JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Indonesia has various types of empon-empon plants, one of which is white turmeric (Curcuma Mangga... more Indonesia has various types of empon-empon plants, one of which is white turmeric (Curcuma Mangga Val). This type of white turmeric contains curcuminoids and polyphenols which are useful as antioxidants. Utilization of these empon-empon as a daily snack will be very beneficial for health. However, the production of packaged food requires an understanding of food safety. The purpose of this community service is to conduct food safety education and apply white turmeric in the processing of snack bars. Implementation of safety counseling activities and processing of snack bars added with white turmeric at UMKM Amelia Bakery on October 26 2022, attended by employees. Snack bars with the addition of white turmeric powder were tested for preference at the UMBY Sensory Laboratory. The test sample is a snack bar sample with the addition of 5 g of white turmeric powder; 7.5g; and 10 g. UMKM Amelia Bakery employees understand food safety and the most preferred product is a snack bar with the ...
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Lorejo region is the entrance to the Nanggulan Tourism village, so it is very strategic to develo... more Lorejo region is the entrance to the Nanggulan Tourism village, so it is very strategic to develop into an alternative tourist destination. One potential development program is the decorative plant. During the pandemic covid 19, the demand for decoratives plants was high, but after the end of the pandemic declined, and the income of the farmers decreased. Because the types of decorative plants cultivated are seasonal, and their prices fluctuate. Orchids can be chosen for cultivation to make a stable price and the business of integration between the cultivation of honeybees with decorative plants. The purpose of the activity was to increase business continuity and income for decorative plant farmers in groups. Orchid cultivation training can increase the knowledge and skills of cultivating, caring for, and how to breed orchids. Beekeeping training can increase farmers' knowledge about how to propagate colonies, maintenance and care, and plant sources of bee food. Based on monitor...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKLembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bina Insan Mandiri Yogyakarta (LPPM BIMa ... more ABSTRAKLembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bina Insan Mandiri Yogyakarta (LPPM BIMa Yogyakarta) merupakan salah satu lembaga sosial di Yogyakarta yang mempunyai binaan di banyak tempat dengan sasaran pembardayaan melalui pendampingan secara individu, keluarga maupun Komunitas. Warga binaan LPPM BIMa terdiri yatim piatu, dhuafa, janda miskin, kelompok anak, remaja, orang tua, dan lansia serta komunitas masyarakat di DIY dan Jawa Tengah. Salah satu binaan LPPM BIMa di Kecamatan Pajangan dan Argomulyo yang dijadikan sasaran kegiatan, merupakan kelompok ibu-ibu yang mempunyai semangat tinggi dan memerlukan aktivitas untuk mengisi keseharian dan lebih jauh diharapkan berpeluang sebagai sarana untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Pengabdi bersama ketua harian BIMa dengan melakukan diskusi bersama warga, maka diputuskan bahwa materi yang diberikan pada pengadian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) adalah mengenai budidaya empon-empon dan tanaman pekarangan untuk diolah menjadi min...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKTanaman empon-empon merupakan tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia, akan tetapi pemanfa... more ABSTRAKTanaman empon-empon merupakan tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia, akan tetapi pemanfaatan tanaman empon-empon masih sangat terbatas. Kebanyakan masyarakat menjual produk rimpang tersebut dalam bentuk segar dan sebagian kecil diolah menjadi minuman berkhasiat (jamu) yang bersifat tidak awet. Oleh sebab itu, pemanfaatan produk rimpang tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan pengolahan lebih lanjut yaitu dengan menginovasi kedalam produk pangan fungsional seperti bakery dan cookies berbasis herbal. Sebelumnya sudah banyak penelitian terkait manfaat empon-empon khususnya kunir putih sebagai anti diabetes, dan antitumor karena tinggi kandungan anti oksidan. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih dan mengadakan praktik cara pengembangan produk bakery dan cookies. Tahapan pembuatan produk bakery dan cookies berbasis herbal diawali di laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Pertanian (THP) Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta (UMBY). Kemudian dilakukan pengujian fisik, kimia, dan sens...
Peanut is one of the most important legume commodities in Indonesia. In its implementation, a lot... more Peanut is one of the most important legume commodities in Indonesia. In its implementation, a lot of research has been done related to this plant. However, in studies conducted by growth models, it is very rarely studied. Therefore, researchers are interested in modeling the growth of peanuts. One of the models that can be used is a multilevel regression model for the case of repeated measurement data. Multilevel regression was chosen because it is considered to provide more information than other regression models. On the other hand, the nonlinear model was chosen based on the tendency of the initial plot of the data obtained. The research method used is a case study in the study of peanut growth. This study aims to build the best model based on the tested model. The Restricted Estimator Maximum Likelihood (REML) parameter estimation method was chosen because it is considered to have unbiased parameter estimates. The best model is based on the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (A...
Penelitian tentang pengaruh takaran bibit F2 dari media padi dan jagung terhadap pertumbuhan dan ... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh takaran bibit F2 dari media padi dan jagung terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jamur tiram putih dilaksanakan di UPT Kaliurang, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, dengan ketinggian tempat 160 mdpl, dimulai bulan Oktober 2018 sampai dengan bulan Februari 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode percobaan (eksperimen), 2 faktor yaitu takaran bibit F2 dan macam media bibit, unit percobaan ditata dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan 6 perlakuan, 4 ulangan, 9 sampel sehingga jumlah unit percobaan keseluruhan ada 216 unit. Macam media bibit F2 yang digunakan adalah media utama biji padi takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog, 10 gram/baglog dan media utama biji jagung takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog, 10 gram/baglog. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis varians pada taraf kepercayaan 5%. Hasil penelitian penggunaan bibit F2 jamur tiram dari media utama biji padi takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog serta media utama...
Quality spawns are an important factor to support the success of button mushroom cultivation. The... more Quality spawns are an important factor to support the success of button mushroom cultivation. The quality of mushroom spawn is inuenced by the nutritional composition of the media. The purpose of this study was to determine the best media for the growth of F0 and F1 button mushroom. The research was carried out in March-May 2021 at the Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Agroindustry, University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta. The study consisted of 2 series of experiments. This study consisted of 2 series of experiments. The rst experiment was to test the growth quality of F0 champignon on 3 types media, that is potato dextrose agar (PDA),mung been sprout extract media, and white sweet potato media. The second experiment tested the growth quality of F1 button mushroom grown on three types of media, that is corn, barley and sorghum. Both experiment were single factor trials arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications, and each replication consisted of 5 units. T...
Guna membangun sebuah model matematika yang dapat memberikan gambaran terhadap pertumbuhan tanama... more Guna membangun sebuah model matematika yang dapat memberikan gambaran terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, dibutuhkan suatu analisis mempuni. Diharapkan dengan model yang dihasilkan mampu untuk membantu peneliti dan pihak lain dalam mengkaji pertumbuhan tanaman terutama kacang tanah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode research and development (R&D) dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier multilevel sebagai pengembangan metode analisis dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun model linier berdasarkan model regresi linier multilevel. Metode estimasi restricted estimator maximum likelihood (REML) dipilih karena metode tersebut memiliki hasil estimasi parameter yang bersifat tak bias, dengan demikian dimungkinkan untuk memperoleh estimasi model yang jauh lebih baik. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Pertanian UMBY pada Oktober-November 2019. Berdasarkan variabel yang telah ditetapkan diperoleh sebanyak sembilan kombinasi model yang dapat dibentuk. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa model multilevel lebih baik diterapkan dalam representasi model pertumbuhan kacang tanah. Model terbaik didasarkan pada Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) terendah yang dihasilkan dari kombinasi model yang terbentuk. Selain itu ditemukan adanya Interclass Correlation (IC) sebesar 50,9% yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antar perlakukan yang diberikan. Kata kunci : level, model, regresi
Abdihaz: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2021
Product Diversification of White Saffron Substitute Stick in Karang Taruna Yodha, Argomulyo Villa... more Product Diversification of White Saffron Substitute Stick in Karang Taruna Yodha, Argomulyo Village Jogja Youth Farming (JYF) is an agro-tourism development carried out by Yodha youth organizations in Argomulyo Village, Sedayu, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Efforts are being made to develop JYF Agrotourism through downstream research. The survey results of the service team found that the Yodha youth organization had a potential to develop functional food entrepreneurs based on local rhizome plants (called as empon-empon) from the Argomulyo village area. In addition, around Agrotourism there are still many vacant fertile lands (idle land) that have not been used intensively. The purpose of this community service activity was to develop the entrepreneurial potential of the Yodha youth organization in Argomulyo Village. Development of potential by preparing the basic ingredients of empon-empon through good cultivation and processing of sticks, which are superior (have a...
France Stringbean is one of good variaty vegetables which is export commodity. It has high consum... more France Stringbean is one of good variaty vegetables which is export commodity. It has high consumption rate so that it needs to be risen of its growth and crops. One of the ways is by using various planting media and giving PGPRM. The purpose of this research is to learn the effects of planting media to the growth and the crops of France String Bean. This research conducted in the experiment garden of Agro Industry Faculty of Yogyakarta Mercu Buana University which is in the 90 meters above the sea level. This research uses Experimental Single Factor with eight different treatments which is arranged into RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) by three times repetitions. The experiment factors are Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:...
The forage quality can increase by probiotic inoculation for example cellulolitic microbia. Cellu... more The forage quality can increase by probiotic inoculation for example cellulolitic microbia. Cellulolitic microbia can be isolate by cellulose composition substrat or another fiber composition. From leaves seweage, animal ferlilizer, straw, and rumen liquid obtainable celulolitic isolat. Cellulolitic microbial colony isolated by specific CMC media. Colony total enumerated with dilution series use pour plate on NA and PDA media. Cellulolitic activity analized by growth on liquid CMC medium and reduction sugar analized. The yield of the highest reduction glucose microbe chosen for used probiotic on forage. The forage consist straw, king gress and glirisidae. The livestock each cutting and homogen mixed and inuculated spesific isolat as 10%. The susbatrat three days incubated furthermore proximat analized. The result that leaves sewage, animal fertilizer, straw and rumen can be used cellulolitic microbe consist 14 total colony with 11 bacteria coloni and 3 fungi coloni. Can be giving 7 ...
Peningkatan Produktivitas Pertanian Era Society 5.0 Pasca Pandemi, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi PGPR yang diisolasi dari tumbuhan pan... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi PGPR yang diisolasi dari tumbuhan pantai yang dominan, yang kemudian diberi nama "Bioferti" untuk tatsoi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 7 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi biofertility, masing-masing 20 cc/l, 25 cc/l, 30 cc/l, 35 cc/l. Sebagai perbandingan, digunakan pupuk NPK 16-16-16 dan kotoran kambing 100 g dan tanpa pupuk. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter tanaman, berat segar brangkasan, berat kering brangkasan, volume akar, dan bobot ekonomis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian PGPR Bioferti dengan konsentrasi 30 cc/l memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil terbaik terlihat pada variabel jumlah daun umur 2,3 dan 4 minggu setelah tanam (MST), dan volume akar. Pemberian PGPR Bioferti berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan dalam budidaya tatsoi.
PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science), 2021
The research was aimed to observe the influence of kinds and dosage of tomato extract on gr... more The research was aimed to observe the influence of kinds and dosage of tomato extract on growth of orchid Cattleya planlet in the Murashige and Skoog media. The experiment was arranged in a completely random design (2 x 3) + 1 control with three replications. The first factor was maturity of tomato consisted of 2 levels i.e riped and green tomato. The second factor was dosage of tomato extract consisted of 100 gram/liter, 150 gram/liter, 200 gram/liter, and with no tomato extract as control. Result of the research indicated that application of 100 g/liter of ripening tomato extract gave the better growth of Cattleya orchid than the other treatments.
Jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 mencapai 252.370.792 juta jiwa dan terus mengalami peni... more Jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 mencapai 252.370.792 juta jiwa dan terus mengalami peningkatan hingga 1,21% dari tahun ke tahun (Badan statistik Indonesia, 2015). Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk maka kebutuhan bahan pangan pun meningkat. Salah satunya adalah komoditas sayuran sebagai sumber gizi bagi manusia, sehingga perlu diimbangi penambahan lahan pertanian. Sedangkan lahan pertanian yang subur semakin berkurang, sehingga diperlukan upaya memanfaatkan lahan yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Indonesia memiliki lahan pasir pantai 1.060.000 Ha (Putri, 2011), yang belum dikelola secara maksimal untuk peningkatan produktivitas. Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poirs) merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dibudidayakan mengingat kandungan gizinya yang tinggi sebagai sumber vitamin, mineral dan serat makanan.
Sribitan IX which located in Bangunjiwo village has hilly topographiccountour that marginal soil.... more Sribitan IX which located in Bangunjiwo village has hilly topographiccountour that marginal soil. Most of the recident on sribitan village are in a notgood economical condition. About 51 families of the 282 families are poor.13.74% recident not finishing their elementary school, and 36.72% recidents arenot finishing their study on high schol grade and 21.8% recidents are unemployed.Most on the women are joblesss and some of the man arelabour andfarmer. Sribitan has youth organisation“ AMUSRI” with 40 members thatconsist of senior and junior high school students, university student,and marriedyoung couple.Transfer of knowledge and technology is done with counseling, practicing,demplot, and comparative studying. Many kind of activity that give toparticipants on this program such as catfush farming, worm farming, verticaltureand producing instan beverages from fruits and spices.Yield of this submission are improving member of Amusri motivation toutilize the land, using their spare time to study, improving entrepeunerhip skill,and making Amusri member became more harmouniuos.
Tamantirto Village is a village with a population of 728 categories of poor households (28.46%). ... more Tamantirto Village is a village with a population of 728 categories of poor households (28.46%). To reduce the level of poverty which is done by providing knowledge and skills of local resource utilization in the community. Transfer of knowledge and technology conducted by extension, practice, creation of demonstration plots as well as comparative studies. Knowledge and presence will include fish farming, household waste management, recognition and processing of medicinal plants into instant beverage and syrups. The result is a rural communities of Tamantirto was service capable of freshwater fish culture technologies and conduct intensive cultivation with a pool tarp. Capable of processing organic waste into compost and liquid fertilizer and manage of inorganic waste. Rural communities recognize a variety of medicinal plants in the environment and can process them into instant beverages and syrups. Society has increased the quality of life of its environmental cleanliness and income.
French beans are foodstuff from agricultural products that are useful, for nutrient sources that ... more French beans are foodstuff from agricultural products that are useful, for nutrient sources that needs continue to increase to rise as cunsumed by the whole society, so it needs to be improved productivity, for example by the giving of PGPRM. This reseacrh aims to determine the most appropiate time when giving the PGPRM which give growth and yield the best french beans. This reseacrh was conducted at the experiment station Mercu Buana University Faculty of Agroindustri Yogyakarta, located in Gunung Bulu, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta in February-April 2015. This reseacrh uses a single factor experimental design with 4 treatments were arrenged in the field using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications, namely Giving PGPRM at the time of preparation of the seed; Giving PGPRM at the planting time; Giving PGPRM one week after planting; and Giving PGPRM during vegetative growth, given once a week. The results from the reseacrh showed that while giving PGPRM (Plant Growth Pr...
White oyster mushroom fungus is one of the most potential to be cultivated. White oyster mushroom... more White oyster mushroom fungus is one of the most potential to be cultivated. White oyster mushroom needs now is still lacking, so that still imports in 2002 stood at 30.8 kg / capita / year. Lack of production of oyster mushrooms can be pressed for example by planting using appropriate media and in a suitable environment. The purpose of this research is to study the growth and yield of white oyster mushroom by using a variety of media that is planted in the lowlands and highlands. The medium used was the medium of sawdust sengon, of reeds that have been dried and bagasse which is a sugar mill waste Madukismo. Planting is done in the area Sedayu which is lowland and in the Ground which is a plateau. The research design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) the respective foreign factorial treatment done 3 times repetition The results showed that the growth and yield of white oyster mushrooms which grew on sawdust media sengon to be planted on the plateau show that the best ...
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Indonesia has various types of empon-empon plants, one of which is white turmeric (Curcuma Mangga... more Indonesia has various types of empon-empon plants, one of which is white turmeric (Curcuma Mangga Val). This type of white turmeric contains curcuminoids and polyphenols which are useful as antioxidants. Utilization of these empon-empon as a daily snack will be very beneficial for health. However, the production of packaged food requires an understanding of food safety. The purpose of this community service is to conduct food safety education and apply white turmeric in the processing of snack bars. Implementation of safety counseling activities and processing of snack bars added with white turmeric at UMKM Amelia Bakery on October 26 2022, attended by employees. Snack bars with the addition of white turmeric powder were tested for preference at the UMBY Sensory Laboratory. The test sample is a snack bar sample with the addition of 5 g of white turmeric powder; 7.5g; and 10 g. UMKM Amelia Bakery employees understand food safety and the most preferred product is a snack bar with the ...
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Lorejo region is the entrance to the Nanggulan Tourism village, so it is very strategic to develo... more Lorejo region is the entrance to the Nanggulan Tourism village, so it is very strategic to develop into an alternative tourist destination. One potential development program is the decorative plant. During the pandemic covid 19, the demand for decoratives plants was high, but after the end of the pandemic declined, and the income of the farmers decreased. Because the types of decorative plants cultivated are seasonal, and their prices fluctuate. Orchids can be chosen for cultivation to make a stable price and the business of integration between the cultivation of honeybees with decorative plants. The purpose of the activity was to increase business continuity and income for decorative plant farmers in groups. Orchid cultivation training can increase the knowledge and skills of cultivating, caring for, and how to breed orchids. Beekeeping training can increase farmers' knowledge about how to propagate colonies, maintenance and care, and plant sources of bee food. Based on monitor...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKLembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bina Insan Mandiri Yogyakarta (LPPM BIMa ... more ABSTRAKLembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bina Insan Mandiri Yogyakarta (LPPM BIMa Yogyakarta) merupakan salah satu lembaga sosial di Yogyakarta yang mempunyai binaan di banyak tempat dengan sasaran pembardayaan melalui pendampingan secara individu, keluarga maupun Komunitas. Warga binaan LPPM BIMa terdiri yatim piatu, dhuafa, janda miskin, kelompok anak, remaja, orang tua, dan lansia serta komunitas masyarakat di DIY dan Jawa Tengah. Salah satu binaan LPPM BIMa di Kecamatan Pajangan dan Argomulyo yang dijadikan sasaran kegiatan, merupakan kelompok ibu-ibu yang mempunyai semangat tinggi dan memerlukan aktivitas untuk mengisi keseharian dan lebih jauh diharapkan berpeluang sebagai sarana untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Pengabdi bersama ketua harian BIMa dengan melakukan diskusi bersama warga, maka diputuskan bahwa materi yang diberikan pada pengadian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) adalah mengenai budidaya empon-empon dan tanaman pekarangan untuk diolah menjadi min...
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan
ABSTRAKTanaman empon-empon merupakan tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia, akan tetapi pemanfa... more ABSTRAKTanaman empon-empon merupakan tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia, akan tetapi pemanfaatan tanaman empon-empon masih sangat terbatas. Kebanyakan masyarakat menjual produk rimpang tersebut dalam bentuk segar dan sebagian kecil diolah menjadi minuman berkhasiat (jamu) yang bersifat tidak awet. Oleh sebab itu, pemanfaatan produk rimpang tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan pengolahan lebih lanjut yaitu dengan menginovasi kedalam produk pangan fungsional seperti bakery dan cookies berbasis herbal. Sebelumnya sudah banyak penelitian terkait manfaat empon-empon khususnya kunir putih sebagai anti diabetes, dan antitumor karena tinggi kandungan anti oksidan. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih dan mengadakan praktik cara pengembangan produk bakery dan cookies. Tahapan pembuatan produk bakery dan cookies berbasis herbal diawali di laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Pertanian (THP) Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta (UMBY). Kemudian dilakukan pengujian fisik, kimia, dan sens...
Peanut is one of the most important legume commodities in Indonesia. In its implementation, a lot... more Peanut is one of the most important legume commodities in Indonesia. In its implementation, a lot of research has been done related to this plant. However, in studies conducted by growth models, it is very rarely studied. Therefore, researchers are interested in modeling the growth of peanuts. One of the models that can be used is a multilevel regression model for the case of repeated measurement data. Multilevel regression was chosen because it is considered to provide more information than other regression models. On the other hand, the nonlinear model was chosen based on the tendency of the initial plot of the data obtained. The research method used is a case study in the study of peanut growth. This study aims to build the best model based on the tested model. The Restricted Estimator Maximum Likelihood (REML) parameter estimation method was chosen because it is considered to have unbiased parameter estimates. The best model is based on the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (A...
Penelitian tentang pengaruh takaran bibit F2 dari media padi dan jagung terhadap pertumbuhan dan ... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh takaran bibit F2 dari media padi dan jagung terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jamur tiram putih dilaksanakan di UPT Kaliurang, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, dengan ketinggian tempat 160 mdpl, dimulai bulan Oktober 2018 sampai dengan bulan Februari 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode percobaan (eksperimen), 2 faktor yaitu takaran bibit F2 dan macam media bibit, unit percobaan ditata dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan 6 perlakuan, 4 ulangan, 9 sampel sehingga jumlah unit percobaan keseluruhan ada 216 unit. Macam media bibit F2 yang digunakan adalah media utama biji padi takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog, 10 gram/baglog dan media utama biji jagung takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog, 10 gram/baglog. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis varians pada taraf kepercayaan 5%. Hasil penelitian penggunaan bibit F2 jamur tiram dari media utama biji padi takaran 4 gram/baglog, 7 gram/baglog serta media utama...
Quality spawns are an important factor to support the success of button mushroom cultivation. The... more Quality spawns are an important factor to support the success of button mushroom cultivation. The quality of mushroom spawn is inuenced by the nutritional composition of the media. The purpose of this study was to determine the best media for the growth of F0 and F1 button mushroom. The research was carried out in March-May 2021 at the Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Agroindustry, University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta. The study consisted of 2 series of experiments. This study consisted of 2 series of experiments. The rst experiment was to test the growth quality of F0 champignon on 3 types media, that is potato dextrose agar (PDA),mung been sprout extract media, and white sweet potato media. The second experiment tested the growth quality of F1 button mushroom grown on three types of media, that is corn, barley and sorghum. Both experiment were single factor trials arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications, and each replication consisted of 5 units. T...
Guna membangun sebuah model matematika yang dapat memberikan gambaran terhadap pertumbuhan tanama... more Guna membangun sebuah model matematika yang dapat memberikan gambaran terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, dibutuhkan suatu analisis mempuni. Diharapkan dengan model yang dihasilkan mampu untuk membantu peneliti dan pihak lain dalam mengkaji pertumbuhan tanaman terutama kacang tanah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode research and development (R&D) dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier multilevel sebagai pengembangan metode analisis dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun model linier berdasarkan model regresi linier multilevel. Metode estimasi restricted estimator maximum likelihood (REML) dipilih karena metode tersebut memiliki hasil estimasi parameter yang bersifat tak bias, dengan demikian dimungkinkan untuk memperoleh estimasi model yang jauh lebih baik. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Pertanian UMBY pada Oktober-November 2019. Berdasarkan variabel yang telah ditetapkan diperoleh sebanyak sembilan kombinasi model yang dapat dibentuk. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa model multilevel lebih baik diterapkan dalam representasi model pertumbuhan kacang tanah. Model terbaik didasarkan pada Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) terendah yang dihasilkan dari kombinasi model yang terbentuk. Selain itu ditemukan adanya Interclass Correlation (IC) sebesar 50,9% yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antar perlakukan yang diberikan. Kata kunci : level, model, regresi
Abdihaz: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2021
Product Diversification of White Saffron Substitute Stick in Karang Taruna Yodha, Argomulyo Villa... more Product Diversification of White Saffron Substitute Stick in Karang Taruna Yodha, Argomulyo Village Jogja Youth Farming (JYF) is an agro-tourism development carried out by Yodha youth organizations in Argomulyo Village, Sedayu, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Efforts are being made to develop JYF Agrotourism through downstream research. The survey results of the service team found that the Yodha youth organization had a potential to develop functional food entrepreneurs based on local rhizome plants (called as empon-empon) from the Argomulyo village area. In addition, around Agrotourism there are still many vacant fertile lands (idle land) that have not been used intensively. The purpose of this community service activity was to develop the entrepreneurial potential of the Yodha youth organization in Argomulyo Village. Development of potential by preparing the basic ingredients of empon-empon through good cultivation and processing of sticks, which are superior (have a...
France Stringbean is one of good variaty vegetables which is export commodity. It has high consum... more France Stringbean is one of good variaty vegetables which is export commodity. It has high consumption rate so that it needs to be risen of its growth and crops. One of the ways is by using various planting media and giving PGPRM. The purpose of this research is to learn the effects of planting media to the growth and the crops of France String Bean. This research conducted in the experiment garden of Agro Industry Faculty of Yogyakarta Mercu Buana University which is in the 90 meters above the sea level. This research uses Experimental Single Factor with eight different treatments which is arranged into RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) by three times repetitions. The experiment factors are Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:...
The forage quality can increase by probiotic inoculation for example cellulolitic microbia. Cellu... more The forage quality can increase by probiotic inoculation for example cellulolitic microbia. Cellulolitic microbia can be isolate by cellulose composition substrat or another fiber composition. From leaves seweage, animal ferlilizer, straw, and rumen liquid obtainable celulolitic isolat. Cellulolitic microbial colony isolated by specific CMC media. Colony total enumerated with dilution series use pour plate on NA and PDA media. Cellulolitic activity analized by growth on liquid CMC medium and reduction sugar analized. The yield of the highest reduction glucose microbe chosen for used probiotic on forage. The forage consist straw, king gress and glirisidae. The livestock each cutting and homogen mixed and inuculated spesific isolat as 10%. The susbatrat three days incubated furthermore proximat analized. The result that leaves sewage, animal fertilizer, straw and rumen can be used cellulolitic microbe consist 14 total colony with 11 bacteria coloni and 3 fungi coloni. Can be giving 7 ...
Peningkatan Produktivitas Pertanian Era Society 5.0 Pasca Pandemi, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi PGPR yang diisolasi dari tumbuhan pan... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi PGPR yang diisolasi dari tumbuhan pantai yang dominan, yang kemudian diberi nama "Bioferti" untuk tatsoi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 7 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi biofertility, masing-masing 20 cc/l, 25 cc/l, 30 cc/l, 35 cc/l. Sebagai perbandingan, digunakan pupuk NPK 16-16-16 dan kotoran kambing 100 g dan tanpa pupuk. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter tanaman, berat segar brangkasan, berat kering brangkasan, volume akar, dan bobot ekonomis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian PGPR Bioferti dengan konsentrasi 30 cc/l memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil terbaik terlihat pada variabel jumlah daun umur 2,3 dan 4 minggu setelah tanam (MST), dan volume akar. Pemberian PGPR Bioferti berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan dalam budidaya tatsoi.
PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science), 2021
The research was aimed to observe the influence of kinds and dosage of tomato extract on gr... more The research was aimed to observe the influence of kinds and dosage of tomato extract on growth of orchid Cattleya planlet in the Murashige and Skoog media. The experiment was arranged in a completely random design (2 x 3) + 1 control with three replications. The first factor was maturity of tomato consisted of 2 levels i.e riped and green tomato. The second factor was dosage of tomato extract consisted of 100 gram/liter, 150 gram/liter, 200 gram/liter, and with no tomato extract as control. Result of the research indicated that application of 100 g/liter of ripening tomato extract gave the better growth of Cattleya orchid than the other treatments.
Jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 mencapai 252.370.792 juta jiwa dan terus mengalami peni... more Jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2015 mencapai 252.370.792 juta jiwa dan terus mengalami peningkatan hingga 1,21% dari tahun ke tahun (Badan statistik Indonesia, 2015). Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk maka kebutuhan bahan pangan pun meningkat. Salah satunya adalah komoditas sayuran sebagai sumber gizi bagi manusia, sehingga perlu diimbangi penambahan lahan pertanian. Sedangkan lahan pertanian yang subur semakin berkurang, sehingga diperlukan upaya memanfaatkan lahan yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Indonesia memiliki lahan pasir pantai 1.060.000 Ha (Putri, 2011), yang belum dikelola secara maksimal untuk peningkatan produktivitas. Kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poirs) merupakan tanaman yang potensial untuk dibudidayakan mengingat kandungan gizinya yang tinggi sebagai sumber vitamin, mineral dan serat makanan.
Sribitan IX which located in Bangunjiwo village has hilly topographiccountour that marginal soil.... more Sribitan IX which located in Bangunjiwo village has hilly topographiccountour that marginal soil. Most of the recident on sribitan village are in a notgood economical condition. About 51 families of the 282 families are poor.13.74% recident not finishing their elementary school, and 36.72% recidents arenot finishing their study on high schol grade and 21.8% recidents are unemployed.Most on the women are joblesss and some of the man arelabour andfarmer. Sribitan has youth organisation“ AMUSRI” with 40 members thatconsist of senior and junior high school students, university student,and marriedyoung couple.Transfer of knowledge and technology is done with counseling, practicing,demplot, and comparative studying. Many kind of activity that give toparticipants on this program such as catfush farming, worm farming, verticaltureand producing instan beverages from fruits and spices.Yield of this submission are improving member of Amusri motivation toutilize the land, using their spare time to study, improving entrepeunerhip skill,and making Amusri member became more harmouniuos.
Tamantirto Village is a village with a population of 728 categories of poor households (28.46%). ... more Tamantirto Village is a village with a population of 728 categories of poor households (28.46%). To reduce the level of poverty which is done by providing knowledge and skills of local resource utilization in the community. Transfer of knowledge and technology conducted by extension, practice, creation of demonstration plots as well as comparative studies. Knowledge and presence will include fish farming, household waste management, recognition and processing of medicinal plants into instant beverage and syrups. The result is a rural communities of Tamantirto was service capable of freshwater fish culture technologies and conduct intensive cultivation with a pool tarp. Capable of processing organic waste into compost and liquid fertilizer and manage of inorganic waste. Rural communities recognize a variety of medicinal plants in the environment and can process them into instant beverages and syrups. Society has increased the quality of life of its environmental cleanliness and income.
French beans are foodstuff from agricultural products that are useful, for nutrient sources that ... more French beans are foodstuff from agricultural products that are useful, for nutrient sources that needs continue to increase to rise as cunsumed by the whole society, so it needs to be improved productivity, for example by the giving of PGPRM. This reseacrh aims to determine the most appropiate time when giving the PGPRM which give growth and yield the best french beans. This reseacrh was conducted at the experiment station Mercu Buana University Faculty of Agroindustri Yogyakarta, located in Gunung Bulu, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta in February-April 2015. This reseacrh uses a single factor experimental design with 4 treatments were arrenged in the field using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications, namely Giving PGPRM at the time of preparation of the seed; Giving PGPRM at the planting time; Giving PGPRM one week after planting; and Giving PGPRM during vegetative growth, given once a week. The results from the reseacrh showed that while giving PGPRM (Plant Growth Pr...
White oyster mushroom fungus is one of the most potential to be cultivated. White oyster mushroom... more White oyster mushroom fungus is one of the most potential to be cultivated. White oyster mushroom needs now is still lacking, so that still imports in 2002 stood at 30.8 kg / capita / year. Lack of production of oyster mushrooms can be pressed for example by planting using appropriate media and in a suitable environment. The purpose of this research is to study the growth and yield of white oyster mushroom by using a variety of media that is planted in the lowlands and highlands. The medium used was the medium of sawdust sengon, of reeds that have been dried and bagasse which is a sugar mill waste Madukismo. Planting is done in the area Sedayu which is lowland and in the Ground which is a plateau. The research design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) the respective foreign factorial treatment done 3 times repetition The results showed that the growth and yield of white oyster mushrooms which grew on sawdust media sengon to be planted on the plateau show that the best ...
Papers by Umul Aiman