Papers by Tri Andri Hutapea
Pada tulisan ini, kita akan menginvestigasi analisis stabilitas lokal pada penyebaran penyakit en... more Pada tulisan ini, kita akan menginvestigasi analisis stabilitas lokal pada penyebaran penyakit endemik dengan kontrol vaksinasi pada populasi I (SI) dan kontrol vaksinasi pada populasi (SIIR).

The transition from the pandemic to the post-pandemic period does not necessarily change the lear... more The transition from the pandemic to the post-pandemic period does not necessarily change the learning process that has been used to it before. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate online entrepreneurship learning from the point of view of the teaching team. Research that uses a logical model approach in evaluating the implementation of online entrepreneurship learning. In its implementation, this logic model has four main components, namely input, activity, output and outcome. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that entrepreneurship teachers had low acceptance of online learning. There are several contributing factors, including the lack of social presence and a sense of teaching during the learning process. The absence of standard entrepreneurship curriculum standards in institutions is one of the obstacles faced. The findings of this study could be a solution for the entrepreneurial learning process in the post-pandemic era. This study recommended that policy makers in an educational institution needed to consider social presence and a sense of teaching to be things that need to be developed. In addition, entrepreneurship learning must also be able to touch the sense of empathy from humans themselves as an entry point for the formation of a validated business plan.

Journal of Student Research, Jan 27, 2023
Rainfall is an important factor in many sectors, such as one of them is in the plantation sector.... more Rainfall is an important factor in many sectors, such as one of them is in the plantation sector. High or low rainfall affects the treatment process until the harvest period in this sector. Then it's necessary know when is the right time to take care so that it doesn't loss. Forecasting is needed to determine the time appropriate. The analysis used in this observation is Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing. The results of observations using the best model are determined with the magnitude of the MAPE value, with the Additive model (= (+)) shows a MAPE value of 0.3271700 as the best model, MAPE can be a measuring tool to determine the best model, because if the value of MAPE the smaller it is the better a model. From the forecasting results it can be seen that the weak rain intensity is in June, July until september every year, at that time the farmers can do maintenance of oil palm.
Epidemik berbagai penyakit pada abad ini, memaksa para ilmuwan berkerja ekstra cepat untuk memaha... more Epidemik berbagai penyakit pada abad ini, memaksa para ilmuwan berkerja ekstra cepat untuk memahami perilaku penyebaran penyakit yang sedang mengancam keberadaan mahluk hidup di dunia ini. SEIR merupakan salah satu bentuk pemodelan penyakit, yang membagi populasi ke dalam 4 kompartemen yaitu kompartemen rentan (S), kompartemen yang terjangkit tetapi masih laten (E), kompartemen terinfeksi (I), dan kompartemen sembuh dan kebal terhadap penyakit (R). Penularan penyakit diantara individu tergantung pada laju kontak jenuh. Langkah preventif terhadap penyebaran penyakit epidemik adalah menganalisis model matematika penyebaran penyakit kemudian meminimumkan parameter laju kontak jenuh.
Formosa Journal of Science and Technology
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. In this study, model construction, det... more Toxoplasmosis is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. In this study, model construction, determining the equilibrium point, stability analysis, and model simulation were carried out. The results showed that there were two equilibrium points, namely the disease-free equilibrium point, locally asymptotically stable if and disease endemic, locally asymptotically stable if. The simulation results show when the solution is stable towards the free equilibrium point, when the solution is stable towards the disease endemic equilibrium point without delay or with time delay. Giving a time delay will cause differences in the population dynamics of each class at the start, but then all solutions move towards a stable point.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2022

Journal of Student Research, Jan 27, 2023
Rainfall is an important factor in many sectors, such as one of them is in the plantation sector.... more Rainfall is an important factor in many sectors, such as one of them is in the plantation sector. High or low rainfall affects the treatment process until the harvest period in this sector. Then it's necessary know when is the right time to take care so that it doesn't loss. Forecasting is needed to determine the time appropriate. The analysis used in this observation is Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing. The results of observations using the best model are determined with the magnitude of the MAPE value, with the Additive model (= (+)) shows a MAPE value of 0.3271700 as the best model, MAPE can be a measuring tool to determine the best model, because if the value of MAPE the smaller it is the better a model. From the forecasting results it can be seen that the weak rain intensity is in June, July until september every year, at that time the farmers can do maintenance of oil palm.
Penyebaran penyakit endemik akhir-akhir ini menjadi perhatian para praktisi kesehatan dan penelit... more Penyebaran penyakit endemik akhir-akhir ini menjadi perhatian para praktisi kesehatan dan peneliti. Penerapan kaijian persamaan diferensial (linear, non-linear, atau partial) dalam menyelesaikan masalah penyebaran penyakit endemik memberikan kesempatan untuk meneliti kontrol atau strategi terbaik. Model SI – SIIRS merupakan salah satu model penyebaran penyakit endemik (Hutapea Tri Andri.,Kusomo Fajar Adi, Majalah Berkala MIPA UGM Volume 19 Januari 2009). Pada tulisan ini, kita akan menginvestigasi analisis stabilitas lokal pada penyebaran penyakit endemik dengan kontrol vaksinasi pada populasi I (SI) dan kontrol vaksinasi pada populasi (SIIR). Kata kunci : Endemik, Stabil Lokal, Model SI – SIIR, Kontrol Vaksinasi .
Pemodelan matematika merupakan salah satu cara untuk menginterpretasikan masalah nyata dalam kaji... more Pemodelan matematika merupakan salah satu cara untuk menginterpretasikan masalah nyata dalam kajian matematik. Penyebaran virus H5N1 dari populasi unggas ke populasi manusia diinvestigatasi melalui model yang terbentuk. Pada penelitian ini, salah satu tipe dari pemodelan matematika, yaitu SI-SIIR, digunakan untuk menganalisis stabilitas lokal dinamik untuk populasi unggas dan manusia. Model SI-SIIR mendeskripsikan pengelompakan setiap individu untuk kedua populasi. Setiap unggas yang terinfeksi virus H5N1 akan mati, tetapi setiap manusia terinfeksi mungkin meninggal atau sembuh. Selain itu, manusia juga dapat terinfeksi mutasi virus H5N1. Pembahasan utama pada penelitian ini adalah analisis stabilitas lokal penyebaran virus H5N1 dengan kontrol vaksinasi pada populasi manusia. Kata kunci: Model SI-SIIR, virus H5N1, mutasi virus H5N1, Endemik, Stabilitas   Lokal, and Vaksinasi.

Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia, 2019
This research examines the issues of (1) how's the perceptions of students about the activities i... more This research examines the issues of (1) how's the perceptions of students about the activities implementation policy on Internship program 1 and 2, at Unimed (2) How's the learning commitment of FIP college students of Unimed, and (3) contribution analysis of implementation policy on Internship activities 1 and 2 against College Student Learning Commitment FIP Unimed.This research was carried out in the Faculty of Education (FIP) Unimed for 645 college students all over the 2016/2017 academic year that have been doing Internship Program 1 and 2 in the sample unit of education as research population, and the research has been specified using random sampling technique as many as 141 students. This research data collected with the use of a questionnaire instrument with Likert Scale patterns and student learning outcomes in the form of Grade Point Average (GPA). This research data is processed by using the descriptive correlation technique, by performing a test of its homogeneity and normality of variables, test requirements analysis, and test the hypothesis by using t test. The findings of this research are expected to be signaled that the internship activities 1 and 2 have a pretty mean benefits against the formation of student learning commitment so that it can develop the right learning motivation in achieving maximal activity success on lecture.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 2019
This study examines the problem on: (1) how's the impact of the policies on the implementation of... more This study examines the problem on: (1) how's the impact of the policies on the implementation of Internship studies 1 and 2 programs in UNIMED (2) how to Increase the UNIMED Student's Learning Achievement Index. This study population consists all 2016/2017 academic year students who had conducted Internship Programs 1 and 2, with a sample of 142 people determined by random sampling techniques. The data of this study collected using a questionnaire instrument with a Likert Scale pattern. The results of data processing show that this research data contributes normally with a significant value of more than 0.05 at homogeneous variant level. The correlation coefficient obtained between the perceptions of students about the policy of implementing Internship study 1 and 2 program activities with the cumulative learning achievement index only reached 0.162 with the amount of contribution of 2.62 percent. The findings of this study indicate that the policy of implementing Internship study 1 and 2 program activities in UNIMED has less impact on the increase on student achievement indexes. Although it can be proven to correlate with learning commitment of 0.580 with a contribution of 33.64 percent, but the learning commitment does not necessarily affect the increase in the learning achievement index.
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
This research is a continuation of previous research. The result of previous research was charact... more This research is a continuation of previous research. The result of previous research was character education model in Unimed. This research studied about the effectiveness of the model. Validity of components of the character education model including accompanying instruments for data gathering were evaluated before evaluating the effectiveness of the model. Research method used in this research was descriptive method. The result of this study showed that the character education model from previous research are needed to be revised.

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017
Communicated by J. Banasiak Cancer stem cells are responsible for tumor survival and resurgence a... more Communicated by J. Banasiak Cancer stem cells are responsible for tumor survival and resurgence and are thus essential in developing novel therapeutic strategies against cancer. Mathematical models can help understand cancer stem and differentiated cell interaction in tumor growth, thus having the potential to help in designing experiments to develop novel therapeutic strategies against cancer. In this paper, by using theory of functional and ordinary differential equations, we study the existence and stability of nonlinear growth kinetics of breast cancer stem cells. First, we provide a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of the solution for nonlinear growth kinetics of breast cancer stem cells. Then we study the uniform asymptotic stability of the zero solution. By using linearization techniques, we also provide a criteria for uniform asymptotic stability of a nontrivial steady-state solution with and without time delays. We present a theorem from complex analysis that gives certain conditions that allow for this criteria to be satisfied. Next, we apply these theorems to a special case of the system of functional differential equations that has been used to model nonlinear growth kinetics of breast cancer stem cells. The theoretical results are further justified by numerical testing examples. Consistent with the theories, our numerical examples show that the time delays can disrupt the stability. All the results can be easily extended to study more general cell lineage models.
Epidemik berbagai penyakit pada abad ini, memaksa para ilmuwan berkerja ekstra cepat untuk memaha... more Epidemik berbagai penyakit pada abad ini, memaksa para ilmuwan berkerja ekstra cepat untuk memahami perilaku penyebaran penyakit yang sedang mengancam keberadaan mahluk hidup di dunia ini. SEIR merupakan salah satu bentuk pemodelan penyakit, yang membagi populasi ke dalam 4 kompartemen yaitu kompartemen rentan (S), kompartemen yang terjangkit tetapi masih laten (E), kompartemen terinfeksi (I), dan kompartemen sembuh dan kebal terhadap penyakit (R). Penularan penyakit diantara individu tergantung pada laju kontak jenuh. Langkah preventif terhadap penyebaran penyakit epidemik adalah menganalisis model matematika penyebaran penyakit kemudian meminimumkan parameter laju kontak jenuh. Kata Kunci : Model SEIR, Laju Kontak Jenuh, Titik Kesetimbangan, Stabil Lokal, Stabil Global.
vii, 335 hlm,.;ilus.:24,5 c
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, 2014
Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud., Nov 1, 2017
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and, Education (ICoSIEBE 2021), 2022
Papers by Tri Andri Hutapea