Papers by Simone Tremolada

E3S Web of Conferences
This paper is about a case of application of a new anode system in a vertical groundbed in Italy ... more This paper is about a case of application of a new anode system in a vertical groundbed in Italy for the impressed current cathodic protection of gas distribution pipelines. This system offers significant advantages for the installation of impressed current cathodic protection groundbeds with easy and timesaving procedures, accurate Quality Check on the factory-made conductive connections and optimization of the current distribution. The reduction of anode resistance versus soil enables a relevant energy saving. The product is flexible even in current output and expected design life. It is possible to select parameters, like the Mixed Metal Oxide titanium anode diameter, the feeding cable insulation, the distance and number of joints between the anode and the cable to realize a specific product fit for purpose. The reduced diameter of this anode system will enable to design new wells with consistently reduced borehole diameter. Further cost optimization can be reached by concentrati...
... 10039 Hawthorne Dr. Chardon, OH 44024, US Tom Turk De Nora Tech 100 Seventh Avenue Suite 300 ... more ... 10039 Hawthorne Dr. Chardon, OH 44024, US Tom Turk De Nora Tech 100 Seventh Avenue Suite 300 Chardon, OH 44024, US Michele Tettamanti, Manuela Manghi, Simone Tremolada Industrie De Nora SpA Via Bistolfi, 35 20134 Milan, Italy. ABSTRACT ...

Objectives/Scope The retrofit of cathodic protection systems of offshore platform is crucial for ... more Objectives/Scope The retrofit of cathodic protection systems of offshore platform is crucial for the extension of existing oil and gas fields life in the present economic scenario of oil low pricing. Tensioned string anodes is a reliable way to afford this problem in a fast and efficient way with CAPEX savings. Methods, Procedures, Process A real case of retrofit of 4 platforms in offshore West Africa is presented with focus on technical and economical aspects. The technical review will cover the analysis of anodes and cables residual life after 18 years in operation in seawater as well as design and installation procedures. The economical analysis is aimed to compare the costs for galvanic vs. impressed current cathodic protection for the retrofit of oil rigs CP systems in shallow and deep water in order to allow easier ROI analysis. Results, Observations, Conclusions The experiences gathered with different mixed metal oxide anodic structures provide the offshore oil and gas industry with valuable options for retrofits on platforms where cathodic protection systems need to be replaced or installed. The reported case represents a significant experience of cathodic protection retrofitting of offshore platforms using the impressed current technique. The Tensioned Anode String assembly allows for a versatile and flexible design, with installation costs quite competitive with respect to galvanic anodes system in water depth greater than 80m. The 18+8 years of performance with the Tensioned Anode Strings, installed in 1987 and replaced in 2005, demonstrates the robustness of the system and the durability of all the components. The laboratory investigations on the anodes recovered after 18 years of continuous service confirm the performance of the mixed metal oxide activated titanium anodes in sea water in line with the results extrapolated from accelerated life tests performed in the laboratories. Novel/Additive Information A complete review of state of the art technologies for impressed current cathodic protection systems for offshore platforms will complete the paper with highlights on the new progresses on installation in the Mediterranean Sea and offshore Brazil
Papers by Simone Tremolada