, and of local coarse ware.
The data document how trade continued to develop in the late years of the Roman Empire.
Materiali per Aquileia. Lo scavo di Canale Anfora (2004-2005), 2017
Anfore orientali dallo scavo di Canale Anfora 2005, Aquileia

ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC eBooks, Mar 8, 2023
Izvleček [Tergeste, prva faza romanizacije na griču San Giusto/Sv. Just] Nedavna izkopavanja na g... more Izvleček [Tergeste, prva faza romanizacije na griču San Giusto/Sv. Just] Nedavna izkopavanja na griču San Giusto/Sv. Just so razkrila najstarejše naselbinske sledove na območju Trsta. Prvič so bile dokumentirane površine in struktura iz 7.-5. st. pr. Kr. Mikromorfološka analiza je pokazala, da so stratigrafsko zaporedje prekinila zgodnjerimska izravnalna dela, z radiokarbonsko analizo datirana v drugo polovico 1. st. pr. Kr. Sled prve rimske navzočnosti so tudi železni žebljički, ki jih povezujemo z obutvijo rimskih legionarjev (clavi caligares). V tem času je bila zgrajena monumentalna stavba, od katere so bili raziskani vodoravna površina in dva velika ometana kvadratna stebra. K isti stavbi sodi še en steber, viden na načrtu iz zgodnjih tridesetih let 20. st. Stebri so bili verjetno del kriptoportika, ki so ga morda postavili ob začetku gradnje forumskega kompleksa. Ta je bil zgrajen v sredini 1. st. po Kr. s postavitvijo velike bazilike. Stavba s stebri je bila v uporabi vsaj do 2. st. Sledile so naselbinske površine in nazadnje v pozni antiki stavba, ki so jo postavili med stebre nekdanjega kriptoportika.
The Roman Conquest beyond Aquileia, OIAS 45, 2023
Fasi di romanizzazione a Trieste-Tergeste; abitato protostorico Trieste

Prispevek obravnava stanje pred izkopavanji leta 2012-2016, pri čemer so splošno opisana največja... more Prispevek obravnava stanje pred izkopavanji leta 2012-2016, pri čemer so splošno opisana največja odkritja iz protozgodovine, zlasti pa razvoj obrambnega zidu. Zaradi lažjega razumevanja je besedilo opremljeno z vrsto kronoloških tabel, ki stare načrte izkopavanj dopolnjujejo z novimi arheološkimi odkritji, poleg tega pa so v njih označene tako imenovane “sočasne” strukture in površine, to so tiste, ki so bile v uporabi v istem času.This article describes the situation prior to the field campaigns carried out in 2012-2016, broadly describing the main discoveries of the protohistoric age and in particular focusing on the evolution of the defensive walls. To make this text more immediately comprehensible, it is accompanied by a series of chronological plans that, not only complete the old excavation plans with the new archaeological discoveries, but also highlight structures and surfaces that are referred to as belonging to the same “phase”, therefore that were used during the same pe...
Trieste : piazza S. Silvestro 4, indagini archeologiche 2009, 2009

I l contributo fornisce una rassegna dei precedenti rinvenimenti riconducibili alle strutture por... more I l contributo fornisce una rassegna dei precedenti rinvenimenti riconducibili alle strutture portuali di Tergeste, tradizionalmente identificate in un porto maggiore o esterno (all' estremità occidentale dell'insenatura) ed un porto minore o interno, ai piedi del colle di S. Giusto; dai dati pregressi risulta altresì che il livello medio mare in epoca romana non si discostava di molto da quello attuale. La sistemazione della costa ciononostante si rivela unificata da una linea continua, resa palese dalla viabilità che la percorre. Il sito in esame, venuto alla luce a seguito di scavi per un posteggio interrato, si colloca a metà strada fra i due "porti" , nel suburbio occidentale, in un' area in seguito fittamente insediata da edifici abitativi e più tardi da necropoli; nello specifico risulta occupato a partire dalla prima età imperiale da una lussuosa villa. Precedentemente a questa ed alla strada litoranea su cui la stessa si affacciava, si colloca la prima sistemazione della linea di costa-allora più arretrata-connotata da una banchinatura di cui si sono indagati gli strati addossati a monte, consentendo una datazione a cavallo fra I sec. a.C. e I sec. d.C.. Qualche dubbio sussiste sullo sviluppo verso nord-est, ove la struttura pare girare verso l' entroterra.

Paleoenvironment and sea level markers have been studied from new and published data at two archa... more Paleoenvironment and sea level markers have been studied from new and published data at two archaeological sites in Trieste. Results allowed to locate the Roman Age shoreline, presently buried under the city. Archaeological data clearly indicate the presence of a well-organized Roman Age seaside, which gradually moved offshore. Imperial Roman Age structures have been found at the site located close to the Curia building. Archaeological finds indicate the subsequent widening of the seafront. During the 1st century BC, a stone wall parallel to the coast already existed at the back of a sandy beach. After the widening of the city, a large quay was built and the seafront moved offshore, covering the former Imperial Age structures. The quay was used up the 4th century AD. Late Roman Age structures have been found at the site called Cavazzeni. The period when the site was abandoned is clearly indicated by the construction of the Medieval walls overtopping the Roman Age structures. The presence of two docks located just in front of the site are reported in several sketches, maps and historical sources dated at the 16th-17th century. Microfaunistic composition of sediments indicates that protected sectors of the harbour were built in order to allow the recovering of ships and other coastal activities. Archaeological finds together with paleoenvironmental data suggest that vertical tectonic movements in the urban area of Trieste are significantly lower in respect of the Northern Adriatic. In fact, the presence of marine deposits with bad-preserved microfossils at elevations higher than present-day mean sea level is related to the possible occurrence of a violent storm or a tsunami event. For the latter case, radiocarbon date suggests a possible correlation to the 361 AD earthquake occurred along the Eastern Adriatic coasts.

Na podlagi nedavne raziskave ob pobočju pod območjem izkopov v Jelarjih, ki je razkrila tudi nove... more Na podlagi nedavne raziskave ob pobočju pod območjem izkopov v Jelarjih, ki je razkrila tudi nove pomembne strukture, delno zakrite z gozdom, je bilo na eni strani mogoče ugotoviti dejansko razsežnost naselja, ki je bilo veliko večje od tistega, kar so prvotno mislili, po drugi strani pa dojeti njegovo zgodovinsko vrednost. Nesporna je ključna lega tega kraja v antičnem cestnem omrežju, zlasti v zvezi s potjo, ki je vodila v Histrio, pa tudi njegova vloga obmejne predstraže; to je bilo še posebej pomembno v letih neposredno po rimski osvojitvi Histrie do Avgustove reforme meja.A recent survey was carried out at Elleri along the slope situated beneath the excavation site, bringing to light new, important structures that were “half-obliterated” by the undergrowth. This survey has made it possible, on the one hand to re-consider the actual dimensions of the residential area – which proved to be much larger than was originally hypothesized − and, on the other hand, to re-assess its true...

The current knowledge about late republican Aquileia on the basis of archaeological sources is qu... more The current knowledge about late republican Aquileia on the basis of archaeological sources is quite deficient, if compared to the importance of the city as detectable from historical and epigraphic ones, and chiefly restricted to public buildings. Most of 2nd-1st century complexes are only partially published – starting from 1993-2007 investigations at the former “Essiccatoio Nord” – therefore the main focus of last decades’ researches was set on general themes, e.g. early urban setting, or specific materials, as a clue to reveal commercial routes.
More recently, some excavations (northern sector of river harbour, central domus of former Cossar properties, both reaching in depth 2nd-1st centurty phases) are taking advantage from a combined study of stratigraphy and findings, raising a new interest on technical issues, as well. Following this trend, we offer a preliminary report on a preventive excavation in via delle Vigne Vecchie, in the same insula as “Casa delle Bestie ferite”, where a narrow strip of a domus (seven rooms, six of them with mosaic floors) was partially brought to light. A sample under a caementicium dating back to its earliest phase revealed a new example of drain layers foundation, dated to early 1st century b.C. thanks to pottery study.
Final considerations are proposed about the meaning and chronology of republican drain layers foundations in Aquileia.
La pubblicazione raccoglie i contenuti dell’articolato progetto di ricerca e valorizzazione che, ... more La pubblicazione raccoglie i contenuti dell’articolato progetto di ricerca e valorizzazione che, grazie a numerosi interventi di scavo archeologico, ha consentito di riportare alla luce le importanti strutture che ricostruiscono la vita del castelliere degli Elleri a Santa Barbara. Il piano è stato promosso dal Comune di Muggia e realizzato fra il 2012 e il 2016 sotto la supervisione della Soprintendenza

Nel 1997, in occasione dell'inaugurazione del Civico Museo Archeologico di Muggia, che raccog... more Nel 1997, in occasione dell'inaugurazione del Civico Museo Archeologico di Muggia, che raccoglie le testimonianze storico-archeologiche provenienti dal territorio mug-gesano, venne contestualmente pubblicata l'omonima monografia, curata da Franca Maselli Scotti (Civico Museo 1997). Il libro, seguendo da vicino l'esposizione delle sale museali, narra a più mani le vicende succedutesi tra l'età del Bronzo e l'alto Me-dioevo con una particolareggiata sezione dedicata ai ritrovamenti avvenuti nel corso dello scavo del castelliere di Elleri e della vicina necropoli di Santa Barbara, in parti-colare durante le campagne svoltesi tra il 1985 e il 1994. A quel tempo si optò per non comprendere all'interno del libro i risultati delle, allora, ultimissime indagini (scavi 1994 parzialmente, 1995 e 1996), delle quali diamo adesso notizia, costituendo esse, il naturale ed imprescindibile trait d'union con gli attuali scavi archeologici. 167 |
Papers by Valentina Degrassi
has permitted a thorough interpretation of the urban planning of Roman Trieste and its diachronic development.
After briefly describing the reconstruction of the ancient city walls (of the Republican and Late Antiquity period),
three main alignments are identified, partly influenced by the morphology of the terrain.
during the past few years. This activity provided the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici with the possibility to investigate the
ancient area occupied by the seafront quarters of the Roman town, and in particular the fortifications that defended the Roman town
situated behind the harbour.
The layers associated to the construction of the city-walls contained many pottery fragments, dated between the end of the IVth and
the beginning of the Vth century. These consist mainly of African and Eastern Mediterranean amphorae, and of local coarse ware.
The data document how trade continued to develop in the late years of the Roman Empire.
More recently, some excavations (northern sector of river harbour, central domus of former Cossar properties, both reaching in depth 2nd-1st centurty phases) are taking advantage from a combined study of stratigraphy and findings, raising a new interest on technical issues, as well. Following this trend, we offer a preliminary report on a preventive excavation in via delle Vigne Vecchie, in the same insula as “Casa delle Bestie ferite”, where a narrow strip of a domus (seven rooms, six of them with mosaic floors) was partially brought to light. A sample under a caementicium dating back to its earliest phase revealed a new example of drain layers foundation, dated to early 1st century b.C. thanks to pottery study.
Final considerations are proposed about the meaning and chronology of republican drain layers foundations in Aquileia.
has permitted a thorough interpretation of the urban planning of Roman Trieste and its diachronic development.
After briefly describing the reconstruction of the ancient city walls (of the Republican and Late Antiquity period),
three main alignments are identified, partly influenced by the morphology of the terrain.
during the past few years. This activity provided the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici with the possibility to investigate the
ancient area occupied by the seafront quarters of the Roman town, and in particular the fortifications that defended the Roman town
situated behind the harbour.
The layers associated to the construction of the city-walls contained many pottery fragments, dated between the end of the IVth and
the beginning of the Vth century. These consist mainly of African and Eastern Mediterranean amphorae, and of local coarse ware.
The data document how trade continued to develop in the late years of the Roman Empire.
More recently, some excavations (northern sector of river harbour, central domus of former Cossar properties, both reaching in depth 2nd-1st centurty phases) are taking advantage from a combined study of stratigraphy and findings, raising a new interest on technical issues, as well. Following this trend, we offer a preliminary report on a preventive excavation in via delle Vigne Vecchie, in the same insula as “Casa delle Bestie ferite”, where a narrow strip of a domus (seven rooms, six of them with mosaic floors) was partially brought to light. A sample under a caementicium dating back to its earliest phase revealed a new example of drain layers foundation, dated to early 1st century b.C. thanks to pottery study.
Final considerations are proposed about the meaning and chronology of republican drain layers foundations in Aquileia.