Papers by Ugochukwu Onyeonoro

Stroke, 2021
Background and Purpose: To identify the qualitative and quantitative contributions of conventiona... more Background and Purpose: To identify the qualitative and quantitative contributions of conventional risk factors for occurrence of ischemic stroke and its key pathophysiologic subtypes among West Africans. Methods: The SIREN (Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network) is a multicenter, case-control study involving 15 sites in Ghana and Nigeria. Cases include adults aged ≥18 years with ischemic stroke who were etiologically subtyped using the A-S-C-O-D classification into atherosclerosis, small-vessel occlusion, cardiac pathology, other causes, and dissection. Controls were age- and gender-matched stroke-free adults. Detailed evaluations for vascular, lifestyle, and psychosocial factors were performed. We used conditional logistic regression to estimate adjusted odds ratios with 95% CI. Results: There were 2431 ischemic stroke case and stroke-free control pairs with respective mean ages of 62.2±14.0 versus 60.9±13.7 years. There were 1024 (42.1%) small vessel occlusions, 4...

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2019
Background: Currently, Africa has the highest age-adjusted mortality of non-communicable diseases... more Background: Currently, Africa has the highest age-adjusted mortality of non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension. Previous literature in Africa reveals a limited level of awareness of hypertension as a diagnosis among patients despite this high incidence. There is some suggestion that in addition to health systems infrastructural challenges, patients' care-seeking behavior may contribute to this disparity as well. We sought to determine risk factors that affect care-seeking behaviors and the association of those factors with undiagnosed hypertension in Southeastern Nigeria, predominantly comprised of the Igbo ethnic group. This study used a cross-sectional house-to-house survey and repeat blood pressure monitoring throughout Abia State of Southeastern Nigeria including 2983 adults over 18 years of age. Results: Our findings revealed that the age, sex, marital status, education, location and income were associated with care seeking behavior. 15.8% of the population were newly discovered to have hypertension through the study and were more likely to be younger, single, male, obese and less likely to have seen a doctor in the last 12 months. Of those individuals with undiagnosed hypertension, 44.1% had seen a doctor in the last year, yet 99.1% denied ever having had their blood pressure measured. These findings suggest that undiagnosed hypertension is not a rare phenomenon in Nigeria and can be predicted by sociodemographic factors, which can inform future clinical interventions. Given that some participants had previously interfaced with the healthcare system and remained undiagnosed, this highlights the need for appropriate screening interventions aimed at reducing prevalence and morbidity.
Infectious Agents and Cancer, 2010

Background women with diabetes are at increased risk of sexual problems, however, this problem is... more Background women with diabetes are at increased risk of sexual problems, however, this problem is under reported hence the need for this study. Methods This was a cross sectional case-controlled study. Seventy-five consenting females with type 2 DM were enrolled from the Diabetes Clinic of the Federal Medical Center, Umuahia, while Seventy-five persons which included hospital workers and female companions of subjects were recruited as control. Sexual dysfunction in both groups was diagnosed and characterized using the female sexual function index (FSFI). Data obtained from this study was presented as Mean±SD and analyzed using SPSS 17 software. Results The mean age of the T2DM group and control were 44.5 years and 38.9 years respectively. The mean total female sexual score (TFSS) was 22.10±6.66 in the T2DM subjects, while in the control subjects, it was 22.43±5.29. This was not statistically significant. The FSF scores in the desire, lubrication and orgasm domains were all lower in ...

Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 2014
This study was aimed at determining the perception of the timing and practice of sexuality discus... more This study was aimed at determining the perception of the timing and practice of sexuality discussion among parents in South Eastern Nigeria. A cross-sectional, descriptive, community-based study. The study was carried out in 3 randomly selected Local Government Areas in Anambra State, South Eastern Nigeria. The study participants were parents with adolescent children resident in the study areas for at least 2 years. Most parents opined that sexuality discussion should be initiated after puberty. Only 20% of them discussed reproductive health issues often with their adolescents, while another 20% never discussed such issues with their adolescent children. Topics most commonly discussed bordered on the adverse consequences of sex rather than measures for preventing them. About half of parents were willing to discuss contraception with their adolescent child. Predictors of parent-child communication were age, gender, and educational status. Common reasons for low parental involvement ...

International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports, 2015
Background: Centipede bite is a major public health problem among rural communities of Nigeria. T... more Background: Centipede bite is a major public health problem among rural communities of Nigeria. This can be attributed to thick bushes around residential homes and humid weather peculiar to these regions, which favor the survival of this group of arthropods. However, presentations of cases to hospitals are rare. Objective: To report a case of hyperesthesia secondary to centipede bite in Nigeria. Methods: The case note of the patient was retrieved and relevant data were extracted and summarized. Results: An 80 year old retired civil servant, now a farmer, presented to the outpatient clinic, with a history of severe pains following centipede bite two weeks prior to presentation. Pains were so severe that he could not stand without support. He was later diagnosed with avascular Necrosis of right head of femur and presently on physiotherapy regimen.

Nigerian Journal of Cardiology, 2015
ABSTRACT Background: The goal of the health education is to influence their perception of tobacco... more ABSTRACT Background: The goal of the health education is to influence their perception of tobacco use, thereby discouraging smokers and would be-smokers from smoking. Objective: This study is aimed at ascertaining the level of awareness of the warning against smoking, perception of tobacco use and tobacco control measures among residents of Abia State, South-East Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, population-based survey of respondents (aged 18 years and above) were selected by multi-staged sampling technique. Responses were elicited from them using an interviewer-administered questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics; awareness of warning against tobacco use, sources of information, perception of harmful effect of tobacco and tobacco control measures. Results: About 88% of the respondents were aware of warning against tobacco use, the most common source of information was media adverts (50.7%). Awareness of warning against tobacco use was found to be associated with sociodemographic characteristics, history of smoking, exposure to smoke at home and public places, and perception of tobacco use. Conclusion: The findings from this study present an opportunity for initiating more robust policies, programs and interventions for tobacco control in the state. KEY WORDS: Awareness, health education, Nigeria, perception, smoking, tobacco control

Nigerian Medical Journal, 2012
may be taken. 3 Disease surveillance depends on definition of case and recognition of illness, co... more may be taken. 3 Disease surveillance depends on definition of case and recognition of illness, compilation of individual data, analysis, and reporting. Disease notification is a process of reporting the occurrence of disease or other health-related conditions to appropriate and designated authorities. 5 Disease surveillance and notification (DSN) is part of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) which comprises databases, personnel, and materials that are organized to collect data which are utilized for informed decision making. Notifiable diseases are diseases that, by statutory requirements, must be reported to the public health-care authority in the pertinent jurisdiction when the diagnosis is made. 7 Such diseases are deemed to be of sufficient importance to public health care to require that their occurrence be reported to authorities. The epidemic-prone diseases are recorded weekly, in addition to the monthly

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2011
Introduction: Prevalence of adolescent sexual activity is on the increase globally, resulting in ... more Introduction: Prevalence of adolescent sexual activity is on the increase globally, resulting in increased risk of adverse reproductive health outcomes among them. Sources of sex information are key factors that influence female adolescents' sexual decision-making. Consequently, this study is aimed at identifying adolescents' sources of sexuality information, and its likely effect on their sexual practices among in-school female adolescents in Osisioma LGA, in southeastern Nigeria. Methodology: A total of 304 girls selected by multi-stage sampling technique were studied. Responses were elicited from them using pretested, semi-structured, self administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed using MS Excel and Epi-6. Findings: Primary and subsequent sources of sexuality information were mainly the media and peers. Families and schools mostly were not involved in provision of early sex education. Media and peer influence were predominantly negative. Female adolescents' knowledge of issues of sex was low. Premarital sex, early sexual initiation, and unprotected sex was common among them. Consequently, adverse implication of negative sexual behavior, such as unplanned pregnancies and induced abortion, was prevalent. The study highlights the need for increased roles of parents and teachers in early sexuality education of adolescent girls. This can be done by increasing capacity of parents to discuss sexuality issues with their children.

Health Services Insights, 2016
Background Understanding the differences in care-seeking pattern is key in designing intervention... more Background Understanding the differences in care-seeking pattern is key in designing interventions aimed at improving health-care service delivery, including prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. The aim of this study was to identify the differences and determinants of care-seeking patterns of urban and rural residents in Abia State in southeast Nigeria. Methods This was a cross-sectional, community-based, study involving 2999 respondents aged 18 years and above. Data were collected using the modified World Health Organization's STEPS questionnaire, including data on care seeking following the onset of illness. Descriptive statistics and logistic regressions were used to analyze care-seeking behavior and to identify differences among those seeking care in urban and rural areas. Results In both urban and rural areas, patent medicine vendors (73.0%) were the most common sources of primary care following the onset of illness, while only 20.0% of the participants used ...

International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 2016
Objective/Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing... more Objective/Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Passive case detection in national TB programmes is associated with low case notification, especially in children. This study was undertaken to improve detection of childhood TB in resource-poor settings through intensified case-finding strategies. Methods: A community-based intervention was carried out in six states in Nigeria. The creation of TB awareness was undertaken, and work aids, guidelines, and diagnostic charts were produced, distributed, and used. Various cadres of health workers and ad hoc project staff were trained. Child contacts with TB patients were screened in their homes, and children presenting at various hospital units were screened for TB. Baseline and intervention data were collected for evaluation populations and control populations. Results: Detection of childhood TB increased in the evaluation population during the intervention, with a mean quarterly increase of 4.0% [new smear positive (NSP), although the increasing trend was not statistically significant (v 2 = 1.8; p < .179)]. Additionally, there was a mean quarterly increase of 3% for all forms of TB, although the trend was not statistically significant (v 2 = 1.48; p < .224). Conversely, there was a decrease in case notification in the control population, with a mean decline of 3% (all forms). Compared to the baseline, there was an increase of 31% (all forms) and 22% (NSP) in the evaluation population. Conclusion: Intensified case finding combined with capacity building, provision of work aids/guidelines, and TB health education can improve childhood-TB notification.

Health Services Insights, 2015
Objective Knowing tuberculosis (TB) patients’ satisfaction enables TB program managers to identif... more Objective Knowing tuberculosis (TB) patients’ satisfaction enables TB program managers to identify gaps in service delivery and institute measures to address them. This study is aimed at evaluating patients’ satisfaction with TB services in southern Nigeria. Materials and Methods A total of 378 patients accessing TB care were studied using a validated Patient Satisfaction (PS-38) questionnaire on various aspects of TB services. Factor analysis was used to identify eight factors related to TB patient satisfaction. Test of association was used to study the relation between patient satisfaction scores and patient and health facility characteristics, while multilinear regression analysis was used to identify predictors of patient satisfaction. Results Highest satisfaction was reported for adherence counseling and access to care. Patient characteristics were associated with overall satisfaction, registration, adherence counseling, access to care, amenities, and staff attitude, while heal...

International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 2015
Background: Nigeria ranks 10th among 22 high TB burden countries with low TB case detection that ... more Background: Nigeria ranks 10th among 22 high TB burden countries with low TB case detection that relies on passive case finding. Although there is increasing body of evidence that active case finding (ACF) has improved TB case finding in urban slums in some parts of the world, this strategy had not been implemented in Nigeria despite the pervasiveness of urban slums in the country. Objective: To assess the yield and profile of TB in urban slums in Nigeria through ACF. Methods: A prospective, implementation study was conducted in three urban slums of southeastern Nigeria. Individuals with TB symptoms were identified through targeted screening using a standardized questionnaire and investigated further for TB. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed using SPSS. Results: Among 16,743 individuals screened for TB, 6361 (38.0%) were identified as TB suspects; 5894 suspects were evaluated for TB. TB was diagnosed in 1079 individuals, representing 6.4% of the screened population and 18.3% of those evaluated for TB. Of the 1079 cases found, 97.1% (n = 1084) had pulmonary TB (PTB), and majority (65%) had new smear-positive TB. Children (<15 years) accounted for 6.7% of the cases. Also, 22.6% (216) of the cases were HIV co-infected, among whom 55.1% (n = 119) were females. The average number of individuals needed to screen to find a case of TB was 16. Conclusions: There is high prevalence of TB in Nigeria slum population. Targeted screening of outpatients , TB contacts, and HIV-infected patients should be optimized for active TB case finding in Nigeria.

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, 2014
This study was carried out in 2009 to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of tuberculo... more This study was carried out in 2009 to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of tuberculosis (TB) and its socio-demographic determinants in six selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Enugu State, South East Nigeria. A total of 1,200 respondents were selected from 6 Local Government Areas by multistage sampling technique and responses elicited from them by semi-structured, pre-tested interviewer administered questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17. Awareness of tuberculosis was high (93%) among the households. Primary sources of information were radio (59.1%), community members (29.8%) and television (17.1%). Knowledge of tuberculosis disease was low, except for knowledge of TB symptoms (61.5%). Urban residents had better knowledge of TB than the rural respondents. Most of them believed that TB is curable and would opt for medical consultation, following suspicion of TB. Despite having relatively poorer knowledge of TB, rural communities were less likely to stigmatise against persons with TB (p = 0.000). Urban households had significantly better knowledge of TB and access to TB services (p = 0.000). Educational status of an individual and the spouse, literacy status and religion were significantly associated with TB-related knowledge, attitude and practice. Therefore, socio-demographic factors should be considered in subsequent behavioural changes communications in the country.

International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 2014
The study sought to assess the extent to which healthcare workers (HCWs) adhere to the National T... more The study sought to assess the extent to which healthcare workers (HCWs) adhere to the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) guidelines for the diagnosis of smear negative tuberculosis in Nigeria. Method: This was a cross-sectional retrospective desk analysis of case files of 280 smear negative pulmonary TB in six States in southern Nigeria. Results: About 93% of the 280 patients had their first set of sputum smear microscopy tests done, but only 3.6% had the second set of diagnostic tests as prescribed by the NTP guidelines. Only 45.7% (128/280) received broad spectrum antibiotics after their first smear microscopy. 98% had a chest X-ray done, while 93.6% (262/280) had HIV counseling and testing (HCT), out of which 45.0% were HIV positive. Overall, only 2 patients (0.7%) were diagnosed in strict compliance with the NTP guidelines. There was no significant difference in the pattern of diagnosis of smear negative TB cases and smear positive TB cases. Conclusion: The adherence of HCWs to the NTP guidelines for diagnosis of smear negative TB is apparently sub-optimal and needs improvement.

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2013
Background and objective: Abdominal obesity is associated with the risk of developing disorders, ... more Background and objective: Abdominal obesity is associated with the risk of developing disorders, such as diabetes and hypertension. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of abdominal obesity in Abia State, Nigeria. Materials and methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study aimed at ascertaining the prevalence of abdominal obesity in Abia State, Nigeria. Participants in the study were recruited from communities in the three senatorial zones in the state. Screening for abdominal obesity was carried out in these subjects using waist circumference (the National Cholesterol Education Program Third Adult Treatment Panel criteria were used). The World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Surveillance of chronic disease risk factors was used. Body mass index, anthropometric measurements, and other relevant data were also collected. Results: Data on waist circumference were obtained from 2,807 subjects. The prevalence of obesity using body mass index in the population was 11.12%. In men and women, it was 7.73%, and 14.37%, respectively. The prevalence of abdominal obesity in the population was 21.75%. In men and women, it was 3.2% and 39.2%, respectively. Conclusion: The prevalence of abdominal obesity is high in Nigeria, and needs to be monitored because it is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2015
Aims: Malaria is a maj or endemic public health problem in Nigeria and its diagnosis is often eit... more Aims: Malaria is a maj or endemic public health problem in Nigeria and its diagnosis is often either missed or over - diagnosed. It is therefore necessary to determine the use of malaria diagnostic tests by the Community Health Physicians in Nigeria to make the appropriate diagnos is. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among Public Health physicians who attended the National Conference of the Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria which held in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, in the year 2013. The structur ed questionnaire was completed by all consenting physicians and analyzed with Excel and Epi - info. Results: A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed but 125 (62.5%) responded. Majority of the respondents were females 69(55.2%), most physicians fell i nto the age group 31 - 40years 69(60%)
Since the first seroprevalence survey in 1999, the HIV prevalence in Abia State has increased fro... more Since the first seroprevalence survey in 1999, the HIV prevalence in Abia State has increased from 1.8 % to 7.3 % in 2010. The state is currently experiencing a generalized epidemic, with most transmission occurring through heterosexual low-risk sex. Drivers of the epidemic include low knowledge of HIV prevention, low risk perception, predominantly male factor-driven risky sexual behavior, and low condom use. This study reviewed the state HIV epidemic trend in relation to response, sought to identify the gaps between the epidemic and response, and recommended measures to strengthen the state response.

Nigerian Medical Journal, 2014
ensure that quality of service is taken into consideration in the provision of maternal health (M... more ensure that quality of service is taken into consideration in the provision of maternal health (MH) services. Most women who utilise antenatal care (ANC) services in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) do not receive adequate attention; as care providers are overwhelmed by the number of pregnant women seeking ANC. 3 Consequently, some have argued for the adoption of focused ANC, in which case a woman attends ANC four times during pregnancy at specific intervals for uncomplicated pregnancies. This allows for adequate attention to be given to each pregnant woman and provides opportunity for monitoring of high risk pregnancies. Advocates of this strategy believe that this will enhance the quality of ANC services provided as well as reduce morbidity and mortality associated with high risk pregnancies. 4 Quality of care is imperative in optimising uptake (effective utilisation) of maternal and child health services. 1,5 In the developing countries including Nigeria, standards of quality of care are often set by health managers and care providers. Although there are several policies and guidelines to ensure
Papers by Ugochukwu Onyeonoro