Papers by Ulrich Weinberg
한국방송학회 세미나 및 보고서, Nov 1, 2005

VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften eBooks, 2012
An der HPI School of Design Thinking sieht es auf den ersten Blick aus wie im Kindergarten. Bunte... more An der HPI School of Design Thinking sieht es auf den ersten Blick aus wie im Kindergarten. Bunte Klebezettel, wild bemalte Whiteboards, Spielzeugkisten, rote Couches prägen das Bild, Musik und Gelächter durchdringen den Raum. In kleinen Teams stehen um Hochtische verteilt Studenten aus unterschiedlichen Nationen zusammen und diskutieren über ein bestimmtes Thema. Was von außen so aussieht wie ein chaotisches Durcheinander, hat System. Ein erster Anhaltspunkt dafür ist die besondere Uhr, ein sogenannter "Time Timer", der auf jedem Team-Tisch zu finden ist. Sie kann individuell gestellt werden, läuft allerdings rückwärts. Was aber bedeutet das alles und wieso ist in einer der besten Informatikausbildungsstätten Deutschlands, dem Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), ein solcher Ort angesiedelt? Das Hasso-Plattner-Institut ist ein An-Institut der Universität Potsdam und wurde vor elf Jahren von seinem Namensgeber, dem Mitgründer des Software-Riesen SAP gegründet. Seitdem werden in Potsdam Studenten zu IT-System-Ingenieuren ausgebildet. In der HPI School of Design Thinking, einem der zehn Fachgebiete des HPI, steht zwar auch auf jedem Tisch ein Computer, aber im Zentrum aller Aktivitäten der "HPI D-School" steht die Innovationsarbeit in multidisziplinären Teams mit der Methode Design Thinking. Jedes Semester finden sich 120 Studenten aus über 20 Nationen und über 70 unterschiedlichen Disziplinen zusammen.
Understanding innovation, Oct 27, 2017
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the relation between coherence and creativity in design... more The purpose of this chapter is to explore the relation between coherence and creativity in design conversations of innovation teams. Low coherent segments in a conversation can be understood as the linguistic equivalent of shifts of the focus of attention while designing. Focus shifts have a positive influence on ideational productivity. We therefore reason that low coherent speaker turns function as creative stimuli in team conversations. How this works in practice we illustrate with a case study of an innovation team observed in the wild.
Understanding innovation, 2022

L'Allemagne est confrontée à d'énormes défis : les structures traditionnelles de l'ad... more L'Allemagne est confrontée à d'énormes défis : les structures traditionnelles de l'administration ne peuvent plus traiter de manière adéquate la crise climatique et la destruction des écosystèmes, la pandémie du Covid-19 et l'évolution démographique et technologique rapides. Une transition culturelle fondamentale est nécessaire au sein de l'administration publique, afin de pouvoir diriger l'Allemagne à travers les transformations en cours et à venir dans les prochaines décennies de manière plus efficace, plus rapide et plus adaptée. Cette transition culturelle implique une redéfinition par l'administration publique de ses missions et de son rôle, des principes de fonctionnement plus agiles, des compétences plus modernes, une ouverture horizontale et verticale de l'État, un engagement sérieux pour la participation citoyenne et la transparence, une coopération institutionnalisée avec la société civile, la science et les entreprises, un fédéralisme struc...

Germany is facing enormous challenges: The climate crisis and the destruction of ecosystems, the ... more Germany is facing enormous challenges: The climate crisis and the destruction of ecosystems, the Covid-19 pandemic, and rapid demographic and technological change cannot be adequately addressed in Germany's traditional administrative structures. Instead, a fundamental cultural change is needed in the public administration in order to be able to lead Germany more quickly, anticipatorily and effectively through the next decades of transformation. This includes, in particular, a new self-conception of the administration as well as agile processes, state-of-the-art competencies, a horizontal and vertical opening of the state, serious public participation and transparency, institutionalised cooperation with civil society, science as well as business, and bottom-up federalism among other points. For us co-authors, the modernisation of public administration has become a question of the future viability of our country and our democracy. It is not just a matter of overcoming challenges, ...
Design Thinking in Education

Current Drug Safety, 2015
The highly complex and controversial topic of vaccine safety communication warrants innovative, u... more The highly complex and controversial topic of vaccine safety communication warrants innovative, user-centered solutions that would start with gaining mutual respect while taking into account the needs, concerns and underlying motives of patients, parents and physicians. To this end, a non-profit collaborative project was conducted by The Vienna Vaccine Safety Initiative, an international think tank aiming to promote vaccine safety research and communication, and the School of Design Thinking in Potsdam, Germany, the first school for innovation in Europe. The revolutionary concept of the Design Thinking approach is to group students in small multi-disciplinary teams. As a result they can generate ground-breaking ideas by combining their expertise and different points of view. The team agreed to address the following design challenge question: "How might we enable physicians to encourage parents and children to prevent infectious diseases?" The current article describes, step-by step, the ideation and innovation process as well as first tangible outcomes of the project.

Deutschland steht vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen: Klimakrise und Zerstörung der Ökosysteme, die... more Deutschland steht vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen: Klimakrise und Zerstörung der Ökosysteme, die Covid-19 Pandemie und der rasante demographische und technologische Wandel lassen sich in den tradierten Verwaltungsstrukturen nicht mehr angemessen adressieren. Es bedarf eines grundlegenden Kulturwandels in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, um Deutschland schneller, antizipativer und effektiver durch die nächsten Jahrzehnte der Transformationen führen zu können. Dazu gehören ein neues Selbstverständnis sowie entsprechende agile Prozesse, zeitgemäße Kompetenzen, eine horizontale und vertikale Öffnung des Staates, ernst gemeinte Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Transparenz, institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, bottom-up Föderalismus-und vieles mehr. Wirklich handlungsfähig sind demokratische Regierungen erst durch funktionsfähige Verwaltungen und ein vertrauensvolles Zusammenwirken mit gesellschaftlichen Akteur:innen. Daher müssen wir die öffentliche Verwaltung in ihrer Kernfunktion stärken: die Aufrechterhaltung des freiheitlich-demokratischen Rechtsstaates. Der Anspruch muss sein, dass Bürger:innen die öffentliche Verwaltung als wichtigen Anker in der Transformation und nicht als notwendiges Übel sehen. Dass sie die Kompetenzen der Verwaltungsmitarbeitenden wertschätzen und anerkennen. Dass sie die administrativen Abläufe und Entscheidungen nachvollziehen und nicht als Belastung, sondern als Mehrwert empfinden und produktiv für sich nutzen können. Dass sie in die Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates Vertrauen haben.
Understanding Innovation, 2021
Understanding the impact of Design Thinking in organizations is fundamental for fostering its dis... more Understanding the impact of Design Thinking in organizations is fundamental for fostering its dissemination and development. This chapter thus deals with the assessment of Design Thinking impact in organizations. Providing an overview of the concept of "impact" and reviewing existing models of impact measurement, we derive important criteria for assessing the impact of DT. Moreover, the chapter presents an overview of existing research in the fields of DT and design while showing the lack of a proper framework currently in place. Synthesizing these streams, it proposes foundations for the impact assessment of DT in organizations.

More companies have begun to leverage the unused potential of place. By re-designing the work pla... more More companies have begun to leverage the unused potential of place. By re-designing the work place or introducing new spaces that are dedicated to innovation projects, they are attempting to increase employee motivation, team performance, innovation management, and the overall innovativeness of the whole organization. However, companies often struggle with the proper conceptualization of the place. As a result, they copy spatial setups from other organizations. However, such copied places are often not linked to the corporate culture, do not match their users’ needs, and neglect the existing spatial structures; consequently, their effects remain below their actual potential. One reason for this problem may stem from a lack of knowledge regarding how to conceptualize places for innovation processes in general or Design Thinking in particular. This lack of knowledge also holds true for research because research on the place and its effects in both the organizational and managerial co...

This chapter explores the use of space as a means of effectively fostering creativity and innovat... more This chapter explores the use of space as a means of effectively fostering creativity and innovation in organizations more specifically, so-called spatial interventions. Spatial interventions refer to the strategic scope of actions that can be undertaken when and while using innovation spaces. We approach the topic of spatial interventions from different perspectives and shed light on crucial aspects of how innovation spaces can be used as a ‘silent coach.’ This approach takes into consideration the conceptual interplay of the strategic discourse, theoretical accounts of coaching practice and the process of using innovation spaces. We further introduce a framework for spatial interventions that helps to structure and analyze the use of space during a workshop. Finally, based on findings from a case study that was conducted in the newly created innovation space of a large company, we apply and expand this theoretical framework. The approaches and findings of this chapter support both...
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the relation between coherence and creativity in design... more The purpose of this chapter is to explore the relation between coherence and creativity in design conversations of innovation teams. Low coherent segments in a conversation can be understood as the linguistic equivalent of shifts of the focus of attention while designing. Focus shifts have a positive influence on ideational productivity. We therefore reason that low coherent speaker turns function as creative stimuli in team conversations. How this works in practice we illustrate with a case study of an innovation team observed in the wild.

Understanding Innovation, 2019
Companies are recognizing more and more the potential of work spaces to increase their employees’... more Companies are recognizing more and more the potential of work spaces to increase their employees’ creativity, well-being, and performance. However, (re-)designing work space is not an easy task and, hence, many companies ask for recommendations and advice from a researcher’s perspective. Taking these rising demands and experiences with work space design projects in organizations as a starting point, we link a practitioner’s with a researcher’s view. In this chapter we present prominent pitfalls of workspace (re-)design through the lens of theories, selected concepts, and frameworks. In particular, we deal with the three issues of (1) a too narrow understanding of work space, (2) a lack of understanding of the status quo, and (3) a missing awareness of the behavioral component of space and its potential for change management. Perspectives from theory give enhanced reflection on each issue. In addition, tools and examples allow us to transfer the theoretical knowledge into action in f...

Design Thinking (DT) has proven to be a solid approach to engage in complex and ill-defined probl... more Design Thinking (DT) has proven to be a solid approach to engage in complex and ill-defined problem scenarios. Still, Design Documentation (DD) is a complex and yet essential part of the DT process itself. The setting of DT and it’s modes of information treatment strongly affect the documentation behaviour and distinguish it from other domains of documentation. In this paper, we will define DD as a part of design ability and, therefore, as task and driver within the design process. In order to set a frame for analytical and intuitive documentation activities, we propose a model of DD and differentiate three DD purposes: 1) capture and retrieve Design Rationale (DR), 2) support reflection, as well as 3) compile and communicate DR. Based on this definition, we introduce a template-based documentation tool (LogCal), which supports the DD performance. In a controlled experiment we handed out the LogCal as a cultural probe to 16 design teams at the HPI School of Design Thinking. By analy...
What differentiates an average conversation from a creative conversation? In this book chapter, w... more What differentiates an average conversation from a creative conversation? In this book chapter, we answer this question by looking at coherence styles of design conversations. With the help of the Coherence Style Framework (CSF), we are able to illustrate what divergent and convergent thinking on the conversational level looks like. Highly creative teamwork is represented as an alternation between local disruption (local low coherence) and global integration (global high coherence). This has implications for the current practices of idea generation of design thinking and innovation teams.
Papers by Ulrich Weinberg