Eelo University
It is our pleasure to offer unflinching education support service to the students of all sorts’ life at Eelo University (EU). EU is here to offer empirical and outstanding learning and teaching for 21st Century student. EU nurtures students and helps them become what they want to be after completing their courses. EU was established with a purpose of making a difference in the training of technology and management students within the East African & Horn of African region.
EU was legally mandated by the ministry of Education in the year 2007 to address pertinent issues affecting the adjacent communities in the horn of Africa. The University is located in northern Somaliland; situated in north-western Somalia. It lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel north of the equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ meridian east of Greenwich. It is bordered by Djibouti to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and the Puntland region of Somalia to the east.
EU is committed to achieving this through an enriched learning experience that blends a variety of teaching and learning methods. It is very satisfying to the founders of EU to have established a University that has great focus on the quality of teaching and research, engagement and innovation.
EU offers planned Postgraduate Programmes, Undergraduate degree programmes, Undergraduate Diploma Programmes and Short courses in various disciplines. All EU programmes have been carefully designed and blended with Engineering, ICT, research and management foundational courses to ensure that our graduates match global standards in different careers.
Welcome to EU the Home of academia.
Supervisors: Prof. Abdillahi Ahmed Farah and Eng Abdirahman Ahmed
Phone: +252634455949
Address: Ahmed Guray, Borama , Awdal Somalia
EU was legally mandated by the ministry of Education in the year 2007 to address pertinent issues affecting the adjacent communities in the horn of Africa. The University is located in northern Somaliland; situated in north-western Somalia. It lies between the 08°00′ – 11°30′ parallel north of the equator and between 42°30′ – 49°00′ meridian east of Greenwich. It is bordered by Djibouti to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and the Puntland region of Somalia to the east.
EU is committed to achieving this through an enriched learning experience that blends a variety of teaching and learning methods. It is very satisfying to the founders of EU to have established a University that has great focus on the quality of teaching and research, engagement and innovation.
EU offers planned Postgraduate Programmes, Undergraduate degree programmes, Undergraduate Diploma Programmes and Short courses in various disciplines. All EU programmes have been carefully designed and blended with Engineering, ICT, research and management foundational courses to ensure that our graduates match global standards in different careers.
Welcome to EU the Home of academia.
Supervisors: Prof. Abdillahi Ahmed Farah and Eng Abdirahman Ahmed
Phone: +252634455949
Address: Ahmed Guray, Borama , Awdal Somalia
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Thesis Chapters by Eelo University
The ramifications of divorce on the family structure can be devastating and impact many areas of the
adolescent’s development. The adolescent can face significant challenges as the structure of their family
changes due to divorce. In addition to the commonality of divorce, research also indicates that mental
health disorders such as anxiety and depression are also present in today’s adolescents. With high
numbers of children from divorced families and high number of adolescents suffering from mental
health disorders, today’s educators and mental health professionals need to be aware of the risks and
protective factors to effectively help these adolescents work through strong feelings related to divorce
and cope with mental health disorders. Fortunately, research indicates the school setting can provide
students an outlet in which to express feelings and learn new skills to cope with strong emotions. It is
imperative that today’s educators be aware of such programs to assist the high number of adolescents
struggling with these issues. This study conducted through cross-sectional research design. In a crosssectional survey design, data is collected from a target population at one point in time to save time and
cost (Campbell, Machin, & Walters, 2007) This study will be conducted in Sheikh Ali area at Borama
District – the main division in Borama town. The population of Borama town is approximately 130,000
(Borama Local Government, 2013). It lies at 8oN and 11oN above the sea level (UNHCR, 2014). Sheikh
Ali division has been selected because it is the most important division in district where some families
divorced and it is second largest and most populated area in Borama. These are good grounds for
conducting a study of national importance. The target population of the study will consist of 60 children
from divorced parents in Sheikh Ali area at Borama District. Residents of Sheikh Ali Area whose family
parent had been divorce and had children and those who agreed to participate in the study. The
accessible population will be the sample from the target population in Sheikh Ali area. The sample will
comprise of 40 respondents selected from the 45 respondent’s according to Krejcie and Morgan (as
cited researchers, 2019). The study will use stratified sampling techniques to select the sample.
Stratified sampling will be used to determine the number of children from each family or area to be
included in the sample (see Appendix IV). This will ensure that every sector or area is proportionately
represented in the sample (Steven, 2012).
Develop or Revise the effect divorce on children’s mental status. Develop factors that reduce divorce
issue Draw solutions to reduce mental damage of the children To enhance child caring nationally To
add national policy which works on divorced family children To
a dramatically increasing social problem and needs to be addressed much. Divorce damages our
children in different forms such as children’s emotions, behaviors, academic performance and
sometimes causes confusion to the children. The study was conducted at Borama Town with the
purpose of determining the impact of divorce has on the young children. The objectives of the
study were: 1) to Assess impact of parental divorce have on children’s attitude in Borama
District 2) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on the child’s education in Borama
District 3) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on children’s growth in Boarama
District. Recent studies show that divorce is one of the biggest disappointments in life. Children
and families are hurt by divorce event. Prevalence of the divorce has been increased in
Somaliland. Numerous researches have come up with that finance is huge cause of marital
stress divorce. Another studies show that some children from divorced families have decreased
functioning in academic performance and display oppositional behavior or signs of anxiety and
depression. A survey conducted by Ergo Radio shows that reasons driving women out to work
are divorce, widowhood and inadequate earning of their husband. The study adapted crasssectional survey design which is the most suitable design for descriptive studies, cross-section
survey design enabled the research to describe the impact of divorce on young children. The
target populations of the study were 200 while accessible populations were 177. Stratified
sampling was used to divide the population into different strata because the populations were
heterogeneous simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to select
the responding from the different strata. A sample of 177 was select from 200 adults using
kregcie and Morgan table of sample size. The study used questionnaire with semi-structured
question and interview methods for collecting the data form respondents. Piloting of the study
was done at Hargeisa district. Validity of the study was addressed by assessing the
questionnaires after pretesting, Reliability of the study was controlled through test-re-test
method and it is ensured to get a validity and reliability coefficients of 0.70 for all instrument
used. The study found that most of the people have poor attitude towards impact of divorce on
young children while little of them have good attitudes toward it. Study also found that majority
of the divorced parents’ children are poor in education while little of them are good in
education. Study also found that most of the divorced parents’ children have poor growth while
little of them have good and acceptable growth as respondents told. In a conclusion, the study
found that divorce has a negative effect on young children in Borama Town.
Chapter-I: Introduction: This chapter gives a preface to the evolution of society, need
for social networking, evolution of internet and social networking sites and also included
the introduction of the basic elements like social network marketing and details of few
social networking sites.
Chapter-II: Review of literature: This chapter gives a brief overview of the past
researches undertaken in the related field, related to the marketing implications on the
social networking sites.
Chapter-III: Research methodology: This chapter deals with the providing information
about statement of the problem, research objectives, hypothesis formulation, data sources,
sampling, research approach and statistical tools used.
Chapter-IV: this chapter covered the data presentation and analysis of the research.
First its characteristics of the respondents of the research. Next some suction it
summarized the statistical analysis of the research. In parameters. In the statistical
analysis of parameters first it analyzed the data through questionnaire. This chapter gave
an overview of the marketing opportunities available on the social networking sites.
Chapter-V: Analysis and interpretation of data: This chapter deals with the analysis
and interpretation of the data collected by applying statistical tools.
The Internet and in particular social media applications such as Facebook, YouTube and
many others, are obviously “overtaking the world” and could be regarded as “a global
consumer phenomenon” (Camilia, Ibrahim, & Dalhatu, 2013) . Social media usage is one
of the most common activities among children, adolescents, and emerging adults
nowadays. It offers today’s youth a portal for entertainment and communication and it is
becoming one of the main platforms for accessing information and news. This aggressive
adoption of social media among the younger generation could be attributed to their up to
date knowledge of and comfort with the latest technology and the convenient
accessibility to these social networking tools (Vorderer, 2016).
This study aims to shed the light on the social media effects on the academic performance
of university students in Egypt and aims to clarify to different stakeholders the
relationship between the social media usage and academic performance and to harness
full potential of social media. This study examines the role of social media in students’
academic endeavors and ultimately their academic performance through their reported
perceptions and reflections. It also examines factors that might influence the nature of
this relationship, and its tentative impact on the academic performance of Eelo University
undergraduate students.
institutions in Somaliland serve but also it observes the role of the financial service
providers to economic agents in stimulating economic growth.
The study further examines aspects of financial systems such as access, efficiency and
stability should be taken into account in order to shed light on the relationship between
finance and economic growth. The researcher captures the four aspects of finance –
depth, access, efficiency, and stability – to investigate the impact of financial services and
economic growth. The results suggest that the impact of four parameters of financial
development differs depending on the level of financial development.
Somaliland’s economy has developed rapidly since her independence from Southern
Somalia. In parallel came the reforms within the financial sector and the most of financial
institutions between savings and investment has been channeled through the banking
sector. Thus far studies on the finance-growth relationship in Somaliland have focused on
the financial sector as a whole. This thesis aims to determine the depth of financial
services and the economic growth in Borama, Somaliland. A realistic analysis is
performed using data for the period 2007 to 2017.
The development of the Bank of Somaliland and other commercial banks merely follows
the economic growth of Somaliland.
The fact that the Bank of Somaliland manage to positively influence Somaliland's
economic development might indicate that state policies concerning financial sector and
economic growth are successful. However, to sustain the growth it is important to further
develop financial services, ensure better credit allocation and improve access to financing
for private as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.
This study investigated, listed and explained the types of services offered by the financial
institutions in Somaliland. The researcher found out that the types of services offered by
the financial institutions in Somaliland are credit, savings, money transfer and current
As a final this study recommended that it would not be possible to improve economy of
Somaliland only through financial institution unless other factors are known. In view of
this, the researcher recommends that a study be done to determine the prospects of the
economy in Somaliland.
particularly handed governance issues.
The study was done by following research questions; First Who are the main actors in
the fight against corruption in Somaliland …secondly Which are the current strategies in
the fight against corruption in the judicial system in Somaliland …thirdly What
challenges are there in the fight against corruption in judicial system in Somaliland and
fourthly---What is the impact of corruption in the judicial system in the Somaliland . The
researcher used a cross-sectional design; adopted link study design of government courts
of law in Somaliland, governance and challenges. This was done by assessing the way in
courts systems are designed, cases is reported conducted and verdict is reached. . The
researcher used Questionnaires because they are good for collecting a lot of information
over a short period of time . In the overall analysis, the study found that:
The main actors in the fight against corruption have a positive effect on corruption in
judicial system, the current strategies in the fight against corruption are good and have
positive effect on corruption in judicial system, the challenges in the fight against
corruption in judicial system in Somaliland are moderate, the impact of corruption in
judicial system in Somaliland is also moderate. The research therefore recommends that
1) Government should strengthen the monitoring systems of the good existing policies in the
judicial sector.
2)Government shoul
the case study was selected three telecommunication firms in Borama, namely;
Telsom, Somtel Nationlink. The study design was descriptive and the data was
collected by using questionnaire with a target population of 120, using a solvent's
formula the researcher selected a representative sample size of 92 respondents
through purposively and simple random sampling. The main objectives focused this
study was, the concept and approaches of budget, the effect of budget on financial
performance, the effect of budget participation in different levels of management on
performance. Thus the findings from the analysis shows the use of effective budget
helps the organization to control inventory and reduce costs by increasing revenue,
also budget has a great effect on performance of the organization and the participation
of budget in different levels of management increases performance and builds trust
and confidence among levels of management.
The ramifications of divorce on the family structure can be devastating and impact many areas of the
adolescent’s development. The adolescent can face significant challenges as the structure of their family
changes due to divorce. In addition to the commonality of divorce, research also indicates that mental
health disorders such as anxiety and depression are also present in today’s adolescents. With high
numbers of children from divorced families and high number of adolescents suffering from mental
health disorders, today’s educators and mental health professionals need to be aware of the risks and
protective factors to effectively help these adolescents work through strong feelings related to divorce
and cope with mental health disorders. Fortunately, research indicates the school setting can provide
students an outlet in which to express feelings and learn new skills to cope with strong emotions. It is
imperative that today’s educators be aware of such programs to assist the high number of adolescents
struggling with these issues. This study conducted through cross-sectional research design. In a crosssectional survey design, data is collected from a target population at one point in time to save time and
cost (Campbell, Machin, & Walters, 2007) This study will be conducted in Sheikh Ali area at Borama
District – the main division in Borama town. The population of Borama town is approximately 130,000
(Borama Local Government, 2013). It lies at 8oN and 11oN above the sea level (UNHCR, 2014). Sheikh
Ali division has been selected because it is the most important division in district where some families
divorced and it is second largest and most populated area in Borama. These are good grounds for
conducting a study of national importance. The target population of the study will consist of 60 children
from divorced parents in Sheikh Ali area at Borama District. Residents of Sheikh Ali Area whose family
parent had been divorce and had children and those who agreed to participate in the study. The
accessible population will be the sample from the target population in Sheikh Ali area. The sample will
comprise of 40 respondents selected from the 45 respondent’s according to Krejcie and Morgan (as
cited researchers, 2019). The study will use stratified sampling techniques to select the sample.
Stratified sampling will be used to determine the number of children from each family or area to be
included in the sample (see Appendix IV). This will ensure that every sector or area is proportionately
represented in the sample (Steven, 2012).
Develop or Revise the effect divorce on children’s mental status. Develop factors that reduce divorce
issue Draw solutions to reduce mental damage of the children To enhance child caring nationally To
add national policy which works on divorced family children To
a dramatically increasing social problem and needs to be addressed much. Divorce damages our
children in different forms such as children’s emotions, behaviors, academic performance and
sometimes causes confusion to the children. The study was conducted at Borama Town with the
purpose of determining the impact of divorce has on the young children. The objectives of the
study were: 1) to Assess impact of parental divorce have on children’s attitude in Borama
District 2) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on the child’s education in Borama
District 3) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on children’s growth in Boarama
District. Recent studies show that divorce is one of the biggest disappointments in life. Children
and families are hurt by divorce event. Prevalence of the divorce has been increased in
Somaliland. Numerous researches have come up with that finance is huge cause of marital
stress divorce. Another studies show that some children from divorced families have decreased
functioning in academic performance and display oppositional behavior or signs of anxiety and
depression. A survey conducted by Ergo Radio shows that reasons driving women out to work
are divorce, widowhood and inadequate earning of their husband. The study adapted crasssectional survey design which is the most suitable design for descriptive studies, cross-section
survey design enabled the research to describe the impact of divorce on young children. The
target populations of the study were 200 while accessible populations were 177. Stratified
sampling was used to divide the population into different strata because the populations were
heterogeneous simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to select
the responding from the different strata. A sample of 177 was select from 200 adults using
kregcie and Morgan table of sample size. The study used questionnaire with semi-structured
question and interview methods for collecting the data form respondents. Piloting of the study
was done at Hargeisa district. Validity of the study was addressed by assessing the
questionnaires after pretesting, Reliability of the study was controlled through test-re-test
method and it is ensured to get a validity and reliability coefficients of 0.70 for all instrument
used. The study found that most of the people have poor attitude towards impact of divorce on
young children while little of them have good attitudes toward it. Study also found that majority
of the divorced parents’ children are poor in education while little of them are good in
education. Study also found that most of the divorced parents’ children have poor growth while
little of them have good and acceptable growth as respondents told. In a conclusion, the study
found that divorce has a negative effect on young children in Borama Town.
Chapter-I: Introduction: This chapter gives a preface to the evolution of society, need
for social networking, evolution of internet and social networking sites and also included
the introduction of the basic elements like social network marketing and details of few
social networking sites.
Chapter-II: Review of literature: This chapter gives a brief overview of the past
researches undertaken in the related field, related to the marketing implications on the
social networking sites.
Chapter-III: Research methodology: This chapter deals with the providing information
about statement of the problem, research objectives, hypothesis formulation, data sources,
sampling, research approach and statistical tools used.
Chapter-IV: this chapter covered the data presentation and analysis of the research.
First its characteristics of the respondents of the research. Next some suction it
summarized the statistical analysis of the research. In parameters. In the statistical
analysis of parameters first it analyzed the data through questionnaire. This chapter gave
an overview of the marketing opportunities available on the social networking sites.
Chapter-V: Analysis and interpretation of data: This chapter deals with the analysis
and interpretation of the data collected by applying statistical tools.
The Internet and in particular social media applications such as Facebook, YouTube and
many others, are obviously “overtaking the world” and could be regarded as “a global
consumer phenomenon” (Camilia, Ibrahim, & Dalhatu, 2013) . Social media usage is one
of the most common activities among children, adolescents, and emerging adults
nowadays. It offers today’s youth a portal for entertainment and communication and it is
becoming one of the main platforms for accessing information and news. This aggressive
adoption of social media among the younger generation could be attributed to their up to
date knowledge of and comfort with the latest technology and the convenient
accessibility to these social networking tools (Vorderer, 2016).
This study aims to shed the light on the social media effects on the academic performance
of university students in Egypt and aims to clarify to different stakeholders the
relationship between the social media usage and academic performance and to harness
full potential of social media. This study examines the role of social media in students’
academic endeavors and ultimately their academic performance through their reported
perceptions and reflections. It also examines factors that might influence the nature of
this relationship, and its tentative impact on the academic performance of Eelo University
undergraduate students.
institutions in Somaliland serve but also it observes the role of the financial service
providers to economic agents in stimulating economic growth.
The study further examines aspects of financial systems such as access, efficiency and
stability should be taken into account in order to shed light on the relationship between
finance and economic growth. The researcher captures the four aspects of finance –
depth, access, efficiency, and stability – to investigate the impact of financial services and
economic growth. The results suggest that the impact of four parameters of financial
development differs depending on the level of financial development.
Somaliland’s economy has developed rapidly since her independence from Southern
Somalia. In parallel came the reforms within the financial sector and the most of financial
institutions between savings and investment has been channeled through the banking
sector. Thus far studies on the finance-growth relationship in Somaliland have focused on
the financial sector as a whole. This thesis aims to determine the depth of financial
services and the economic growth in Borama, Somaliland. A realistic analysis is
performed using data for the period 2007 to 2017.
The development of the Bank of Somaliland and other commercial banks merely follows
the economic growth of Somaliland.
The fact that the Bank of Somaliland manage to positively influence Somaliland's
economic development might indicate that state policies concerning financial sector and
economic growth are successful. However, to sustain the growth it is important to further
develop financial services, ensure better credit allocation and improve access to financing
for private as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.
This study investigated, listed and explained the types of services offered by the financial
institutions in Somaliland. The researcher found out that the types of services offered by
the financial institutions in Somaliland are credit, savings, money transfer and current
As a final this study recommended that it would not be possible to improve economy of
Somaliland only through financial institution unless other factors are known. In view of
this, the researcher recommends that a study be done to determine the prospects of the
economy in Somaliland.
particularly handed governance issues.
The study was done by following research questions; First Who are the main actors in
the fight against corruption in Somaliland …secondly Which are the current strategies in
the fight against corruption in the judicial system in Somaliland …thirdly What
challenges are there in the fight against corruption in judicial system in Somaliland and
fourthly---What is the impact of corruption in the judicial system in the Somaliland . The
researcher used a cross-sectional design; adopted link study design of government courts
of law in Somaliland, governance and challenges. This was done by assessing the way in
courts systems are designed, cases is reported conducted and verdict is reached. . The
researcher used Questionnaires because they are good for collecting a lot of information
over a short period of time . In the overall analysis, the study found that:
The main actors in the fight against corruption have a positive effect on corruption in
judicial system, the current strategies in the fight against corruption are good and have
positive effect on corruption in judicial system, the challenges in the fight against
corruption in judicial system in Somaliland are moderate, the impact of corruption in
judicial system in Somaliland is also moderate. The research therefore recommends that
1) Government should strengthen the monitoring systems of the good existing policies in the
judicial sector.
2)Government shoul
the case study was selected three telecommunication firms in Borama, namely;
Telsom, Somtel Nationlink. The study design was descriptive and the data was
collected by using questionnaire with a target population of 120, using a solvent's
formula the researcher selected a representative sample size of 92 respondents
through purposively and simple random sampling. The main objectives focused this
study was, the concept and approaches of budget, the effect of budget on financial
performance, the effect of budget participation in different levels of management on
performance. Thus the findings from the analysis shows the use of effective budget
helps the organization to control inventory and reduce costs by increasing revenue,
also budget has a great effect on performance of the organization and the participation
of budget in different levels of management increases performance and builds trust
and confidence among levels of management.