Papers by Tungamirai Mubaiwa
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1995
Journal of the Academy of marketing …, 1995
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1998

Journal of Services Marketing, 2002
Some economic conditions change gradually and sometimes sudden discontinuities occur whereas othe... more Some economic conditions change gradually and sometimes sudden discontinuities occur whereas other conditions remain stable for decades, even centuries. In this sense there is always a new economy in the making. The author claims that marketing theory lags behind and that marketing as it is taught and researched today is a relic of the 1960s, patched up with decorations such as services, relationships and e-business. Academe is hiding behind an allegedly scientific front of deductive and reductionistic customer surveys, applying increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques that process data of decreasing quality. Generation of marketing theory requires more of inductive and systemic case study research allowing us to confront the complexity, ambiguity and dynamism of the real world with more common sense and less ritual. We need to keep developing marketing theory to avoid turning education into brainwashing. New marketing theory should focus on the value of the total offering; a balance between production-centric and customer-centric aspects; and should recognize relationships, networks and interaction as core variables.
Management decision, 1997
Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2002
Relationship marketing is considered a paradigm change in both academic and practitioner literatu... more Relationship marketing is considered a paradigm change in both academic and practitioner literature. However, despite its popularity, relationship marketing has not yet evolved into becoming a discipline. The authors propose focus on eight areas to help relationship marketing evolve into a discipline. They compare the successful evolution of consumer behavior, services marketing and marketing strategy with the failure of international marketing, social marketing and business marketing as a discipline.
Handbook of relationship marketing, 2000
Irish Marketing Review, 1999
This article explores the strategies underlying the use of the internet as a marketing tool by Ir... more This article explores the strategies underlying the use of the internet as a marketing tool by Irish businesses. Three different approaches to internet Marketing are described: the ornamental, the informational and the relational. It is shown that, theoretically, the internet offers a unique opportunity for marketers to build up and maintain relationships with their clients. However, data collected through a mail survey and a content analysis of web sites reveal that currently the most frequent use of the internet by Irish companies still follows an ornamental or, at most, informational pattern. The authors discuss whether this discrepancy between internet potential and practice is due to the social basis of market relationships or whether it can be seen as evidence that the adaptation of a new marketing tool follows an incremental pattern.
Papers by Tungamirai Mubaiwa