Papers by Uche Collins Nwogwugwu
Social Science Research Network, Jun 1, 2006
Africa has remained underdeveloped despite being politically free from the clutches of colonialis... more Africa has remained underdeveloped despite being politically free from the clutches of colonialism. The Continent has engaged in so many developmental exploits even with economic and financial supports from international, regional and world bodies most of these efforts have turned unsuccessful in bridging its development gap. This paper interrogated whose burden it should be to ensure success in Africa’s engagements in developmental process. The major inquisition of this paper is: Is Africa's development the burden of the black man or that of the white man? The paper employed the content analysis method of inquiry and took a position that both the Black man as well as the White man share equally in the burden of Africa’s development.

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
The impact of nutritional food and other relevant factors on life expectancy is a motivating fact... more The impact of nutritional food and other relevant factors on life expectancy is a motivating factor for this study. In this study, we examined the role of food production in enhancing life expectancy in some selected countries in ECOWAS. The paper used annual series from 1996 to 2021 under the frameworks of panel FMOLS and DOLS. The findings of the study indicated that in the two models used, food production had a significant and positive impact on life expectancy in the selected countries. Government expenditure on health was also found to influence life expectancy positively, while expenditure on education did not have any significant impact. The study also found GDP per capita and population growth rate to adversely impact on life expectancy. In conclusion, the study contends that apart from food production, government expenditure on health, GDP per capita, and population growth are other major determinants of life expectancy in the selected countries. The study is, therefore, of...

Social Science Research Network, 2019
The paper discusses steps through which the selection of attributes of domestic biogas plants for... more The paper discusses steps through which the selection of attributes of domestic biogas plants for use in a discrete choice experiment (DCE) can be implemented. From an initial list of more than 20 biogas plant attributes, the paper discusses the prioritization of nine which were subjected to two conjoint exercises featuring university students and researchers. These conjoint exercises conducted online ranked the most to the least important of nine attributes which could feature in a discrete choice experiment. The correlation between rankings by these groups of subjects is considered high enough to confirm consistency in the results. Gas production, installation cost, durability, maintenance cost, reliability and ability to translocate plants are the first six most important attributes in that order. These results are considered robust as input in a DCE designed for an audience of potential biogas plant users.
Journal of African Business

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
The paper discusses steps through which the selection of attributes of domestic biogas plants for... more The paper discusses steps through which the selection of attributes of domestic biogas plants for use in a discrete choice experiment (DCE) can be implemented. From an initial list of more than 20 biogas plant attributes, the paper discusses the prioritization of nine which were subjected to two conjoint exercises featuring university students and researchers. These conjoint exercises conducted online ranked the most to the least important of nine attributes which could feature in a discrete choice experiment. The correlation between rankings by these groups of subjects is considered high enough to confirm consistency in the results. Gas production, installation cost, durability, maintenance cost, reliability and ability to translocate plants are the first six most important attributes in that order. These results are considered robust as input in a DCE designed for an audience of potential biogas plant users.

Journal of economics and international finance, 2021
The research used vector autoregressive (VAR) and the vector error correction mechanism (VECM) te... more The research used vector autoregressive (VAR) and the vector error correction mechanism (VECM) technique to see whether disaggregated manufacturing sectors had any effect on Nigeria's economic growth over the last 49 years (1970-2018). The productivity of the oil refining subsector is an effective tool for economic growth, according to empirical findings; the coefficient is positive and meaningful in the short run and insignificant in the long run. A further review of the findings reveals that the other sub-sector identified as M3 in the study plays an important role in Nigeria's long-term economic growth, with variance decomposition results indicating positive fluctuations. The study recommends that the manufacturing sector must be acknowledged not only as a promoter for wealth creation, poverty alleviation, and employment generation but as a major sector for enhancing economic growth Key words: Manufacturing, oil refining, vector error correction mechanism (VECM), Nigeria.
Journal of economics and sustainable development, 2015
This study investigates the impact of health sector reforms on Nigeria’s economic growth from 197... more This study investigates the impact of health sector reforms on Nigeria’s economic growth from 1970-2013. The method of analysis is the Bound F-Test approach. The result shows that there is a long-run co-integrating relationship existing among the variables of GDP per capita, improved sanitation facilities (LISF), mortality rate under 5 years (LMTU 5) and Out-of-pocket expenditure (LOPE). It also shows that 58% of the total variation in GDP per capita is accounted for by the changes in LHIV/AID, LISF, LMTUS and LOPE. We therefore, recommend a universal policy of healthcare system that will guarantee the populaces’ access to healthcare services. Similarly, there is need to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses, healthcare beneficiaries incur in Nigeria.
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 2018

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2015
This study empirically investigates the determinants of private investment in Nigeria's manufactu... more This study empirically investigates the determinants of private investment in Nigeria's manufacturing sub-sector between the periods 1975 to 2013 using annual time series data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of various issues. In carrying out the study, econometric techniques were employed to analyze the data collected. However, stationary and co-integration tests of the variables were examined using Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Johansen co-integration tests respectively. Also, an endogenous growth model was specified and estimated using error correction mechanism (ECM) technique in order to test for the dynamic characteristics of the variables in the model. The results show that the main determinant of private investment in the manufacturing sub-sector of the Nigerian economy is interest rate, exchange rate and public sector investment. The study concludes that the empirically identified factors influencing private sector investment should be well-managed by the government to boost private investment in the manufacturing sub-sector and to ensure to the complete diversification of the Nigerian economy.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Nigeria is endowed with vast natural resources such as petroleum, limestone, tin, columbine, coal... more Nigeria is endowed with vast natural resources such as petroleum, limestone, tin, columbine, coal, led, marble, graphite, etc. The country is one of the largest growing economies in Africa. But despite these vast resources and endowment, Nigeria is still classified as a low-income economy. This chapter discusses the factors that influenced economic performance in Nigeria and provides an overview of the structure of Nigerian economy by highlighting the geographical characteristics, demographic and political structure of Nigeria. The detailed analysis of each sector is discussed in subsequent chapters.

International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research
This study undertakes the impact of import dependence and manufacturing sector performance in Nig... more This study undertakes the impact of import dependence and manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria with specific interest on the impact of imported intermediate, capital, and manufactured goods (herein referred to as import dependence) on manufacturing sector performancec indicators (such as manufacturing output growth, capacity utilization, value added, employment rate and export adopted in the study) from 1970 to 2019 utilizing a secondary data. The study adopted Augmented Dicky-Fuller (ADF) for unit root test analysis, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds test for cointegration test analysis, while, Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) was used to provide empirical evidence for the relationship between manufacturing sector performance (dependenct variable) and import dependence (independent variable). The ARDL bounds cointegration test revealed evidence of long-run relationship between manufacturing sector performance and import dependence. It was discovered from the empir...

International Journal of Advanced Economics
The fluctuating exchange rate and massive debt burden of Nigeria necessitates a thorough investig... more The fluctuating exchange rate and massive debt burden of Nigeria necessitates a thorough investigation of trends in her foreign debt levels, its underlying causes, and implications for economic growth. This study, therefore, investigated the impact of rising external debt on the exchange rate in Nigeria with annual data from 1980 to 2021. The motivation for this study was premised on inculcating government spending and inflation rate into the traditional analysis of exchange rate volatility in Nigeria using data sourced from CBN statistical bulletin (2020), DMO (2020), and WDI (2021). The data obtained were analyzed using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) technique, and the stability and diagnostic test in the analysis. Based on the outcomes of the preliminary test analysis, the results show that external debt has a negative but insignificant effect on the exchange rate in Nigeria. Also, external debt has a positive and signific...

Management Studies and Economic Systems, 2015
This paper examines the impact of government expenditure on the Nigerian economy for the period 1... more This paper examines the impact of government expenditure on the Nigerian economy for the period 1983-2012. The government expenditure components used as the explanatory variables in the model are: expenditures on Health, Education, Defense, Agriculture and Transportation and Communication. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was used as a parameter for measuring economic growth. In order to establish the link between Government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria, secondary data were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (Stationarity) unit root test revealed that there is no unit root in the variables. The Johansen cointegration test result confirms that a long run relationship exists between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and government expenditure on Health, Education, Defense, Agriculture and Transportation and Communication. The pairwise granger causality test reveals that dual causalities exists between Government expenditure on health and the GDP, expenditure on education and GDP, expenditure on Agriculture and GDP and expenditure on Transport and Communication and GDP while the Gross Domestic Product causes Defense expenditure. This study concludes that a significant relationship exists between government expenditure and the Gross Domestic Product. It recommends strict monitoring of the expenditure on defense and the provision of modern equipments for the navy, the army and the air force as this would help in fighting the increasing rate of insurgency in the North. There is also need for the increased funding to these critical sectors of the economy in order to facilitate economic growth and the attainment of the millennium development goals.

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science
This study examined the relationship between government spending on economic infrastructure and e... more This study examined the relationship between government spending on economic infrastructure and economic growth in Nigeria from 1989 to 2018. Real gross domestic product was used to proxy economic growth and was specified as a function of government spending on transport and communication, government spending on power and employment rate (as a proxy for the classical theory of labour force).The Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bounds method to cointegration was chosen to ascertain the impact and the long-run relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The short-run and long-run results showed that government spending on power exerted a positive but insignificant effect on Nigeria's RGDP. However, government spending on transport and communication had a positive relationship in the short-run but negative relationship in the long-run. Furthermore, the Causality results showed a uni-directional causality running from RGDP to GEXP and EMP to GEXTC but there was no evidence to support the existence of causality between the remaining pairs of variable. It is recommended that in order for Nigeria to achieve infrastructure development success, it is important that the government redirect excessive revenue in the maintenance of government official to these pivotal sectors of the economy with a view to monitoring the implementation after disbursing funds to the affected ones to subsequently trigger economic growth.

International Journal of management and economics Invention, 2016
The recent fall in the price of crude oil in the international market is sending economic and pol... more The recent fall in the price of crude oil in the international market is sending economic and political shocks around the world. The hardest hit has been countries like Nigeria whose economies depend largely on oil for appreciable percentage of their foreign exchange earnings. The study examined the effects of oil price shocks on exchange rate volatility in Nigeria using monthly data covering the period 1986:01 to 2015:11.The GARCH models employed are GARCH, PARCH and EGARCH, based on normal, student-t and GED distribution respectively. The study found out that real exchange rate fluctuation in Nigeria is significantly influenced by oil price fluctuations and a strong positive correlation between exchange rate return and future oil price volatility. We therefore recommend that any policy to address the issue of exchange rate fluctuations in Nigeria should give priority attention to oil price fluctuation of the variables as this will help to enhance the real exchange rate in Nigeria.

The world is changing and continues to change. Looking around, we observe various advancements in... more The world is changing and continues to change. Looking around, we observe various advancements in science, technology, climate, arts, culture, economy and politics. These advancements are welcomed especially when the resultant effects are auspicious to us. But, it is the case that these advancements do not totally yield effects that are positive. As a corollary, we are placed in a state of indecision: Are we to opt for these advancements, which propel global change and at the same time, to some extent, jeopardize our continued existence in this planet or do we jettison these advancements and remain in the primitive, which does not on its own, guarantee our continued existence in this planet? Such conundrum is the case for Africa. In the face of global change, Africa, either due to her being unprepared or her lacking of ideas of what next steps to take, has encountered many problems. The most critical of these problems is the one that concerns her natural environment. In truth, Afric...
The East Asian catch-up industrialization experience is often presented in the literature as a be... more The East Asian catch-up industrialization experience is often presented in the literature as a benchmark for Sub-Saharan African countries seeking to undergo an industrial revolution. A recurrent theme in the East Asian model is the use of the import ...

Although, economic crimes are not new phenomena in Nigeria, however, their size, sophistication a... more Although, economic crimes are not new phenomena in Nigeria, however, their size, sophistication and magnitude have changed in recent times. Theoretical literature on economic crimes and economic growth has generated a rich debate over the last few years producing scholars who theorized that economic crimes could be growth-enhancing and others who see it as growth-reducing. Where is Nigeria in this great debate? The failure to determine the nature of the relationship between economic crimes and economic growth in previous empirical works affected the choice of methodology employed by previous empirical works on Nigeria. This study is an attempt to offer a better methodology and proxy in the estimation of this relationship. Therefore, this study aims at providing robust econometric analysis, which deepens the understanding of the relationship between economic crimes and economic growth in Nigeria both in the short run and long run within the uninterrupted democratic dispensation perio...

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science
In a bid to survive the hard times in the economy, some families have resorted to giving out thei... more In a bid to survive the hard times in the economy, some families have resorted to giving out their children as child labourers so as to earn income for subsistence. This phenomenon has scuttled efforts aimed at human capital development thereby increasing juvenile delinquency while perpetuating the vicious cycle of poverty. This study has its theoretical framework on the theoretical model of child labour supply and examined the impact of child labour on human capital development in Nigeria with a specific focus on Onitsha Metropolis, Anambra state. It is a descriptive survey research. Non-probability sampling was employed and the sample was drawn using quota and purposive sampling techniques. The Interview schedule was used as the instrument for data collection and the data collected were analysed using the qualitative response regression model (binary probit). The study established, from the regression analysis, that child labour has a negative impact on school enrollment rate, mental well-being and physical fitness of children in Onitsha. The study recommended amongst other things, the enforcement of free compulsory education to children in Onitsha. Also, child labour education should be introduced in school curriculum to help create awareness on the rights of the child and consequences of child labour on the mental, physical and social development of children to reduce the menace of child labour.
European Journal of Business and Management, 2012
Papers by Uche Collins Nwogwugwu