Papers by Ulrich Walliser

Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2016
BackgroundAdipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AT-MSCs) are frequently used to treat... more BackgroundAdipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AT-MSCs) are frequently used to treat equine tendinopathies. Up to now, knowledge about the fate of autologous AT-MSCs after intralesional injection into equine superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFTs) is very limited. The purpose of this study was to monitor the presence of intralesionally injected autologous AT-MSCs labelled with superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles and green fluorescent protein (GFP) over a staggered period of 3 to 9 weeks with standing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology.MethodsFour adult warmblood horses received a unilateral injection of 10 × 106autologous AT-MSCs into surgically created front-limb SDFT lesions. Administered AT-MSCs expressed lentivirally transduced reporter genes for GFP and were co-labelled with SPIO particles in three horses. The presence of AT-MSCs in SDFTs was evaluated by repeated examinations with standing low-field MRI in two horses and post-mortem in...

Veterinary microbiology, Jan 23, 2012
An equid herpesvirus 5 (EHV-5) infection was detected in lesioned skin from a nine-year-old Holst... more An equid herpesvirus 5 (EHV-5) infection was detected in lesioned skin from a nine-year-old Holsteiner stallion in the south of Germany. Macroscopically, the animal displayed a non-pruritic, multifocal, pustular dermatitis around both eyes, nostrils and the muzzle, which had been ongoing for one year. Histopathologically, skin lesions were characterized by orthokeratotic to parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, pustular dermatitis, epidermal hyperplasia, apoptotic keratinocytes, a lympho-plasmahistiocytic interface dermatitis with hydropic degeneration of keratinocytes, and perivascular to diffuse, lympho-histiocytic infiltrations. The stratum granulosum and the upper part of the stratum spinosum contained multiple amphophilic, intranuclear inclusion bodies. By in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry herpesvirus DNA and protein, respectively, were detected within keratinocytes containing inclusion bodies. Sequencing of the PCR-product revealed the presence of EHV-5 DNA. This is the f...

American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2010
Objective—To evaluate the proliferative behavior, telomere length, immunophenotype, and different... more Objective—To evaluate the proliferative behavior, telomere length, immunophenotype, and differentiation capacity of equine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs). Animals—6 adult racing horses treated for articular Injury but otherwise healthy Procedures—AT-MSCs were Isolated from horses and expanded In Dulbecco modified Eagle medium enriched with fetal bovine serum and antimicrobials. Expression of cell surface antigens and telomere length were Investigated via flow cytometry Differentiation of MSCs Into chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and adipocytes was Induced In vitro by specific stimuli and was evaluated by analyzing marker genes with quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR assays and immunocytochemical and cytologie evaluations. Results—Equine MSCs could be cultured up to the fifth passage before signs of senescence, apoptosis, and detachment Indicated cellular exhaustion. However, the AT-MSCs from 2 of 6 horses survived to later passages with Increased doubling rat...
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2018
In adults the healing tendon generates fibrovascular scar tissue and recovers never histologicall... more In adults the healing tendon generates fibrovascular scar tissue and recovers never histologically, mechanically, and functionally which leads to chronic and to degenerative diseases. In this review, the processes and mechanisms of tendon development and fetal regeneration in comparison to adult defect repair and degeneration are discussed in relation to regenerative therapeutic options. We focused on the application of stem cells, growth factors, transcription factors, and gene therapy in tendon injury therapies in order to intervene the scarring process and to induce functional regeneration of the lesioned tissue. Outlines for future therapeutic approaches for tendon injuries will be provided.
HNO, 1988
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of hyperbaric oxygen on the oxygen tension... more The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of hyperbaric oxygen on the oxygen tension (pO2) in the normal inner ear. We examined 16 anaesthetised guinea pigs by means of an oxygen-sensitive micro-coaxial needle electrode, using the method described by Baumgaertl and Luebbers. In all animals the pO2 in the perilymph of the scala tympani fell by 34% of the original value during insertion of the sensor into the scala tympani. After we had flooded the hyperbaric chamber with pure oxygen under normobaric conditions the pO2 increased by 244.3% of the original values. Furthermore the pO2 increased by 9.4 times the original values during hyperbaric oxygen at 1.6 bar.

BMC Veterinary Research, 2015
Background: The benefit of pre and post-operative administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammato... more Background: The benefit of pre and post-operative administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the relief of post-operative pain and control of inflammation in horses following orthopaedic surgery has not been previously investigated in controlled clinical field trials, and the utility of such treatment is a matter of ongoing dispute. Recently the utility of post-operative pain management was emphasized. It was therefore our aim to determine the efficacy of meloxicam in horses following partial resection of fractured splint bones. This condition was selected since the limited extent of the insult and the defined surgical intervention allowed the conduct of a randomized, double blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group, multi-centre clinical field study in a homogenous patient population. Results: Sixty-six client owned horses requiring unilateral partial splint bone resection were recruited in 15 centres in Germany and were allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive meloxicam, 0.6 mg/kg for 5 days. Lameness at trot grades prior to surgery were similar in the meloxicam and placebo treatment groups but were significantly lower in the meloxicam group on day 6 post surgery. Clinical scores for soft tissue swelling and assessment of analgesic and anti-inflammatory efficacy by the investigators at the end of the study were significantly better for the meloxicam compared to the placebo group. No treatment-related adverse reactions were observed. Conclusion: The administration of meloxicam i.v. once prior to surgery followed by once daily oral administration for four consecutive days is efficacious for the control of post-operative pain and inflammation in horses undergoing orthopaedic surgery.
Equine Veterinary Journal, 2010
Equine Veterinary Journal, 2010
Papers by Ulrich Walliser