Papers by Darren Treasure

Journal of Sport Exercise Psychology, Mar 1, 2003
This research assessed the reliability, presence of a proposed simplex pattern (construct validit... more This research assessed the reliability, presence of a proposed simplex pattern (construct validity), factorial validity, and multisample invariance of the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS; . In Study 1, data were collected from three physical activity samples. After establishing internal consistencies for all scales, bivariate and interfactor correlations were calculated and the results supported a simplex pattern across samples. The SIMS factorial validity across the three samples was tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Based on modification indices and theoretical justification, the SIMS was reduced to a 14-item model and the multisample invariance of this solution was examined. Results supported partial invariance. In Study 2, a total of 1,008 female PE students responded to the SIMS under two experimental conditions. Internal consistency and the assumed simplex pattern was again supported. Finally, the results of multisample CFA were consistent with the proposed post hoc model respecifications suggested in Study 1, supporting partial invariance.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, Mar 1, 2007
Background. Self-handicapping is an attribution-related process whereby individuals create perfor... more Background. Self-handicapping is an attribution-related process whereby individuals create performance impediments/excuses to protect self-worth in socially evaluative environments. Thus, the prevailing motivational climate would appear to be an important factor when attempting to understand the situational self-handicapping process within school physical education.
Journal of Sport Exercise Psychology, Aug 31, 1997

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 02701367 2001 10608946, Feb 26, 2013
The present study examined the relationship between students' perceptions of the motivati... more The present study examined the relationship between students' perceptions of the motivational climate and beliefs about the causes of success, preference for challenging tasks, and satisfaction in physical education. Responses of 50 female and 46 male students (M age = 12.08 years; SD = .72) showed that perceptions of a mastery-oriented motivational climate were related to the belief that motivation or effort caused success and satisfaction. In contrast, perceptions of a performance climate were related to the belief that deception caused success and related negatively to the students' preference for challenging tasks. Results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that perceptions of the motivational climate explained a significant amount of unique variance in the students' responses after controlling for dispositional goal orientations. The results suggest that the teacher can influence the salience of a mastery-oriented climate and, in so doing, optimize a child's motivation in physical education.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 1995
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Feb 1, 2012
A three-wave prospective design was used to assess a model of motivation guided by self-determina... more A three-wave prospective design was used to assess a model of motivation guided by self-determination theory spanning the contexts of school physical education (PE) and exercise. The outcome variables examined were health-related quality of life (HRQoL), physical self-concept (PSC), and 4 days of objectively assessed estimates of activity. Secondary school students (n = 494) completed questionnaires at three separate time points and were familiarized with how to use a sealed pedometer. Results of structural equation modeling supported a model in which perceptions of autonomy support from a PE teacher positively predicted PE-related need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). Competence predicted PSC, whereas relatedness predicted HRQoL. Autonomy and competence positively predicted autonomous motivation toward PE, which in turn positively predicted autonomous motivation toward exercise (i.e., 4-day pedometer step count). Autonomous motivation toward exercise positively predicted step count, HRQoL, and PSC. Results of multisample structural equation modeling supported gender invariance. Suggestions for future work are discussed.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of sport & exercise psychology
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Psychology of Sport and Exercise
CHAPTER 4 Self-Determination and Motivation in Physical Education Martyn Standage, PhD, and Fiona... more CHAPTER 4 Self-Determination and Motivation in Physical Education Martyn Standage, PhD, and Fiona Gillison, MSc University of ... which have serious consequences for cardiovascular, skeletal, and psychological health (Anderssen, Wold, &, Torsheim, 2005; Biddle, Gorely, & ...

RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta una revisión de las más recientes investigaciones sobre los deter... more RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta una revisión de las más recientes investigaciones sobre los determinantes de la motivación infantil desde el punto de vista de la motivación de logro. Desde este marco teórico, se cree que los objetivos de tarea y del ego deciden cómo las personas construyen sus contextos de logro, y se lleva a cabo la interpretación, evaluación y la reacción respecto a la consecución del objetivo. Las investigaciones revisadas sugieren que las creencias paternas constituyen un importante antecedente de las diferencias individuales respecto a la orientación de la consecución de objetivos de logro. De todas maneras, los hallazgos más recientes apoyan el argumento de que las percepciones del clima motivacional son asimismo importantes a la hora de determinar la conducta de logro del niño. Consecuentemente, en el trabajo se presenta una perspectiva interaccionista que combina tanto las variables individuales como las situacionales. Esta perspectiva promete proporcionar u...

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
This study examined the motivational responses of adolescent girls in the physical education sett... more This study examined the motivational responses of adolescent girls in the physical education setting to having choices of walking activities. Seventh and 8th grade girls (N=1,110) in 42 intact physical education classes participated in this study. Classes were randomly assigned to choice (n=21) and no-choice (n=21) groups. Participants' situational and contextual motivation was assessed using the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) and the Sport Motivation Scale for PE (SMSPE). The SIMS was administered every 3 days during the intervention. The SMSPE was administered as the pre- and posttest. Significant differences indicated that the choice group (a) was more intrinsically motivated, (b) had higher identified regulation, (c) experienced less external control, and (d) was less amotivated. Moderate to large effect sizes were noted. A significant difference in amotivation at the contextual level was noted. Results suggest that adolescent female PE students may be more motivated if...
Tenenbaum/Handbook, 2007
Understanding and enhancing motivation is one of the most popular areas of research in psychology... more Understanding and enhancing motivation is one of the most popular areas of research in psychology, as well as sport and exercise psychology. In psychology and sport psychology, this research has primarily addressed the role of motivation in individual lives, especially ...
Papers by Darren Treasure