We consider a Dp brane within a D9 brane in the presence of a B-field whose polarization is {\em ... more We consider a Dp brane within a D9 brane in the presence of a B-field whose polarization is {\em transverse} to the Dp brane. To be definite, we take a D3-D9 system. It is observed that the system has the same pattern of supersymmetry breaking as that of a soliton of the six dimensional non-commutative gauge theory that is obtained by dimensional reduction of an {\cal N}=1, D=10 gauge theory. These results indicate that the soliton solution is the low energy realization of a D3 brane in a D9 brane with a transverse B-field, hence can be viewed as a generalization of the previous results in the literature where similar observations were made for lower codimensional cases.
... 221228 12 Karagiannidis, GK, Sagias, NC, and Tsiftsis, TA: 'Closed-form statistics for ... more ... 221228 12 Karagiannidis, GK, Sagias, NC, and Tsiftsis, TA: 'Closed-form statistics for the sum of squared Nakagami-m ... 4452 14 Karagiannidis, GK, Zogas, DA, and Kotsopoulos, SA: 'On the multivariate Nakagami-m distribution with exponential correlation', IEEE Trans. ...
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Jul 1, 1993
ABSTRACT A multiplexed configuration of the fiber optic extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is d... more ABSTRACT A multiplexed configuration of the fiber optic extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is demonstrated by using two sensor heads on a single directional coupler in a split-cavity cross- coupled extrinsic fiber interferometric (SCEFI) arrangement. The provision of four-beam interference along with a spectrum analysis detection scheme devised for the SCEFI eliminates the need for quadrature phase biasing and leads to independent measurements of the phase shift in the two sensor heads. Good agreement between the experimental results and the model for interference is demonstrated.
This dissertation is devoted to deriving the bosonic sectors of certain gauged supergravities in ... more This dissertation is devoted to deriving the bosonic sectors of certain gauged supergravities in various dimensions from reducing eleven-dimensional supergravity, type IIA and type IIB supergravities in ten dimensions on certain spherical spaces.
We construct the complete and explicit non-linear Kaluza-Klein ansatz for deriving the bosonic se... more We construct the complete and explicit non-linear Kaluza-Klein ansatz for deriving the bosonic sector of N=4 SU(2)\times U(1) gauged five-dimensional supergravity from the reduction of type IIB supergravity on S^5. This provides the first complete example of such an S^5 reduction that includes non-abelian gauge fields, and it allows any bosonic solution of the five-dimensional N=4 gauged theory to be embedded in D=10.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, 1991
[Proceedings of SPIE 1584, 178 (1991)]. Tuan A. Tran, William V. Miller III, Kent A. Murphy, Ashi... more [Proceedings of SPIE 1584, 178 (1991)]. Tuan A. Tran, William V. Miller III, Kent A. Murphy, Ashish M. Vengsarkar, Richard O. Claus. Abstract. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor based on an extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is described. ...
We study the SO(4)-symmetric solution of the five-dimensional SU(2)×U(1) gauged N = 4 supergravit... more We study the SO(4)-symmetric solution of the five-dimensional SU(2)×U(1) gauged N = 4 supergravity theory obtained in [hep-th/0101202]. This solution contains purely magnetic non-Abelian and electric Abelian fields. It can be interpreted as a reduction of seven-dimensional gauged supergravity on a torus, which comes from type IIB supergravity on S 3 . We also show how to obtain that solution from sixdimensional Romans' theory on a circle. We then up-lift the solution to massless type IIA supergravity. The dual gauge field theory is twisted and is defined on the worldvolume of a NS-fivebrane wrapped on S 3 . Two other spatial directions of the NS-fivebrane are on a torus. In the IR limit it corresponds to a three-dimensional gauge field theory with two supercharges.
AbstractThis paper discusses an adaptive modulation/coding (AMC) strategy based on frequency-dom... more AbstractThis paper discusses an adaptive modulation/coding (AMC) strategy based on frequency-domain channel statistical in-formation for OFDM systems in a frequency-selective fading en-vironment. The proposed approach is based on the fact that the statistical ...
Sleep is a fundamental recuperative process for the nervous system. Disruption of this homeostati... more Sleep is a fundamental recuperative process for the nervous system. Disruption of this homeostatic drive can lead to severe impairments of the operator's ability to perceive, recognize, and respond to emergencies and/or unanticipated events, putting the operator at risk. Therefore, establishing a comprehensive understanding of how sleep deprivation influences human performance is essential in order to counter fatigue or to develop mitigation strategies. The goal of the present study was to examine the psychological effects of prolonged sleep deprivation (approx. 75 hrs) over a four-day span on a general aviation pilot flying a fixed-based flight simulator. During the study, a series of tasks were employed every four hours in order to examine the pilot's perceptual and higher level cognitive abilities. Overall, results suggest that the majority of cognitive and perceptual degradation occurs between 30-40 hours into the flight.
There is a diversity of human reliability analysis (HRA) methods available for use in assessing h... more There is a diversity of human reliability analysis (HRA) methods available for use in assessing human performance within probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). Due to the significant differences in the methods, including the scope, approach, and underlying models, there is a need for an empirical comparison investigating the validity and reliability of the methods. To accomplish this empirical comparison, a benchmarking study is currently underway that compares HRA methods with each other and against operator performance in simulator studies. In order to account for as many effects as possible in the construction of this benchmarking study, a literature review was conducted, reviewing past benchmarking studies in the areas of psychology and risk assessment. A number of lessons learned through these studies are presented in order to aid in the design of future HRA benchmarking endeavors.
In this paper, we present a weighted Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor that is used to filter v... more In this paper, we present a weighted Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor that is used to filter vibration modes in a one-dimensional beam placed in a clamped-free arrangement. The sensitivity of the.
Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles with negative surface charge were reversed... more Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles with negative surface charge were reversed to positive by cationic surfactant-DDAB before being coated with an anionic polymer, hyaluronic acid, to improve their site-specific intracellular delivery against CD44 receptor overexpressing cancer cells. Incorporating artesunate (ART)-a promising anticancer drug into PLGA/HA nanoparticles, is expected not only to overcome its poor aqueous solubility and stability but also enhance the activities. The obtained particles were characterized by dynamic light scattering, zeta potential measurements, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Cancer cell internalization of the NPs was evaluated by flow cytometry and cytotoxicity of the NPs was tested by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. PLGA/HA nanoparticles showed greater extent of cellular uptake to SCC-7 and MCF-7 cells, indicating their affinity with CD44 receptor-mediated endocytosis. Almost 60 % of ...
We consider a Dp brane within a D9 brane in the presence of a B-field whose polarization is {\em ... more We consider a Dp brane within a D9 brane in the presence of a B-field whose polarization is {\em transverse} to the Dp brane. To be definite, we take a D3-D9 system. It is observed that the system has the same pattern of supersymmetry breaking as that of a soliton of the six dimensional non-commutative gauge theory that is obtained by dimensional reduction of an {\cal N}=1, D=10 gauge theory. These results indicate that the soliton solution is the low energy realization of a D3 brane in a D9 brane with a transverse B-field, hence can be viewed as a generalization of the previous results in the literature where similar observations were made for lower codimensional cases.
... 221228 12 Karagiannidis, GK, Sagias, NC, and Tsiftsis, TA: 'Closed-form statistics for ... more ... 221228 12 Karagiannidis, GK, Sagias, NC, and Tsiftsis, TA: 'Closed-form statistics for the sum of squared Nakagami-m ... 4452 14 Karagiannidis, GK, Zogas, DA, and Kotsopoulos, SA: 'On the multivariate Nakagami-m distribution with exponential correlation', IEEE Trans. ...
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Jul 1, 1993
ABSTRACT A multiplexed configuration of the fiber optic extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is d... more ABSTRACT A multiplexed configuration of the fiber optic extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is demonstrated by using two sensor heads on a single directional coupler in a split-cavity cross- coupled extrinsic fiber interferometric (SCEFI) arrangement. The provision of four-beam interference along with a spectrum analysis detection scheme devised for the SCEFI eliminates the need for quadrature phase biasing and leads to independent measurements of the phase shift in the two sensor heads. Good agreement between the experimental results and the model for interference is demonstrated.
This dissertation is devoted to deriving the bosonic sectors of certain gauged supergravities in ... more This dissertation is devoted to deriving the bosonic sectors of certain gauged supergravities in various dimensions from reducing eleven-dimensional supergravity, type IIA and type IIB supergravities in ten dimensions on certain spherical spaces.
We construct the complete and explicit non-linear Kaluza-Klein ansatz for deriving the bosonic se... more We construct the complete and explicit non-linear Kaluza-Klein ansatz for deriving the bosonic sector of N=4 SU(2)\times U(1) gauged five-dimensional supergravity from the reduction of type IIB supergravity on S^5. This provides the first complete example of such an S^5 reduction that includes non-abelian gauge fields, and it allows any bosonic solution of the five-dimensional N=4 gauged theory to be embedded in D=10.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, 1991
[Proceedings of SPIE 1584, 178 (1991)]. Tuan A. Tran, William V. Miller III, Kent A. Murphy, Ashi... more [Proceedings of SPIE 1584, 178 (1991)]. Tuan A. Tran, William V. Miller III, Kent A. Murphy, Ashish M. Vengsarkar, Richard O. Claus. Abstract. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor based on an extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer is described. ...
We study the SO(4)-symmetric solution of the five-dimensional SU(2)×U(1) gauged N = 4 supergravit... more We study the SO(4)-symmetric solution of the five-dimensional SU(2)×U(1) gauged N = 4 supergravity theory obtained in [hep-th/0101202]. This solution contains purely magnetic non-Abelian and electric Abelian fields. It can be interpreted as a reduction of seven-dimensional gauged supergravity on a torus, which comes from type IIB supergravity on S 3 . We also show how to obtain that solution from sixdimensional Romans' theory on a circle. We then up-lift the solution to massless type IIA supergravity. The dual gauge field theory is twisted and is defined on the worldvolume of a NS-fivebrane wrapped on S 3 . Two other spatial directions of the NS-fivebrane are on a torus. In the IR limit it corresponds to a three-dimensional gauge field theory with two supercharges.
AbstractThis paper discusses an adaptive modulation/coding (AMC) strategy based on frequency-dom... more AbstractThis paper discusses an adaptive modulation/coding (AMC) strategy based on frequency-domain channel statistical in-formation for OFDM systems in a frequency-selective fading en-vironment. The proposed approach is based on the fact that the statistical ...
Sleep is a fundamental recuperative process for the nervous system. Disruption of this homeostati... more Sleep is a fundamental recuperative process for the nervous system. Disruption of this homeostatic drive can lead to severe impairments of the operator's ability to perceive, recognize, and respond to emergencies and/or unanticipated events, putting the operator at risk. Therefore, establishing a comprehensive understanding of how sleep deprivation influences human performance is essential in order to counter fatigue or to develop mitigation strategies. The goal of the present study was to examine the psychological effects of prolonged sleep deprivation (approx. 75 hrs) over a four-day span on a general aviation pilot flying a fixed-based flight simulator. During the study, a series of tasks were employed every four hours in order to examine the pilot's perceptual and higher level cognitive abilities. Overall, results suggest that the majority of cognitive and perceptual degradation occurs between 30-40 hours into the flight.
There is a diversity of human reliability analysis (HRA) methods available for use in assessing h... more There is a diversity of human reliability analysis (HRA) methods available for use in assessing human performance within probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). Due to the significant differences in the methods, including the scope, approach, and underlying models, there is a need for an empirical comparison investigating the validity and reliability of the methods. To accomplish this empirical comparison, a benchmarking study is currently underway that compares HRA methods with each other and against operator performance in simulator studies. In order to account for as many effects as possible in the construction of this benchmarking study, a literature review was conducted, reviewing past benchmarking studies in the areas of psychology and risk assessment. A number of lessons learned through these studies are presented in order to aid in the design of future HRA benchmarking endeavors.
In this paper, we present a weighted Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor that is used to filter v... more In this paper, we present a weighted Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor that is used to filter vibration modes in a one-dimensional beam placed in a clamped-free arrangement. The sensitivity of the.
Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles with negative surface charge were reversed... more Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles with negative surface charge were reversed to positive by cationic surfactant-DDAB before being coated with an anionic polymer, hyaluronic acid, to improve their site-specific intracellular delivery against CD44 receptor overexpressing cancer cells. Incorporating artesunate (ART)-a promising anticancer drug into PLGA/HA nanoparticles, is expected not only to overcome its poor aqueous solubility and stability but also enhance the activities. The obtained particles were characterized by dynamic light scattering, zeta potential measurements, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Cancer cell internalization of the NPs was evaluated by flow cytometry and cytotoxicity of the NPs was tested by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay. PLGA/HA nanoparticles showed greater extent of cellular uptake to SCC-7 and MCF-7 cells, indicating their affinity with CD44 receptor-mediated endocytosis. Almost 60 % of ...
Papers by Tuan Tran